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Dec 21 Others

Political risks to watch in Jordan
December 21, 2011 01:30 PM
By Suleiman al-Khalidi

AMMAN: Jordan's King Abdullah faces growing challenges ranging from protests fuelled by economic hardship and demands for reform to resistance within his tribal power base over political liberalisation that could weaken its influence.

Jordan's defining faultline between its "East Bank" and Palestinian citizens also poses a long-term threat.

Having seen the uprisings sweeping the Arab world, Abdullah has tried to implement long-promised political reform, despite opposition from a security apparatus and bloated bureaucracy whose salaries eat up most of the $9 billion budget.

The most far-reaching has been a package of constitutional amendments proposed last August to empower parliament and pave the way for the prime minister to emerge from a parliamentary majority instead of being picked by the king.

To head off civil unrest, authorities expanded subsidies to the tune of $1.4 billion and channelled tens of millions of dollars to develop provincial areas and offer more handouts to East Bank citizens used to preferential treatment in state jobs.

The moves took some of the steam out of protests which broke out across the resource-poor kingdom since January, but did not stop disgruntled indigenous East Bankers from jockeying for a bigger share of state perks.

The state's support of East Bankers, who hold political power, in budget allocations and subsidies has also brought to the surface underlying tensions between them and the country's majority population of Palestinian origin.

Analysts say that by sacking a much-criticised prime minister in October, the king defused political tensions that had grown after pro-reform rallies were met with violence by members of conservative tribes.

But a reform-minded premier Awn Khasawneh, a judge who worked at the Hague-based International Court of Justice, faces an uphill task of reversing a legacy of perceived official corruption and mismanagement.

East Bank Jordanian tribes, who form the bedrock of support for Abdullah's Hashemite monarchy, felt threatened by falling state benefits brought about by the global financial crisis and economic reforms of previous governments, as well as any prospect for political empowerment of Palestinian Jordanians.

Palestinians dominate business but are sharply under-represented in politics. Electoral laws ensure that urban centres where most of them live return far fewer parliamentarians per voter than rural tribal areas.

Protests have broken out in East Bank tribal strongholds as well as around Amman, where Palestinians -- and Islamists, who form the most popular political force -- are concentrated.

Although all demonstrators have been chanting for reform, East Bank protests are motivated largely by concerns over state jobs and benefits that go to pro-state tribal leaders, while demonstrations in Amman are fuelled by a sense of injustice in Jordan's electoral laws.

Even before the wave of protests inspired by the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, Jordan witnessed an escalation of violence in provincial regions that are strongholds of East Bank tribes, fuelled partly by competition for the dwindling number of jobs provided by the state and perceptions the capital Amman was being favoured by a bigger share of investments and wealth.

Jordan hosts the largest number of Palestinian refugees and when the kingdom made peace with Israel in 1994 it got no guarantee of right of return for its Palestinian citizens.

Analysts say the issue would come to the fore if the breakdown in Middle East peace talks raises the prospect of a permanent settlement of Jordanians of Palestinian origin.

To head off the unrest that has swept the Arab world, the government introduced extra social spending packages and subsidies since January ranging from salary rises for civil servants to a freeze in gasoline price rises and lower taxes on basic commodities.

The extra spending has pushed up the projected 2011 budget deficit to a forecast 6.2 percent of GDP. Officials hope that Gulf aid, especially from Saudi Arabia, will partially offset lower revenues and sluggish business.

But economic sanctions on neighbouring Syria, which is a major business partner, have angered importers who say it will raise costs and deal another blow to a stagnant economy.

Expansion of spending on civil service salaries and pensions, which form 80 percent of the budget, has pushed debt beyond a legally permissible 60 percent of GDP, analysts say.

Khasawneh's government aims to hike electricity prices and reduce subsidies on energy to bring fiscal consolidation.

But rising pressures from the country's powerful state bureaucracy and expected civil salary rises will test the ability of the government to reduce spending. This has sent negative signals to the vibrant private sector, which the treasury relies on to generate jobs and taxes.

It could jeopardise a modest growth target of around 3 percent in 2012, from a lower forecast 2.3 percent this year as the economy struggles to recover.

Dec 21 Economy

الصناعيون يطالبون باستثناء المواد الغذائية من قرار رفع الرسوم الجمركية على البضائع القادمة من تركيا
Industrialists demand the exception of food from the decision to raise customs duties on goods coming from Turkey
Tuesday - December 20 - 2011 - 6:23:58

Industrialists called in the book was directed to the President of Damascus Chamber of Commerce, "Muhammad Ghassan Castles" review of the fees of food imported from neighboring countries such as Turkey, according to the newspaper "alwatan.sy."

And included a vision of industrialists to solve the problem the exception of foodstuffs imported from Turkey's decision to raise customs duties, where Turkey is the window most of the import of such articles in the current period of sugar warez and margarine, oil, Bulgur, lentil and other, in addition, should the exception of foodstuffs imported from Turkey, regardless of origin, and exempt the importer to mention his name on the packaging in order to mitigate the cost, which reflected negatively on the consumer, especially after the imposition of obstacles of European countries it so as to avoid the burden of the new would be borne by the importer to provide these goods to citizens and reduce the possibility of raising the price to the consumer level.

منتدى رجال الأعمال والاستثمار: الإسراع في إنجاز مسودة تعديل قانوني الاستثمار الجديد وإحداث المدن الصناعية
Investment and Businessmen Forum Calls for Speeding up Drafting of Laws on Investment and Establishing Industrial Cities
Dec 20, 2011

DAMASCUS, (SANA) - The Investment and Businessmen Forum on Tuesday concluded its activities recommending the need for speeding up the drafting of investment law, especially articles on exempting investment projects from taxes in accordance with priorities of regional development and providing support to small and medium-sized enterprises.

The Forum, called for amending the law on establishing industrial cities to meet the investors' needs and keep in line with the developments in investment environment, in addition to paying attention to so gold and jewelry industries.

The Forum's third session focused on investment in industrial cities, underlining the important role of these cities in moving economic growth forward, contributing to the comprehensive development process and creating job opportunities.

Head of Aleppo Chamber of Industry Fares al-Shehabi reviewed the available investment opportunities and the facilitations provided for investors who desired to establish new factories and projects.

For his part, Director of the Industrial Cities and Zones Department at the Ministry of Local Administration Akram al-Hassan said investments in industrial cities amounted to SYP 512 billion, creating more than 100 thousand job opportunities.

The fourth session discussed tourism investment and real estate funding.

The Forum was organized by the Syrian Investment Commission (SIC) in cooperation with the Syrian-European Group.

الشهابي لسيريانديز ... لدينا عدة مشاكل تقف بوجه الصناعيين المحليين
al-Shihabi to Syriandays ... We have several problems stand in the local industrialists
Syriandays - Noor Melhem
Wednesday 12/21/2011

Faris Al-Shihabi said the President of Aleppo Chamber of Industry in a statement to Syriandays a new study presented to the Syrian Investment Agency in order to provide the right vision to support the industrial and walk in a clear and explicit and stay away from work and taking random decisions is feasible.

Indicating the presence of several real problems in the way of local industrialists and starting from the corruption of customs located at border crossings, and through facilitating the smuggling operations that strike the Syrian economy has been put the issue several times but to no avail, in addition to the funding problem Valsnaaaan rely on self-financing it has to be work on the mechanism and funding plan meaningful and useful by the Central Bank of Syria in order to facilitate the work of industrial and merchant and exporter, and the result will be strong competition with foreign products, and we can work despite the blockade and sanctions, European and Arab, which was imposed on us because Syria has a huge potential in terms of the strategic geographical location and infrastructure infrastructure, cheap labor and the bright minds in several areas and terms of reference that take advantage of that through the right vision for industrialists and work on the moral and material support to them.

الفريق الوطني لترويج وتسويق المنتجات وحماية الصناعة يقر دعم صناعة الألبسة الجاهزة
National Team for the promotion and marketing of products and protect the industry acknowledges the support garment industry
December 21, .2011
Damascus, (SANA) -

Approved the National Team for the promotion and marketing Syrian products and the protection of national industry in meeting today's industry support garments of various kinds as the first industry acknowledges their support.

The Panel recognized at the beginning of the meeting was dedicated to the protection of national industry, the work plan and include four items which support tools and standards for measuring performance and length of time and reward and punishment were selected garments involved under the textile industry is one of several industries Matrouh support the furniture industry, assembly industries, electrical appliances and food industries.

Included mechanisms to support industry, garments more than a dozen tools including reconsideration of the price guidance currently exists on the Kilo and keep drawing customs 50 percent and modify the mechanism of recovery of fees and provide technical and administrative support for the clothing industry and the adoption of a method slides and decisive dynamic and provide support to reduce phone bills, electricity and water as well as reduced fees Social Security and taxes, as a committee was formed to measure the performance standards of the industry under the support and determination of the conditions due to this support with determining the period of time from three years to five years.

The Chairman of the National Team and the Minister of Economy and Trade, Dr. Muhammad Nedal Shaar in a press statement that the choice of making garments is correct, especially as the industry has achieved success in Syria to move then to discuss the negative effects on other industries related clothing or ready-to find a balance and mitigation of these effects describing the findings of the national team in the meeting today, which is his second achievement is important, putting in place support tools are limited and clear in addition to the standards of quality and quantity, pricing and competitive noting that the next meeting of the team by mid-January will see the translation of these things to the decisions issued by the competent authorities with regard to the protection of national industry.

Shaar said that the protection of national industry, an optional program is joining it at the behest of manufacturers with a request is examined by the committee was formed and began its work, pointing out that the team is in permanent session where he will work to identify other industries to support it in its future meetings Kalmfrucat and assembly industries and tools electrical and food industries and that in a later period was chosen after the garments may be yarn is the industry's next target support.

For its part, saw the Minister of Tourism Lamia Assi need to facilitate the granting of loans for the modernization of machinery in factories by lowering interest rates and the allocation of space in industrial areas, with reductions on industries targeted support and that the reduction shall be for a specific period in line with the protection period, an annual assessment of the industry covered by the protection program and follow-up and constant supervision and to take sanctions in case of abuse or exploitation of the support program in addition to the need for state intervention in addressing the weaknesses in the national industry and on the operations of pre-production and post-production and that are related to component design and packaging to achieve quality.

Stressed Minister Assi the need to develop requirements adhered to by those who enter in the protection program to preserve and maintain the issue of Made in Syria, reflecting citizens' confidence in local products, pointing to the need to give support to a period of three years followed by an assessment of the performance and then be extended to five years if achieved improve the conditions of the local product.

In turn, the minister of electricity Emad Khemais to the importance of adding industries to support program gradually, which drains most of the economic potential, especially with regard to Balmistordat indicating the importance of focusing on heavy industry and the possibility to return to the home and produced locally, such as the electrical industry and its support by the government to create infrastructure and start-aggregate industries.

The minister Khamis pointed out with regard to supporting local industry power that the ministry prepare a study on the cost of the product unit of electrical power for all industries and to compare prices with neighboring countries and will show the results of the study to contribute effectively to provide electric power to serve the Group's work to protect the local industry.

In turn, Abdul-Hakim Qaddah Vice Chairman of the Group that the team focused during the past two weeks after its first meeting on the protection of national industry and providing the necessary support to keep the team tasks in the coming period to study the other points listed from the functions of the group indicating that he asked the team members to prepare memoranda detailed how to provide support to national industries and what are the promising industries.

He has been studying the memos that provided some bodies and chambers of the economic, commercial, and everyone agreed that the support is through the added value of goods produced with some of the issues the afterlife on employment and their ability to secure the needs of the consumer and their ability to compete abroad and focus on the textile industries, especially ready-made clothes of all types in addition to the food industry and agriculture, particularly Conserves and cheese and dairy products, oils, etc. which is consistent around the team in addition to the furniture industry as well as the electrical industries, domestic and industrial clustering, which need tools to support different that the value-added low in addition to general suggestions concerning the study fee in consumer spending, tariffs and encourage investment in free zones.

And take the national team, which issued its decision constituted two weeks ago and has about thirty personal establishing promotional activities of Syrian products and the search for target markets and identify the products can be exported to the establishment of centers for storage and sale in addition to the assessment of national industries promising that deserves support from the government and contribute in determining the elements of this support and methods of application and determine the criteria for grant support and monitor the performance of these industries.

العقارات تسجل انخفاضاً طفيفاً في الأسعار
Real estate recorded a slight decline in prices
December 21, .2011
Damascus, (SANA) -

The real estate market has been on edge caution in terms of lower prices witnessed some provinces a slight decrease in a time when other provinces recession as a result of high ceiling prices for its properties for several months and some observers believe that the market has reached a stage of delinquency, despite the availability of supply as a result of speculation, some traders that contributed to high land prices and thus prices of residential and commercial units.

The economic expert Qais Khader that the market has reached the stage of stagflation, a combination of recession surplus of supply against the lack of demand and inflation, increase the demand total for the overall width has led to continuing high prices compared to low purchasing power, indicating that the market is unable to regulate itself, hence the need to be government intervention and not to entrust it to the influential merchants resolve this problem they were causing speculation and disrupted demand and contributed to aggravate the problem and in particular that there are a lot of empty apartments declined for most of the owners hope to sell up their prices even more.

According to Khadr that to address this problem could contribute to the government corrects the path of this sector to a large extent by increasing the supply through direct intervention and put new real estate projects so as not to keep supply limited, however, merchants and property owners, through the companies supported by it is to achieve fair competition and adjust the prices in addition to increasing taxes on property owners and private non-populated according to the system slides and this is a means of pressure to move the market and operate the housing finance to suit the structure and specificity of the different segments of society.

And in some areas of Damascus a slight decline at its properties by 10 percent or less what he considered some of the traders are beginning to decline in a prospective, noting that some who were clinging to the roof given the prices of Sales waived him as a result of huge turnout witnessed in the market recently, sparking fears of a sharp fall Vaguetnawa profit margin reasonable rather than potential loss.

The owner of a real estate office .. Entered into contracts for the sale of about five during the past two weeks, four of which are residential and one commercial rate ranged 17-19 thousand Syrian pounds for residential meters after the roof was from 19-22 thousand and 55 thousand for a commercial after that was 60 thousand.

Despite his assertion that the reduction motives were compelling but it did not rule out the presence of a fear of most owners to lower prices soon, especially Alhqiah of them who follow the way of hit and run.

And confirms the real-estate tycoon that the current crisis prompted the majority of savers to move towards real estate and raise its value to the highest levels of fear of deterioration of the value of the pound, but this will not last long that they could not stick to the ceiling high to have the units of residential, commercial and even land, where they will have later to liquidate assets of real estate to secure the liquidity for various investments and thus will lead to lower prices.

For his part, the economic expert, Dr. Abid Fadilah the real estate sector reached a stage requires a lot of solutions and treatment because of the surge in prices over the period 2005-2008 as a result of investments and the Syrian Arabic in this sector, profit and rent, and was shrouded from the speculation by buying land for the purposes of trafficking, rather than for the purposes of construction noting that the level of property prices compared with a high purchasing power and the level of prices in other sectors.

He Fadilah that bought during the boom will not sell at today's prices the real, which are commensurate with the weak demand in the sense that prices are assumed to be much lower than it now so we note that that drives the market is conditioned to buy and Almottagns of the opportunities and distressed for sale as much as he needs for liquidity.

Indicating that the price level between 20 and 70 percent of the normal level in the areas of commercial activity and investment, especially in major cities such as Damascus and Aleppo, but the parties ratio ranging between 10-20 percent and in the provinces least as mayor of al-Raqqah, for example, we find that the gains logical and justified by the high land prices and construction materials.

According Fadilah some fear that exacerbated the housing problem and to see price rises to higher levels than it is now after the imposition of sanctions, Arab Syria and stop flow of capital to this sector and in particular it did not settle at a fixed roof in light of the investment boom and the increase in the volume of supply, how will the same After shrinking investments as a result of these sanctions.

He Fadilah .. So as not to underestimate the Tenth Five Year Plan should be recognized that there is investment began moving in all sectors, but most have been in the real estate sector and the financial, insurance, telecommunications and did not go only a small part to the productive sectors of real and I consider that any economic investment is positive, but when the capital relatively limited, there must be priorities in the last period there was a relative scarcity of capital and we need more than was spent.

And that when they talk about sanctions and stop investments, "We confirm that it is not huge investments not only in terms of quality and priorities" and although it was important but that the Syrians have the funds invest in Arab countries more than they invested the Arabs in Syria do not want to go Arab funds to the real estate sector only for the purchase of land speculation and to increase their value.

الصناعات الخمسة التي اقترح وزير الاقتصاد دعمها وحمايتها
The five industries that suggested the Minister of Economy to support and protect
(http://aliqtisadi.com/) http://goo.gl/V8z5q
Date of article: 21/12/2011

Group identified the national economic options for future industrial support during the current period, through a number of titles in the forefront of highlighting the textile, food and furnishings.

After a meeting of members of the team the National Economic included 9 of the members including the Vice-Chairman of the Group in the building of the General Organization of Free Zones, said "alwatan.sy" that, based on request of the Minister of Economy and Trade Muhammad Nidal Shaar prepared explanatory memorandum - and urgently - the most important alternative markets to the markets which have been banned on the Syrian products because of the sanctions imposed on the Syrian people (in an indirect reference to the economic trend towards a political partner countries of Syria, or those that rejected the sanctions imposed on the Syrian people, or refused to apply).

Was a product of the meeting adopt a unified approach to promote and support the Syrian exports by granting support according to the proportion of the added value of the commodity produced, as was agreed to five of the industries proposed to support and protect them, which is in the order: textile industry in all its forms and in particular, garments (men's and women's and Kids ) in addition to clothing, cotton, as well as the food industry and agricultural (conserves, biscuits, chocolate, milk, cheese and oils), also agreed to protect and support the furniture industry, and industries, home appliances, electrical, electronic, industry aggregate and in a manner different from determining the value-added, where the reduction of customs duties on inputs production which is an integrated unit, and labor-intensive factories, to be continued support in the event of increased value added, or the withdrawal of support in the event of the appointment of the industry the same without the development itself.

Also agreed to team members on a set of procedures and due study and discussion with stakeholders and relevant, which is focused on the study of the issue fee in consumer spending in terms of supporting the national industry and discuss the issue of customs duties and their role in supporting the national industry, and to encourage industrial investment in the Syrian free zones, and the exemption of raw materials requirements and private industry Balsnaaaan from customs duties and taxes and charges having equivalent effect on the national industry of customs duties, in addition to considering the possibility of reducing the contribution of worker and the employer to participate in social insurance premiums, commensurate with the increase in the number of workers at the facility.

It is due to hold a national economic team this morning at the Sheraton Hotel Damascus extended meeting to discuss these ideas and suggestions with officials with the uraeus.

في محاولة لحل مشكلة الزحام الشديد أمام المخابز .. اللجنة التموينية الفرعية في حلب : زيادة 57 طناً من الدقيق لأفران حلب يومياً
In an attempt to resolve the problem of overcrowding in front of bakeries .. Supply Sub-Committee in Aleppo: Increased 57 tonnes of flour per day for the furnaces of Aleppo
Wednesday - December 21 - 2011 - 13:36:45

The Commission has the ration subsidiary in Aleppo amount of careful cooking to 57 tons per day in addition to allocations bakery regular, effective on Friday, on 16 this month and add the amount of 200 kg flour for each bakery, and give the above-mentioned quantitative Almzadh production up to 70 tons of bread, according to the newspaper "Baath".

This action is a result of overcrowding ambulance in front of bakeries and bottlenecks, which recently started to show an increase in the demand for bread.

And on another level, the head of the Department of Consumer Protection Directorate of the economy and trade, "Ibrahim Schumann" yesterday that the gas crisis fabricated and periodicals control sequence distributions, and the organization of minutes against offenders where possible during the last period of this month underline more than 250 restraint logistical help for a variety of offenses, and refer 15 people present to the judiciary as a result of refraining from selling and trading monopoly, and selling price of a plus, and 8 cars were booked irregular sale of gas and the confiscation of more than 365 gas cylinder.

"The Schumann" that the Directorate Sift special patrols to suppress the phenomenon of gas in order to deliver to the citizens of the price-formal, and in this context seized patrols Oversight / 17 / stores sell gas without a license has been closed and the confiscation of gas cylinders, have been removed / 4 / shops licensed gas because of the commission / 3 / repeated violations,

And called the Department of Consumer Protection of citizens to cooperate with the control patrols and report any violations to the shops and sellers of gas or fuel oil or other materials associated with the lives of people living on the numbers and / 9931-119 / and throughout the day.

Damascus stock price index for this week
The index rebounded after Syria signed the Arab League protocol.

20/Dec/2011 854.72 trading volume 139 thousand
21/Dec/2011 868.61 trading volume 262 thousand
22/Dec/2011 866.17 trading volume 246 thousand

(In a temporal measure, the market is open for 3 days a week only.)

16/Dec/2010 1752.50 (historial high)
13/Dec/2011 842.05 (historical low)

Weekly closing rates
19/May/2011 1323.11
26/May/2011 1256.80
02/Jun/2011 1234.13
09/Jun/2011 1136.82
16/Jun/2011 1133.09
23/Jun/2011 1057.36
30/Jun/2011 1031.04
07/Jul/2011 1067.50
14/Jul/2011 1032.62
21/Jul/2011 1010.06
28/Jul/2011 1013.81
04/Aug/2011 993.89
11/Aug/2011 950.89
17/Aug/2011 951.66
24/Aug/2011 950.73
29/Aug/2011 951.05
07/Sep/2011 933.34
14/Sep/2011 909.16
21/Sep/2011 927.12
28/Sep/2011 957.97
05/Oct/2011 931.37
12/Oct/2011 910.37
19/Oct/2011 897.91
24/Oct/2011 896.68
02/Nov/2011 903.82
16/Nov/2011 880.96
23/Nov/2011 862.88
30/Nov/2011 846.95
7/Dec/2011 842.68
14/Dec/2011 842.51

Dec 21 Regional

Arab League Appoints Sudanese Figure to Head Observer Mission to Syria
al-Baath Media cache
Dec 20, 2011

CAIRO, (SANA) - The Arab League Council on the level of envoys on Tuesday appointed Lt. Gen. Mustafa Ahmad Mustafa al-Dabi from Sudan as head of the observer mission which will head to Syria to carry out the protocol singed by Syria and the AL.

In a statement after the meeting, Deputy Secretary General of the Arab League Ahmad bin Hilly hoped that the mission will be the first step in carrying out the Arab Work Plan and that the Arab solution to the Syrian crisis will end the current situation without internationalization.

Lt. Gen. al-Dabi is a Sudanese military and diplomatic figure who worked as coordinator between the Sudanese government and the UN and African Union forces in Darfur.

طليعة المراقبين العرب تصل إلى دمشق غداً وبقيتهم أواخر الجاري بينهم 60 خليجياً...شخصية عسكرية سودانية لرئاسة البعثة والفيصل يرى الحل العربي هو الأفضل
The forefront of Arab observers arrive to Damascus tomorrow and the rest of this late, including 60 Gulf ... Sudanese military figure to lead the mission and the Arab-Faisal believes the solution is the best

Secretary General of the Arab League, Nabil al-Arabi, said yesterday that «the delegation provided» Mission to Arab observers, who will prepare the logistical arrangements for the mission will travel to Damascus on Thursday and is expected to reach the mission to Syria before the end of this month.

This came at a time approved by the Arab League Council at the level of the delegates to nominate the team's Lt. Gen. Mustafa Ahmad Mustafa al-Dabi, Sudanese nationality, who has experience in peacekeeping operations as President of the Observer Mission, and welcomed the signing of a protocol between Damascus observers and the Secretariat of the League.

al-Arabi said: The «Gulf states agreed Monday to send 60 observers to the total number of about 150 so far».

al-Arabi said: The sanctions imposed on Syria, the Arab League «will remain in force observers to submit their assessment», according to news agency «Reuters».

In the meantime demanded the closing statement of the GCC summit of the 32 Syrian government, according to agency reported «AFP» an immediate end to what he called «killing machine» and put an end to the bloodshed, and to remove any manifestations of armed, and the release of detainees and called «the application of all the Arab initiative» .

He said the Saudi foreign minister, whose country holds the current session of the GCC at a news conference, according to the agency «UPI»: The Protocol «an integral part of the Arab initiative». He said: «Arab solution is the best», arguing that «which transmits it to the international organizations are Syria, and not the Arabs». Saying «the need to mediate because we have no choice».

At the level of international reaction, China welcomed yesterday signing the protocol of the Observer Mission, and Russia renewed its welcome, while reduced the United States, as expected, the importance of the matter and expressed skepticism about the approval of Damascus, while the European Union believed that the current circumstances do not allow him to change his attitude toward Syria, in Damascus when asked Berlin for an immediate implementation of the agreement.

فريق من المراقبين يصل غداً إلى دمشق.. مصادر: لبنان وافق على المشاركة في البعثة واستبعاد مشاركة تركيا وإيران وروسيا
Team of observers up to Damascus tomorrow .. Sources: Lebanon and agreed to participate in the mission and of excluding Turkey, Iran and Russia
Wednesday 12/21/2011

Up to Damascus on Thursday, the first group of Arab observers, and will be submitted by the delegation of observers led by Samir Seif Yazal, and the team includes the initial security monitors, administrators and legal experts, is expected to be followed by a team of experts in human rights.

And the Arab League "approved the nomination of Lt. Gen. Mustafa Ahmad Mustafa al-Dabi of the Republic of Sudan, President of the Observer Mission of the Arab League," according to a statement the university.

Nabil al-Arabi (Secretary-General of the League of Arab States) announced yesterday that the mission of observers can be up to Syria before the end of this month on a mission to assess whether Damascus is committed to implementing the Arab initiative.

He revealed that the Arab group represents the vanguard of a small observer team headed by a senior official from the Arab League, will travel to Damascus tomorrow to prepare for the task. Once the deployment of observers can be a quick assessment to see whether Syria is committed to the agreement. The Arab on the protocol which has a duration of months with the possibility of extension: "within a week from the beginning of the process we will know. We do not need months."

The Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Ben Helli, it was announced that the first team of Arab observers will travel to Syria tomorrow, he said in a press conference that "the introduction of observers led by Samir Seif Yazal will travel to Damascus on Thursday." The Arab League said that the group will include the initial security monitors, administrators and legal experts, is expected to be followed by a team of experts in human rights. And the Arab League "approved the nomination of Lt. Gen. Mustafa Ahmad Mustafa al-Dabi of the Republic of Sudan, President of the Observer Mission of the Arab League," according to a statement the university.

The newspaper learned of the "Asharq al-Awsat" of London from sources in the Arab League sword Yazal that will reach Damascus at the head of a "delegation provided" tomorrow, Thursday, to agree on the logistical arrangements related to residence and movement and communication, insurance and transport. Sources reported that the head of the surveillance has been agreed upon at a meeting of permanent representatives to the Arab League, the team's Lt. Gen. Mustafa Ahmad Mustafa al-Dabi (Sudanese nationality). She added that the mission will travel to Damascus after the return of "The delegation of the front."

The sources pointed out that the Arab request during a meeting of delegates of Member States at the university yesterday morning, the speed of naming the members who will share from various Arab countries, the sources ruled out the participation of Turkey, Iran and Russia as well as within the mission of Arab control.

The Ben Helli, confirmed that the Council approved the appointment of the team Dabi, a military figure, diplomatic and Sudanese worked as a coordinator between the Sudanese government and the forces of the United Nations and African Union force in Darfur, to the presidency of the Arab League mission to Syria. He added that the Dabi will come to Cairo soon to meet with the Secretary General of the League to obtain the necessary guidance and to identify the functions of the mission to go to Damascus in a few days, explaining that there is an introduction to the mission headed by Saif al-Yazal to prepare and prepare for the Observer Mission, which will have powers to visit the various areas of Syria, including prisons and detention centers, hospitals and meet with representatives of the so-called "Tenseekiet revolution," the Syrian and submit periodic reports to the Secretary-General of the Arab League on notice.

And by Ben Helli hoped that the work of the mission the beginning of the implementation of the Arab initiative, which enjoys international support, especially from the United Nations and the capitals of major international welcomed the effort Arab, expressing hope that the Arab solution to the crisis the Syrian is the way, out of the current situation in Syria away from any internationalization.

In the meantime newspaper "An Nahar" Lebanese newspaper on Wednesday that Lebanon has decided to participate in the Arab observers to oversee the implementation of the Arab initiative to resolve the crisis in Syria, in response to the request of the Secretary General of the League of Arab States Nabil el-Arabi, after receiving the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Adnan Mansour written request him through a Delegation for Lebanon to the Arab League.

According to the newspaper, the Lebanese delegation will consist of five soldiers and a similar number will be chosen from jurists or specialists in the science of human rights. And will be put Mansour nature of the task of the delegation at the earliest meeting of the Council of Ministers for approval to join the Observer Mission of Arabs in the scheduled arrival to Damascus after the end of the missions Vanguards observers, due to arrive on Thursday to the Syrian capital, and the agreement with the competent authorities on an action plan monitoring and Moakpat observers to protect them. It is known that there is a legal status that the Arab League be established by building on what was in the Arab Protocol which was signed on 19 of the current month in the League headquarters in Cairo between Syria and the League.

According to ministerial sources said the observers will work to stop the clashes between the regular troops of the army and security forces, and drag forces and armed manifestations and mechanisms of the streets, and the release of prisoners, and if the completion of these measures become the road paved to sit at the table of negotiations between government representatives and opposition, and here lies The problem with the opposition, would be sufficient to oppose the home ready for dialogue with the official representatives? In this case, you accept the Arab and Western countries and the exclusion of members of the university, "the Syrian National Council" and they are out of the country to participate in the dialogue, as they seek to bring down the system and are afraid to come to Damascus!

And available to the information sheet from the circles of Arab diplomatic post in the work of the Committee of Ministers, or supportive of and involved in the preparatory meetings that Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and other countries in support of this axis, you see that the signing of Syria Protocol means the acceptance of a cease-fire and withdrawal of heavy vehicles from the streets.

It was said yesterday that the Arab Gulf states agreed to send 60 observers to the total number of about 150 so far. He added that observers expect to have the freedom of movement and communication, including access to prisons and hospitals across the country.

Other hand, a member of the "Syrian National Council (SNC)" opposition Louay Safi, the "National Council" has prepared a list of areas that have witnessed acts of violence and presented to the Arab League, which is also its role in this matter, and most important of these areas are definitely Homs, Daraa and a number of cities and villages Idlib in addition to Jabal al-Zawiyah and Deir ez Zor, Latakia.

While indicating the net that "observers will be drawn from civic organizations and community," points out "proposal made by or volunteered to do a number of Syrian dissidents, provides escort observers to areas that Sazorunha, after it is ascertained to ensure their safety, which will be responsible by the Syrian government, no doubt, and those who were living in Syria, and they came back and had to leave after being subjected to pressure and harassment from the system, they are accurate and watchers know what is happening on the land of the "revolution" of Syria.

He adds, told Asharq al-Awsat: "We will confirm that the work of observers devoid of any" interference "by the Syrian government, which may try to narrow their work, and not to leave the freedom necessary for them to move between cities and neighborhoods Syrian," noting that "the government had earlier been you are asked to identify the areas visited by the mission, but the Arab League refused, returned the system and subjected to this request. "

And confirms the net to try to circumvent that took place in relation to areas visited by the mission withdrew in turn to identify certain media and the prevention of other places the system in the category of banned, says, "but we emphasize to our request, which allows each media to enter Syria for the transfer of the facts on the ground without any exception. "

The Jihad al-Maqdisi, a spokesman for the Syrian Foreign Ministry, has declared that the mission of Arab will determine the places to be visited, but the approval of the Syrian government, pointing out that this first batch will arrive to Syria within 48 hours, will "establish a center in Damascus and stand on logistical things. "

Iran envoy meets Rai, praises Syria over decision to allow in observers
December 20, 2011 11:40 AM

BKIRKI, Lebanon: Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Ghadanfar Rukn Abadi, following talks with Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rai, praised Tuesday Syria's recent decision to allow in Arab monitors into the country.

Speaking to reporters at Bkirki, the seat of the influential Maronite patriarchate, Rukn Abadi described as "very positive" Syria's approval of the Arab League plan.

In a news conference Monday, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem said that Damascus had signed a protocol to allow in observers after the organization agreed to 70 percent of the changes proposed by Syrian government.

Hours after Damascus' approval of the protocol, Arab League chief Nabil Elaraby said an advanced team led by a top Arab League official would head to Syria in two or three days to prepare for the arrival of monitors, which would include journalists and security officials.

In a report last week, the U.N. said over 5,000 people had been killed as a result of the crackdown by Damascus. Syrian authorities blame the unrest in the country on a conspiracy aimed at toppling the Syrian leadership.

On the meeting with the Maronite patriarch, Rukn Abadi said he and Rai discussed both regional and global developments as well as bilateral relations between Iran and Lebanon.

"We focused in particular on the U.S.-backed Zionist project at [both] the regional and international levels and the achievements obtained day after day by protectors of rights and truth in the world," Rukn Abadi said.

He said talks also focused on a Muslim-Christian dialogue scheduled for Jan. 17, 2012, which will be attended by delegations from the Middle East and North Africa, the Iranian envoy said.

بحث سبل تطوير العلاقات السورية الإيرانية بمجال النقل
Discuss ways to develop the Syrian-Iranian relations in the field of transport
20 December 0.2011
Damascus, (SANA) -

Dr. Faisal Al-Abbas, Minister of Transport with the Ambassador of the Republic of Iran, Mohammad Reza Raouf Sheibani ways to strengthen relations between the two countries, develop and improve them in the field of transport to serve the interests of both countries.

The minister said Abbas, Syrian-Iranian relations have a solid, multi-fields, pointing to the need for the completion of the railway of Deir Al-Zour Abu Kamal to link the rail networks in Syria and Iraq, which will arrive between Iran and Iraq at the completion of this linkage.

For his part, Ambassador Mohammad Reza expressed his readiness to provide all facilities to the Syrian trucks laden with goods and provide support and technical expertise to transportation projects in Syria.

بحث تفعيل التعاون العلمي بين جامعة حلب والجامعات الإيرانية
Search activating the scientific cooperation between the University of Aleppo and Iranian universities
December 21, .2011
Aleppo, (SANA) -

Dr. Shehadeh, President of the struggle of the University of Aleppo and cultural delegation of the Chancellery of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus today, ways of activating the scientific and technical cooperation between the university and research institutions in the two countries.

The two sides discussed a number of issues such as harmonization of university scientific publishing in specialized magazines and the possibility of Iranian journals and the organization of joint conferences, and framing joint research programs.

Dr. Shehadeh, the importance of strengthening cooperation programs and exchange of expertise and research capabilities in a number of scientific disciplines that have achieved success in Iran, pointing to the development of Persian language department in the Faculty of Arts and Education Center of Persian language at the Higher Institute of Languages.

In turn, said Dr. Ali Al-Khayat Iranian Cultural Counselor in Syria to the possibility of cooperation with Iranian universities Syrian universities in many areas, pointing to the orientation of the Chancellery of the opening section for the translation of written sources in Persian into Arabic.

It is noteworthy that the University of Aleppo, linked closely with a number of Iranian universities, particularly with universities Imam, Isfahan, teacher education and the Department of Islamic knowledge and the Organization of the study and wrote the codification of Humanities University named in addition to cultural Chancellery of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus.

Start of foreign interference in Syria
Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:25AM
By Mohyeddin Sajedi

Syria finally accepted an Arab League protocol, allowing foreign observers into the country to monitor the ongoing unrest. The 10-month crisis has now reached a new level which denotes the onset of foreign interference in Syria.

This decision was very difficult for Damascus, but it has also created trouble for some of the Syrian opposition groups as well as some member states of the Arab League. The main opposition group (The Syrian National Council) described the decision a trick by the government to buy time, and accused the Arab League of giving President Bashar Assad enough time to go on with the measures which it called internal suppression.

The Arab League Foreign Ministers' meeting on Syria scheduled to be held on Wednesday was postponed indefinitely. It seems that the Saudi and Qatari governments expected to receive a negative response from Syria and materialize their threat of referring Syria's case to the United Nations Security Council, the same job they did about Libya which paved the ground for foreign military interference in the country.

Damascus signed the protocol in an effort to prevent economic sanctions imposed on Syria by the Arab League. Damascus' plan, however, doesn't seem to be lead to their favorable conclusion very soon since for lifting the sanctions and ending Syria's suspension of membership in the Arab League, the majority of the the members of the bloc should vote in favor of the bid. It is clear that an important faction of the Arab League would not agree on lifting the sanctions unless Syria implements the protocol and withdraws the military from towns and residential districts, releases political prisoners, and allows foreign reporters to enter and move freely in the country.

Damascus accepted the protocol under foreign pressure. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem noted that the final modification of the protocol has included 70 percent of the changes sought by Damascus. Five hundred of the Arab League observers will be deployed around the country in groups of 10. Syria says it cannot guarantee the safety of the observers in the areas which are scenes of military confrontation.

Some believe that Damascus was forced to sign the protocol to prevent the Arab League to present the case to the UN Security Council and stop Qatar and Saudi Arabia which work in accordance with the US Department of State.

Even if Syria's case had been sent to the Security Council, it would have been countered by Russia's draft resolution on Syria. In its resolution, Russia has condemned all forms of violence, both from the government and the opposition armed groups. Adoption of the resolution would amount to international admission of two-way violence in Syria and non-peaceful nature of the opposition to Bashar Assad.

Some influential Western states have already indicated their opposition to Russia's resolution and hopes for its adoption, at least in its current form, are dim. Moscow and Beijing, however, have shown that they will not budge from their position. That is, they serve as a powerful barrier in the Security Council against any resolution which may be formulated by the Western states. If Syria's case is going to be discussed at the Security Council, it would be better for Damascus that this is done by Russia and China, rather than the Arab League, some of whose members are clearly implementing the West's plans.

Will signing the protocol for entry of foreign observers into Syria, along with the draft resolution prepared by Russia and China, lead to a face-saving deal for all sides and satisfy Western countries, the Arab League, Moscow, Beijing and Damascus alike? Under present circumstances, such an agreement seems to be well-nigh impossible unless all parties reach the conclusion that the situation in Syria is not explosive. They should be convinced that they have to accept a model similar to what was implemented in Yemen. In this model, transfer of power will take place through an agreement among Syria's opposition groups, the government, as well as regional and international players.

What kind of people will be sent into Syria as observers by the Arab League? Will a government like Syria agree to monthly extension of their mission? Is it possible that presence of observers may catalyze more demonstrations and protests? These questions will be answered in the future, but it is clear from now that the Arab League lacks necessary experience to carry out such an extensive plan. On the opposite, Syrian officials have a lot of experience in political affairs.

Differences among Assad's opponents have been profound enough to bar them from forming an alliance after 10 months. This division has even prevented the Western states (despite serious efforts by Washington, Paris, London) from recognizing the Syrian opposition in the way that they did for Libya's National Transitional Council.

Some opposition figures have announced that if the Syrian government continues suppression of protests while Arab League's observers are in Syria, they will request deployment of an Arab deterrence force in the country. Such illusionary idea clearly shows how ignorant the Syrian opposition and their supporters are of the real situation in the Arab world.

Lebanese Defense Minister Confirms Arms Smuggling into Syria, Illegal Entry of Qaeda Members
Dec 20, 2011

BEIRUT, (SANA) - Lebanese Defense Minister, Fayez Ghusun, confirmed on Tuesday information on operations taking place at Syrian-Lebanese illegal crossing points including arms smuggling and entry of terrorist members of al-Qaeda as Syrian opposition.

In a meeting with a delegation of Lebanese army senior officers, he pointed out to the efforts exerted by the Lebanese army to monitor the borders between the two countries to prevent smuggling.

He stressed that preventing smuggling is the responsibility of the army and security forces, adding that it is a national responsibility for all Lebanese sides.

حردان: سورية نجحت في درء الخطر واسقاط المؤامرة التي استهدفتها
Hardan: Syria has managed to ward off danger and bring down the plot, which targeted (SSNP in Lebanon)
December 21, .2011
Beirut, (SANA) -

Lebanese MP Assaad Hardan President of the Syrian National Social Party in Lebanon that Syria has been able, including elements of strength and power to defeat the Zionist plan targeting the U.S. that prevent completion of the capacity of a nation for all its power and its components.

Hardan said in a statement today that Syria has managed to ward off danger and drop the conspiracy to keep the castle fortress of the national resistance in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq based on the equation in favor of the right of national resistance.

He .. The course of U.S. policy Zionism did not weaken the will of the resistance that is still passed from victory to victory thanks to the incubator Syrian always represented the fortress of resistance.

Hardan also stressed the need to heal the bleeding wounds of Iraqis by the U.S. occupation and work quickly to restore Iraq's role at all levels in their natural environment to play a national role to the hinterland of Syria's steadfastness and resistance.

He called for the coordination of national runs from Baghdad through Syria to Palestine and Lebanon and with the implied powers of Jordan to be the nucleus of a real coordination of the unity of the real values ​​of the joint resistance against the occupation, aggression, racism and settlement.

توقعات بتوقيع اتفاقية تعاون في مجال الصحة والدواء بين سورية والعراق
Expectations of the signing of a cooperation agreement in the field of health and medicine between Syria and Iraq
(http://aliqtisadi.com/) http://goo.gl/kFSqc
Date of article: 20/12/2011

Well-informed sources that are expected to discuss the Council of Ministers at today's meeting a draft decree on the ratification of the cooperation agreement signed between Syria and Iraq in the field of health and medicine.

The Ministry of Health, which prepared a draft decree stated that the reasons for signing the agreement with the Iraqi side lies in documenting the ways of cooperation between Syria and Iraq in the areas of health in order to serve their common interests and recognizing that cooperation in the field of health and medical science will help to raise the level of assistance to the citizens of both countries .

These include the Convention, which obtained a copy of October to deepen cooperation in science and health in the field of medicine, and especially the organization of seminars and joint scientific conferences and exchange of experiences in addition to the establishment of technical training courses in the field of pharmaceutical manufacturing and control.

And encourage investment pharmacological Syria in Iraq establishing laboratories and centers of joint studies, bioequivalence and clinical studies of reliability in both Iraq and Syria, including the exchange of experiences and scientific knowledge, and the agreement pointed to the treatment of Syrian factories treatment of Iraq upon the registration of these plants and their medical products, after the completion of the inspection and matching the conditions of manufacture good of the drug GMP inspections by teams of Iraq and the granting of certificates of registration and licensing of medicines Syrian building on the results of the work of these teams and the Iraqi side committed to buy medicines supplied to the Syrian and the Iraqi market by market needs and the plan of the Ministry of Health.

And to consider the pharmaceutical industry Syrian strategic depth to the market of medical Iraq, especially in cases of emergency so committed to Syrian factories to give the Iraqi market priority similar to the market the Syrian when you need emergency, including the Convention also activate the monitor post-marketing drug, according to a scientific basis similar to what is applied globally.

And organize training courses for students of Faculties of Pharmacy of Iraq in the laboratory and the Syrian quest for a scientific research common for graduate students in universities Syrian and Iraqi with providing the requirements of research in whole or in part, from Syria, and strengthen cooperation in the field of health care, primary, secondary and tertiary, including the exchange of experiences in the programs of the National Vaccination and cooperation with international organizations and the pursuit of twining agreements between hospitals equal in both countries.

In the area of ​​communicable and chronic diseases the two countries agreed on a mechanism for monitoring communicable diseases and dealing with endemic diseases and to join efforts to combat them, also agreed to work out scientific plans and the process of joint that allows to deal with disasters and crisis situations efficiently and to overcome them, including joint research on this and the application of their results jointly .

The agreement also stated that Syria and Iraq agreed to form a joint committee between the ministries of health in which to apply them to their proper implementation and follow-up ... That each country puts all the potential available from the staff and facilities and equipment at the disposal of the other country when required to do so.

بعد فشل المؤامرة الدولية على سورية... مخططات سعودية لنشر الفوضى في العراق
After the failure of the international conspiracy against Syria ... Saudi Arabia plans to wreak havoc in Iraq
Written by albaath media http://goo.gl/30OEG
its cache
Wednesday, 21 December 2011 11:47

Jerusalem newspaper Al-Manar on Wednesday 21 December, citing sources familiar with the destinations in the Kingdom of Saudi funding for some of the parties in a bid to restore chaos and killings in the Iraqi arena after the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.

The sources said Al-Manar that Saudi Arabia is viewed with concern the improved security situation in Iraq and the return of stability to it, especially since the current leadership in Mesopotamia strive to ensure internal stability, and revitalize the role of Baghdad at the regional level after years of U.S. occupation, and the same sources that the situation Iraqi official and popular from some Arab issues most important position of the Syrian situation, is what worries Saudi Arabia, and reflected the panic and anxiety to restore Iraq to its position and return to the Arab arena and regional.

This prompted Saudi Arabia to call for the Gulf Cooperation Council to form the Union rather than cooperation during a meeting of the Council members, two days before, where he claimed the Saudi side to "There are threats to the Gulf Cooperation Council", the latter who tried during the past few months to seizing power the Arab world in light of the ongoing political events, and through what has become known to all is the use of all the ways to increase the violence in certain areas, and suppression of protests in other areas across the money, weapons and sectarian mobilization, and through the media and political channels of Western intelligence agencies and departments.

Did not rule out the sources did not reveal itself to some circles in Riyadh would pay mercenaries to carry out terrorist acts in Iraq, including the launch suicide attacks and bombings. These moves come after the failure of Saudi Arabia suspicious regional international conspiracy against Syria and its people and its leadership.

وفد من المعارضة السورية يزور بغداد الأسبوع المقبل والعراق " ممتعضة " من قطر
A delegation from the Syrian opposition visit to Baghdad next week and Iraq, "resentful" of Qatar
Wednesday - December 21 - 2011 - 12:10:28

A member of a coalition of state law and the President of the Iraqi Center for Development Information Adnan OS that "Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki continue his efforts toward continued this role, and that a delegation of the Syrian opposition will visit Iraq next week and will be agreed on the mechanisms of action in this regard."

The newspaper "Asharq al-Awsat" on the OS, which is close to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said, "There are attempts to marginalize the role of Iraq in terms of the current crisis in Syria and is confined to the signing of the Protocol on the observers."

He added that "Qatar wants to end Iraq's role at the borders of the signing of the Protocol on the observers, and to withdraw the case to it for certain considerations, which can abort the Iraqi initiative because it continues to not end the signature, but we can say that the next phase is the most important, especially at the level of coordination the level of dialogue on the Iraqi Syrian - Arab, and Syrian - Syrian. "

He considered that "the transfer of the case file or withdrawn, it means keeping Iraq from influence in the later stages, which is very important so as not to undermine the case, and considering that the Syrians were given the opportunity did not grab, and thus the file is moved to the Security Council as planned, the agreement of a country with other Gulf states. "

And on entering Iran on the line, and whether this has been the coordination of three Iraqi - Syrian - Iranian, the OS that "Iran's channels open with Syria do not know what are the things that put forward by Iran to persuade the Syrian side, and that what Iraq has done was based on its acceptability in undertake this role, and I can assure that what Iraq has done on this level is not related to any format such as Iran, because this format does not matter does not need to. "

Syria agreed in early November on the Arab plan calls for end to violence and the withdrawal of troops from residential areas and the release of prisoners and initiate a dialogue with the opposition. And Damascus signed a protocol on the observers, the day before yesterday, Monday, at the headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo.

Dialogue Session on Media Distorting of Facts about Syria Held in Amman
Dec 21, 2011

AMMAN, (SANA) - The Socialist Thought Forum in Irbid governorate, northern Jordan, on Wednesday held a dialogue session on the misleading media's role in distorting facts and the reality of events taking place in Syria.

The participants stressed that the media instigation against Syria aims at creating a public opinion that is hostile towards the Resistance in the region, underlining the importance of intensifying the role of objective media in the current stage to counter the misleading practiced by some biased media.

Member of the Jordanian Popular Committee for Supporting Syria, Yehiya Hreis, said in a statement to the Syrian TV that media is being used as one of the tools of the U.S.-Zionist plot in the region to create a hostile public opinion towards the Resistance, through mobilizing for this purpose a large number of misleading satellite channels such as al-Jazeera, al-Arabiya, BBC and al-Hurra.

For her part, Rana Saad Eddin, a member of the Committee, said that some of these satellite channels worked hard over the past few years to gain the confidence of the Arab citizens before inciting them in service of certain goals.

Jordan urged to probe Syria arms sale suspect death
December 21, 2011 05:56 PM
Agence France Presse

AMMAN: Human Rights Watch urged Prime Minister Awn Khaswaneh on Wednesday to probe the death in custody of a 20-year-old Jordanian man, who allegedly helped two Syrians buy arms.

It called for an "independent inquiry into the death of Najem Zubi ... when in detention at the military intelligence offices in Amman, on November 16, 2011," in a letter to the prime minister.

"To date, we are not aware of any investigation being launched into the case by a military prosecutor," said the letter from Christoph Wilcke, a HRW senior researcher.

Wilcke added that even if the military were to investigate, HRW would continue to urge an independent inquiry "since military justice in Jordan lacks the requisite measure of independence."

Jordanian officials have said Zubi, a taxi driver from the northern town of Ramtha, was arrested along with two Syrians whom he took to an arms dealer, adding that he "hanged himself with his bedding" while in detention.

His death sparked violent reaction from his relatives, who belong to one of the largest tribes in northern Jordan. Accusing the authorities of killing the man, his family blocked a road to neighbouring Syria after setting fire to the governor's offices, the courthouse and a police car.

Residents of Ramtha, which lies across the border from the restive Syrian city of Daraa, often smuggle clothes, food and other goods across the frontier.

But border controls have been stepped up since the outbreak of a deadly anti-regime revolt in Syria in March.

السلطات التركية تعلن مقتل 21 مسلحاً في عملية لقوات الأمن التركي جنوب شرق تركيا
Turkish authorities announced the deaths of 21 insurgents in an operation of the Turkish security forces southeast Turkey (PKK)
December 21, .2011
Ankara, (SANA) -

Toprak Mustafa, governor of the province of Diyarbakir, said today that 21 insurgents were killed in a security operation launched by Turkish troops in the province of Diyarbakir, southeastern Turkey recently.

The news agency quoted Turkish Anatolia Toprak said he was located about 50 insurgents in an area between the town of diesel and the border province of Elazig They were pursued by security forces and the security operation began in the sixteenth of this month, a five-day that killed 21 insurgents.

سيناريو محكم أعده أردوغان للسوريين في المخيمات.. بدأ بشائعة منح الجنسيات وانتهى بالاغتصاب والابتزاز من قبل ضباط أتراك !
Erdogan scenario prepared by the arbitrator to the Syrians in the camps .. Began granting nationalities and ended with rape and extortion by officers of the Turks!
Wednesday 12/21/2011

Not only Turkey's implementation of the role of key player in the region by trying to distort the reputation of the regime in Syria launch remarks were not relevant for the period which saw the height of its relations with Syria, not to mention the logistical support and weaponry provided by the militia officer, fugitive, "Riad Al-Asaad," but proceeded to tarnish the reputation of the refuge Displacement of the Syrians and especially blackmail of Syrian women who have been subjected to the worst practices of rape and extortion by officers Turks supervised the camps prepared before the start of the events in Syria.

Have revealed three of the women Jisr al-Shughour Cguirhen who were forced to go to the camps and talked earlier about what face and which filled airspace hatred and hatred How was Aqtaadehn to Turkey and ill-treatment of officers Turks by the assault and recording tapes in the form of films what they are doing and threatening published.

Jisr al-Shughour used to be an area for a scenario work by the Turks against Syria, the entire leadership and people, but that scenario has frustrated later.

And talk to one of the women told the "Knight" and called Aisha in Jisr al-Shughour for a reason to resort to Turkey, said: We went, according to the program was prepared in advance was a bus Turkish waiting for us and Sadna joy I and some women, while we expected that Turkey gave us Turkish nationality but returned to say they faced the Turkish border, the largest nightmare in her life, but they later discovered that people were spreading such propaganda and when we got on the first day gave us water and food, as well as it was, on the second day so there was hope for us to move to a new life, the same day came to us soldiers Turks and Odona prison solo, where we believe it administrative procedures and preliminary investigations, not overlooking us time to have seen the worst nightmare in my life when the assailants attacked the officers and then I wished death on that day.

She tells Aisha's exactly what happened, says: The one officer Turks in the forties asked me why I came to Turkey and then began to practice immoral and inhuman, and whenever you declined to submit to his will persistently to beat me brutally so won me after the collapse suffered by him, and this continues work for a week and the other persons of armed soldiers practiced such acts with other women so we hope the time of death. .

The other woman is called Aisha also, who have left Jisr al-Shughour area to Turkey have been raped in another, says Aisha: Having faced days of torture, rape, and I received news of one of the girls from Syria, her name Maria, where I checked the medical clinic for treatment, but the Turks gave her a number of drive and had to use it for two days to lose consciousness because of the disks that I found it sleeping and when I woke up and found herself had been raped many times by the Turks.

إضراب واسع في المحافظات التركية رفضا لسياسة حكومة العدالة والتنمية
Wide strike in the provinces of Turkey rejected the policy of the Government of the Justice and Development
22 December 0.2011
Ankara, (SANA) -

Witness the Turkish provinces in the wider circle of popular rejection of the policy of government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan began a strike and a large staff including health and education sectors to protest government policy.

And support the Doctors Union, Turkey and the Union of Workers in the public sector and a number of civil society organizations strike of employees and workers, who demanded the Turkish government of their current social, health and education after persistent rises in commodity prices and increased taxes are not likely.

Words (paralysis affecting Turkey) described the Turkish media, the strike declared by the Turks staff in all provinces to protest the government's policy of justice, development and demanded their rights trampled in the interest of a particular category support Erdogan's party.

The strikers and demonstrators expressed anger at the arbitrary policies of the Turkish ruling party, with the continued unjust arrests and suppression of freedoms mouths and the increasing number of journalists detained in Turkish prisons for nearly a percent.

He stressed that more protesters are angered by the policies of their government left the Turks citizens face their problems on their own, claiming carrying Turkish democracy and freedom to other countries and they said .. That in the event devoted Justice and Development Party done to solve the dilemmas of the Turkish people and its problems will not find time even to look at other nations.

In an interview with Syrian television said one of the demonstrators Turks that the price increase and medical expenses and taxes are unfair to the Turkish people, there are constant for the salaries of workers and the continued rise in prices. In turn, said that there were protesters last great pressure on workers The rich are getting richer while the other layer of the staff and workers become poorer.

The demonstrators, one that the Turkish government always think of employers, not workers, so the pressure on all segments of Turkish society, while remaining free to employers only.

For his part, said one of the striking workers that everyone knows that the current Turkish government is very bad by the United States and foreign powers in order to spread chaos and now their eyes on the summit of our lives.

The demonstrators said a young, people in Turkey are accused of always being held because they are demanding their democratic rights were arrested two days ago, only five of our friends because they called their legitimate rights.

He also said another Turkish demonstrators .. When a person gives tips and ideas to others it must first amend its shortcomings .. In Turkey we have a government turned the country into a big prison and every moment of repression and arrests.

The one striking employees that the policy of the Justice and Development Party, the former was a friend of the neighborhood and opened the border and this has had great support from the Turkish people and now everyone feels and sounds treachery against rise against the government.

Observers believe that the picture is brightly painted by the media to the Government of the Justice and Development is no longer a secret to Chohadtha especially with the direction the current Turkish government to grant freedom and democracy to the countries of the so-called Arab spring and forget about the Turkish people.

Hundreds of journalists protesting the Turks in Istanbul to protest the arrest of the Turkish authorities told reporters

Hundreds of journalists Turks in Istanbul to protest the arrest of the Turkish authorities to journalists under false pretenses denouncing campaigns repression of journalists and practices of power to silence the opinion makers and to confiscate the right of freedom of expression, which was most recently arrested / 38 / press, bringing the number of detained journalists to more than 70 journalists, one of the highest in the world Among journalists, photographer Agence France-Presse Mustafa Ozer, which police raided his home.

Said Alper Turgut Secretary-General of the Union of Journalists of the Turks in an interview with Syrian television campaigns that harassment and pressure on the media escalated in the last period to prevent the freedom of the press and expression.

In turn, Turkish journalist Ertgl Mavioglu .. We lost the freedom of the press has long practiced by the Turkish authorities and to our right and the right of our colleagues are clearly fascist.

Raised this concern unjustified arrests of journalists who have denounced the Turks to escalate the pressure on them and describing what is happening step-by-fascism.

Saudi Arabia
السعودية تسمح بدخول السوريات المتزوجات من سعوديين و لديهن أبناء قصر بدون تصريح
Saudi Arabia allow the entry of Syrian women married to Saudis and have children of palace without a permit
Wednesday - December 21 - 2011 - 9:14:22

Revealed a reliable source at the Saudi Embassy in Damascus, said the State Department allowed the firm to grant Syrian legally married to Saudis and have children of short visa to the UK to stay next to her husband without the consent of the competent authorities.

The newspaper "Okaz" Saudi Arabia in its Tuesday edition of the source as saying that "Allow only limited to the sons of her husband's palace of the Saudi pledge to deport them after the pair improved the situation in Syria."

The source said the State Department's decision came after he received from the Saudi Embassy in Damascus for the current security situation witnessed in Syria, and to receive the embassy a lot of calls and faxes from Saudis, asking him to grant Syrian women married to Saudis without the consent of the competent authorities a visa for the country "and that the embassy considers appropriate grant such visas, especially in cases of children of palace. "

And approved the State Department reportedly from the Embassy in Riyadh, Damascus, and required that the visa is limited only to those who have children of her husband's palace and fixed her marriage in Islam.

Dec 21 International

اتصالات قطرية أمريكية فرنسية تركية ناقشت فشل إسقاط المشروع الروسي بشأن سورية
French Turkish American Qatari contacts discussed the failure of toppling and the Russian project on Syria
Written by albaath media http://goo.gl/iGboS
its cache
Tuesday, 20 December 2011 13:19

A source familiar with the Turkish Ankara witnessed on Wednesday night last Thursday, contacts and meetings held between U.S. Secretary of Defense, and Hamad bin Jassim, head of the French secret service, in the presence Davutoglu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey and the security adviser to Erdogan.

The source close to the Turkish official circles for (Al Manar) that these meetings are arranged for her to hurry, and came the day after the draft resolution and the Russian proposal on the terrorist plot carried out by regional and international bodies and armed gangs against Syrian citizens.

The source said that the meetings Ankara secret black target block and drop the Russian proposal in the Security Council, and replace the draft Arab resolution through the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States "Nabil Al-Thani," arranged by the chieftain of Qatar, and after returning Hamad bin Jassim late to Doha summoned a noble Arabic to Doha and asked him to go to the Security Council and presented the Arab initiative to block the Russian action for this initiative cover for international intervention and call to bring the forces of evil in NATO, just as happened when responded Amr Moussa schemes Doha calling for NATO forces to attack Libya.

The source quoted the Turkish political circles Turkey meeting in Ankara, discussed their inability to topple the Syrian regime and inflame discord and sectarian war in Syria, revealing coordination between Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Turkey and the gangs Geagea, Hariri and other parties to intervene militarily alliance backed by air from the Atlantic.

لافروف يؤكد لكلينتون ضرورة العمل على التأثير الفعال في المعارضة السورية لإشاعة الاستقرار في سورية
Lavrov Calls for Exerting Influence on Syrian Opposition to Help Stabilize Situation in Syria
Dec 21, 2011

MOSCOW, (SANA) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in a phone call with the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, called for exerting effective influence on the Syrian opposition to help stabilize the situation in Syria.

The Russian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday stated that Lavrov and Clinton also discussed working with the Syrian sides within the framework of the Arab work plan.

Russia helps Syria keep the West away

On December 19, Syria allowed Arab League observers to enter its territory. The observers will try to see that the Syrian government has been trying to end bloody clashes in the country peacefully. Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi stated that the observers could fly to Syria in the next 72 hours.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem stated that the country signed the protocol following the recommendations from the Russian partners. If Syria had declined the plan of the Arab League, the organization would have introduced sanctions against the country.

It may seem at first sight that the Syrian regime has surrendered. Arab and Israeli media outlets said that Damascus had accepted all requirements of the Arab initiative under Russia's pressure. To put it in a nutshell, Syria has manifested its weakness. However, Western publications say that Russia has played another trick to rescue the allied regime.

Those, who believe that the regime of Bashar Assad has lost the game, point out the fact that the Arab League observers would have to control the withdrawal of the troops from settlements, the liberation of all, who were arrested during the riots, and the beginning of the real dialogue between opposition and authorities.

It seems that Bashar Assad will dig his own grave, if he meets these requirements. For example, the cessation of the anti-terrorist operation in Homs and Idlib, would mean the appearance of the zone uncontrollable by the government. The zone would then quickly develop into the analogue of Libya's Benghazi - the springboard to overthrow the regime.

The same can be said about the liberation of all who took guns in their hands to protest against the regime of the Syrian leader. To crown it all, what kind of a dialogue can they have with the opposition? It is an open secret that the opposition activists, who do not want Assad to go, are already in talks with him. As for the analogue of the Syrian transitional national council, they can only accept Assad's capitulation.

One of the leaders of the Syrian National Committee, Ali Salim Assad, said in an interview with Pravda.Ru that the decision to let the observers in did not mean that Syria had surrendered.

It appears that observers from Russia, China and other countries will arrive in Syria together with the Arab League observers. They will not let the AL observers distort the information about the events in the country.

Ali Salim Assad also said that the Syrian regime may agree to withdraw the troops from the problematic zones indeed.

"If it happens, it will not mean that we will give those areas under the power of the insurgents. The army units can be replaced with internal troops and special forces subordinated to the Interior Ministry. As for the liberation of the imprisoned adversaries of the regime, Bashar Assad had already amnestied them twice. Nearly 2,000 opposition activists were released, but those people did not have blood on their hands. Releasing terrorists is out of the question.

"As for the possible dialogue with the opposition, I can say that the government is already in talks with those who want to talk. However, the West - the USA in the first place - does not want that. It's enough to resort to adequate statements from several top US officials, including Hillary Clinton. They urged the Syrian opposition to fight against Bashar Assad's regime."

On December 15, Russian officials distributed a draft resolution among the members of the UN Security Council. The resolution supports the cessation of violence in the country that has taken the lives of over 5,000 people. The resolution also condemns the violence used by both the government and the opposition, including the "inadequate use of force by the Syrian authorities."

The document also says that the Syrian administration should cooperate with independent international commission for the investigation of the facts of death of Syrian citizens. According to Vitaly Churkin, a Russian ambassador at the UN, the draft resolution mentions nothing about counterproductive sanctions against Syria.

Western officials have already criticized the document and said that it could not be accepted. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland stated that the US administration would like to see tougher sanctions against Syria in the text of the resolution.

What is more, Western politicians assumed that Russia was playing another trick to keep the Syrian ally. The Russian draft resolution stipulates the prohibition of arms supplies to Syrian gunmen, as well as a complex of adequate measures on the part of the international community.

The West intends to torpedo the Russian resolution, because the document will make it hard to overthrow Assad. Nevertheless, Russia's actions come in handy to Syria. Moscow virtually hampers the measures against the Syrian ally.

It is absolutely clear that the arrival of Arab League observers in Syria is not going to change anything for the better. The League coordinates its actions with the West and Turkey. However, they can help Syria win some time. It is extremely important for the sitting regime to conduct the parliamentary elections in the country in the beginning of March 2012.

هذه هي خطة واشنطن للمراقبين في سورية
This is Washington's plan for observers in Syria
Written by albaath media http://goo.gl/hY533
its cache
Wednesday, 21 December 2011 13:15

"The sun would never set on the last day of an important Arab observers in Syria, but system and reeling, and the army defector, and the millions fill the main squares in all Syrian cities proclaiming the triumph of the revolution and the fall of President Bashar al-Assad."

Previously attributed to speak French sources (recently visited the Syrian capital) to Bernard Henri Levy, a man of the tasks of the Foundation of the World Zionist.

What makes Bernard Levy is confident that the mission of Arab observers in Syria will lead to topple the regime there?

At the end of the seventies description of a senior French journalists Henri Levy "beautiful face of the devil who hides his efforts to implement major crimes"

The Swiss intellectual Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of Hassan al-Banna was born in Geneva for Levy says: "It is a Zionist thinker hostile to Muslims and a culture of sectarianism in Europe."

Man model institution

Confirm identical information about - Levy - spelled Karhoh in France, and in the Jewish community itself, that the man is a distinct institution with its staff, and public relations firms affiliated, and also has customers in the Arab and Muslim worlds who range between businessmen, and between politicians, and political parties, opposition, figures, or military and Soliyn sell their country and its economy against the authority. (As well as review the statements and Burhan Ghaliyoun, Ghannouchi in Tunisia and Abdul Jalil in Libya and Abdul Ghafoor light Wahhabi leader in Egypt about the Israeli-Arab relations and the subject position and mild Alastzlami in front of the Zionist lobby supporting them).

Usually making fun lobby possibilities all Zionist institutions in the service of one man is in the original port faithful and sincere in the interest of Israel and its allies (Daniel Pipes is a fellow American Bernard Levy is like one of the so-called "people - The Foundation" who work on the international stage in the service of the Zionist lobby)

For this find that Henry Bernard Levy's friends - customers between the rebels and political leaders the Arabs and Africans and Asians and possibly Chechens and the Caucasus, and perhaps also his clients between the writers and academics working for the Zionist lobby in America, Europe and Atkamilon with him (Henry) of the sense that it is representative of the Zionist enterprise, and her face is culturally acceptable (Culture Here a tool to gain popularity and respect for the person who is a main factor in international politics run by the racist Zionist Kalloba)

This is what he says, for example, even a padded book "Bernard Henry Levy, a biography" by Philippe Cohen (published by Dar Fallard).

Information transmitted on French source (by the way, friends of Henri Levy) talks about a comprehensive plan developed by the U.S. administration and handed over is carried out to Henry Levy - or Guevara Arabs - agreed last with Qatari Foreign Minister, on what might be called the plan "Levy - Bin Jassim" to bring down Syria.

The plan include items such as:

(And always at the disposal of the source of the friends of Bernard Levy is known Boala reviews of inflation and the famous "ego" has made him a star since the sixties and the cover of star studios and programs Shaw French)

Plan Levy - Hamad bin Jassim

The first item:

Exploited to the approval of Syria on the Arab initiative and signed a cooperation protocol with the observers

Fun to meet his friendships in the Arab world to ensure that pumping millions of phone messages and e-mail and through the channels of the Zionist lobby in the Arab World (Do they mean channels of Lebanese and Saudi Arabian certain?) Calls on the Syrian people (and a certain range of it in particular) to exploit the opportunity and take to the streets in every city and occupation the squares.

While making fun Hamad bin Jassem at the same time a wealth of Qatar, and financial relations with the Syrian opposition, two branches of the internal and external, to activate the work of activists, organizers of the demonstrations, associated mostly with money financially in the country directly or through intermediaries.

Also, networks of friends Henri Levy in the Zionist lobby in the world, media, cultural and security, will be circulated psychological propaganda calling for the Syrians to exploit the opportunity of the overseas media in Syria with the observers, taking advantage leads to the occupation of public spaces in major cities, especially in Damascus and Aleppo, and in other cities population that refused to participate in the protests so far.

(Includes a list of all the Zionist lobby's friends friends America's Arab and international media, journalists, intellectuals, artists, and satellite TV networks and electronic news)

The second item:

The Bernard Levy coordinate the escalation of U.S. pressure, European, and Arab political, media, diplomatic and down to persuade the Russian diplomacy that Syria should offer a sacrifice of its officials and close associates of government in which to satisfy the opposition, which would not sit at the negotiating table only after the implementation of a number of conditions, and on her head trial Some of the officers responsible for the suppression of the demonstrators (and insurgents) in addition to demand that the Syrian authorities to provide some of what might be called the practices prove its good intentions, which will ask the Syrian government to give up, even partially, for the characters and put on the list of sanctions, Arab, American and European pending the results of investigations undertaken by the Arab observers on criminal liability for those who ordered the exposure of the demonstrators (and implicitly of the insurgency).

With the focus of a planned advance on the pricing of exposure media for all relatives of Syrian President, from the stick the subject of military actions, the fourth year, attributed the Western media the responsibility of leadership to the brother of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and the end of the link "Shabbihah" and crimes committed by them relatives of the President The President and his friends and their leaders trusted.

From here can understand the message the Western press, which restored to crack down on some of the characters Syrian economic memorandum of what he described as the need to get rid of them to satisfy the street (the number of business leaders who are committed to support the Syrian authorities and, in particular) has published the Daily Star, Lebanon related to the Americans (the number of the twentieth of December 2011) as possible from which to understand the message Henry Levy, through exposure to loyal to President al-Assad in the media and to link their names down anti-government demonstrations.

What they want to access it from the way media campaigns (Levi group - Bin Jassim) is to convince the government that the street will not rest unless sacrificed his men loyal and these games have not worked before with the Syrian authorities and it is doubtful that succeed in the future.

Third item:

Pressure and ensuring it would not be exposed Syria to observers and are immediately demand the implementation of the Protocol Arab judge to withdraw the army from the cities, and therefore left (cities) under the control of armed Seetmddon in all districts of Homs, and Daraa, and Idlib, and even Damascus, from the countryside and to Aleppo from the countryside countries.

At the same time requires a plan to meet the - bin Jassim (pending source) that shall Hamad bin Jassim pricing pressure Arab politician to embarrass the Russian press last on Syria to accept the status quo, which will share the street demonstrations hostile and the other loyal to the regime in the first stage. While the stated in the fourth item on the task of eliminating the state's institutions and the ability of the Syrian loyalists to demonstrate ..... how?

The fourth item:

Immediately after the withdrawal of the army from the cities and villages, burning, would seek the insurgent forces moving in the darkness and disappear during the day to spread in strategic areas, including the revival of Aleppo and Damascus.

They (the insurgents) Sistaanon Shaikhs and Wahhabi or sectarian "agents of Qatar and Saudi Arabia" to control the streets and alleyways wooing people to join the revolution, and that did not succeed in winning over the people voluntarily, will be the implementation of the scenario, the heart of the popular mood by force in the Daraa at the beginning of the crisis, and it was through threat of militants of the people who do not participate in the demonstrations of murder and burning of their homes, and the threat of traders burned their institutions (as happened with the businessmen in Aleppo and Idlib and Daraa and Zabadani) and by causing or killing children and personalities raises killing infuriated the masses turning funerals in Damascus to the fuel of the revolution, violence and weapons, as happened in the beginning of the crisis of Homs.

(Estimated strength of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis armed and trained that fought in Iraq or trained in the camps, the Americans and their allies with ten thousands of armed, backed by tens of thousands of wanted security authorities with criminal offenses since before the crisis, and they have become protectors of neighborhoods revolutionary in Homs and Idlib in Damascus after they Zaaranh and still.)

Item V:

The militants villages of rural Idlib near Aleppo secure large numbers of protesters to occupy the spaces Aleppo Home, while the militants Damascus securing large numbers of demonstrators (reparation or volunteer) to occupy the squares of Damascus from the conduct of demonstrations on foot or by bus and car, from Harasta, and always, and Zabadani and Madaya, and Erbeen, and syriandata.com on, and Kvriqtna, etc. and the foot down to the Umayyad to the Abbasid vindicated.

Do you plan to succeed Levy - Jassim bin?

Protocol, signed by Syria on Monday, the nineteenth of December-December 2011 gives the right to address the gunmen, but through it, and agreed to allow the opposition to demonstrate in a peaceful manner anywhere they want, and therefore, would be on the Syrians to find a way to deal with schemes for Levy - Bin Jassim way balance between the obligation of the Syrian government signed, and not to leave the agreement to become an American Trojan horse leads to achieve what has not achieved the fiercest onslaught of media in ten months have passed against Syria.

Certain that the Americans and the Zionists plots the Europeans and the Arabs of Syria through the Arab initiative.

Evidenced by the selection of national observers from among the forty-five organizations funded all projects, recruitment, U.S. (now LG or), but is also certain that supporters of the authority, among the Syrian people, plots of the observers and those who rely on their paper, and those whom he calls the world BShabbihah or mercenaries, they are really the president's supporters, who are really committed to defending the system with its new post-movement, and they do not want to reform the civil war, not the rule of religious currents.

They will play are the most prominent role in breaking the dreams of Levy - Bin Jassim which, if achieved, and the triumph of the "revolution" and the regime fell, you will not win one, because the alternative system will not only be the ruin and civil war, why?

Because such opposition ruled with iron and fire, killing violators in Hama, and so the opposition ruled neighborhoods in Homs switched to the yard talked of sectarian and sentenced Jabal al-Zawiyah and Jisr al-Shughour did not leave a crime only and perpetrated against its supporters first, and sometimes won by opponents of the system before the Nile from his supporters, opposition to such a The won will not see in Syria a scene only expanded what's happening in Homs killing and sectarian slaughter.

Source: Arab Press

Syria assigns new envoy to Washington
December 21, 2011 02:22 PM (Last updated: December 21, 2011 04:13 PM)
The Daily Star

BEIRUT: Syria has assigned Zouheir Jabbour as its new Charge d'Affaires ad interim in Washington, the U.S. state department said Wednesday.

"The Syrian government ended the tour of duty of Imad Moustafa effective Dec. 13. Mr. Zouheir Jabbour has been notified to the U.S. government as Charge d'Affaires ad interim," a statement released by the State Department said in response to a question at a press briefing Tuesday.

Diplomatic ties between Damascus and Syria have been severed as the U.S. intensifies pressure on President Bashar Assad to step down.

In early December, the U.S. announced that Robert Ford, the American ambassador to Damascus, would return to Syria after Washington recalled him two months ago following alleged threats against his life and escalating violence in the country.

The State Department said Ford's presence in Syria was important for advancing U.S. policy goals in the troubled country by meeting with opposition figures and serving as a witness to the ongoing violence.

Syria had also recalled, but then later reinstated, its ambassador to Washington in a tit-for-tat move in late October.

Italy plane in Beirut for anti-Syria bid
Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:34PM

A Lebanese official says an Italian fighter jet carrying aid supplies for anti-Syrian insurgency elements has landed in the country's capital, Beirut.

The Secretary of the Leadership Committee of the Independent Nasserite Movement in Lebanon Mustafa Hamdan said on Tuesday that the military aircraft has arrived in Beirut airport in an effort to provide aid for what has been described as Syrian refugees, and the Italian Foreign Ministry had confirmed the news, according to IRNA.

He added that neither Lebanon's Prime Minister Najib Miqati, nor the health and foreign ministers were aware of the issue, adding that only a number of unknown individuals reported to be at the airport to receive the aircraft.

Stating that certain elements are making efforts to create instability in Lebanon, Hamdan criticized media silence in the country over the issue and said such efforts pose a serious threat to Lebanon's security and stability.

He added that these sorts of measures are carried out in line with insistence by US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman for the establishment of military bases in Lebanon to challenge Syria.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Hamdan blamed the Arab League for its stance toward Syria and emphasized that rather than perusing US plots against Syria, the Arab League should join efforts to resolve the Palestine issue.

On December 7, Feltman arrived in Beirut to hold talks with Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Miqati and other officials "on a range of issues, including the situation in Syria.

During a press conference in Beirut, he called on the Lebanese government to act within what he claimed as an "Arab and international consensus" regarding the situation in Syria.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March, with demonstrations being held both against and in favor of President Bashar al-Assad. Hundreds of people, including security forces, have been killed in the turmoil.

While the West and the Syrian opposition accuse the government of the killings, Damascus blames ''outlaws, saboteurs and armed terrorist groups'' for the unrest that erupted in mid-March, insisting that it is being orchestrated from abroad.

In interviews with Israeli news outlets over the past few months, the Syrian opposition members have clearly expressed their vision for the future of Syria and their interest in establishing ties with the Tel Aviv regime.

However, Syrian people have repeatedly expressed solidarity with the government. Figures show that during the past weeks, about 12 million people have demonstrated in support of al-Assad.

Japan expands santions against Syria: 6 establishments and 3 individuals




外務省 中東アフリカ局 中東第1課
財務省 国際局 調査課 外国為替室
経済産業省 貿易経済協力局 貿易管理部 貿易管理課


制裁対象 Sanctions' target
6 establishments (12 in total)
Cham Holding
Military Housing Establishment
Real Estate Bank
Scientific Studies and Research Center
Political Securities Directorate

3 individuals (18 in total)
Hassan Jamil, Head of Syrian Air Force Intelligence
Makhlouf Muhammad, businessman and an uncle of the President
Aslan Aous, Head of Battalion in the Republican Guard
(Note: The family names should have come after the first names.)
attached PDF in Japanese, PDF in English (yet to be published)