TRANSCRIPT: ABC's Barbara Walters' Interview With Syrian President Bashar al-Assad
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Dec. 7, 2011
ABC News Anchor Barbara Walters interviews Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in his first interview with an American journalist since the uprising in Syrian began almost a year ago. (ABC News/Rob Wallace)
The following is the transcript of the interview ABC's Barbara Walters conducted with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. It was his first American interview, and the president was asked about Syria's role in the Arab League and how he is treating protesters in his country.
ABC's Barbara Walters: Mr. President, you have invited us to Damascus and you have not given an interview to the American media since this crisis began. What is it you want us to know?
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad: I would like to reiterate what I used to say after 11th of September, to every American delegation I met, first of all I think the American people, people should know more about what's happening beyond the ocean, second the American media I would like them to tell only the truth about what's happening in the world, and for the American administration. Don't look for puppets in the world.
Walters: Don't look for puppets?
Assad: Only deal with administration that, on people that can tell you know about the truth, because what's happening in the world now is taking the world toward chaos, what we need now is we need to deal with the reality. So the message now is about the reality.
Walters: Tell me what the reality here is your country is. What is the reality?
Assad: It's too complicated, it takes hours to talk about... so let's be specific.
Walters: Not long ago you were widely seen as a fresh pragmatic leader, a doctor whose life was in healing people, now sir, much of the world regards you as a dictator and a tyrant. What do you say to that?
Assad: What's important how the Syrian people look at you, not how you look at yourself. So I don't have to look at myself. This is... second, it's about the system. You have a dictator and you have dictatorship, there's a big difference between the two, dictatorship is about the system, we never said we are democratic country, but we're not the same, we-- we are moving forward in, in reforms, especially during the last nine month, so I think we are moving forward, it takes a long time, it takes a lot of maturity to be full fledge democratic country, but we are moving that, that direction, for me as a person, whatever I do should be based on the will of the people, because you need popular legitimacy and this is against dictatorship for person.
Walters: But you talk about the support of your people. You did have the support of your people, and then began these demonstrations, which I will discuss in more detail and crackdowns, and you have people now who don't want you to lead. You don't have the support of your people.
Assad: You always--
Walters: Of all of your people.
Assad: You always have people that don't want you to be in that position, that's self-evident, that's normal, you cannot say that having the support of the people. All the people support you means something absolute. You're talking about the majority, and people are against you, they're not majority, when they are majority you don't have to stay in that position.
Walters: But you have people who are against you who are protesting every day. It started with people marching with olive branches and with their children asking for more freedom, for freedom of press, for freedom of expression, and much of the country now, sir, is not supporting you, that's what these, that's what your crisis is about.
Assad: Yeah. That's why we had the reform started quickly, after the very beginning that you described as simple, so we didn't take the role, we didn't play the role of stubborn government, they say they need more freedom. We right away had new party laws, new media law, new election law, new local administration law, and we are revising our constitution now.
Assad: Showing your opinion, whether you like somebody or doesn't like government or president or whoever, should be through the election, the ballot box, this is the only way.
Walters: If you have elections, will they be elections for president?
Assad: No, no, we are going to have first of all the local administration election this month...
Walters: Local administration, but what about the president?
Assad: Yeah, after that, we are going to have the parliamentarian election, which is the most important. Talking about presidential election, it's going to be in 2014, this is the...
Walters: People don't want to wait that long, till 2014.
Assad: Which people?
Walters: The people who are protesting.
Assad: How, how, how much, how many, are they majority or not, that's why you need, you need to wait first of all for the parliamentarian election, these election will tell you are you going to have majority or minority, then when you can think about presidential election, but not before, before that you don't have any indication, any clear indication.
Walters: In 2014, when there are presidential elections, will you allow opposition parties?
Assad: That's why we are changing the constitution.
Walters: OK. And if somebody else wins, will you step down in 2014?
Assad: If he wins he's going to be in my position, I don't have to step down, he's going to be president. So you don't step down. He will win the election, he will be president. So step down means you leave, while if you win the election, he's going normally, he's going to be in that position instead of me.
Walters: Mr. President, you once had positive things to say about President Obama. Now President Obama says, and I quote, "President Assad has lost his legitimacy to rule, he should step down." What do you say to President Obama?
Assad: I'm not a political commentator. I-- I comment more on action rather than word. At the same time if I want to care about something like this I would care, I would care about what the Syrian people wants. Nobody else outside Syria is part of our political map, so whatever they say we support, we don't, he's legitimate, or he's not, it's the same for me. For me what the Syrian people want, this is the popular legitimacy that put me in that position, and this is the only thought that can make me outside, so anyone could have his own opinion, whether president, official or any citizen, it is the same for me, outside our border.
Walters: Public opinion doesn't matter?
Assad: Outside Syria?
Walters: Outside Syria.
Assad: No. It's Syrian issue.
Walters: But Syria is almost completely isolated. The prime minister of Turkey, who was your ally has said, and I quote, "no regime can survive by killing or jailing." Jordan says you should step down, the Arab League, Syria was a founding member, have said that they have suspended you, you've lost all the support of your neighbors and friends. Does that matter to you?
Assad: That depends how do you describe, or how do you define isolation and support? How did they support, how did they support me and how did they isolate me? Isolation is not by visitors or by supporting by words, it's about your role, your position.
Assad: Nobody can support-- can isolate Syria because of our position. That happened in 2005 and they couldn't, Bush tried to isolate Syria, Chirac, Blair... everybody, they couldn't, we have role to play. We are related to two different problems. If they isolate Syria, Syria will collapse and it's going to be doing effect, everybody will suffer, so they don't have interest to isolate Syria, we're not isolated.
Walters: Sir, they are isolating you, they have economic sanctions against you, they may have further sanctions, all of these neighbors, so-called friends, have now abandoned you.
Assad: Yeah.
Walters: So you are isolated.
Assad: We've ban-, we've been under isol-, of, under embargo for the last 30, 35 years, it's not something new, but it's fluctuating, up and down depending on the situation, those country that you're talking about, they have little influence on the situation in Syria.
Walters: Your neighbors have no influence?
Assad: No, no, we have, we still have good relation with them, they're not, we're not isolated. You have people coming and going, you have trade, you have everything, so that's why I said, how do you define isolation, if you don't define it, it's just term. In reality, we're not isolated here.
Walters: They have sanctions against you.
Assad: What kind of sanctions, nothing?
Walters: Economic sanctions against you.
Assad: It's not implemented. They're going to suffer, the countries around Syria the countries suffer. What about the transit, what about many, many other things, they have common interests with us, they won't implement it, or they cannot or they're going to suffer. That depends on the option that they are going to take, that's why I said, isolating Syria is not something easy. It's not only a decision that you implement, it's not easy. So it's not about the economy, it's about the whole role in the, in the political arena in the Middle East, it's not only about the economy.
Walters: You know, sir, that many leaders in the region have been overthrown.
Walters: You have seen, I am certain, the pictures of Egypt from the President Mubarak in jail, pictures of, uh, in Libya of Moammar Gadhafi killed, are you afraid that you might be next?
Assad: No, I am afraid that the people won't support me, Syrian people.
Walters: That they won't support you?
Assad: I mean the only thing that you could be afraid of as president to lose the support of your people that the only--
Walters: You don't.
Assad: Thing that you should be afraid of not to be in jail or things like this.
Walters: Do you feel now that you still have the support of your people?
Assad: If you don't have the support of the people you cannot be in this position.
Walters: But--
Assad: This is Syria. It's not easy, it's very compli--, it's very difficult country to govern if you don't have the public support.
Walters: But Mr. President, you have people an hour and a half away from here protesting you have people who have been killed and people who have been tortured and still they are protesting and you say you have the support of your people?
Assad: No, no you are mixing between the protesters and the killing, it's different. Now we are having terrorists in many places killing.
Walters: Now?
Assad: No, no, not only now, no from the very beginning, no not now, now it's recognized in the media that the difference, that from the very first few weeks we had those terrorists they are getting more and more, more aggressive, they have been killing. We have 1,000-- over 1,100 soldier and policeman killed, who killed them peaceful demonstrations. This is not logical this is not palatable.
Walters: Let me ask the question again, do you feel now, even with people who have been protesting, that you have the support of your people?
Assad: The majority or the minority? Because you are talking about protesters.
Walters: The majority, the majority of the people you feel still support you?
Assad: Not the majority of the people only in the middle always, the majority of the Syrian people are in the middle and then you have people who support you and you have people who are against you. So the majority always in the middle. Those majority are not against you. If they are against you you cannot have stable most of the city is not Syria let's say, as you see, you've been here for two days now.
Walters: You feel the majority of the people in this country support you?
Assad: I say the majority are in the middle and the majority are not against -- to be precise.
Walters: OK, the majority that is in the middle support you.
Assad: Yeah.
Walters: The protest really began with after the detention and torture of children who were writing graffiti calling for your downfall; I've seen awful pictures of what happened, why was there such a brutal crackdown?
Assad: What happened?
Walters: Well I will give you some examples and you can tell me if you've seen these, these are some of the images and stories and some of the images that I saw, a 13-year-old boy who was arrested in April, a month later his body was returned to his family bearing scars of torture. A famous cartoonist whom you know who was critical of you badly beaten his arms are broken. A singer, famous singer who wrote a popular song calling for your oust he was found with his throat cut. You have seen these pictures, have you not?
Assad: No, but I, I...
Walters: Is this news to you?
Assad: No, no, no it's not news. I met with his father, the father of that child and he said that he wasn't tortured and he appeared on the media, you have to see, we have to see things with a stereoscopic vision with two eyes, not with one eye to be frank.
Walters: Ok, the cartoonist...
Assad: I don't...
Walters: The cartoonist who was critical of you, I have seen his pictures, his hands were broken, he was beaten.
Assad: Many people criticize me, did they kill all of them, who killed who, most of the people that have been killed are supporters of the government not the vice versa.
Walters: But in the beginning, what about the singer with his throat cut?
Assad: I don't know about him, I don't know about every single case.
Walters: He was a famous singer, a famous song, you don't know about it?
Assad: No I don't think he's famous. I don't know about him.
Walters: You don't know about him? Well I saw those pictures.
Assad: Famous in the United States but not in Syria.
Walters: This is.
Assad: Do you know about him? This is editing, I don't know, I don't know.
Walters: You don't know?
Assad: No. I didn't hear this story, it's the first time for the child I met with his father and there were special investigation committee to see if there was torture, there was no torture. This is only false allegations to be frank with you that's what I said at the very beginning of my message for the media to tell the truth not to listen to rumors.
Walters: Well in the beginning these protests, the women were marching with children carrying olive branches nobody at that point was asking for you to step down. It has escalated. Do you think that your forces cracked down too hard?
Assad: They are not my forces, they are military forces belong to the government.
Walters: OK, but you are the government.
Assad: I don't own them. I am president. I don't own the country, so they are not my forces.
Walters: No, but you have to give the order?
Assad: No, no, no. We have, in the constitution, in the law, the mission of the institution to protect the people to stand against any chaos or any terrorists, that their job, according to the constitution to their-- to the law of the institution.
Walters: The crackdown was without your permission?
Assad: Would you mind, what do you mean by crackdown?
Walters: The, the reaction to the people, the some of the murders some of the things that happened?
Assad: No, there is a difference between having policy to crack down and between having some mistakes committed by some officials, there is a big difference. For example, when you talk about policy it's like what happened in Guantanamo when you have policy of torture for example we don't have such a policy to crack down or to torture people, you have mistakes committed by some people or we heard we have some allegations about mistakes, that is why we have a special committee to investigate what happened and then we can tell according to the evidences we have mistakes or not. But as a policy, no.
Walters: Have there been mistakes made in this crackdown, yes?
Assad: Yes, for one reason because we don't, when you don't prepare yourself for new situation you are going to make mistakes.
Walters: OK, have the people who made the mistakes been found accountable, have they been punished?
Assad: Some of them yes, according to the evidences, but you cannot puni--, punish anyone according to rumors or allegations so this is judicial committee independent judicial committee, it's, it's, uh, job to detain people if they are guilty and to send them to the court for prosecution.
Walters: So some people have been found accountable?
Assad: Yes, according to my knowledge from the very beginning.
Walters: Last week an independent United Nations Commission who interviewed more than two hundred and twenty five people issued a report what it said was that your government committed crimes against humanity and they went on torture, rape and other forms of sexual violence against protesters including against children, what do you say to them, I mean what I am saying again and again is that protesters were, were beaten, things happened to them, um, do you acknowledge that, do you acknowledge what the U.N. said?
Assad: Very simply I would say send us the documents and the concrete evidences that you have and we will see if that is true or not, you have not offered allegations now.
Walters: Did the U.N. not send you these documents?
Assad: Nothing at all.
Walters: You mean the first you're hear--
Assad: They didn't say. They don't have even the names, who are the rape people or who are the tortured people who are they, we don't have any names, they didn't.
Walters: But they've issued--
Assad: Sorry.
Walters: Mr. President they have issued this report.
Assad: Yeah.
Walters: They have accused you and your regime...
Assad: According to what?
Walters: Well according to what they said is 225 people, witnesses, uh, men, women, children, whom they interviewed and identified and that's when they called it crimes against humanity.
Assad: They should send us the documents, as long as we don't see the documents and the evidences we cannot say yes that's normal, we cannot say just because the United Nations who said that the United Nations is a credible institution first of all.
Walters: Who says if the United N--
Assad: Who said? We, we, we know that you have the double standard in the world in the United States policy in the United Nations that is controlled by the United States and this so it has no credibility so it's about evidences and documents, whenever they have we can discuss it just to discuss the report that we don't see in reality related to it. It is just a waste of time.
Walters: You do not think the United Nations is a credible organization?
Assad: No, for one reason, they haven't implemented, they never implemented any of the resolutions that related to the Arab world for example the Palestinians to the Syrian land why don't they, if they talk about human rights what about the Palestinians suffering in the occupied territory, what about my land is my people that live their land because it's occupied by Israel, of course not.
Assad: For every citizen it is not for me as president I am telling you about the perception in the whole region.
Walters: You do, you do not think the United Nations is credible?
Assad: No.
Assad: Never it's not something before my generation it's something we inherited as a concept as a belief.
Walters: You have an ambassador to the United Nations.
Assad: Yeah, it's a game we play. It doesn't mean you believe in it.
Walters: I see. Even some of your armed forces are not remaining loyal. Some of them have defected and some of them are fighting now against you, what do you say to that?
Assad: What do you mean by defected?
Walters: Well they are-- some of your armed forces have left the military.
Assad: But every year, in the normal situation you have thousands of soldiers that fled from the army. You have it normal when you have this situation you have a little bit more you have higher percentage and then you have some few officers that leave the army to be against you and this cannot say if you talk about deflection in the army different from having few people deflecting so we cannot generalize.
Walters: You don't think that they are a great many, you think it's just a few.
Assad: No, otherwise we have different situation. You are in Syria now you see most of the things are stable if you have defection in the army you cannot have stable country or stable major cities like Damascus, Aleppo and the majority of Syria is stable.
Walters: You describe your country now as a stable country?
Assad: In most of the areas, yes. We have trouble we have turbulence but not, not to the extent that you have a divided army. If you have divided army you are going to have real war. You don't have war, you have-- instability is different from war.
Walters: You do not feel now that you are at the brink of a civil war?
Assad: No. No, not because of our policy because of the history of this society.
Assad: We don't think that we are on the brink of civil war because the people are aware about the need to live together that's why.
Walters: I want to make this clear, you say that the country in general is stable, certainly we see here in Damascus since we've been here it's business as usual but there are areas of this country an hour, an hour and a half away in which there is still fighting, in which there is still protest--
Assad: That's true.
Walters: Do you see that as something important, people fighting for their freedom or do you see it as a little something here and a little something there?
Assad: No it's, you have different components. Not everybody is fighting for the freedom, you have people who want freedom and that's why we have reform because we recognize those people and most of the people that they need freedom. Not everybody in the street was fighting for freedom. You have different components, you have extremists, religious extremists, you have outlaws people who have been convicted in the courts and they have been escaping for, for years now.
Assad: Drugs smugglers and you have like-minded people of Al Qaeda and those so it's different components. You have money coming from outside just for the media, uh, propaganda they give money to people they demonstrate for 15 minutes or for half an hour and in the media you see demonstration. You have everything, you have real demonstrations, you have peaceful demonstrations you have militants, you have terrorists, you have everything in the same place sometimes.
Walters: So here you have what seems to be much of the world condemning you so what's the biggest misconception why is there this misconception in the USA, the country is stable, we have some factions what is the misconception?
Assad: First of all who is most of the world, most of the West do you mean?
Walters: Not just the West-- Turkey, well Turkey, Jordan.
Assad: Turkey is not most of the world.
Walters: The members, that is not the West, the members of the Arab League, they are saying to you they are imposing sanctions, some of them are telling you to step down these are your neighbors?
Assad: There is an agenda for those countries. It's not, it's political gain it's not because they don't care about the killing, they don't care about democracy most of these countries they have agenda not going to talk about it now, I am not going to talk about their agenda because we have information but when we have evidence we will announce it. But this is not because they care about the Syrian people.
Walters: Right.
Assad: If we talk about Turkey and the Arab League.
Walters: Yeah.
Assad: But going back to the condemnation no we still have good relation with most of the world and not vice versa, even with the neighboring countries we still have normal relation.
Walters: With who?
Assad: With our neighbors.
Walters: Not Jordan.
Assad: With Lebanon, we have trade, we have normal--
Walters: Not-- well Lebanon...
Assad: With Iraq.
Walters: But what is the agenda, for example, of Turkey or Jordan or the Arab League, why?
Assad: I'd rather ask them. I wouldn't answer on their behalf.
Walters: OK.
Assad: They will tell you they have an agenda.
Walters: Do they want to destroy you?
Assad: You should ask them, I cannot talk about their will I don't know about their will to be frank.
Walters: One of the things that the Arab League has asked for consistently is to have monitors, to have objective people come and visit these areas where there is discontent. Will you allow monitors?
Walters: Will you now allow monitors to come into this country?
Assad: Of course.
Walters: Of course?
Assad: We want that but in line with our sovereignty.
Walters: What does that mean?
Assad: What does it mean to everything in cooperation with the Syrian government you have a state here?
Walters: Yeah but if--
Assad: They cannot just come and do whatever they want.
Walters: But if you had monitors they have to be free to look around they can't be.
Assad: Of course they are free.
Walters: They can't, but you are saying they have to be free with your people accompanying them.
Assad: NO.
Walters: They're not independent.
Assad: They ask for protection so they need our people, they are asking for protection how can they go to conflicts and being killed if they want this is their responsibility.
Walters: I am going to ask this again because I want it very clear this is important. Will you allow monitors outside monitors to come into your country and look around to go to these other cities, to Homs for example will you allow them to come, yes or no.
Assad: Yes as a principle, of course we would say yes.
Walters: Under what circumstances?
Assad: To be in line with our sovereignty to do everything in cooperation with the Syrian government, they cannot say that we're going to send, send say, for example, 15,000. It's two sides. It's contract you don't make contract from one side it's a technical issue you have technicalities I don't know everything about these technicalities.
Assad: How to move, how to prepare, how to protect them, what their job, what's our job>? We are party, you cannot have protocol just to explain to you very clearly you cannot accept protocol that is made there and we don't have anything to discuss, very simply.
Walters: Are you now negotiating with the Arab League?
Assad: Of course that is what we are doing. Yeah, yeah.
Walters: You are?
Assad: Of course we are still negotiating, yes.
Walters: So you think that monitors will be allowed to come soon?
Assad: Of course, as I said we ask this before.
Walters: You asked for monitors?
Assad: Yeah before they have this--
Walters: Can they travel wherever they want?
Assad: Of course. But according to certain rules, how to discuss this rules, they are going to, when you make contract you discuss it. At the very beginning they didn't want to discuss it with us. We said no if we don't discuss it we cannot sign it, it will be discussed in details.
Walters: Are you now discussing with the Arab League allowing monitors to come?
Assad: Yeah, yeah.
Walters: Can outside foreign reporters come, they have not been allowed?
Assad: No, they were allowed and you are here.
Walters: I am here and I have a correspondent here, but in--
Assad: But you have been here for two days now did anyone tell you where to go or where not to go nobody you are free to go wherever you want.
Walters: I am appreciative that I have been allowed here and that you've granted an interview, can other foreign correspondents, American and others come into this country now?
Assad: Yeah, exactly.
Walters: We have not heard this, you will say yes?
Assad: You have to hear; to hear the truth, you have to look for the truth, the truth--
Walters: Well I'm, I'm asking you now.
Assad: But that doesn't mean they can come without a visa. We are a country where they have to take visa. We give visa to people, maybe we don't give visa to-- we are like any other country against our sovereignty.
Walters: OK, but in--
Assad: That doesn't mean anyone can come any time and do whatever they do.
Walters: I grant you but as soon as you say visa it means this one can't come, that, in general now can foreign correspondents come to this country.
Assad: Of course. Yes, and we have been receiving the delegations from Europe, from the United States, from the rest of the world.
Walters: No sir, you have not been receiving delegations.
Assad: I met with them, I met with them.
Walters: Foreign correspondents?
Assad: Of course, of course foreign, they can give you the article they made interviews with me.
Walters: But now?
Assad: I met with two British recently, one a French we meet we had and others.
Walters: Let me ask you once more time so we are clear, in general, can foreign correspondents, if they are accredited, come to this country?
Assad: Of course they can come.
Walters: They can?
Assad: Yeah of course.
Walters: You said that if there is any outside attempt to bring you down it would mean an earthquake, what do you mean by that?
Assad: Syria is the fault line in the Middle East. You know, the Middle East is generally it's very diverse in ethnicities, in sects, in religions, but Syria the most diverse and this is the fault line where all these diversity meet so it's like the fault line of the Earth of the, of the Earth. When you play with it, you will have earthquake that is going to effect the whole region. So playing don't mean to overthrow me or to deal with me it's not about me it's about the, the, the fabric of the society in this region that is what I meant.
Walters: You know your father led this country for 30 years until his death. You have now led the country for more than a decade.
Assad: Yes.
Walters: If the Arab Spring means anything it seems to be that the era of one-family rule is over.
Assad: OK, no I never supported being a dynasty, is that correct?
Walters: That's correct.
Assad: Yeah of being a dynasty.
Walters: You are not raising your son to succeed you?
Assad: No, no and my father never spoke with me in politics, you don't believe this. We never and he never tried to prepare me. He always wanted me to be a president against what you hear in the media that he asked me to come from London. He wanted me to go back to London to continue and I refused.
Walters: But your older brother was supposed to be, take your father's place when he was killed.
Assad: No, he had no posit--
Walter: Your father asked you to come back?
Assad: My brother had no position when my father was there and I had no position. I wasn't, I was nothing in the party, I was only, I was in the military since I was a doctor, nothing else.
Walters: But your father did not expect his sons to take his place?
Assad: Never, he never spoke about this.
Walters: Really?
Assad: Yeah.
Walters: Then, then with all due respect you're a doctor you're an ophthalmologist how did you become the leader of this country?
Assad: I was a military doctor and according to our laws that military law you can move from how to say sector to sector within the army.
Walters: OK.
Assad: So I left the, I was military doctor. Even when I was in London I was a military doctor. They only sent me to London not the Ministry of Higher Education, for example, or anything or the university or university. And so I was in the army since 1985 since I was made a student at the school, few people knew that. I wasn't civil doctor. So anyway when I became, when I became president, I became president through the party after President Assad died. Not, not-- When he was alive I was not there I didn't have any position.
Walters: But when your father died the son became the leader.
Assad: Yes.
Walters: So there were not free elections to make you the leader.
Assad: No anyway we don't have free election we have referendum this is our constitution.
Walters: So your constitution said we want the son?
Assad: No not the constitution, the party.
Walters: The party said?
Assad: And the people demonstrating and they surrounded the parliament they said we need a president so many people who didn't want the president in the government they accepted this new president and I nominated myself, before that I never thought about it.
Walters: So when you have elections which you say is in 2014, you will have opposition parties?
Assad: Yeah.
Walters: Yes.
Assad: We have them already now.
Walters: OK and if they want somebody else and not you, you say OK and you step down?
Assad: The people will say OK, the people say OK. Of course you have to be, to leave that is self-evident you don't have to discuss it. To stay to be president while the people don't want you how can you, how can you succeed.
Walters: You are not training your eldest son who is now, 8?
Assad: He's 8. No.
Walters: To take your place?
Assad: No I was never trained to be in this place.
Walters: Do you sometimes wish that you were still an ophthalmologist?
Assad: No, because I was in the public sector anyway as son of president, I couldn't have my own clinic and get money from the people, so I was in public sector now in wider public sector in the same place. So you wish you still have kind of let's say emotion and feeling toward that job and I am still in touch with the new innovations in that field. But you cannot look back to see yourself as a doctor now we have more important position.
Walters: You have said often that you don't see yourself doing this job for life. You've said you're doing it for your country. With all the turmoil in your country is it perhaps better for Syria that you no longer remain its leader?
Assad: I don't have problem. For me Syria as a project, project of success, if you don't succeed you don't have to stay in that position and that success again depends on the public support without public support you cannot, whether you are elected or not. It's not about the election, now it's about public support. This is the most important thing. So when I feel that the public support declined, I won't be here even if they say, if they ask or not I shouldn't be here if there is no public support.
Walters: OK.
Assad: That's conclusive.
Walters: So you are still having protests and now your military is involved and there are armed people on the other side there is turmoil in your country but you are saying that in general you have the support of your people?
Assad: Yeah but let's wait for the elections to be, to be clear.
Walters: That's too, no but that's, that's, this is 2011 we are talking this can't go on for two years.
Assad: No, no, no I am talking now about these next elections now we are going to have the parliamentary elections.
Walters: And...
Assad: I belong to the Bath Party we will see what the position of our party is because this is an indication it's important it's not only the person you are part of another party of another identity.
Walters: Yeah but your party is not going to want to give up power?
Assad: Yeah no to give up why to give up if the party has the right like the other party to compete and win the elections. But to see through the election do we still have support as a party, if yes well this is an option and if not they have another option.
Walters: And your parliamentary elections which are when in two months?
Assad: In three, two to three months.
Walters: And they will be open enough so that people can vote against it?
Assad: Of course. Anyone.
Walters: And that would be the end of the Bath Party and you as terms of leadership?
Assad: If the people said no to the Bath Party, if they lost you, can say this is the end.
Walters: Is there an opposition that they can go to?
Assad: We have opposition but it takes time to have strong opposition you have so many figures now if they unified themselves and go to the election you can have one strong election that depends on the tactic that they are going to adopt I cannot tell you they are going to be strong or not I don't know. And I don't know about how much among the people they have, how much support they have among the people I cannot tell you.
Assad: As I said, it's about personal mistakes. Not about policy. There was no policy of cracking down.
Walters: Who made them?
Assad: There was policy of facing the terrorists when you have militants; you have to face the militants. You don't allow in the United States to have militants, and remember what happened in Los Angeles in the '90s, when you send the army to the city, to face the terrorists. That the same.
Walters: Our protest, we don't kill people. And we have-- we have press seeing it all.
Assad: Yeah, but nobody knows yet who killed the people. Because-- when the same question who killed the 1,100 soldiers. If you don't know, if you don't know who killed those, you can't tell who killed the civilians.
Walters: The crackdown in the beginning, the brutality. Do you think it went too far?
Assad: I cannot tell you this, without the evidence. You ask me to tell you according to rumor, or to reports. It's not enough for me, as president. For me, when there is policy, I could say yes, or no, when there is individuals with concrete evidence, who committed mistake, I will say yes or no.
Walters: Did you give the order? For the crackdown?
Assad: No, we gave the order to implement the constitution, and the law. That's the order and that's the job of the president.
Walters: You gave-- but who gave the order to react against the protests?
Assad: You don't need order, because this is their job.
Walters: Well somebody had to say--
Assad: No, no, no...
Assad Denies 'Crimes Against Humanity' Watch Video
Bloody Clashes Continue in Syria Watch Video
Walters: Bashar al-Assad 'Not Like Gadhafi' Watch Video
Walters: You know, use guns, somebody had to say their arrests.
Assad: No, no. There was even written not to use guns, that's why I said it wasn't policy. Their job is to prevent people like any other country, you have the own means. Whenever they used machine guns against civilians, this is breaching of the law.
Walters: It happened.
Assad: In some cases yes, and they were caught, and they were detained I mean.
Walters: People went from houses to houses. Children were arrested. I saw those pictures.
Assad: When, but you, to be frank with you, Barbara, I, you don't live here-- how did you know all this-- this-- you have to be here to see. We don't see this. So it cannot depend on what you hear in the United States. You have to--
Walters: But I saw reporters who brought back pictures.
Assad: Yeah but how did you verify those pictures? Yeah so, that's why we are talking about false allegations and distortion of reality in this region, and most of the things that happened. In Syria, not reflected in the media, I'm being frank with you. So I cannot answer about fake pretenses, I can only talk about reality. Yeah.
Walters: Some people say that it's not the protests that may bring you down, but the economic sanctions, uh, now. Not just the West, but your, as we said, your former allies having imposed economic sanctions on your country.
Walters: Shell Oil for example, which is the largest oil production in Syria, has stopped production. How much are the economic sanctions are going to hurt Syria?
Assad: How much, it's difficult to tell. But it-- it will hurt from us, one aspect, but from another aspect, it will have positive effects because of course this is surprising. But actually, we were under sanctions, strong sanction, in the second half of the '80s, and we built our industry in that period of time. So you can use sanctions for example the-- agreement between Syria and Turkey, wasn't fair.
Assad: It was against our interest. Many industrialists in Syria, many business men, most of the economic sector were against it, and they asked our government many times, to stop working with this treaty. They sent to see-- I think two folds, export, something like this, I don't have the numbers now, so, you have-- if you-- if you are smart enough, if you are creative enough. You know, every cloud has silver lining, and we have a lot of political clout in this region. So we have lot of silver lining, but you have to see the silver lining to know how to-- to have the positive. So it will affect you badly, from one side, but you can decrease the harm. I wouldn't say you can win now, let's not exaggerate, but you can decrease this harm and get some benefits from it.
Walters: How can you get benefits from economic sanctions?
Assad: First of all we are not oil producing country, we are not like Iraq. Iraq was depend-- oil dependent. We are not oil dependent, we produce. We can leave the-- we export the food. We eat our food.
Walters: So you were saying that it would take more maybe creativity, more industry.
Assad: Exactly.
Walters: In this whole country to become independent.
Assad: Exactly. And we can. We don't have problems if-- and this could be the strong point of Syria. That's why I said they cannot isolate Syria.
Walters: They cannot isolate you?
Assad: No.
Walters: I have seen the markets filled with food so I, you are able to-- to keep feeding your people.
Assad: Of course, no, we don't have trouble. We can-- we can eat two years without, with full embargo. We export wheat to many countries.
Walters: Your wife was raised and went to school in England. It has been said that she is a force for moderation. I'd like to know, when you and she discuss things, um, what has she said about what's happening in your country?
Assad: We are used to live as one family in Syria, because Syria is small country. Whenever you have one crime, the whole country will hear about it. It's very safe country. Of course it's still the same pain, to feel-- we feel sorry about what's happening, but at the end-- the-- the, the discussion-- is always and I think everywhere in Syria is part-- what can we do to have to prevent more blood shedding in Syria.
Walters: Your wife has her own projects in the country.
Assad: Yes. Development project. Charity of course.
Walters: But do you discuss the situation?
Assad: Of course yes. That's what I said, part of the solution is how to make life better in different aspects. Development is part of the solution. It's not only about demonstrations and militants and terrorists and things like that.
Walters: Is your wife a source of support for you?
Assad: Of course, all my family.
Walters: Let me ask about the children. Because you have three young children, 9, 8 and 6.
Assad: Yes.
Walters: What have you told them about what's happening in this country?
Assad: The reality.
Walters: Which is what?
Assad: What-- what I told you.
Walters: What do you say to them?
Assad: I told them all.
Walters: Especially the older boy?
Assad: I told them about terrorists, I told them about people-- innocent people being killed. About investigation we have to know who-- who helped looked for the reason. Everything.
Walters: You've told them about innocent people getting killed?
Assad: Of course.
Walters: Some of whom are children.
Assad: Uh we didn't talk about whether-- innocent is innocent. Whether it's children or-- is innocent.
Walters: Do they see pictures? Do they have Facebook?
Assad: Of course.
Walters: Or YouTube?
Assad: Of course. Of course.
Walters: Do they ask questions?
Assad: They can watch the Internet every day. Of course. They ask a lot.
Walters: Pay attention?
Assad: They are very curious to know.
Walters: What do they say?
Assad: About the question-- about what's happening? Why-- why do you have militants, why do you have evil people? Why do the-- why do those people want to kill?
Walters: I want to hear the answers, what do you say?
Assad: I told them a lot of things. Sometimes people commit mistakes, sometimes you have bad people. In every society you have bad people. So they kill more to undermine the government, that's what you explain to the children.
Walters: How does this all end? How do you restore peace?
Assad: By reform and facing the terrorists.
Walters: Is the reform, too little too late?
Assad: No, because anyway, the reform will not have direct impact on the terrorists, because most of the terrorists, and I would say, all the terrorists, they don't have political agenda. They don't care about reforming. The reform is for the majority in the middle that I told you about and the people who support you, and the people who are against you. But terrorists don't care about this.
Walters: Will you allow freedom of expression, freedom of press?
Assad: We already have it.
Walters: You don't have freedom of press, they can't criticize you.
Assad: We have in every-- every society, you have a, like-- I wouldn't call taboo? You have a limit.
Walters: Taboo? Not in mine. We have freedom of press.
Walters: How do you hope that you will be remembered?
Assad: By doing the best I can, can for, for this country. Whether you agree, or whether the people agree or don't, don't agree, but at-- at the end, I was not a puppet. I care a lot about being independent president for independent Syria. And do my best, according to my convictions. That's the most important thing. At the end, even if they disagree with you, they will respect you.
Walters: What do you think is the biggest misconception that my country has of what's happening here, if indeed there is a misconception?
Assad: Misconception about a lot of things. I cannot tell you, because it's so many facts, distorted facts, you have them in the media. But the most important thing, as accumulation of these facts, you don't have vision. The problem with the West in general, especially the United States, They don't have vision about-- at least my region, I wouldn't talk about the rest of the world -- failing in Iraq, failing in Afghanistan, failing in fighting terrorism.
Assad: The situation is getting worse and worse in the rest of the world. The question you ask as American, what did you get? Well, where did you win? Well, you spent trillions, where you could spend few hundred of millions, and get the terrorists out. So that will-- you-- it harms your interest, but at the same time, it harms others', interest. So this is the misconception I think.
Walters: Dealing with the protest-- with the protesters. What is the misconception, if there is any?
Assad: About this situation?
Walters: About the protests, that's what is being focused on now.
Assad: OK, we don't kill our people, nobody kill. No government in the world kill its people, unless it's led by crazy person. For me, as president, I became president because of the public support. It's impossible for anyone, in this state, to give order to kill people.
Assad: We have militants, those militants killing-- soldiers and killing civilians. This morning, we lost nine civilians, killed in Homs, in the middle of Syria, and they are supporters. Most of the victims are support government supporters. That's something they don't know, they think every civilian is demonstrator, and every civilian is against the government, which is not true.
Walters: But the protesters in the beginning, who were killed...
Assad: Yeah.
Walters: What about them?
Assad: What do you mean?
Walters: OK. Our view is there are peaceful protesters, they were killed, some were tortured. It was a brutal reaction. Are we wrong in thinking that?
Assad: Every single-- every brute reaction, was by individual. Not by institution. That's what you have to know.
Assad: We don't have institution that kill people, or give order to-- for brute reaction. This is individual-- and that's what I call-- what I describe as-- individual mistakes.
Walters: OK. Done by the military, or done by whom?
Assad: We don't know everything. In some cases done by the police. In some cases done by civilians.
Walters: But not by your command?
Assad: No, no, no. We don't have-- nobody-- no one's command. There was no command, to kill or to be brutal.
Walters: So that was individual people?
Assad: Of course.
Walters: Are you remorseful?
(side chat)
Assad: What do you mean remorseful? You mean being sad or-- or regret?
Walters: Regret.
Assad: No, a regret-- you regret when you do-- when you do mistakes, when you commit a mistake. I always try to protect my people. How can I feel remorseful if I try to protect the Syrian people?
Walters: Yeah, do you feel guilty? Guilty. Guilt.
Assad: Because if you mean guilty, it means you made the mistake. That's why I have be precise. So if you can change the term just for me to--
(side chat)
Walters: And then I'm done. Do you feel guilty?
Assad: I did my best to protect the people, so I cannot feel guilty, when you do your best. You feel sorry for the lives that has been lost, but you don't feel guilty -- when you don't kill people.
Walters: Thank you, Mr. President.
Assad: Thank you.
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ABC "processed" the Presidential interview, says Syrian FM spokesman
الناطق باسم الخارجية: قناة أي بي سي الأمريكية قامت بتشويه مضمون المقابلة التي أجرتها مع الرئيس الأسد من خلال عمليات مونتاج
Foreign Ministry Spokesman: ABC Channel Deliberately Distorted the Meaning of the Interview with President al-Assad through Editing
Dec 10, 2011
Foreign MInistry spokesman of Syria explains how each part of the presidential interview is "processed" by the ABC (in Arabic). Total 33:17.
The same video of another URL.
DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ministry Spokesman Dr. Jihad Makdessi (Maqdisi) affirmed on Friday that the US channel ABC distorted the meaning of their interview conducted by Barbara Walters with President Bashar al-Assad through editing.
In a press conference, Makdessi said that the channel omitted parts of the interview to manufacture similarities between what the channel broadcast and the statements of the US State Department spokesman Mark Toner before the interview which the Syrian Foreign Ministry corrected earlier.
"We believed that the channel would broadcast the interview in an optimal manner reflecting what President al-Assad said. However, the distortion that took place wasn't surprising… it's every channel's right to perform editing but in a manner that doesn't distort content, especially when it comes to a president of a country and a country such as Syria," he said, noting that they say that Syria doesn't allow the media in, and when Syria does they resort to distortion, stressing that Syria only filters out non-objective material and doesn't band media.
Makdessi said that Toner sought to undermine the interview before it was broadcast by saying that President al-Assad doesn't assume responsibility to strike at the Syrians' integrity and the Syrian army, noting that after the failure to attack Syria through economy, politics, diplomacy and sectarianism, they sought to target the Syrian army by depicting it as operating alone.
Makdessi made a comparison between the interview with President al-Assad and the fragmented bits broadcast by the channel after editing them and distorting their meaning by manipulating three subjects: the Syrian army, distance from reality and irrationality, and the UN.
He pointed that Walters broached the first issue around six or five times, and used loaded questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. For example, she asked "did your armed forces treat protestors with exaggerated brutality" and President al-Assad corrected her by saying that they are not "his" forces but rather armed forces that belong to the government and he doesn't own them.
She retorted by saying that he has to issue orders, and President al-Assad by saying that this is incorrect and that according to constitution and law, this institution is tasked with protecting the people and confronting any chaos or terrorists.
In response to a question on whether some retaliations or killings were carried out without his permission, President al-Assad said that there's a difference between having a policy that stipulates crackdown and mistakes carried out by officials, noting that having such a policy would be like what happened in Guantanamo when a torture policy is used.
President al-Assad said that there was no policy to crack down on or torture people, but rather mistakes were committed – or allegedly committed – by individuals, which is why a committee was formed to investigate what happened.
On punishing people who made mistakes, he said that they would be punished if there is evidenced, but not if there's just rumors and allegations, saying that there's an independent judicial committee tasked with detaining those who are guilty and presenting them to trial.
President al-Assad stressed that there was no crackdown policy, but rather a policy for confronting terrorists, pointing out that the United States doesn't allow gunmen to run free, recalling what happened in Los Angeles in the 1990's when the army was sent to the city to deal with gunmen.
He also asked who killed 1,100 soldiers, saying that those who can't find out who killed the soldiers can't possible know who killed civilians.
In response to a question on whether he believed that the crackdown was overused in the beginning, President al-Assad said that he couldn't say that without evidence and that she was asking him to respond according to rumors and reports, both of which aren't sufficient to him as President, stressing that when people make mistakes and there's tangible evidence of that, then he can say yes or no.
On whether he gave an order to crack down, President al-Assad denied that and said that orders were given to apply constitution and law, and on the use of rifles and arrests, he said that the use of rifles was forbidden and that the forces' policy was prevention using methods such as plastic batons, stressing that any use of automatic firearms was a violation of law and when it happened, the ones responsible were arrested.
In response to a question on whether he sees that there are people fighting for freedom or rather separate events, President al-Assad stressed that there are diverse components and that not all people are fighting for freedom, saying that there are those who want freedom which is why reforms were commenced, saying that he acknowledges the existence of such people.
He noted that most of those who want freedom didn't go out in protests and that no all the people in the streets are protesting from freedom, as there are extremists, outlaws, escaped convicts, drug dealers and people with al-Qaeda mentality.
President al-Assad added that funds are brought from abroad to wage a media and propaganda war, with people being paid off to protest for 15 or 30 minutes so that the media sees protests, adding that there are actual protests and peaceful demonstrations in addition to extremists and terrorists, sometimes in the same place.
On people who were killed and tortured, he pointed out that there have been terrorists since the beginning who killed people, murdering more than 1,100 soldiers and policemen, asking if these were killed by peaceful protests.
In response to a query on whether any peaceful protestors were tortured or killed, President al-Assad said that any barbaric reaction came from individuals and not institutions, stressing that no institution in Syria gave order to respond with brutality, adding that when there's chaos in an area then anyone can make mistakes or even committed a crime.
On what he considers the biggest misconception in the United States about the events in Syria, President al-Assad said that there are many misconceptions and much distortion of facts in the media, stressing that accumulation of distorted facts prevents the formation of a vision, which he said was a general problem for the west in general in regards to the Middle East.
He went on to say that the misconceptions about the Syrian government killing its own people is wrong, and that no government would do so unless it's run by a madman, adding that he became a president through popular support, and that no-one in Syria could possibly give orders to kill.
President al-Assad noted that there are gunmen who kill soldiers and civilians, and that 9 civilians were killed in Homs on the day the interview was recorded, most of them pro-government, while other mistakenly assume that all the dead people are protestors and that every civilian is against the government.
On the UN report that was issued recently, accusing the Syrian government of committing crimes against humanity, President al-Assad responded by calling for sending the "tangible evidence and documents" they possess to verify them, noting that the UN never sent them anything, and that they don't even have the names of people who were raped and tortured.
Regarding the UN relying on the testimonies of 225 people they claim to have interviewed in their accusations, President al-Assad said that they should send the documents, otherwise nothing can be said and something can't be acknowledged just because the UN said it.
President al-Assad said that the UN isn't a credible establishment as it has double standards because of the United States' control over it, adding that the UN didn't carry out any resolution relevant to the Arab world, whether it relates to the Palestinian people or Syrian lands.
He also wondered that if the UN is concerned about human rights, then why don't they consider the suffering of the Palestinians in the occupied lands and the Syrians who left their land which Israel occupied, noting that the UN has no credibility not just in his eyes, but also in the eyes of every citizen and the whole region, adding that the UN has had no credibility since before his generation.
On the presence of a Syrian ambassador in the UN, the President said "this is a game one plays, but this doesn't believe that one believes in it."
In his press conference, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Makdessi said that the way the questions were asked was meant to demonize Syria and depict what President al-Assad was saying in a way that contradicts reality, voicing regret over this deliberate mistake.
He said that the message directed to the UN that is had success stories in some areas and failure stories in others, with most of the failure taking place in the Middle East.
Makdessi stressed that President al-Assad didn't avoid responsibility and affirmed that he's constitutionally responsible for the country, but mistakes happen and they will be accounted to, all of which was ignored by ABC and other channels that began to interpret the interview however they wanted.
He noted that the issue of protests and their nature was broached repeatedly in order to find a suitable statement to take out of context, adding that ABC omitted the reference to al-Qaeda because the word has weight to the American citizens.
Makdessi pointed out that the channel also used images of opposition protests in the interview's background without bothering to show other images to balance them out, and that they also neglected what President al-Assad said about the civilians who were murdered and how they died.
He stressed that the irrational and mad ones are those who drag their armies to futile wars like in Afghanistan and Iraq where more than 6,000 US soldiers died along with many Iraqis, in addition to the Iraqis who displaced.
"Irrationality is spending trillions of US dollars form American taxpayers during an intense economic crisis on an ally in the Middle East who refused a request to suspend settlement activities for only six days," he said.
On the statements of Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari regarding mediation with Syria, Makdessi said that heard of this statement through the media and that the Ministry didn't receive anything, thanking him for the good intentions in principle.
On President al-Assad stance regarding the violence and Syria's stance towards the UN, Makdessi said that President al-Assad and the Syrian government feel sorrow over the continuing violence, stressing that the President must find solutions to the country's problems that suit Syria itself, not ones that suit neighboring, regional and international forces.
He stressed that President al-Assad promised that there will be accountability and that there are strict instructions to not use live ammo, and that Syria believes that the solution can only be achieved by Syria, adding that the Arabs should help Syria by stopping instigation, the flow of weapons and Thuraya phones, pressure and sanctions, because all of that doesn't help.
Makdessi said that Syria wants others to back its assessment of the situation rather than supporting armed conflicts, affirming readiness to cooperate and voicing faith in finding a dignified way out of this crisis for all sides, adding that Syria wants those abroad to be convinced to believe in dialogue and that there are no taboos.
On Syria dealing with others with good intentions and how to guarantee their own good intentions, Makdessi said that there's no guarantee except actions on the ground, adding that the Arab League Secretary General's response arrived and is being studied.
He stressed that the bet is on the Syrian people and an internal Syria solution, along with betting on external forces to help with good intentions, calming and directing others towards rationality of demands and working with Syria.
Foreign Ministry Spokesman: ABC Channel Deliberately Distorted the Meaning of the Interview with President al-Assad through Editing
Dec 10, 2011
Foreign MInistry spokesman of Syria explains how each part of the presidential interview is "processed" by the ABC (in Arabic). Total 33:17.
The same video of another URL.
DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ministry Spokesman Dr. Jihad Makdessi (Maqdisi) affirmed on Friday that the US channel ABC distorted the meaning of their interview conducted by Barbara Walters with President Bashar al-Assad through editing.
In a press conference, Makdessi said that the channel omitted parts of the interview to manufacture similarities between what the channel broadcast and the statements of the US State Department spokesman Mark Toner before the interview which the Syrian Foreign Ministry corrected earlier.
"We believed that the channel would broadcast the interview in an optimal manner reflecting what President al-Assad said. However, the distortion that took place wasn't surprising… it's every channel's right to perform editing but in a manner that doesn't distort content, especially when it comes to a president of a country and a country such as Syria," he said, noting that they say that Syria doesn't allow the media in, and when Syria does they resort to distortion, stressing that Syria only filters out non-objective material and doesn't band media.
Makdessi said that Toner sought to undermine the interview before it was broadcast by saying that President al-Assad doesn't assume responsibility to strike at the Syrians' integrity and the Syrian army, noting that after the failure to attack Syria through economy, politics, diplomacy and sectarianism, they sought to target the Syrian army by depicting it as operating alone.
Makdessi made a comparison between the interview with President al-Assad and the fragmented bits broadcast by the channel after editing them and distorting their meaning by manipulating three subjects: the Syrian army, distance from reality and irrationality, and the UN.
He pointed that Walters broached the first issue around six or five times, and used loaded questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. For example, she asked "did your armed forces treat protestors with exaggerated brutality" and President al-Assad corrected her by saying that they are not "his" forces but rather armed forces that belong to the government and he doesn't own them.
She retorted by saying that he has to issue orders, and President al-Assad by saying that this is incorrect and that according to constitution and law, this institution is tasked with protecting the people and confronting any chaos or terrorists.
In response to a question on whether some retaliations or killings were carried out without his permission, President al-Assad said that there's a difference between having a policy that stipulates crackdown and mistakes carried out by officials, noting that having such a policy would be like what happened in Guantanamo when a torture policy is used.
President al-Assad said that there was no policy to crack down on or torture people, but rather mistakes were committed – or allegedly committed – by individuals, which is why a committee was formed to investigate what happened.
On punishing people who made mistakes, he said that they would be punished if there is evidenced, but not if there's just rumors and allegations, saying that there's an independent judicial committee tasked with detaining those who are guilty and presenting them to trial.
President al-Assad stressed that there was no crackdown policy, but rather a policy for confronting terrorists, pointing out that the United States doesn't allow gunmen to run free, recalling what happened in Los Angeles in the 1990's when the army was sent to the city to deal with gunmen.
He also asked who killed 1,100 soldiers, saying that those who can't find out who killed the soldiers can't possible know who killed civilians.
In response to a question on whether he believed that the crackdown was overused in the beginning, President al-Assad said that he couldn't say that without evidence and that she was asking him to respond according to rumors and reports, both of which aren't sufficient to him as President, stressing that when people make mistakes and there's tangible evidence of that, then he can say yes or no.
On whether he gave an order to crack down, President al-Assad denied that and said that orders were given to apply constitution and law, and on the use of rifles and arrests, he said that the use of rifles was forbidden and that the forces' policy was prevention using methods such as plastic batons, stressing that any use of automatic firearms was a violation of law and when it happened, the ones responsible were arrested.
In response to a question on whether he sees that there are people fighting for freedom or rather separate events, President al-Assad stressed that there are diverse components and that not all people are fighting for freedom, saying that there are those who want freedom which is why reforms were commenced, saying that he acknowledges the existence of such people.
He noted that most of those who want freedom didn't go out in protests and that no all the people in the streets are protesting from freedom, as there are extremists, outlaws, escaped convicts, drug dealers and people with al-Qaeda mentality.
President al-Assad added that funds are brought from abroad to wage a media and propaganda war, with people being paid off to protest for 15 or 30 minutes so that the media sees protests, adding that there are actual protests and peaceful demonstrations in addition to extremists and terrorists, sometimes in the same place.
On people who were killed and tortured, he pointed out that there have been terrorists since the beginning who killed people, murdering more than 1,100 soldiers and policemen, asking if these were killed by peaceful protests.
In response to a query on whether any peaceful protestors were tortured or killed, President al-Assad said that any barbaric reaction came from individuals and not institutions, stressing that no institution in Syria gave order to respond with brutality, adding that when there's chaos in an area then anyone can make mistakes or even committed a crime.
On what he considers the biggest misconception in the United States about the events in Syria, President al-Assad said that there are many misconceptions and much distortion of facts in the media, stressing that accumulation of distorted facts prevents the formation of a vision, which he said was a general problem for the west in general in regards to the Middle East.
He went on to say that the misconceptions about the Syrian government killing its own people is wrong, and that no government would do so unless it's run by a madman, adding that he became a president through popular support, and that no-one in Syria could possibly give orders to kill.
President al-Assad noted that there are gunmen who kill soldiers and civilians, and that 9 civilians were killed in Homs on the day the interview was recorded, most of them pro-government, while other mistakenly assume that all the dead people are protestors and that every civilian is against the government.
On the UN report that was issued recently, accusing the Syrian government of committing crimes against humanity, President al-Assad responded by calling for sending the "tangible evidence and documents" they possess to verify them, noting that the UN never sent them anything, and that they don't even have the names of people who were raped and tortured.
Regarding the UN relying on the testimonies of 225 people they claim to have interviewed in their accusations, President al-Assad said that they should send the documents, otherwise nothing can be said and something can't be acknowledged just because the UN said it.
President al-Assad said that the UN isn't a credible establishment as it has double standards because of the United States' control over it, adding that the UN didn't carry out any resolution relevant to the Arab world, whether it relates to the Palestinian people or Syrian lands.
He also wondered that if the UN is concerned about human rights, then why don't they consider the suffering of the Palestinians in the occupied lands and the Syrians who left their land which Israel occupied, noting that the UN has no credibility not just in his eyes, but also in the eyes of every citizen and the whole region, adding that the UN has had no credibility since before his generation.
On the presence of a Syrian ambassador in the UN, the President said "this is a game one plays, but this doesn't believe that one believes in it."
In his press conference, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Makdessi said that the way the questions were asked was meant to demonize Syria and depict what President al-Assad was saying in a way that contradicts reality, voicing regret over this deliberate mistake.
He said that the message directed to the UN that is had success stories in some areas and failure stories in others, with most of the failure taking place in the Middle East.
Makdessi stressed that President al-Assad didn't avoid responsibility and affirmed that he's constitutionally responsible for the country, but mistakes happen and they will be accounted to, all of which was ignored by ABC and other channels that began to interpret the interview however they wanted.
He noted that the issue of protests and their nature was broached repeatedly in order to find a suitable statement to take out of context, adding that ABC omitted the reference to al-Qaeda because the word has weight to the American citizens.
Makdessi pointed out that the channel also used images of opposition protests in the interview's background without bothering to show other images to balance them out, and that they also neglected what President al-Assad said about the civilians who were murdered and how they died.
He stressed that the irrational and mad ones are those who drag their armies to futile wars like in Afghanistan and Iraq where more than 6,000 US soldiers died along with many Iraqis, in addition to the Iraqis who displaced.
"Irrationality is spending trillions of US dollars form American taxpayers during an intense economic crisis on an ally in the Middle East who refused a request to suspend settlement activities for only six days," he said.
On the statements of Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari regarding mediation with Syria, Makdessi said that heard of this statement through the media and that the Ministry didn't receive anything, thanking him for the good intentions in principle.
On President al-Assad stance regarding the violence and Syria's stance towards the UN, Makdessi said that President al-Assad and the Syrian government feel sorrow over the continuing violence, stressing that the President must find solutions to the country's problems that suit Syria itself, not ones that suit neighboring, regional and international forces.
He stressed that President al-Assad promised that there will be accountability and that there are strict instructions to not use live ammo, and that Syria believes that the solution can only be achieved by Syria, adding that the Arabs should help Syria by stopping instigation, the flow of weapons and Thuraya phones, pressure and sanctions, because all of that doesn't help.
Makdessi said that Syria wants others to back its assessment of the situation rather than supporting armed conflicts, affirming readiness to cooperate and voicing faith in finding a dignified way out of this crisis for all sides, adding that Syria wants those abroad to be convinced to believe in dialogue and that there are no taboos.
On Syria dealing with others with good intentions and how to guarantee their own good intentions, Makdessi said that there's no guarantee except actions on the ground, adding that the Arab League Secretary General's response arrived and is being studied.
He stressed that the bet is on the Syrian people and an internal Syria solution, along with betting on external forces to help with good intentions, calming and directing others towards rationality of demands and working with Syria.
Nov 7 Pro-government
Chaldean Archbishop of Aleppo
أسقف سوري: البلاد تحتاج إلى إصلاحات وتعددية
Syrian bishop: the country needs to reform and pluralism
VATICAN CITY (6 December / December) and (AKI) Italian news
Bishop said that the Syrian President "Bashar al-Assad to allow a peaceful transfer of power there where people can decision thereon by a vote of a democratic and free will of the people are sovereign," commenting on the recent developments in the country.
In statements to the service of religious media of the Council of the Italian bishops said the Archbishop of the Chaldean in Aleppo, Bishop Antoine Odo, that "Syria with either al-Assad or others, to be able to continue its path", must be on "the people to choose without resorting to violence, as happened in Libya ", is" a legitimate aspirations "as confirmed
The Bishop Odo that the biggest fear for him, "lies in the outbreak of civil war", which "would lead Syria to conditions similar to what happened in Iraq," stressing that "our country does not need war, but to reform and human, and updating of the facilities, and pluralistic, and that the government is trying to do so, "and concluded by saying that he" cannot ignite sectarian clashes through the imposition of economic pressures, it is not this an act for the good of Syria and its people, "he said.
أسقف سوري: البلاد تحتاج إلى إصلاحات وتعددية
Syrian bishop: the country needs to reform and pluralism
VATICAN CITY (6 December / December) and (AKI) Italian news
Bishop said that the Syrian President "Bashar al-Assad to allow a peaceful transfer of power there where people can decision thereon by a vote of a democratic and free will of the people are sovereign," commenting on the recent developments in the country.
In statements to the service of religious media of the Council of the Italian bishops said the Archbishop of the Chaldean in Aleppo, Bishop Antoine Odo, that "Syria with either al-Assad or others, to be able to continue its path", must be on "the people to choose without resorting to violence, as happened in Libya ", is" a legitimate aspirations "as confirmed
The Bishop Odo that the biggest fear for him, "lies in the outbreak of civil war", which "would lead Syria to conditions similar to what happened in Iraq," stressing that "our country does not need war, but to reform and human, and updating of the facilities, and pluralistic, and that the government is trying to do so, "and concluded by saying that he" cannot ignite sectarian clashes through the imposition of economic pressures, it is not this an act for the good of Syria and its people, "he said.
Just blackmail "lifetime"?! (al-Baath Media commentary)
تماماً ابتزاز يا "طوال العمر"؟!
Just blackmail "lifetime"?!
al-Baath Media
its cache
Written by Nazim Eid
Monday, 05 December 2011 15:18
Does not appear on the horizon clear limits to the course of extortion Euro - U.S. and Turkish declared the "Arabs" of oil, and drums that roll body men stature papule and headband and "Shah Rukh", between the lobbies of the Arab League, and Mtarah wells supply what is necessary to Rhurch dollar above the heads of all enthusiasts dance and strip to the rhythm of "Symphony" and the Syrian resonate now being asked in all languages of the universe!.
Yes, we are familiar with View rituals fantasy, held by the remnants of ancient peoples recessive on the sidelines of this world, and therefore would not be reprehensible as it is entertaining, the profession of mourning, and took cognizance of, and praise when each place of an article, and each hour Mlaúktha, and probably most of us have heard and read about something as such in our Arab history. It whined ad nauseam on the calamity a rich or a prince, and the best performance of the role, within the tender enough for the evil of the question as long as it is alive, and God has given talent lies, hypocrisy and praise from vocal and collectors terminology tortured to speak, he is the predecessor and more, but what we must ask him urgently here is: any money spent that Prince is praised and mourned and long time?.
Every letter and every word dinar dollar, and every insult to Syria barrel to oil, and every tanker giant motionless against it! The Vgrt Hillary Clinton's mouth and bared its teeth, it means that there is a bill paid, and paid to the nearest "collection center" of the U.S. base in nearby bases spread widely in the Arab Amadmarena.
Sarkozy even threatened or fired Juppe Saarh unleashed against Syria, entered a payment on the account balance directly to the bank prepared to finance the campaign of "partners" in the next election.
We have pledged to "oil wells Arab" to pay to Turkey full economic losses resulting from the boycott of Syria, and announced the generosity to pay many times, those who heal Glélé strike burn everything and everybody in Syria, and the situation now is like an auction world looking for those who will be anchored by, it is where and any spring and pockets of "lost" tons of dollars that blinded "Trthadtha" the world and he lost his senses?.
In social norms as in the man-made laws known as the stone on the incompetent, and prevent them from acting in their possession, including a guarantee of the rights of the heirs, what if these heirs the entire people or peoples??.
We are in a scene in which mixed comedy and tragedy and chapters deserve follow-up and take a lesson when the fate Bschratha receive, on a people or nation. But if we, the Syrians forced to sit in the audience on the scourge of evil, and what can only be described as extortion and looting the UN will, he has been entrusted to the grace of princes and kings of the livelihoods of the Crown, would it be to the peoples of those that Atafrjoa too?.
We know that in the strength of the peoples of the oil princes, poor enough sufferings to ignite a revolution of the hungry fills the echo of the universe, and of strange to ask and investigate about the manifestations of poverty of sucked machines pumping oil from the clubs exchanged glasses elites of wealth, and threw them to the parties within the UAE and the kingdoms, and will make sure that displays the interface there, completely different from what is inside!.
Where are these powders? Where are their voices and demands of what is right for them? Where are you from "lifetime" who Ekroa the purity of the human smell of diesel and gas derivatives and the rest of the damned? It is well known and certainly the sense of hunger and humiliation has nothing to do constitutions lost, missing or manifestations of the state.
The history books have taught us that the Arab heritage and does not tolerate dirt and degradation, and we calculated that we have not Banna ... They are "scared" of human brothers to us the history, geography and blood as well. We do not accept to be fractal pretext or by waving a wooden sword enthusiasts impersonate the "Hero" and the representation of roles paid at the expense of the top of the bread bestowed, and their palace home felt miserable!!.
Just blackmail "lifetime"?!
al-Baath Media
its cache
Written by Nazim Eid
Monday, 05 December 2011 15:18
Does not appear on the horizon clear limits to the course of extortion Euro - U.S. and Turkish declared the "Arabs" of oil, and drums that roll body men stature papule and headband and "Shah Rukh", between the lobbies of the Arab League, and Mtarah wells supply what is necessary to Rhurch dollar above the heads of all enthusiasts dance and strip to the rhythm of "Symphony" and the Syrian resonate now being asked in all languages of the universe!.
Yes, we are familiar with View rituals fantasy, held by the remnants of ancient peoples recessive on the sidelines of this world, and therefore would not be reprehensible as it is entertaining, the profession of mourning, and took cognizance of, and praise when each place of an article, and each hour Mlaúktha, and probably most of us have heard and read about something as such in our Arab history. It whined ad nauseam on the calamity a rich or a prince, and the best performance of the role, within the tender enough for the evil of the question as long as it is alive, and God has given talent lies, hypocrisy and praise from vocal and collectors terminology tortured to speak, he is the predecessor and more, but what we must ask him urgently here is: any money spent that Prince is praised and mourned and long time?.
Every letter and every word dinar dollar, and every insult to Syria barrel to oil, and every tanker giant motionless against it! The Vgrt Hillary Clinton's mouth and bared its teeth, it means that there is a bill paid, and paid to the nearest "collection center" of the U.S. base in nearby bases spread widely in the Arab Amadmarena.
Sarkozy even threatened or fired Juppe Saarh unleashed against Syria, entered a payment on the account balance directly to the bank prepared to finance the campaign of "partners" in the next election.
We have pledged to "oil wells Arab" to pay to Turkey full economic losses resulting from the boycott of Syria, and announced the generosity to pay many times, those who heal Glélé strike burn everything and everybody in Syria, and the situation now is like an auction world looking for those who will be anchored by, it is where and any spring and pockets of "lost" tons of dollars that blinded "Trthadtha" the world and he lost his senses?.
In social norms as in the man-made laws known as the stone on the incompetent, and prevent them from acting in their possession, including a guarantee of the rights of the heirs, what if these heirs the entire people or peoples??.
We are in a scene in which mixed comedy and tragedy and chapters deserve follow-up and take a lesson when the fate Bschratha receive, on a people or nation. But if we, the Syrians forced to sit in the audience on the scourge of evil, and what can only be described as extortion and looting the UN will, he has been entrusted to the grace of princes and kings of the livelihoods of the Crown, would it be to the peoples of those that Atafrjoa too?.
We know that in the strength of the peoples of the oil princes, poor enough sufferings to ignite a revolution of the hungry fills the echo of the universe, and of strange to ask and investigate about the manifestations of poverty of sucked machines pumping oil from the clubs exchanged glasses elites of wealth, and threw them to the parties within the UAE and the kingdoms, and will make sure that displays the interface there, completely different from what is inside!.
Where are these powders? Where are their voices and demands of what is right for them? Where are you from "lifetime" who Ekroa the purity of the human smell of diesel and gas derivatives and the rest of the damned? It is well known and certainly the sense of hunger and humiliation has nothing to do constitutions lost, missing or manifestations of the state.
The history books have taught us that the Arab heritage and does not tolerate dirt and degradation, and we calculated that we have not Banna ... They are "scared" of human brothers to us the history, geography and blood as well. We do not accept to be fractal pretext or by waving a wooden sword enthusiasts impersonate the "Hero" and the representation of roles paid at the expense of the top of the bread bestowed, and their palace home felt miserable!!.
West wants a civil war? And fails to implement .. (al-Baath Media commentary)
الغرب يريد حرباً أهلية ؟ ويعجز عن تنفيذها..
West wants a civil war? And fails to implement ..
al-Baath Media
its cache
Written by Brigadier Muhammad Amin Hoteit
Monday, 05 December 2011 14:02
Syria succeeded after its own power taking advantage of the international and regional support (particularly Russia, China and Iran) in response to a conspiracy by foreign and select their targets clearly the President «Council clients Istanbul» proof pipe
He said he was «prepared after receiving the authority to cut any link to the Syrian system resistance and then to negotiate with Israel for recognition and the signing of the surrender of her« like the Camp David and Wadi Araba, and after that Syria succeeded in dealing with insurgencies, terrorism and crime against the people until Hsrtha in a narrow area in the middle of Syria (Homs, Hama, Idlib triangle), and with the continuation of the security forces in dealing with laparoscopic surgeon carefully so as not to hurt the people, claimed the West Itbaky to its customers and describing them as terrorists «peaceful civilians who require protection« and only paid about Syria «civil war». Protection is proposed to be implemented through military intervention under the various names of «fly» or «isolated» or «humanitarian corridors» or .. To what to him of the titles that require the use of military force, foreign paralyze the Syrian army and open the way for the «Board of customers» to receive power, which is know the West is certainly that way locked and impossible now open so began its circuits warning and then claims and paid to a «civil war in Syria» Is it possible for such a war that located?
In military science, on the basis of rules and concepts accepted by the civil war does not arise only if the environment formed by three elements:
- The first element: element is the official of governance and its institutions: The weakness of power and dispersion and the disruption of the role of the armed forces in the country either division and fragmentation and join all the horde team people from warring factions, or the dissolution of the army entirely and control of popular forces and armed groups to disarm and barracks.
- The second element, which is the popular and the people and is split and the emergence of a conflict between the categories of mutual fear is pushing them to take up arms and seek to control the land of the other and then close it generally Ttehrha him through deportation or murder. Turn to work after the parties a sense of obstruction of the political horizon and feel on the danger to its existence and the lack of official military force is protected by forcing them to defend themselves.
- The third element is the external factor is the existence of the foreign powers that prevent internal agreement and dialogue between the parties and then provide the parties to the conflict with weapons and money and provide them with information and means to mobilize the moral that make them feel imminent danger and encourage them to fight.
This is an environmental elements that have erupted in civil war in a country and as is well known in the history of civil wars Is that such an environment unformed in Syria or are a?.
1 - In the beginning we see clearly provides the third element of any presence of external forces that want a civil war and encourages them and prevent dialogue and provide some of the organizations at home with money and arms, and despite the show of these foreign powers to public positions phenomenon against the civil war and call the false for the protection of civilians, we see in Turkey and Arab countries and other Western points to pay for the war with all its power and to clear this or that party support for the terrorists is just about to evade afford to fail if he so do not believe the denial, the French denied the France training insurgents or provide them with weapons and does not take seriously the U.S. position rejecting apparent to supply terrorists with weapons which induced serious all the power of the civil war, as demonstrated by the behavior of Biden in Turkey recently, or seeking the Arab scammer to stop «the bloodshed and protect civilians», who are supplying insurgents with money, weapons and fighting a media war and psychological against Syria and, therefore, quite frankly we say that an element of the civil war three is now available in Syria, a foreign element.
But the civil war as we need two elements to the other two Qaúmin is now also clear from the existing reality.
2 - In the first element - no power, the army and two in the case of the continued active in carrying out their responsibility - we see the forces of the army and security forces and the forces of the Syrian regime, has proved a capability to preserve its unity and cohesion, and commitment of certain decisions of the political power coherent and Banillatih full, and showed ingenuity in dealing with security disturbances and terrorist acts that have been confined in a narrow area of the country, and the leadership continues to possess reserve powers of the rapid action to address any threat or emergency de-any condition that can be interpreted as the entrance or to spark a civil war. The dissidents claim there under the name «the Free Syrian Army», it is a false claim because this armed organization led by a retired officer, technician did not include any military unit split off from the army and the civilians than the terrorists from the military deserters from the army. This means that the first element is not available and that the presence of military forces working to maintain the security of citizens, provides for those thinking to bear arms for self-defense and preservation of the right itself.
3 - As the third element - the element popular - it has discretion for some and a sensor is, the between groups of the Syrian people, grew up in a devastating armed militants and terrorists who claim that they kill in the name of this or that doctrine in order to preserve the security of their community and their presence and their rights, but we can only to register the degree of awareness of the Syrian people high, which enabled him to distinguish between the terrorist and the sect to which he belongs, down to say that not of terrorism or criminality religion has over the Grand Mufti of Syria after the death of his son, a true reflection of this matter, as contained communities that targeted aggression against terrorists, saying it on the ready to «provide thousands of martyrs to Syria will be dragged into a civil war», which means that the screening or a sectarian blocs rival is not easy to receiving, in addition to that, the reality on the ground and demographic prevent the establishment of areas or battlefields my family, and prevents draw lines contact between the communities, as well as very difficult to process arms wide and effective isolation of communities and regions, or truncated - this division if there is highly unlikely - under the effective control of the security of the army and the armed forces on the international border. And, above all, remain popular consciousness Syrian, and exposed plot lines on Syria, which was rings recent recognition of the opposition's alleged intention to establish rule the client to the West, including shocked the Syrian people, who put on the same question is, would kill us and pushing us to the fighting to recognize Israel and give up our rights? The answer would be definitely more in the quest to promote national unity and adherence to a more resistant system and his movement of reform.
Thus we see that the West seeks to civil war in Syria because he failed in the early stages of the Executive by the so far from conspiracy, which, after exhausting the Arab League and consumed against Syria, believes that resorting to international organizations subject to the decisions of the Human Rights Council to MEMBERSHIP Amnesty International and others will not Ajdi useful and will not give him a ride to the possession of the Syrian decision and the colonization of the country, all of this, it seeks for the civil war as a last resort for the predicament, but he believes that his quest sterile for that work in secret and evade them or warn them in public to avoid the afford to fail in his quest Varmint, Syria is the biggest and the unconscious than to be dragged into a civil war seem unwieldy or delivered to a client or colonial.
West wants a civil war? And fails to implement ..
al-Baath Media
its cache
Written by Brigadier Muhammad Amin Hoteit
Monday, 05 December 2011 14:02
Syria succeeded after its own power taking advantage of the international and regional support (particularly Russia, China and Iran) in response to a conspiracy by foreign and select their targets clearly the President «Council clients Istanbul» proof pipe
He said he was «prepared after receiving the authority to cut any link to the Syrian system resistance and then to negotiate with Israel for recognition and the signing of the surrender of her« like the Camp David and Wadi Araba, and after that Syria succeeded in dealing with insurgencies, terrorism and crime against the people until Hsrtha in a narrow area in the middle of Syria (Homs, Hama, Idlib triangle), and with the continuation of the security forces in dealing with laparoscopic surgeon carefully so as not to hurt the people, claimed the West Itbaky to its customers and describing them as terrorists «peaceful civilians who require protection« and only paid about Syria «civil war». Protection is proposed to be implemented through military intervention under the various names of «fly» or «isolated» or «humanitarian corridors» or .. To what to him of the titles that require the use of military force, foreign paralyze the Syrian army and open the way for the «Board of customers» to receive power, which is know the West is certainly that way locked and impossible now open so began its circuits warning and then claims and paid to a «civil war in Syria» Is it possible for such a war that located?
In military science, on the basis of rules and concepts accepted by the civil war does not arise only if the environment formed by three elements:
- The first element: element is the official of governance and its institutions: The weakness of power and dispersion and the disruption of the role of the armed forces in the country either division and fragmentation and join all the horde team people from warring factions, or the dissolution of the army entirely and control of popular forces and armed groups to disarm and barracks.
- The second element, which is the popular and the people and is split and the emergence of a conflict between the categories of mutual fear is pushing them to take up arms and seek to control the land of the other and then close it generally Ttehrha him through deportation or murder. Turn to work after the parties a sense of obstruction of the political horizon and feel on the danger to its existence and the lack of official military force is protected by forcing them to defend themselves.
- The third element is the external factor is the existence of the foreign powers that prevent internal agreement and dialogue between the parties and then provide the parties to the conflict with weapons and money and provide them with information and means to mobilize the moral that make them feel imminent danger and encourage them to fight.
This is an environmental elements that have erupted in civil war in a country and as is well known in the history of civil wars Is that such an environment unformed in Syria or are a?.
1 - In the beginning we see clearly provides the third element of any presence of external forces that want a civil war and encourages them and prevent dialogue and provide some of the organizations at home with money and arms, and despite the show of these foreign powers to public positions phenomenon against the civil war and call the false for the protection of civilians, we see in Turkey and Arab countries and other Western points to pay for the war with all its power and to clear this or that party support for the terrorists is just about to evade afford to fail if he so do not believe the denial, the French denied the France training insurgents or provide them with weapons and does not take seriously the U.S. position rejecting apparent to supply terrorists with weapons which induced serious all the power of the civil war, as demonstrated by the behavior of Biden in Turkey recently, or seeking the Arab scammer to stop «the bloodshed and protect civilians», who are supplying insurgents with money, weapons and fighting a media war and psychological against Syria and, therefore, quite frankly we say that an element of the civil war three is now available in Syria, a foreign element.
But the civil war as we need two elements to the other two Qaúmin is now also clear from the existing reality.
2 - In the first element - no power, the army and two in the case of the continued active in carrying out their responsibility - we see the forces of the army and security forces and the forces of the Syrian regime, has proved a capability to preserve its unity and cohesion, and commitment of certain decisions of the political power coherent and Banillatih full, and showed ingenuity in dealing with security disturbances and terrorist acts that have been confined in a narrow area of the country, and the leadership continues to possess reserve powers of the rapid action to address any threat or emergency de-any condition that can be interpreted as the entrance or to spark a civil war. The dissidents claim there under the name «the Free Syrian Army», it is a false claim because this armed organization led by a retired officer, technician did not include any military unit split off from the army and the civilians than the terrorists from the military deserters from the army. This means that the first element is not available and that the presence of military forces working to maintain the security of citizens, provides for those thinking to bear arms for self-defense and preservation of the right itself.
3 - As the third element - the element popular - it has discretion for some and a sensor is, the between groups of the Syrian people, grew up in a devastating armed militants and terrorists who claim that they kill in the name of this or that doctrine in order to preserve the security of their community and their presence and their rights, but we can only to register the degree of awareness of the Syrian people high, which enabled him to distinguish between the terrorist and the sect to which he belongs, down to say that not of terrorism or criminality religion has over the Grand Mufti of Syria after the death of his son, a true reflection of this matter, as contained communities that targeted aggression against terrorists, saying it on the ready to «provide thousands of martyrs to Syria will be dragged into a civil war», which means that the screening or a sectarian blocs rival is not easy to receiving, in addition to that, the reality on the ground and demographic prevent the establishment of areas or battlefields my family, and prevents draw lines contact between the communities, as well as very difficult to process arms wide and effective isolation of communities and regions, or truncated - this division if there is highly unlikely - under the effective control of the security of the army and the armed forces on the international border. And, above all, remain popular consciousness Syrian, and exposed plot lines on Syria, which was rings recent recognition of the opposition's alleged intention to establish rule the client to the West, including shocked the Syrian people, who put on the same question is, would kill us and pushing us to the fighting to recognize Israel and give up our rights? The answer would be definitely more in the quest to promote national unity and adherence to a more resistant system and his movement of reform.
Thus we see that the West seeks to civil war in Syria because he failed in the early stages of the Executive by the so far from conspiracy, which, after exhausting the Arab League and consumed against Syria, believes that resorting to international organizations subject to the decisions of the Human Rights Council to MEMBERSHIP Amnesty International and others will not Ajdi useful and will not give him a ride to the possession of the Syrian decision and the colonization of the country, all of this, it seeks for the civil war as a last resort for the predicament, but he believes that his quest sterile for that work in secret and evade them or warn them in public to avoid the afford to fail in his quest Varmint, Syria is the biggest and the unconscious than to be dragged into a civil war seem unwieldy or delivered to a client or colonial.
Syria, Iraq and Iran alliances ( commentary)
سورية والعراق وإيران
Syria, Iraq and Iran (alliances)
With developments in the area the event occurred Syrian and Turkey's transformation that have sensitivities history with Iraq and Syria to a regional player looking to play an influential role in the political landscape of the area, look-Syrian relations - Iraq - Iran facing a new stage, the stage carries with it the possibility of the evolution of this relationship to regional situation in light of this sort in the form of a political realignment at what is going on.
Perhaps more than the conviction that this new climate will take his chance in the next stage is that the course of the relationship between these countries is not a course of bilateral relations, the normal, but the path of establishing a regional hub is subject to evolution, which is raising more fears and interest together in forums Bank and the regional at this time especially with the imminent withdrawal of entitlement to U.S. troops from Iraq later this year.
In fact, it is checked in the Iraqi and Iranian attitudes toward the Syrian situation must stop at a set of circumstances and attitudes that are in political science political expression of the index future, and perhaps the most important of these data and attitudes:
1 - a series of recent Iraqi attitudes in the Arab League, which ranged between abstinence and the reservation to the recent decisions of the Arab League on Syria.
2 - Recent statements by Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and expressed his concerns on the future of Syria, of extremism in the event of regime change and its emphasis on stability and the peaceful resolution of the change.
3 - Declaration of Baghdad to prevent aircraft from landing in the Turkish-Iraqi airports at a time when observers expect an escalation of the Iraqi government to punish Turkey for their positions on the Syrian crisis.
4 - to talk about the Iraqi government canceled two weeks ago, all restrictions on the entry of Syrian goods to Iraq after months of Baghdad's decision to provide 150 thousand barrels of oil a gift to the Syrian government at the time saying that reports: The size of Syrian goods entering Iraq has increased to more than thirty percent .
5 - If the previous positions reflect the aspirations of Iraq to serve as a regional player it is for Iran is a different matter, as it is part of strengthening the depth of regional policies towards the region, and therefore the steps of Iraq are more Iranian support, and in the rear waiting for Iran's forward end of the date for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, an aspiration to open (Chridor) Joey linking Iran to Syria through Iraqi airspace after Turkey and placed severe restrictions on the movement of the Iranian aircraft over Turkish airspace.
6 - The Iranian threat is the last to hit the U.S. missile defense system in the event posted on the Turkish territory was not just a threat passing without meaning. It was an expression of the political position of the development of the Turkish position about the Syrian situation and talk about the involvement of Turkey in military scenarios, which is against Syria. For Syria, which live for critical moments, Iraq became the lung have as lung to Lebanon due to geographical proximity, and therefore the Syrian interest to developing the relationship with Iraq takes priority in the next phase, whether to secure the depth of Arab offset slightly from the Arab position or to reduce the repercussions of the sanctions, Arab and international sanctions them, as the Syrian border - Iraqi relatively long and overlapping socially and demographically with the motives and mutual interests even at the height of crisis, and perhaps this is the role of geopolitics in the face of challenges.
جنون الدول.. بين العباءة والطربوش وثقافة الكاوبوي!
Mad countries .. Between the cloak and cowl and the culture of the cowboy!
To take the Arab countries and non-Arab political and economic sanctions against a sovereign country such as Syria, without dependence on objective reasons and legal, it is classified as a blatant attack is unjustified.
It seemed clear that Arab League and the Western powers and Turkey «sanctions» against Syria, and one source, this source puts the security of «Israel» and the stability of its occupation of Palestine and the Golan, a strategic priority.
It is known that the reasons for the attack Western Syria aimed at subject and out of the equation of the conflict, but what is shocking is that some Arab countries, which until very recently, distancing itself from the involvement of public in any project intended to liquidate the Palestinian issue, we have seen, was dressed in a cloak Fez country and Turkey, and moved in the option of sanctions, to overcome the assets of the joint Arab action, and contrary to the Charter of the Arab League!
The causes of America and the old continent and the sick man of the attack on Syria is known, it is associated with a history of colonization distasteful, but, there is no reason why «Arab» to the same position, but if these countries had taken its decision, the recognition of Zionist occupation of Palestine and ride the wave of the «Middle East New Almtzin »on the ruins of the Arab world and the nations of the living! And may not be exaggerated, as long as the person who heads the «the Syrian» supported by the «Arab League», he made his mastery in the establishment of «Camp David» Syrian with the «Israel»!!
Some Arab countries that Tohmt warm cloak of national and civility fez of Turkey, entered intentionally or unintentionally, box of humiliation held by the culture of the cowboy American, and some Arabs today before the exam is difficult, either selection box humiliation, and either return to the square Arabism real Hoarder of dignity and defiance and resistance.
The respect of the Turkish Penal, announced by the Minister «reset problems», Fajaarha linked to the course of Turkish-Israeli strategic relationship. A relationship that Erdogan's government has very keen to sustain and protect them from cracking, despite the humiliation received from «Israel», as a result of not apologizing for the deaths of nine Turks, however, the soldiers on board the ship of Marmara, and hit the wall Bdjadjah Erdogan and his threats.
Turkey «AK» Sponsors «Board of pipe», home «Army Assaad» and provide support for terrorist groups to destabilize Syria, in violation of the rule of the Syrian state and a blatant interference in its affairs, even if there is international law in force, the acts were a Turkish shop international condemnation and punishment.
There is no longer any doubt arrogantly policies Erdogan and his government, and this arrogance shows through his Almuturh and tension, to the extent that the Minister of Economy Ali Babacan, disclosed that «Turkey wants to confront sectarian»!. In this situation the government reveal the «AK» for «takfiri and abolitionist thought» that controls its policies. And that the risk of this thought is not confined to Syria, but also affects the entire region, and of course the home of Turkey. All the «minority» Turkish suffering persecutions and confirms Followers of this would be the Turkish persecutions installed in the reports of the European Union. But the interests of Europeans and America's interest and «Israel» require the support of the project and the fragmentation of the region converted to reserves, sectarian, ethnic and sectarian, and therefore, the decision maker with the support of Turkey against Syria, even if it leads to sustainable wars would not hand over one of them.
And the parallel degree of risk, was remarkable statement Foreign Minister Erdogan that Turkey will not harm the Syrian people, and will not cut off the water!!
As Turkey has committed to do harm against the Syrian people through sanctions other than the statement, what about water?
Monitors for the positions of the Government «AK» consider mentioning the issue of water, is a clear reference to the possibility that Turkey to this option, as is the persecution against minorities installed circumstantial evidence and the evidence, there are the facts confirm that there is a policy of Turkish old and new address dams that lead to a lack of large amount of water due to both Syria and Iraq!?
Turkey to realize that cutting off water to Syria and Iraq, will open the gates of hell, not because of international law will assess the world or indoors for breach of international conventions, but because the water cut of beheadings .. And the Syrians and the Iraqis will not hand over their necks for the butcher.
The world that has passed the stage of peace «mad cow» is now facing the stage «mad countries» large and small, Where leads this madness?
Syria, Iraq and Iran (alliances)
With developments in the area the event occurred Syrian and Turkey's transformation that have sensitivities history with Iraq and Syria to a regional player looking to play an influential role in the political landscape of the area, look-Syrian relations - Iraq - Iran facing a new stage, the stage carries with it the possibility of the evolution of this relationship to regional situation in light of this sort in the form of a political realignment at what is going on.
Perhaps more than the conviction that this new climate will take his chance in the next stage is that the course of the relationship between these countries is not a course of bilateral relations, the normal, but the path of establishing a regional hub is subject to evolution, which is raising more fears and interest together in forums Bank and the regional at this time especially with the imminent withdrawal of entitlement to U.S. troops from Iraq later this year.
In fact, it is checked in the Iraqi and Iranian attitudes toward the Syrian situation must stop at a set of circumstances and attitudes that are in political science political expression of the index future, and perhaps the most important of these data and attitudes:
1 - a series of recent Iraqi attitudes in the Arab League, which ranged between abstinence and the reservation to the recent decisions of the Arab League on Syria.
2 - Recent statements by Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and expressed his concerns on the future of Syria, of extremism in the event of regime change and its emphasis on stability and the peaceful resolution of the change.
3 - Declaration of Baghdad to prevent aircraft from landing in the Turkish-Iraqi airports at a time when observers expect an escalation of the Iraqi government to punish Turkey for their positions on the Syrian crisis.
4 - to talk about the Iraqi government canceled two weeks ago, all restrictions on the entry of Syrian goods to Iraq after months of Baghdad's decision to provide 150 thousand barrels of oil a gift to the Syrian government at the time saying that reports: The size of Syrian goods entering Iraq has increased to more than thirty percent .
5 - If the previous positions reflect the aspirations of Iraq to serve as a regional player it is for Iran is a different matter, as it is part of strengthening the depth of regional policies towards the region, and therefore the steps of Iraq are more Iranian support, and in the rear waiting for Iran's forward end of the date for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, an aspiration to open (Chridor) Joey linking Iran to Syria through Iraqi airspace after Turkey and placed severe restrictions on the movement of the Iranian aircraft over Turkish airspace.
6 - The Iranian threat is the last to hit the U.S. missile defense system in the event posted on the Turkish territory was not just a threat passing without meaning. It was an expression of the political position of the development of the Turkish position about the Syrian situation and talk about the involvement of Turkey in military scenarios, which is against Syria. For Syria, which live for critical moments, Iraq became the lung have as lung to Lebanon due to geographical proximity, and therefore the Syrian interest to developing the relationship with Iraq takes priority in the next phase, whether to secure the depth of Arab offset slightly from the Arab position or to reduce the repercussions of the sanctions, Arab and international sanctions them, as the Syrian border - Iraqi relatively long and overlapping socially and demographically with the motives and mutual interests even at the height of crisis, and perhaps this is the role of geopolitics in the face of challenges.
جنون الدول.. بين العباءة والطربوش وثقافة الكاوبوي!
Mad countries .. Between the cloak and cowl and the culture of the cowboy!
To take the Arab countries and non-Arab political and economic sanctions against a sovereign country such as Syria, without dependence on objective reasons and legal, it is classified as a blatant attack is unjustified.
It seemed clear that Arab League and the Western powers and Turkey «sanctions» against Syria, and one source, this source puts the security of «Israel» and the stability of its occupation of Palestine and the Golan, a strategic priority.
It is known that the reasons for the attack Western Syria aimed at subject and out of the equation of the conflict, but what is shocking is that some Arab countries, which until very recently, distancing itself from the involvement of public in any project intended to liquidate the Palestinian issue, we have seen, was dressed in a cloak Fez country and Turkey, and moved in the option of sanctions, to overcome the assets of the joint Arab action, and contrary to the Charter of the Arab League!
The causes of America and the old continent and the sick man of the attack on Syria is known, it is associated with a history of colonization distasteful, but, there is no reason why «Arab» to the same position, but if these countries had taken its decision, the recognition of Zionist occupation of Palestine and ride the wave of the «Middle East New Almtzin »on the ruins of the Arab world and the nations of the living! And may not be exaggerated, as long as the person who heads the «the Syrian» supported by the «Arab League», he made his mastery in the establishment of «Camp David» Syrian with the «Israel»!!
Some Arab countries that Tohmt warm cloak of national and civility fez of Turkey, entered intentionally or unintentionally, box of humiliation held by the culture of the cowboy American, and some Arabs today before the exam is difficult, either selection box humiliation, and either return to the square Arabism real Hoarder of dignity and defiance and resistance.
The respect of the Turkish Penal, announced by the Minister «reset problems», Fajaarha linked to the course of Turkish-Israeli strategic relationship. A relationship that Erdogan's government has very keen to sustain and protect them from cracking, despite the humiliation received from «Israel», as a result of not apologizing for the deaths of nine Turks, however, the soldiers on board the ship of Marmara, and hit the wall Bdjadjah Erdogan and his threats.
Turkey «AK» Sponsors «Board of pipe», home «Army Assaad» and provide support for terrorist groups to destabilize Syria, in violation of the rule of the Syrian state and a blatant interference in its affairs, even if there is international law in force, the acts were a Turkish shop international condemnation and punishment.
There is no longer any doubt arrogantly policies Erdogan and his government, and this arrogance shows through his Almuturh and tension, to the extent that the Minister of Economy Ali Babacan, disclosed that «Turkey wants to confront sectarian»!. In this situation the government reveal the «AK» for «takfiri and abolitionist thought» that controls its policies. And that the risk of this thought is not confined to Syria, but also affects the entire region, and of course the home of Turkey. All the «minority» Turkish suffering persecutions and confirms Followers of this would be the Turkish persecutions installed in the reports of the European Union. But the interests of Europeans and America's interest and «Israel» require the support of the project and the fragmentation of the region converted to reserves, sectarian, ethnic and sectarian, and therefore, the decision maker with the support of Turkey against Syria, even if it leads to sustainable wars would not hand over one of them.
And the parallel degree of risk, was remarkable statement Foreign Minister Erdogan that Turkey will not harm the Syrian people, and will not cut off the water!!
As Turkey has committed to do harm against the Syrian people through sanctions other than the statement, what about water?
Monitors for the positions of the Government «AK» consider mentioning the issue of water, is a clear reference to the possibility that Turkey to this option, as is the persecution against minorities installed circumstantial evidence and the evidence, there are the facts confirm that there is a policy of Turkish old and new address dams that lead to a lack of large amount of water due to both Syria and Iraq!?
Turkey to realize that cutting off water to Syria and Iraq, will open the gates of hell, not because of international law will assess the world or indoors for breach of international conventions, but because the water cut of beheadings .. And the Syrians and the Iraqis will not hand over their necks for the butcher.
The world that has passed the stage of peace «mad cow» is now facing the stage «mad countries» large and small, Where leads this madness?
The EU is a federation of lies! (Tishreen commentary)
اتحاد الأكاذيب!
(The EU is a) Federation of lies!
Newspaper October
Word editor
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Ziad Ghosn
Seems that the EU will find itself after a short period has imposed sanctions on the Syrian people all one by one, and its public institutions, private, one after the other, arguments and excuses for not pointing only to the hypocrisy of political leaders and the fragility of culture existing falsely to respect the other opinion and the rights of peoples and the colonial projects heterogeneous projects with the U.S. administration in the Arab region.
Van is targeted official or media outlet or a businessman just because they have expressed a position that the events taking place in Syria or by virtue of their work, it means that any citizen in Syria could find himself in one day on the sanctions list European grounds out at rallies support for the national position for example, or for his work in the public sector, and as long as lists of the European Union is full of mistakes and labels, as is the case with the list that leaked by the Arab League to some of the media partner in the fraud and deception, we have to imagine how to build these countries decisions and positions and the volume of interest in the interests of the Syrian people?!.
Since the first day to stop the European Commission for development projects in Syria and the EU demonstrate day after day that the position of events in this country, and the decisions that were based on one goal more than the interest of the Syrian people and options for up to drop Syria as a state and community ..
If was really keen to overcome the crisis for Syria to have followed another path ... Roads do not support the insurgents with money and arms to support the reforms, but the experience and experiment, is not opposed to a comprehensive national dialogue, but opposed to murder and falsifying the facts, not seeking to punish the Syrian people and rigging options but to punish those who refuse the dialogue and the People's claim false ..!!.
I think most of the work in Syria during the previous years of the experts and European officials have a deep desire to believe the Syrian official and popular reform that led the country from one phase to another, more sophisticated ... No more backward is also planning Paris, London and Berlin, and some of these experts have worked on projects large and reform all the support they received from the Syrian side, however, simply abandoned Europe for these projects, because the purpose elsewhere.
The betting again on the role of a European fair in the Arab region is like betting on the intentions of the Zionist entity, Throughout the whole century of time has not been given the Arabs from successive European regulations only injustice, murder and plunder of wealth and the theft of rights ... They would not get in the future something else, what do Europeans based in Palestine, and what they had done in Iraq is not forgotten, and preached by Libya saw the world clearly still see its repercussions.
(The EU is a) Federation of lies!
Newspaper October
Word editor
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Ziad Ghosn
Seems that the EU will find itself after a short period has imposed sanctions on the Syrian people all one by one, and its public institutions, private, one after the other, arguments and excuses for not pointing only to the hypocrisy of political leaders and the fragility of culture existing falsely to respect the other opinion and the rights of peoples and the colonial projects heterogeneous projects with the U.S. administration in the Arab region.
Van is targeted official or media outlet or a businessman just because they have expressed a position that the events taking place in Syria or by virtue of their work, it means that any citizen in Syria could find himself in one day on the sanctions list European grounds out at rallies support for the national position for example, or for his work in the public sector, and as long as lists of the European Union is full of mistakes and labels, as is the case with the list that leaked by the Arab League to some of the media partner in the fraud and deception, we have to imagine how to build these countries decisions and positions and the volume of interest in the interests of the Syrian people?!.
Since the first day to stop the European Commission for development projects in Syria and the EU demonstrate day after day that the position of events in this country, and the decisions that were based on one goal more than the interest of the Syrian people and options for up to drop Syria as a state and community ..
If was really keen to overcome the crisis for Syria to have followed another path ... Roads do not support the insurgents with money and arms to support the reforms, but the experience and experiment, is not opposed to a comprehensive national dialogue, but opposed to murder and falsifying the facts, not seeking to punish the Syrian people and rigging options but to punish those who refuse the dialogue and the People's claim false ..!!.
I think most of the work in Syria during the previous years of the experts and European officials have a deep desire to believe the Syrian official and popular reform that led the country from one phase to another, more sophisticated ... No more backward is also planning Paris, London and Berlin, and some of these experts have worked on projects large and reform all the support they received from the Syrian side, however, simply abandoned Europe for these projects, because the purpose elsewhere.
The betting again on the role of a European fair in the Arab region is like betting on the intentions of the Zionist entity, Throughout the whole century of time has not been given the Arabs from successive European regulations only injustice, murder and plunder of wealth and the theft of rights ... They would not get in the future something else, what do Europeans based in Palestine, and what they had done in Iraq is not forgotten, and preached by Libya saw the world clearly still see its repercussions.
SNC and Colin Powell (al-Baath Media commentary)
مجلس اسطنبول و برنامج كولن باول
Board of Istanbul (SNC) and the Secretary of State Colin Powell
al-Baath Media
its cache
Written by: Ghaleb Qandil
Sunday, 04 December 2011 16:22
Statements made by Burhan Ghaliyoun President of the Council (SNC) through the Istanbul newspaper "The Wall Street Journal," U.S. revealed very clearly the fact that the political project of the objections related to the bulk of the Syrian symbols, leaders and their organizations colonial Western alliance and its customers in the region.
First, it is clear that Ghaliyoun had made the remarks at the request of the sponsors of international, regional, and his words in the newspaper the U.S. is a material you want the CIA to employ them and build them before the American public in the election campaign of Barack Obama, who leads the plan to target Syria in the service of project Israeli hegemony on the region and therefore provides support for the objections of Syria and of the Council of Istanbul as a service net to Israel and this is consistent with the goal Obama has sought to demonstrate in a recent speech when he said that it exceeded all what I did previous administrations in support of Israel and he does not lie in it.
Ghaliyoun addressing the Zionist lobby groups and actors in the U.S. Congress, not his statements certainly addressed to the Syrian people who tried to deceive talking about reform and democracy and the modern state, but cannot talk of this kind to remain confined within the United States and circles narrow Zionist pressure groups that support the Syrian opposition in the countries of the European continent and in the United States itself.
Second most important is that the proof pipe announced the greatness of his tongue to the oppositions, the Syrian-led virtually the Muslim Brotherhood is to transform Syria into a colony of American and Israeli trends that talked about pipe in foreign policy that believes that the Government of oppositions will render if the received power is in fact the content of applications carried by the Secretary of State Colin Powell and the refusal of President Bashar al-Assad after the occupation of Iraq.
When he says Glion The Government of the Syrian opposition, if they come to power, will end its alliance with Iran will stop any support for Hezbollah and Hamas, he declares, and realistic to Syria, which you want these oppositions miserable is particularly Syria, which he wanted Colin Powell after the occupation of Iraq and the completed transfer pipe Balzarour Israeli when he declares the greatness of his tongue also and talk himself that the new government if the opposition ruled (God forbid of course) will be begging peaceful means to restore the Golan will not follow the military tactics, that is, they will negotiate for the Convention on the method of Camp David and will give up the position adopted by the Syrian leadership over the past years in terms of adherence to the full sovereignty on the territory of the Golan and the Kinneret also, and he provides proof and assurance over the prior notice of bowing to Arab governments and the regional department in the Western astronomy, from the Arabs of Syria during the enrollment America without winding or rotation.
Third, Ghaliyoun is a program of government and the Muslim Brotherhood and the mixture left Aeraour supplement them with all pettiness and meanness is a program subject to the terms of Syria, Colin Powell and George Bush are the same conditions of Obama and Sarkozy rejected by President Bashar al-Assad and the overwhelming majority of the Syrian people.
That truth and falsehood has vanished with this ugly Kalojoh grim recognition of leftists wearing them proof pipe impostors and others in opposition to the Syrian conniving colonial ties to the West and Israel, also through the high screams for reforms.
The function of these oppositions is that imposed on the Syrian leadership and the delivery conditions of the Syrian people, rejected by Syria, the U.S. leadership and people at the height of rush in the region after the colonial occupation of Iraq.
If all the conclusions that we have built since the start of the events in Syria on the basis of scientific analysis and rationale for the dependence of objections to the agenda of the colonial West were correct and in accordance with the recognition of proof pipe then what the alliance colonial is an investment problems exist in Syria and complaints list in Syrian society spoke with them both President Assad openly before and during the crisis.
West is recruiting political groups and Solah and opportunistic want power at any cost and has a willingness to bowing in front of it the U.S. regarding the securing Israeli interests and subjecting Syria to the dominance of the Zionist full and all other claim by Ghaliyoun and strike up to all members of the opposition of Almtlonen wiseacres only a liar of a flagrant What is needed today is a clarity, and clarity of pipe in the adoption of the plan of Israel and America to destroy the force and the Syrian transfer of Syria to the site of the liquidation of the independence they pay people price of blood, and paid today requires a position not to stammering nor Kalaka in it, who they claim to oppose the national Reducing the separation between national and employment is the position of comply with the conditions provided by the colonization of pipe as a politician of the Council of Istanbul.
Fourth, built pipe in whole gangs of terrorism and murder in Syria, which it also reveals all the lies that have already spread by symbols of opposition for their adherence as peaceful and peaceful struggle, and who justified the spread of weapons and armed gangs, while saying the information that they, in cooperation with the CIA and Saudi Arabia are seeking money, the country and under the care of the Turkish mercenaries and foreigners buying prospects of the world, woo all the terrorist groups in neighboring countries, Syria in order to form a force capable of activating the plan of sabotage and murder within their own country.
Pipe provided coverage for all terrorist operations within the country in his speech, a journalist does not give us new information in this area, but a recognition of the value of the task in front of the Syrian public opinion.
Syrian people discover the facts which in turn are smarter than the fools he tricks flimsy to client groups and mercenaries seeking to destroy Syria and submission.
It is our right today, after the words of pipe to ask all the pseudo-Arabism and national, who showered advice on the Syrian leadership and Tmwalimoa and during Ramadaan talk about reform and change their positions from this announcement immoral which confirms everything concluded to the existence of a conspiracy colonial against Syria, its tool of these oppositions, miserable and mercenaries, and rotten intellectually and politically, it is not to abandon for a moment, one is our firm conviction and belief that the renewal of state structures Syrian national and deepen the partnership popular in the national decision and mechanisms to take form and content as presented by the President Dr. Bashar al-Assad (Commander Arabist resistant and national and pan-arbitrary, for the necks of Almtfzlkin) are the way to fortify and strengthen the position of Syria and its role and position as a strong and effective leadership in the battle of liberation from colonial domination of Zionism on the east, and where no place for villainous intelligence agents, mercenaries oil and persuaded them to democracy.
Board of Istanbul (SNC) and the Secretary of State Colin Powell
al-Baath Media
its cache
Written by: Ghaleb Qandil
Sunday, 04 December 2011 16:22
Statements made by Burhan Ghaliyoun President of the Council (SNC) through the Istanbul newspaper "The Wall Street Journal," U.S. revealed very clearly the fact that the political project of the objections related to the bulk of the Syrian symbols, leaders and their organizations colonial Western alliance and its customers in the region.
First, it is clear that Ghaliyoun had made the remarks at the request of the sponsors of international, regional, and his words in the newspaper the U.S. is a material you want the CIA to employ them and build them before the American public in the election campaign of Barack Obama, who leads the plan to target Syria in the service of project Israeli hegemony on the region and therefore provides support for the objections of Syria and of the Council of Istanbul as a service net to Israel and this is consistent with the goal Obama has sought to demonstrate in a recent speech when he said that it exceeded all what I did previous administrations in support of Israel and he does not lie in it.
Ghaliyoun addressing the Zionist lobby groups and actors in the U.S. Congress, not his statements certainly addressed to the Syrian people who tried to deceive talking about reform and democracy and the modern state, but cannot talk of this kind to remain confined within the United States and circles narrow Zionist pressure groups that support the Syrian opposition in the countries of the European continent and in the United States itself.
Second most important is that the proof pipe announced the greatness of his tongue to the oppositions, the Syrian-led virtually the Muslim Brotherhood is to transform Syria into a colony of American and Israeli trends that talked about pipe in foreign policy that believes that the Government of oppositions will render if the received power is in fact the content of applications carried by the Secretary of State Colin Powell and the refusal of President Bashar al-Assad after the occupation of Iraq.
When he says Glion The Government of the Syrian opposition, if they come to power, will end its alliance with Iran will stop any support for Hezbollah and Hamas, he declares, and realistic to Syria, which you want these oppositions miserable is particularly Syria, which he wanted Colin Powell after the occupation of Iraq and the completed transfer pipe Balzarour Israeli when he declares the greatness of his tongue also and talk himself that the new government if the opposition ruled (God forbid of course) will be begging peaceful means to restore the Golan will not follow the military tactics, that is, they will negotiate for the Convention on the method of Camp David and will give up the position adopted by the Syrian leadership over the past years in terms of adherence to the full sovereignty on the territory of the Golan and the Kinneret also, and he provides proof and assurance over the prior notice of bowing to Arab governments and the regional department in the Western astronomy, from the Arabs of Syria during the enrollment America without winding or rotation.
Third, Ghaliyoun is a program of government and the Muslim Brotherhood and the mixture left Aeraour supplement them with all pettiness and meanness is a program subject to the terms of Syria, Colin Powell and George Bush are the same conditions of Obama and Sarkozy rejected by President Bashar al-Assad and the overwhelming majority of the Syrian people.
That truth and falsehood has vanished with this ugly Kalojoh grim recognition of leftists wearing them proof pipe impostors and others in opposition to the Syrian conniving colonial ties to the West and Israel, also through the high screams for reforms.
The function of these oppositions is that imposed on the Syrian leadership and the delivery conditions of the Syrian people, rejected by Syria, the U.S. leadership and people at the height of rush in the region after the colonial occupation of Iraq.
If all the conclusions that we have built since the start of the events in Syria on the basis of scientific analysis and rationale for the dependence of objections to the agenda of the colonial West were correct and in accordance with the recognition of proof pipe then what the alliance colonial is an investment problems exist in Syria and complaints list in Syrian society spoke with them both President Assad openly before and during the crisis.
West is recruiting political groups and Solah and opportunistic want power at any cost and has a willingness to bowing in front of it the U.S. regarding the securing Israeli interests and subjecting Syria to the dominance of the Zionist full and all other claim by Ghaliyoun and strike up to all members of the opposition of Almtlonen wiseacres only a liar of a flagrant What is needed today is a clarity, and clarity of pipe in the adoption of the plan of Israel and America to destroy the force and the Syrian transfer of Syria to the site of the liquidation of the independence they pay people price of blood, and paid today requires a position not to stammering nor Kalaka in it, who they claim to oppose the national Reducing the separation between national and employment is the position of comply with the conditions provided by the colonization of pipe as a politician of the Council of Istanbul.
Fourth, built pipe in whole gangs of terrorism and murder in Syria, which it also reveals all the lies that have already spread by symbols of opposition for their adherence as peaceful and peaceful struggle, and who justified the spread of weapons and armed gangs, while saying the information that they, in cooperation with the CIA and Saudi Arabia are seeking money, the country and under the care of the Turkish mercenaries and foreigners buying prospects of the world, woo all the terrorist groups in neighboring countries, Syria in order to form a force capable of activating the plan of sabotage and murder within their own country.
Pipe provided coverage for all terrorist operations within the country in his speech, a journalist does not give us new information in this area, but a recognition of the value of the task in front of the Syrian public opinion.
Syrian people discover the facts which in turn are smarter than the fools he tricks flimsy to client groups and mercenaries seeking to destroy Syria and submission.
It is our right today, after the words of pipe to ask all the pseudo-Arabism and national, who showered advice on the Syrian leadership and Tmwalimoa and during Ramadaan talk about reform and change their positions from this announcement immoral which confirms everything concluded to the existence of a conspiracy colonial against Syria, its tool of these oppositions, miserable and mercenaries, and rotten intellectually and politically, it is not to abandon for a moment, one is our firm conviction and belief that the renewal of state structures Syrian national and deepen the partnership popular in the national decision and mechanisms to take form and content as presented by the President Dr. Bashar al-Assad (Commander Arabist resistant and national and pan-arbitrary, for the necks of Almtfzlkin) are the way to fortify and strengthen the position of Syria and its role and position as a strong and effective leadership in the battle of liberation from colonial domination of Zionism on the east, and where no place for villainous intelligence agents, mercenaries oil and persuaded them to democracy.
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