
Sep 10 Regional

Al-Rahi Calls for 'Stripping Hizbullah of Excuses' to Bear Arms

Patriarch al-Rai: President al-Assad Started Reforms… More Opportunities Should Be Given for Internal Dialogue

Sarkozy to al-Rahi: Assad’s Regime is Over

March 14 Officials Criticize al-Rahi's Remarks on Syria, Hizbullah

Christian Figures Prepare ‘Arab Spring’ Principles to Respond to al-Rahi

President al-Assad Stresses to Al-Arabi Importance of Not Being Misled by Media Misdirection and Instigation Campaigns

ويكيليكس: تعاون بين قناة الجزيرة والاستخبارات الأمريكية
WikiLeaks:  al-Jazeerah and DIA

أمر ملكي سعودي بإجلاء 3500 أسرة سعودية معلقة من سورية
Saudi royal order to the evacuation of 3500 Saudi family hanging from Syria

مباحثات سورية إيرانية حول إنشاء خط أنابيب للنفط بين البلدين
Syrian-Iranian  talks on the establishment of an oil pipeline between the two countries
Began  on Saturday in Tehran,  the official talks between Iran and Syria on the establishment of an oil pipeline between Iran, Syria and Iraq, and natural gas exports to Syria.

It is expected to include the agenda of talks between Iran and Syria to exchange views on the transfer of Syrian oil to Asian markets, and the potential for export and oil products to Russia  and China.

Big demonstrations in Jordan
Protesters call for improving economic conditions, fighting corruption

In Jordan, Muslim Brotherhood activists call for expulsion of Syrian ambassador

Jordanian Foreign minister in Jeddah today for GCC membership

Erdogan Lashes Out at Assad, Says he ‘Lost his Legitimacy’
"He who bases his power on bloodshed will end up leaving in a trail of blood," the Turkish premier told al-Jazeera television on Thursday.

"Shadows loom over the legitimacy of President Bashar Assad and his regime," Erdogan said.

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