
Oct 10 Central government

اللجنة العليا للانتخابات تدعو لاجتماع مع رؤساء اللجان الفرعية في المحافظات لبحث إدارة العملية الانتخابية والإشراف عليها
Higher Committee for Elections Calls for Convening Meeting of Subsidiary Committees Chairpersons
Oct 10, 2011

لجنة قانونية مشتركة بين الصناعة واتحاد العمال لصياغة مشروع قانون إصلاح القطاع العام الصناعي
Joint legal committee between industry and labor union to draft a law reforming the public sector industrial
10 October 0.2011
Damascus, (SANA) -

Agreed to the Ministry of Industry and the General Federation of Trade Unions to set up a joint legal committee to begin drafting a bill reforming the industrial public sector in accordance with rules and principles proposed by the two sides.

Deputy Minister of Industry Dr. Mohammed Tawfiq sumac in a press statement today that the agreement came after a meeting of representatives of the ministry with the President and members of the Executive Office of the Federation of Trade Unions yesterday to discuss the foundations and principles of the proposed bill to reform the public sector industry.

Dr. sumac that the officers made a number of observations on these grounds, particularly with regard to the transfer of the legal form of enterprises into holding companies and the application of legal firms and trade in all matters not provided the text of the bill and not to convert the holding companies to be established later to the joint-stock companies in addition to the need to reform the public sector industrial and deeply serious.

اتحاد عمال دمشق يتهم وزير الصناعة بنسف جميع الرؤى الإصلاحية
Union workers have accused Damascus Minister of Industry and blow up all the visions of reform
Monday - October 10 - 2011 - 8:20:54

He Workers' Union in Damascus a memorandum sent to the government that the Ministry of Industry and to date has not been any new project or vision to take off in this important sector and the suffering, and all that is said until now is still just talk theory, and there on the ground of any reform, noting that the current Minister of Industry and blow up everything that has been working on it inertia, have come to see reform in the ministry is weak, there is no possibility of accounting for any manager.

إحداث مديرية صندوق التخفيف من آثار الجفاف والكوارث الطبيعية على الإنتاج الزراعي
Creation of the Directorate of the Fund to mitigate the effects of drought and natural disasters on agricultural production
10 October 0.2011
Damascus, (SANA) -

"سفر" ينهي ندب مدير المكتب المركزي للإحصاء
"Safar" replaces the head of Director Central Bureau of Statistics
Monday - October 10 - 2011 - 11:39:30

الحكومة تحرم شركة فرنسية من التعاقد مع الجهات العامة
The government bans public bodies to contract with the French company "Tiya"
Monday - October 10 - 2011 - 8:31:48

الصحة تحظر تداول مستحضر "جنسي"
Ministry of Health prohibiting the circulation of Malaysian-made drugs
Monday - October 10 - 2011 - 14:30:42

Ministry of Health asked that "prescribing or dispensing or handling food Mtaatm Malaysian-made, carrying the brand name (libidus and lfw)", unauthorized trading in Britain, Portugal and Spain.

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