اعتقال 129 متظاهرا في بوسطن.. واشنطن بوست: احتجاجات وول ستريت بداية لحركة شاملة ضد غياب المساواة
129 protesters arrested in Boston .. The Washington Post: Wall Street protests the beginning of a comprehensive movement against inequality
11 October 0.2011
Washington, (SANA) -
U.S. police have arrested in the city of Boston today, 129 of the demonstrators against U.S. policy on Wall Street in the largest campaign of arrests to the police since the start of the movement of demonstrators in September.
In a related development, The Washington Post in an article by Robert Samuelson that the protests against the Wall Street is a comprehensive movement against economic inequality in the United States confirmed that inequality is a new political rift in the United States.
The newspaper pointed out in her article today that the backlash against the rich in the United States is a beginning, not the end, noting that liberal politicians, academics and intellectuals have been critical of the long growth of financial inequality in the United States.
Russian PM Putin in China seeking closer ties
October 11, 2011 12:03 PM
By Christopher Bodeen
Associated Press
BEIJING: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Chinese leaders opened two days of meetings Tuesday aimed at boosting relations amid strains over the military sales and energy deals that once underpinned ties.
Putin held talks with Premier Wen Jiabao immediately after a welcome ceremony Tuesday afternoon. A series of agreements were to be signed following the meeting, and Putin was to meet President Hu Jintao on Wednesday.
Despite warming ties, the two countries have struggled to increase trade and agree on sales of Russian gas to fuel China's booming economy. Moscow is also unhappy with China's illegal copying of Russian fighter jets and other military hardware and recently announced the arrest of a Chinese man accused of seeking to buy military secrets.
Putin's two-day visit follows his recent announcement that he plans to swap jobs next year with President Dmitry Medvedev, returning him to the top position he held for eight years. Many observers say that transition could see Russia turn eastward after years of warming ties with the West under Medvedev.
One area of cooperation where China and Russia appear closer is international issues. Last week, both vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Syria for its brutal crackdown on pro-reform protesters that has killed nearly 3,000 people since March.
The vetoes drew heavy criticism from U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Russia and China are also seen as key to how the Group of 20 responds to renewed fears the global economy is headed toward a new recession.
Bilaterally, the two have worked to overcome mutual distrust from the Cold War and have increased bilateral trade volume to $35.9 billion in the first half of the year, up 39.6 percent from the same period last year, according to official Chinese figures.
But despite rounds of tough negotiations, they have failed to finalize a massive natural gas deal, mainly because of pricing disagreements. Russia is eager to link gas prices to oil prices as it does in Europe, but China says that is too expensive.
Russian and Chinese officials say deals worth $7 billion are to be signed during the visit in fields ranging from mining to biotechnology and space exploration.
The sides are looking for even more cross-border investment, and on the eve of Putin's visit, Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan called for more financial cooperation and accelerated construction of cross-border highways, railways, bridges, power grids, telecommunications links, and oil and gas pipelines.
But hanging over the visit is last week's announcement in Moscow that Russia's intelligence service had detained an alleged Chinese spy who tried to obtain designs of an advanced missile system as part of Beijing's efforts to update its weaponry.
The Chinese national, who worked as an interpreter for visiting Chinese officials, attempted to buy documentation for the S-300 long-range surface-to-air missile system, the Federal Security Service said in a statement. He faces up to 20 years in jail if convicted.
The truck-mounted S-300 is capable of shooting down aircraft, cruise missiles and ballistic missile warheads at ranges of more than 90 miles (144 kilometers) and at altitudes of about 90,000 feet (27,432 meters).
In recent years, Russia banned the sale of the S-300 systems to Iran and Syria following international pressure. China has bought an export version of the system considered less capable than that used by Russia's armed forces.
Friction has also arisen from China's illegal copying of Russian military hardware, especially the Su-27 jet fighter and its aircraft carrier variant, the Su-33.
Such copying has contributed to a virtual collapse in Chinese arms sales from Russia, further exacerbating the trade imbalance between the sides and fueling a growing competition for export markets among developing nations.
الكويت تلقي القبض على خلايا إرهابية مدعومة من قطر
Kuwait arrests terror cells backed by the Qatar
A source Kuwaiti familiar with the security of Kuwait and put her hand to the cells of three, consisting of eighteen people and three women, is preparing to raise the "unrest" in Kuwait, and push to ignite unrest and destabilization in the country in collaboration with members of the parliament of Kuwait.
According to the newspaper al-Watan, was the Emir of Kuwait to send a message to the Saudi leadership to tell them about what is happening in his country.
The source revealed that the three cell members confessed that Qatar is that stands behind them, and the bankroll, and they put their program to move to strike the stability of Kuwait, and carry out terrorist acts.
شيخ سعودي يفتي بحرمة مشاركة المرأة في الإنتخابات لأنه يشتمل على " التشبه بالكفار "
Saudi cleric issuing a fatwa that the sanctity of women's participation in the elections because it includes the "imitate the infidels"
Tuesday - October 11 - 2011 - 17:08:08
Saudi Arabia issued a fatwa, Sheikh Abdul Rahman al-Barrak sanctity of women's participation in the elections, because it includes the "imitate the infidels," adding that the election of the worst income to Muslims of the "modalities of the unbelievers."
Barrak said in the fatwa was launched on its website, the "sanctity of women's participation in allegiance to the imam, or installed his counselor," and issued a fatwa as well as to "the sanctity of the adoption of the election to choose a candidate for the presidency or membership in the councils of leadership."
He added that "women do not like her in the pledge of allegiance, and no right to participate in allegiance to the Imam," he continued, "what is known as the right of women in the pledge of allegiance in the sense of choice and the election, and installed a consultant in issues of the nation but in the age of colonialism, and the darkness of the occupation."
Barrak and saw that "the election system, a corrupt system was not built in those who took it from the Muslims in this day and age to the attention of legal and mental, an outsider to them, the enemies of Islam because of their occupation of their land and admiration Boutraúgahm."
The sanctity of elections and issued a fatwa because it "includes imitate infidels, but this understanding of whom they approve of us, and invite us to it, and rejoice with our approval for them in it," in addition to "Mount the system on election propaganda and vote-buying and false claims."
Barrak said that "the election of the worst income to Muslims of the methods of the unbelievers in the status of women," noting that this "was the subject of interest Nations bodies and the infidel, because they know the magnitude of this effect in alienating the Muslim community and change the looting of properties, as I learned this fact from the reality of the country that came under the yoke of colonialism. "
The Al-Barrak called for death to every woman drive a car and said, commenting on the call Saudi women to drive cars in June 17 last, "What Azmn it is evil, and they thus become keys to the evil of this country," Allaah describes them as "women's Westernized, who sought to the alienation of this country. "
The al-Barrak issued a fatwa to destroy the Ka'bah and build again for the "avoid mixing between the sexes."
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