الجعفري: الجزاءات الاقتصادية الانفرادية التي فرضت على سورية محاولة للتأثير على استقلالية قرارها السياسي
Jaafari: unilateral economic sanctions imposed on Syria to try to influence the independence of its political
October 30, .2011
New York - SANA
الطاقم الاستراتيجي الامريكي الاسرائيلي المشترك يجتمع في تل ابيب ويعترف بفشل المؤامرة على سوريا
Crew strategic joint US-Israeli meeting in Tel Aviv and recognize the failure of the conspiracy against Syria
Saturday, 29 October 2011 12:03
Israel and the U.S. crew held joint strategic days before a meeting at the Ministry of the Israeli war in Tel Aviv, as part of the regular meetings held by the crew in Israel and the United States.
The newspaper Al-Manar of Jerusalem, citing informed sources, the crew held its meeting in light of developments and events of a serious and important in the region, based on the close of the crew members mentioned, sources indicated that the meeting is the third in two months focusing on the security situation for Israel and the dangers and challenges that threatened, as well as events in Syria, and the situation in Egypt and Jordan, and is represented by Hezbollah threats.
The sources said that the crew in question confirmed an earlier report prepared after weeks of the Second Lebanon War, which said that Israel is incapable of waging war during the past ten years to come, in the sense that there are ten full years to return Israel's balance and rebuild what he lost and lost in the war on the hands of Hezbollah, and that this period of time Israel must be used to hold a truce and peace agreements with its neighbors if it is formal, while Hezbollah has increased its strength in the years after the war.
The sources added that the crew of strategic Israel and the U.S. discussed the reports prepared by special committees on the situation in Syria for the benefit of the crew in question, and according to these reports that the Syrian regime remains strong, coherent, and succeeded in overcoming the difficult situations and foiled plans of many parties have agreed among themselves to destabilize Syria and ignite strife in which, and move on to the Lebanese arena and the Jordanian arena.
According to these reports, the tremendous support provided by the U.S., France, Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey to armed elements that pushed her to the Syrian territory, and the amount of money and quantities of arms landed in front of the coherence of the system, which came in these reports that the Syrian opposition abroad is just the elements working for intelligence agencies Foreign for years, and receive monthly salaries, and not have any popular bases within Syrian territory, and therefore, according to reports, the Syrian regime will emerge from this crisis stronger and more popular, and this in itself is a failure for Israel, America, France and the Arab countries that supported the plans down the system with money and weapons and training of armed elements in camps, especially in Turkey and Israel, and the unanimous reports that groups supported by Israel and the United States and France in Lebanon, which receive large sums of money from Saudi Arabia and recently from Qatar, the influence of a little, and can be exploited to confront Hezbollah, and with support for the system Syria in the Lebanese arena, and described reports the leaders of these groups that they just "elderly" whose only catch the money and release statements, and reports revealed that Samir Geagea take with a group of party of the future supervise the smuggling of weapons into Syria, the attribution of an Israeli, and receive Tel Aviv eighths of a weapon from the Emir of Qatar, Saad Al-Hariri.
As for the arena the Egyptian, the sources said that the crew afraid of the policy of the Egyptian leadership that thwarted attempts to confuse the scene of Egypt through the tunnels financial sabotage by the United States, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the groups carrying the names of several meant to stir up sedition and sabotage the Egyptian arena, which restored the constipated role in the region, and the Jordanian arena sources say that the crew sees the strategic question that the Jordanian monarch has the support of the Jordanian street, it is able to grasp the situation, contrary to what reported by the reports of the Israeli equipment.
China envoy says Syria unrest 'cannot continue'
October 30, 2011 06:06 PM
Agence France Presse
CAIRO: China's Middle East envoy Wu Sike cautioned Syria during a visit to Damascus of the dangers of a government crackdown on dissent that he said "cannot continue," he told reporters in Cairo Sunday.
Wu said that he "affirmed to senior officials in Syria of the danger of the situation and that it cannot continue," during his visit to Damascus Thursday.
He said President Bashar al-Assad's regime must "respect and respond to the aspirations and rightful demands of the Syrian people," according to an Arabic translation of his remarks in Mandarin by an interpreter travelling in his delegation.
Wu said China supported an Arab League proposal for Assad's regime to hold talks with dissidents, some of whom he met during his visit to Damascus.
"Syria has to show some flexibility in that regard in order to help the Arab League implement its proposal," he said, when asked whether he believed Assad's regime should negotiate with overseas-based dissident groups.
China, along with Russia, vetoed a Western-drafted resolution at the UN Security Council on October 4 that would have threatened Assad's regime with targeted sanctions if it continued its campaign against protesters.
Asked whether China would veto further resolutions if the regime continued its crackdown, which the UN says has killed more than 3,000 people, Wu said he warned Syrian officials of the dangers of the continuing unrest.
He added that the "international community must respect Syria's sovereignty" and that China "would continue its efforts internationally and in the Security Council to find a solution."
Asked whether China would raise the pressure on Assad, he said: "At this time we must concentrate on ending the bloody clashes" through the Arab League's efforts.
Syria has been shaken since mid-March by an unprecedented protest movement against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.
وفد أطباء فرنسي: ما رأيناه يختلف عما تروجه وسائل الإعلام وسننقل لمواطنينا ما يجري على أرض الواقع
Delegation of French doctors: What is different from what we've seen promoted by the media and our citizens will move to what is happening on the ground
October 30, .2011
Damascus, (SANA) -
French doctors participated visiting Damascus today in the stand in solidarity with Syria and its people and in the center of the brave-heart surgery in Damascus.
The members of the delegation, told SANA that the aim of their visit is to see the reality of what is happening in Syria away from what broadcast channels for the transfer of the real image it.
Dr. Geoffilip Adam official training and rehabilitation in a hospital in France to the importance of these visits for the facts and the statement of reality and not just including broadcast media, stressing that what he saw as different from what promoted in the media and all the places visited by affirming that Syria and its people well.
And drew Adam to the importance of friendship between the peoples of the two countries and the need to strengthen in all fields, especially in the medical and called for more conferences and the organization of visits and exchange of delegations, scientific, tourist and expressed his satisfaction to see Syria and its people, who took the initiative to receive the delegation with all the warm and welcoming since his arrival in Syrian-Lebanese border. 20111030-185224.jpg
For its part, noted Isabelle Adam that the aim of the visit, to stand on the truth of what is happening in Syria because of its importance to the peoples of the Mediterranean and who they regard as the cradle of civilizations and the meeting of religions and sects and tolerance, pointing to all those interviewed prior to her visit to Syria, advised her visit to see the value of the date on which they store in their cities and streets.
Adam and confirmed it would be moving back after what I saw and experienced during her visit to Syria on the progress of life naturally and full as usual markets with pedestrians.
Turn between the member of the delegation, Dr. Rashid said Hamri is touched with the delegation during his visit is comfortable and stable, reflecting a normal life, stressing that his talks with Syrian doctors revealed the truth of what is broadcast from the distorted images are meant to harm Syria and its people.
The Office of the President hopes to attribute unions Damascus branch of the Baath Party offered to members of the delegation of Syria faced a conspiracy aimed at security and stability.
In turn, drew Dr. Abdul Qader Hassan Syrian Medical Association to medical cooperation between Syria and France, especially as more than 6 thousand Syrian physician working in hospitals in France and said, look forward to working more with the doctors, the French in the medical, scientific, pointing out that the center brave disease and heart surgery centers, advanced and developed in this area.
For his part, Dr. Yousef Asaad Medical Association that Damascus Medical Association Syrians open to all trade unions in different parts of the world are invited to visit Syria and see the facts as they are pointing out that he is being prepared for the reception of various U.S. doctors from average of two doctors from each state in order to inform them of the size of the counterfeiting and is transmitted by the media hype from the reality the bankrupt Syrian and neutralize all the positive data and national unity that prevailed in Syria.
And saw the French delegation during his visit to the center of a film photographer for Syria, the cradle of civilizations and feature all the Syrian city, culture, careers and investments which distinguish them.
He also briefed the French delegation on the center sections of the brave heart diseases and visit the old city of Damascus and the Umayyad Mosque and Souk Hamidiya.
العقوبات الأميركية والتأخر في إصدار النظام المالي لبنك العيون يحرمان 6000 سوري من عمليات زرع القرنية
U.S. sanctions and delays in the issuance of the financial system of the eye bank robbing of the 6000 Syrian corneal transplants
Sunday - October 30 - 2011 - 14:27:07
Detect eye bank in Syria to six thousand patients have been deprived of cornea transplants, because of U.S. sanctions on the one hand, and the Syrian government because of the delay in issuing the financial system for the eye bank, despite a special decree by the last year.
According to the newspaper "alwatan.sy," said Dr., "Rana Imran" Director of the Eye Bank of the Ministry of Health that the bank has not been any corneal transplant for any patient since the beginning of April of this year.
She added: "To stop this aid has increased the Bank of the many problems that hinder his work, which is supposed to look it, which was established in the process."
سطايحي لوفد إعلامي روماني: سورية ماضية في الإصلاح وأطراف دولية وإقليمية اتخذت من الأحداث ذريعة للتدخل
Sataayihi to the delegation of Romanian media: Syria continues to reform and international parties and regional events have been taken as a pretext for intervention
October 30, .2011
Damascus, (SANA) -
Dr. Haitham Sataayihi member of the national command of the Baath Arab Socialist President of the Office of the preparation, Information and External Relations country that Syria is moving in the process of political and economic reform, with priority given to restoring security and stability and secure the political climate for the success of the reforms announced in various fields.
弾圧激化でアサド政権を非難 (The UN and the Arab League condemn al-Assad regime for its oppression)
10月30日 8時2分
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