داماس بوست عن مصادر مطلعة:السفارة الأمريكية في دمشق فبركت خبـر اغتيال رامي مخلوف
Damas Post, sources familiar with: the U.S. embassy in Damascus fabricated news of the assassination of Rami Makhlouf
Tuesday, November 1, 2011 21:41
Well-informed sources said (Damas Post) that the news of the assassination of Rami Makhlouf, who was published by Damas Post a few days ago, has prepared him points of intelligence inside the U.S. embassy in Damascus.
The sources accused directly deputy U.S. ambassador in Damascus (Haynes Mahoney) plan personally to the subject and that he was planning to promote this through the news channels such as Al Jazeera and al-Arabiyyah.
And Mahoney had planned after the circulation of such rumors to push its customers to carry out killings and crimes leveled at supporters of the Syrian regime, in order to tarnish his image and show it like the revenge of his opponents after the news of the assassination of Rami Makhlouf (supposedly).
The sources add that Mahoney, who is acting U.S. ambassador Robert Ford (for now) was bet on the delay and perhaps impossible to deny the issuance of a Syrian assassination of the fact of allowing him to campaign as planned.
But the scheme Mahoney failed quickly because the Information Office of Rami Makhlouf quickly and is usually to deny the report altogether, a move that provoked surprise of many observers is precedent occur for the first time since the beginning of the events, the Syrian authorities has been a deliberate, and patience with such rumors, and did not bother to deny, reply to, but it seems the speed of publication had a larger effect in the failure of the chart this time.
Sources say that the U.S. plan was based on the exit of "armed agents of the Americans" in certain neighborhoods of Damascus, Homs, Latakia and Jablah and Hama and shoot the interview alive and kill citizens seem sectarian retaliation for the assassination of Makhlouf.
But the Syrian authorities arrested these "customer Americans" who were preparing to participate in the implementation of those acts of terror just hours before the start of the campaign Jazeera and Al Arabiya to talk about the assassination of Makhlouf, "which means that the failure of the scheme had been a construction information and building security as well."
The sources pointed out that the target Makhlouf came close to it by virtue of the President and he is a man of the recently mocked his money to charity that support the popular system.
And accused the media that they intend to help the implementation of this scheme, "a Jazeera and Al Arabiya," she managed the media before the organs of the Office of Public Diplomacy and psychological warfare in the U.S. administration, "and pointed to the existence of a plan to promote the assassination ideologically on Future TV in Lebanon.
The sources described Mahoney as a man of intelligence responsible for the operation and management of groups of killers from the Wahabis belonging to the battle groups are trained mostly in camps set up by the Americans in the areas of Tall Akhdar in the Bekaa Valley and in areas of Lebanon such as Akkar and the Al and desolate area of a human under the supervision of direct U.S., and that some trainers were from the forces Samir Geagea, an expert in guerrilla operations since the Lebanese civil war, the groups returned by the Americans from the U.S. to Lebanon to contribute to the military operations inside Syria and in Lebanon against Hezbollah, and to train troops for the Wahhabis Syrians, which appeared on the reality of the land quality processes carried out by gunmen Syrian experts in world of terrorism against the Syrian army in Homs and countries.
The sources expressed amazement tribute to Congress, such as Shaikh Adnan Aeraour "across the channel and Wissal" the President of the organization of a Christian chauvinist elements such as Samir Geagea, the killing of Muslims in the former identity.
According to Lebanese security sources said more than 1000 Happy Syrian dealers trained with the Americans in Lebanon over the past seven months, and most of them benefited from the presence of U.S. experts have sold earlier in the murder and terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Haynes Mahoney is currently acting U.S. ambassador Robert Ford, who left Damascus and said he will return to it soon.
Quoted Damas Post for some observers earlier saying that the step of the appointment of Mahoney came in the context of strengthening the administration of the activity of its embassy sabotage in Damascus, especially since Mahoney expert spy known previously and that the work in the U.S. embassies in Cairo and Amman, and raised his activities espionage suspicions, and famous in the capitals of which he was appointed the former with violating the norms of diplomacy and its activity to recruit agents and spies.
No happy end for Syria - expert
Nov 2, 2011 17:40 Moscow Time
Yevgeny Satanovsky, President of the Moscow-based Middle East Institute:
The formula is really good. It demonstrates that Syrian government and president Bashar al-Assad himself personally really want to have some compromise with the opposing groups and for the League of Arab Nation it demonstrates that LAN has some influence on the situation in the Arab World and situation in concrete Syria.
But that's only theory. On practical level we have civil war in Syria, civil war, which cannot be stopped by any agreements, resolutions or something like that.
Syria has no chance for the happy end of all this story. If it is a military operation like in cases of Iraq and Libya, Syria will be destroyed by the Iraqi way.
If there is no military operation from Northern Atlantic Alliance or the League of Arab Nation or combination of such operation, it will be something like Egyptian scenario.
Russian missile contract with Syria remains valid – official (Yakhont)
18:56 02/11/2011
MOSCOW, November 2 (RIA Novosti) –
A contract on the supply of advanced Russian anti-ship missiles to Syria is being implemented, head of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation Mikhail Dmitriyev said on Wednesday.
Russia has repeatedly said it would honor a 2007 contract on the delivery of several Bastion anti-ship missile systems armed with SS-N-26 Yakhont supersonic cruise missiles to Syria, despite efforts by Israel and the United States to stop the deal.
"This contract is under implementation," Dmitriyev told reporters in Moscow but declined to elaborate.
The Yakhont missile has a range of 300 kilometers, the capacity to carry a 200-kilogram warhead and the unique ability of being able to cruise several meters above the water surface, making it difficult to detect and intercept.
Dmitriyev also said Russia will meet its goal to export $11.7 billion worth of weaponry in 2011.
Russian arms exports topped $10 billion last year.
خلال لقائه محافظ حلب ... السفير البريطاني بدمشق يعترف بوجود عناصر مسلحة في سورية
During a meeting with Governor of Aleppo ... British Ambassador in Damascus recognizes the presence of armed elements in Syria
Muhammad al-'Anaan
Wednesday 2 - 11 - 2011
The Governor of Aleppo Dr. Eng Muwaffaq Khallouf confirmed that hostile forces are ignoring the huge numbers of million marches who come out in support of reform and a rejection of foreign intervention in Syria.
He said the governor during his meeting with British Ambassador in Damascus / Simon Collis / yesterday that these forces are accelerated in the condemnation of any action by the government to protect civilians and ignoring the acts of violence committed by criminal gangs against the security forces and citizens, in the time that you also organize information campaigns fierce, distorted the facts and mislead public opinion, pointing to the need to face the media campaigns that are based on the open agenda, aimed at putting pressure on Syria and resolution independent.
And the governor elaborated the reality of the province of Aleppo and economic status, asserting that all economic sectors in the province is working normally and well, and that the city of Aleppo, calm and stable life and loves her family and was able to promote awareness and national affiliation, drop the conspiracy in the bud.
The governor's full readiness to provide all forms of support and assistance to all the foreign communities in various areas.
The British ambassador in Damascus said that he recognizes the existence of armed elements and acts of violence that led to security disruptions in more than one place, pointing to the importance of reaching the necessary political solutions.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Alexander Akhras the British Honorary Consul in Aleppo.
«الوكالة الذرية» تشتبه بوجود «مفاعـل نـووي» في الحسـكة
«IAEA» suspect the existence of «nuclear reactor» in Hasaka
Diplomatic sources said at the International Agency for Atomic Energy Agency yesterday that the suspect building a nuclear reactor in Damascus Hasaka northeastern Syria, which threatens to tighten the pressure on Syria, as well as the accused had been building a nuclear reactor that Israeli warplanes raided it in the Deir Al-Zour in 2007.
A senior diplomat at the IAEA was to produce images of the Hasaka, satellite images, show a complex of cotton products, but the investigators did not find any evidence that he used to produce nuclear materials.
The source told «Associated Press» that the aerial photos taken of the spike, identical with those sites that were found in Libya, which was certainly used to produce atomic weapons, and established leader, former Libyan Muammar Gaddafi, after he bought the designs of the architect of Pakistan's nuclear bomb Abdul Kader Khan. It is also similar to a large degree to those designs that appeared in the Swiss investigations with Khan. The source says that the aerial photos do not show some of the technical equipment needed to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes, such as those found in Libya.
The source added that the agency found the official correspondence between the Mohieldin Issa, who was in 2004, Deputy Minister of Education described the Syrian and the administrator of the import of nuclear weapons technology from Pakistan, with Abdul Qadeer Khan. This was a correspondence of congratulations to the Government of Pakistan's successful nuclear tests conducted by, and the proposal in collaboration with Khan, and the Syrian delegation to visit his laboratory in Pakistan, Islamabad, after the success of a nuclear test in 1998. She agency «Associated Press» they got this information from a diplomat familiar with investigations «IAEA» and a former investigator in the agency.
Syrian President Bashar Assad has approved the year 2007 in an interview with Swiss newspaper, that Syria had received letters from Abdul Qadeer Khan, but he asserted that the government did not respond to these letters. Underscoring the source at the IAEA that the Syrian government has acknowledged the agency that Khan visited Syria for once at least, gave them some of the scientific lectures.
The Abdul Qadeer Khan, admitted in a television interview with him, he sold the design technology for the production of atomic weapons to Libya, North Korea and Iran. The source added that the International Energy Agency (IAEA) had asked Syria to inspect a number of sites two years ago, but received no response so far. Damascus has denied all these charges, and assured the delegation of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Damascus last week, it does not exist any non-peaceful nuclear program in Syria.
سورية تقترح على منظمة الصحة العالمية تأسيس منتدى صحي عالمي يقوم على التكامل بين الجهات الممولة والمانحة المعنية بالصحة
Health Minister to WHO Director-General: Syria's Health Sector Targeted by Foreign Plots
Nov 02, 2011
GENEVA, (SANA) – Minister of Health, Dr. Wael al-Halaki reviewed on Tuesday with the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, Dr. Margaret Chan, a number of topics listed on the agenda of the extraordinary session dedicated to reforming the Organization, currently held at the WHO headquarters in Geneva.
Minister al-Halaki clarified the Syrian Health Ministry's viewpoint concerning the topics listed on the agenda and presented a detailed explanation on the current situation of health services offered at public and private hospitals and health centers for civilians and military members alike, particularly during the current circumstances of some Syrian areas.
The Minister affirmed that health services are available for all citizens with no discrimination, pointing out that the health sector of Syria is being targeted by foreign plots which aim at affecting its reputation.
He reviewed the health sector's heavy losses because of the current events, particularly targeting the best medical competencies and the martyrdom of dozens of emergency staff members who were trying to rescue the wounded civilians.
For her part, Dr. Chan expressed WHO's interest in continuing cooperation with the Syrian Health Ministry, and in participating actively in the efforts exerted to reform and develop the national health sector.
Syria is currently a member at the executive office, consisting of 34 countries out of 194, of the World Health Assembly (WHA).
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