شعبان: من المؤسف أن دولاً تبني مواقفها وقراراتها على امور مثيرة للسخرية
Long interview with Dr Shaaban, Presidential advisor of Syria at the end of her visit to Moscow: It is regrettable that countries adopt their positions and decisions on things ridiculous
Ambassadors as human shields in Syrian revolt
The appearance of British and other western envoys at an activist's funeral signals an upping of stakes in the stand-off with Damascus
The American and French ambassadors to Damascus now have some company as occasional human shields for the Syrian protest movement. At the funeral on Sunday of Giyath Matar, a human rights activist tortured and killed in custody, Robert Ford and Eric Chevallier were joined by other western envoys, including the UK's Simon Hollis, and representatives from Germany, Canada, Japan, Netherlands and the EU.
The measure of protection provided by the coordinated diplomatic presence is limited. The Washington Post's Liz Sly tweeted that the funeral tent at the Matar wake was trashed by security forces an hour later. And the risk to the diplomats is real. It is an uncomfortable and somewhat bizarre position to be in being the diplomatic representative of a country openly calling for the toppling of the host regime. Ford has noted on his Facebook page that he has received death threats, but British diplomats say there will be more such public appearances at opposition events.
Pietton to Visit al-Rahi Amid French Disappointment with his Remarks
by Naharnet Newsdesk
14 September 2011, 10:37
French ambassador Denis Pietton unveiled on Wednesday that Paris was disappointed with the statements made by Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi following talks with top French officials.
In remarks to AlKalima Online website, Pietton said that the officials were "surprised and disappointed" with the remarks of al-Rahi who linked the fate of Hizbullah's arms to the liberation of the remaining Israeli-occupied Lebanese territories.
The patriarch also expressed fear on the fate of Christians in Syria if the Muslim Brotherhood rose to power. He called for giving Syrian President Bashar Assad the chance to introduce reform.
Al-Rahi's "statement did not reflect the stance of French authorities regardless of the patriarch's personal point of view and his way of thinking," Pietton said.
He also unveiled that he would visit the patriarch soon upon the request of French authorities to inquire him about his statements.
The dispute that erupted among Lebanese parties over his remarks, led to "unsatisfactory expectations among the Lebanese, particularly that they see the patriarchate as a moral authority in addition to being a political and religious" authority, the ambassador added.
Pietton stressed to the website that following talks with Premier Najib Miqati he didn't describe al-Rahi's visit to Paris as "successful." He said the trip was "important."
منع الطلاب السوريين من التقدم إلى امتحان GMAT و 1500 جامعة عالمية
Preventing Syrian students progress to the GMAT exam and 1500 global university
منع السوريين الذين لا يملكون إقامة في غير الأراضي السورية من التقدم إلى امتحان GMAT الذي يخوضه المتقدمون لشهادة الماجيستير في إدارة الأعمال بالجامعات التي تتبع النظام الأميركي .
Syrians who don't have a residence other than in the Syrian territory are prohibited to progress to the GMAT exam applicants for the Master's degree in business administration universities that follow the American system.
Related info:
"*If you are a citizen of Iran living in Iran, or a citizen of Syria living in Syria, you must schedule your appointment by phone through GMAT Customer Service."
Syria, Venezuela to set joint fish-processing plant
Caracas, 14 Sep. AVN .- A joint venture to process and export fish will be set in state Barinas, western Venezuela, by means of an accord inked between the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Syrian Arab Republic.
General secretary of Barinas state government, Carlos Hernandez, said the information during a conference named Syria, decent resistance in the Middle East, which took place at a seat of the state-run oil company PDVSA, in Barinas state.
The goal is to process and pack different kind of fishes in the plant; then, these shall be exchanged by goods and services provided by the Syrian people, said Hernandez.
Meanwhile, Syrian ambassador to Venezuela, Ghassan Sulaiman Abbas, expressed that within the mutual cooperation it is as well envisaged to construct a binational joint venture to refine olive oil in the Syrian province of Idlib.
The olive will be sown and harvested in Syria, while its packing and distribution will take place in Venezuela.
Besides, the accord envisages commercial operations to export foods, especially fruits produced in Venezuela, such as mango and banana.
Also, the two nations are expected to sow cotton in Venezuelan territory.
"This cooperation breaks with all neoliberal schemes by means of complementarity between two sister nations," Sulaiman said.
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