
Sep 16 Regional

الرئيس اللبناني السابق إميل لحود: خط المقاومة المتمثل بلبنان وسورية ليس قابلاً للاختراق
Former Lebanese President Emile Lahoud: the line of resistance of Lebanon and Syria is not capable of penetrating

حطيط ينتقد بيان وزراء الخارجية العرب حول الأحداث ب سورية .
Hoteit a statement criticizing the Arab foreign ministers on the events to Syria. (Statements from pro-Syrian figures in Lebanon about Arab League, etc.)

لبنان : الأحداث في سوريا تضرّ بالسياحة والتجارة عبر الحدود
Lebanon: the events in Syria harm to tourism and cross-border trade

The Governor of the Bank of Lebanon, Riad Salameh, said . . . that the "bank deposits in Lebanon increased by about 4.5 billion dollars during the past few months," expected "growth in deposits, about 7 percent in 2011."

In response to a question on whether the deposit growth is partly due to flows from Syria, he said, "No, is essentially normal flows that we receive from Lebanese expatriates, did not notice significant transfers from Syria to Lebanon."

Erdogan to visit Iran

Ankara, Sept 16, IRNA – Turkish Prime Minister Recep Teyyip Erdogan will pay an official visit to Iran, according to Turkish news sources.

"I plan visiting Iran in the near future," Erdogan told reporters during his Thursday visit to Tunisia. Soon I will send Hakan [Fidan, undersecretary of the National Intelligence Organization (M?T)] to Tehran to hold meetings with Iranian officials."

He said Turkey is in talks with Iran on regional developments, Syria issues and campaign against terrorism.

Turkish PM Erdogan says Syrian oppressors won't survive (just a performance of a politician apparently)

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