Russian Federation Council Delegation Starts Visit to Syria
وفد المجلس الاتحادي الروسي يبدأ زيارة إلى سورية: عدم قبول التدخل بشؤون الدول والتعاون لدفع الحوار الوطني في سورية
Leave Syria alone –Russian official
أيغور بانارين عميد الأكاديمية الدبلوماسية التابعة لوزارة الخارجية الروسية: الإعلام الأسود يلعب دوراً تخريبياً في الشرق الأوسط لتقسيم الدول العربية وإدخال الإرهابيين إلى الدول العلمانية
Panarin: Black Media plays a subversive role in the Middle East to divide the Arab states and terrorists to enter the secular states
September 17, .2011
Moscow, (SANA) -
Igor Panarin said Dean of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry .. The BBC plays a role of a Trojan horse to sabotage the Middle East and the destruction of civilized secular states to divide the Arab countries and the introduction of elements of terrorism and ignite the bloody civil wars.
Panarin said in an interview with Russia Today channel .. The largest website owner, who spoke about the largest mass killings and provocations in Syria and introduced himself as a Syrian turned out to be an American and I expect to be employed by intelligence agencies, as the site misled many information technology and ingenious way.
Panarin said .. The Americans are the first to introduce the media as a special kind of war, the Dallas head of the CIA first used the word media in his surrender hidden in 1960, pointing out that in 1992 appeared for the first time a close ideological of the General Staff in America called the media war and used by the U.S. United lethal weapon for nearly 20 years against the various countries of the world.
He Panarin .. What we see today in the Middle East black media distorted information across the entire industry by the satellite channels that work on the ignition and the escalation of the situation and undermine it in Syria, Libya and Egypt as well.
The Panarin said that the BBC with the satellite channels are known and the Wikileaks site and play an inflammatory large and used for the social communications media such as Facebook and recent events have appeared a large infusion of media promotional black, which is clear when you do not understand from the filming and where .. Many of the photos did not pick up in Syria or Libya, but fabricated and this in itself a violation of human rights as well as to provide figures distorted and untrue on the number of victims.
Panarin said that the black media liar who distorts and misrepresents the facts and actually a vulgar and distorted and tasks carried out by these channels to incite hatred, violence and terrorism and to find events and fake these steps sabotage against Syria and Libya will be the beginning of the later stages against Russia, China, India and Brazil, the so-called group Brics.
He Panarin What happened in Uzbekistan is similar what is happening in Syria and Libya, where she helped the U.S. intelligence and Western terrorists to escape from Afghanistan to Uzbekistan and the first thing the president Uzbek Islam Karimov has done was closure of all events and activities of the agency, the BBC and CNN channels and other hostile and thus deprived the terrorists of Media Support and events put down very quickly.
Panarin said .. Been smuggling terrorists from other countries and bringing them into Syria, Libya, but the potential now to close the activities of satellite channels and networks information pointing to the need for information networks, especially in the targeted countries to communicate its views to the people and at the same time disrupt the strong influence that comes from abroad and find the key to lock into streams of information tendentious.
Panarin pointed out that the strike against Syria and Libya to Russia as directed Syria since 2006 a member of the Euro-Asian alliance so the strike directed against NATO, and we devote all our efforts to help the Syrian people to withstand the specter of the media war.
التايمز: حان الوقت لاستهداف دمشق .. وأردوغان هو الحل
The Times: It's time to target Damascus .. Erdogan and is the solution
Saturday - September 17 - 2011 - 9:08:39
Under the title "It's time to target Damascus," the Times editorial calling for the West that "enhance the penalties for his effective measures to isolate the Syrian leadership."
The Times says that the risk of Britain and France of supporting the opposition in Libya back on the two honored in Tripoli and Benghazi and all over Libya and the Arab world.
She adds that after the Libya, it is time to focus on Syria.
Acknowledges that the paper's editorial in Syria's military intervention unlikely, but believes that condemnation, sanctions and isolate Syria a sponsor to bring down the system.
The Times believes that the impact of sanctions has so far not mentioned.
And calls for the Times in an editorial that translates to speak about sanctions measures to fill gaps in order to yield the desired result of sanctions which bring down the system.
The Times says that the pressure on Syria from the region appeared to be stronger than the west, and hit the example of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
She adds that Erdogan did not criticize the Syrian regime, but he demanded that Iran cease its support for Syria.
مسؤول أمني فرنسي رفيع : فرنسا خسرت مبادئها وشرفها ومصداقيتها في ليبيا
Senior French security official: France lost its principles and honor and credibility in Libya
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