وزير الداخلية: مواصلة الجهود للقبض على المجموعات الإرهابية المسلحة
Minister of the Interior: to continue the efforts to capture terrorist groups armed
November 15, 2011
Damascus, (SANA) -
Maj. Gen. Muhammad Shaar and the Interior Minister that Syria is aware of the size of the plot being exposed as a result of her positions defending the interests of the nation and reject the policy of hegemony and dictates, stood with the resistance, pointing out that there are hundreds of confessions of detainees for killings and destruction during the events witnessed by showing how their access to weapons and financial support of the views Foreign Affairs.
During a meeting with officers and courses cadets at the Faculty of the martyr Bassel Al Assad for Science Police and submit a presentation on the course of events experienced by Syria and the dimensions of the plot and campaigns inflammatory-led third parties to undermine security and stability, the minister Shaar pointed out that the internal security forces and the concerned authorities continue their efforts to catch the groups armed terrorist committed acts of murder and sabotage far from the ethics and values of the Syrian people and supported by foreign powers want evil to Syria, stressing in this connection that should dictate to every nobleman and loyal to his homeland to address all that would disturb the security and stability and that no country in the world accept that the security of its citizens at risk.
The Minister of the Interior that the volume of disinformation and attack fabricated, which are exposed and ridiculed its potential aims to produce an image is objective and building a negative attitude to the Arab public opinion and the world against Syria for crafts for its approach and principles of national, adding that Syria, despite the size of the pressures exerted and exert moving the reform program under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad, which was the completion of several steps such as lifting the state of emergency laws and the political parties, elections, local administration and the media, according to a schedule announced.
The minister Shaar pointed out that the U.S. economic sanctions and European restrictions on Syria, which have a negative impact in the lives and livelihoods of the Syrian citizens reveal the falsity of allegations of the West in his defense of human rights and called the officers and cadets to redouble efforts and optimum use of energy and potential and to recognize the size of the tasks and responsibilities entrusted to them in this stage to face all challenges.
During his response to the interventions of the audience said the minister Shaar that a priority of the Ministry of Interior during the next phase of work on the rehabilitation and production of a new mentality for officers and police officers based in founded on the employment of human resources in its proper and the fight against corruption and dedicate programs and action plans that will enhance the role of the police in service and dignity of citizens with a focus on bridging any gap between the policeman and the citizen, wherever found. noting in this regard that the ministry is currently working to secure integrated systems and supplement your internal security forces with the blood of a young woman through the new opening of several police courses.
He also urged the Minister of the Interior to work to translate the experience and knowledge of scientific, legal and behavioral to concrete action on the ground and that the slogan and the address of their integrity and sincerity in the performance of the Secretariat entrusted to them to preserve the security of the homeland and the citizen and the application of laws and regulations without a shed or favor with the commitment and to ensure full sovereignty of law and the rights of citizens.
Meeting was attended by Major General Abdul Karim Haji Saleh, Deputy Minister of the Interior.
قانون بإعفاء المكلفين بضريبة دخل الأرباح الحقيقية لأعوام 2010 وما قبل وبالضرائب والرسوم المالية المباشرة لأعوام 2011 وما قبل من الفوائد في حال تم تسديدها قبل أواخر العام الحالي
President al-Assad Issues Law Exempting Taxpayers from Overdue Interests, Fines, Penalties
Nov 15, 2011 (note: /ara/ is the decree itself.)
DAMASCUS, (SANA) - President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday issued the law No. 19 for 2011 on exempting taxpayers of real profits income tax and its additions from the overdue interests, unpaid fines and late payment penalties for the years 2010 and before if they pay the tax or the fees imposed in the aforementioned years before December, 31st, 2011.
The law stipulates for exempting taxpayers included in article six of the decree No. 51 for 2006 and its amendments related to the tourist facilities and taxpayers of real estates sector included in the law No. 41 for 2005 and its amendments from all the outstanding fines and penalties in the years 2011 and before if they pay the tax before 31/12/2011.
Minister of Finance Muhammad al-Jililati said the law comes in light of completing the tax reform process in order to ease the financial burdens on the citizens who didn't pay or delay their financial commitments.
إخلاء سبيل 1180 موقوفاً تورطوا بالأحداث في سورية ولم تتلطخ أيديهم بالدماء
1,180 Detainees Involved in Events in Syria Released
Nov 15, 2011
DAMASCUS, (SANA) – 1,180 detainees who are involved in the recent events in Syria and didn't commit murder were released on Tuesday.
553 detainees involved in the events were released on November 5th on occasion of Eid al-Adha.
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