قواعد في قطر والسعودية وتركيا لتدريب مرتزقة وإرسالهم لسورية... الفيصل زار القاهرة سراً.. حمد هدد بإسقاط الأنظمة التي لا تدعم قرار الجامعة ضد سورية
Bases in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey to train mercenaries and send them to Syria ... Faisal secretly visited Cairo .. Hamad threatened to shoot down systems that do not support the League's resolution against Syria
Tuesday 15/11/2011
Revealed an intelligence report prepared by the Department's Middle East intelligence European state that there are rules established for more than a year in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey for the training of mercenaries from Muslim and Arab countries, and bringing them into Syrian territory, and these mercenaries are of different nationalities are trained by soldiers of the Israel and the United States and Turkey, and receive high salaries for the implementation of plans of aggression against the Syrian people.
The report, obtained by (Al Manar) Jerusalem, there are stations for the transfer of weapons into Syria to these gangs, mercenaries, and one of these schemes in Beirut in the region that are influential to Hariri and Samir Geagea and Doha and Riyadh encyclopedia financed purchase, and the majority of weapons are delivered from the warehouses of American, Turkish and Israeli and deal with it, citing the smuggling networks of private arms dealers, receive their wages are high, and under the supervision of members of the company "Blackwater" terrorist recently transferred its headquarters to Abu Dhabi and has owners and managers have immunity against prosecution, in light of the crimes committed against Iraqis under the eyes the U.S. military.
The report points out that the embassies of the countries concerned to play a major role in the implementation of the planned sabotage against Syria, and the effect that the supervisors of the scheme against Syria are the devices the U.S., who issue their instructions to low levels such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the leaders of the Future Movement and Geagea's militiamen and Ankara, started implementation of a new episode of the said scheme is based on the terrorist attacks against public institutions in Syria, and the liquidation of the Syrian scientists and competencies especially in the Syrian universities.
The European report that Turkey has established on its territory stations, communication centers and recruiting and training bases of mercenaries and increase in number, and that in this context, the launch of the "army of Syria," free of those indulging in sabotage and incitement, which infiltrate mercenaries are smuggling weapons across the Turkish border into Syrian territory .
Does not exclude the European report carry out attacks against Syrian diplomats abroad, and the burning of foreign embassies in Syria and paste the responsibility of the Syrian leadership, the report reveals desperate attempts to move the "shoulder-launched missiles," an American-made into Syria and launched on sensitive sites and public facilities.
In the report a serious point, you say, that the participants in the conspiracy against Syria Osdora instructions to the mercenaries of various nationalities who have managed to sneak into Syria intensified their military operations against the army and security forces killed more civilians and military personnel and intimidate the Syrians to stop them from going out in the marches and mass demonstrations in support of the leadership in Damascus, to proceed with the smuggling of tools and communication devices and support for media incitement laboratories scattered in neighboring countries, and one of them within the Office of Samir Geagea responsible for the massacres of Sabra and Shatila, the candidate for the presidency Hariri of Lebanon.
On the other hand revealed sources in the Egyptian capital that the decision to suspend the membership of Syria in the Arab League was prepared in advance in communications took place between Qatar and Washington, Paris and Riyadh, which was held by the amendments in the form of incitement and mobilization, and a blatant interference in the affairs of Syria, under the pretext of protecting the Syrian people.
The sources said the amendments and the final wording prompted the Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal to come to Cairo for the night, and met for hours with the Nabil al-Arabi and Qatari Prime Minister Hamad Al-Thani, on the morning of the meeting and before the opening session cycle the Arab League, distributed Hamad Qatar threats to the representatives of Arab countries, saying that the Doha will topple the regime and decision support you prepared against Syria.
The sources added that the communications Libya that preceded the hearing conducted for the American side, David Hill and the U.S. ambassador in Cairo, on the other end Saud al-Faisal, Hamad Al Thani, and with them, Arab League Secretary General, who turned into a puppet in the hands of the Saudis and Qataris, though they are the ones who dragged him from the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, to carry him responsibility for the decision, a decision primer for U.S. military intervention French Israel against Syria in various forms, similar to the decision announced by Amr Moussa, before the expiry of the period of his mandate against Libya, which resulted in bringing the colonial NATO to the Libyan territory, in support of the charts, "Israel."
AL resolution
الجامعة العربية تمهل سورية ثلاثة أيام للتوقيع على مذكرة إرسال مراقبين
الاربعاء - 16 تشرين الثاني - 2011 - 20:10:48
Arab League to send observers to Syria within three days
وزراء الخارجية العرب يتفقون على ارسال مراقبين إلى سورية ويلوحون بعقوبات اقتصادية
Arabs give Syria 3 days to halt 'bloody repression'
Arab Foreign Ministers to Send Memo to Syrian Foreign Ministry on Protocol to Send Observers to Syria
Nov 17, 2011
Condemnation against the Arab League resolution
Wide Condemnation of AL Decision against Syria Continues (Iran)
Nov 16, 2011
Lebanese PM and MPs
المؤتمر الشعبي اللبناني: التهديدات الأجنبية والصهيونية لسورية تتطلب من الجامعة وقف سياسة تصفية الحسابات ووضع خطة لحماية الأمن القومي
الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين تدين قرار الجامعة بشأن سورية وتقول إنه " خطير"
تونسيون يتظاهرون احتجاجاً على قرارالجامعة ضد سورية
Tunisian Citizens protest against the AL Decision on Syria
Political parties of Tunisia
حزب تونسي : قرار الجامعة العربية بشأن سوريا خطير ومُدان
Syrian Ambassador to the US attacks Qatar and Turkey as "a tool for a dirty war to us"
عماد مصطفى : قطر وتركيا أدوات لحرب قذرة ضدنا
Arab-Turkish Forum in Rabat (convened in parallel to the AL meeting)
المنتدى العربي التركي يدعو إلى حل الأزمة السورية دون تدخل أجنبي
الاربعاء - 16 تشرين الثاني - 2011 - 16:29:18
Asharq al-Awsat: To accept observers is the last chance for al-Assad
مصادر لـ«الشرق الأوسط»: أمام الأسد فرصة واحدة قبل تدويل الملف.. وهي القبول بدخول مبعوثين مراقبين
Reaction from regional countries
Algerian FM
وزير الخارجية الجزائري : الجامعة العربية على الطريق الصحيح لإنجاح مهمتها في سوريا
الخميس - 17 تشرين الثاني - 2011 - 13:14:45
Lebanon's Minister of State Qanso: Syria Will Come Triumphant out of Conspiracy
Nov 17, 2011
Jordan on embassy attack in Damascus
الخارجية الأردنية : سوريا اعتذرت عن اعتداء تعرضت له سفارة الأردن بدمشق
الاربعاء - 16 تشرين الثاني - 2011 - 13:41:15
Adviser to Iranian Islamic Revolution Leader Critizes AL Decision against Syria
Nov 17, 2011
Iraq: Talk of reduction of diplomatic mission in Syria is premature
الخارجية العراقية : تخفيض البعثة الدبلوماسية في سوريا موضوع سابق لأوانه
الخميس - 17 تشرين الثاني - 2011 - 14:07:31
Iraq's Sadr backs embattled Assad (Iraqi Shiites)
Syrian Ambassador to the US: Syria will study the request of observers, Qatar is the spearhead of the plot
عماد مصطفى: سوريا تدرس طلب إرسال مراقبين وقطر رأس الحربة في المخطط
الخميس - 17 تشرين الثاني - 2011 - 10:59:19
Lebanon's Geagea returns from "official visit to the UAE"
جعجع عاد من دولة الامارات بعد لقاءات مع ولي العهد ووزير الخارجية
Nov 16, 2011 - 8:24:33 AM
Turkish intelligence disclosed the US plan to assassinate President al-Assad
المنار: رئيس جهاز المخابرات التركية أبلغ السوريين بمخطط معد لاغتيال الرئيس الأسد
الخميس - 17 تشرين الثاني - 2011 - 13:48:50
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