
Nov 14 Local government

نتيجة "النق" .. لجنة نقل الركاب تقر تخديم منطقة "عندان" في حلب بباصات النقل الداخلي
The result of "Alnaqq" .. Commission recognizes the passenger service the area, "Andan" in Aleppo with internal bus transport
Monday - November 14 - 2011 - 11:52:43

Committee approved the transfer of passengers at its last meeting the servicing area Andan with internal bus transport through the establishment of a investor operates 10 buses on the mentioned line service to the people of the region and meet their demands frequent running buses between them and the city of Aleppo, as the allocation of buses to serve the line of living force and serve the neighborhood Karam cruise b / 3 / buses are working on next micro buses.

Dr. "Muwaffaq Khallaf" Governor of Aleppo need for the transport companies the internal public and private Airways serves the citizens in a decent and civilized and the provision of a sufficient number of buses on each line as stipulated in the contracts with investors directed to intensify control over the transmission lines of procedure to make sure the frequency of and commitment to the conditions Streptococcus and control any offense related to the service.

ارتفاع تسعيرة وسائط النقل الداخلي لـ 8 ليرات ابتداء من الغد في حلب
Raise rate of internal transport for 8 lira from tomorrow in Aleppo
Monday - November 14 - 2011 - 15:17:12

Aks al-Ser learned that the pricing of internal transport will rise to 8 lira as of tomorrow, Tuesday in the city of Aleppo.

The Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Eng, "Sufian Alao," the face of suggestion to the Commission determine the quantities of diesel and fuel problem maintaining determine quantities of fuel oil diesel used by FCC / 5 / low aromatics and low sulfur content and the percentage of smoking (green) for all the engines that run on diesel.

With the knowledge that he was informed of all branches of fuel on 19.10.2011 to provide public transport companies and private Tstjer diesel fuel directly from a company that is also provide it with diesel fuel oil (green).

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