
Dec 1 Central government

سورية تبدأ دبلوماسية جديدة والبداية مع تركيا: الحكومة السورية تعلق اتفاقية التجارة الحرة مع الجانب التركي وتدرس إمكانية اتخاذ إجراءات أخرى تتناسب مع الموقف التركي
Syria begins a new diplomatic start with Turkey: Syrian government suspended the free trade agreement with the Turkish side and is considering further action commensurate with the Turkish position
Thursday 01/12/2011

الخارجية: سورية تقرر تعليق عضويتها في الاتحاد من أجل المتوسط إلى حين تراجع الاتحاد الأوروبي عن إجراءاته
Syria Suspend its Membership in UfM (the Union of the Mediterranean) until EU Reconsiders Sanctions against It
Dec 01, 2011

الداخلية تصدر قرارا حول الحقوق العينية العقارية التي يحق لغير السوريين اكتسابها في الأراضي السورية وفقا للقانون11 تاريخ10/4/2011
The Interior Ministry Issues Decision on Real Estate Ownership for Non-Syrians
Dec 01, 2011

DAMASCUS, SANA_ The Interior Ministry on Thursday issued a decision on the real estate ownership for non-Syrians, in accordance with the Law No. 11 for 2011, especially article 3, and provisions of the cabinet's decision issued on August 08, 2011 on the executive instructions of the law.

The person himself or his legal representative must submit the application of possession to the central administration office of civil affairs at the Interior Ministry, accompanied by a document by the concerned sides includes some details pertaining to the building to be registered in the management of real estate in the governorate and a document proving the legal residence of the family in Syria.

For the Palestinians registered at the General Authority of Palestinian refugees, the documents must include a document showing that neither the applicant nor his wife or unmarried children has a house in Syria.

People's Assembly Stresses Rejection and Condemnation of Foreign Interference in Syria
Dec 01, 2011

Preparation for the local election
اللجنة العليا للانتخابات تبحث الاثنين المقبل مع اللجان الفرعية انتخابات مجالس الإدارة المحلية والمعوقات التي قد تعترض حسن سيرها
01 كانون الأول, 2011

The government is dealing with Aleppo businessmen very nervously
دعوات لـ "مداومة" الوزراء فيها وتشكيل "خلية أزمة".. حلب في قلب الحكومة مجدداً
Calls for "maintenance" Ministers and the formation of a "crisis cell" .. Aleppo in the heart of the government again
Thursday - December 1 - 2011 - 15:01:49

Government returned to Aleppo Department of attention again in an effort to resolve their problems and strengthen the resilience capital of the Syrian economy in the face of sanctions designed to discourage them from their positions in support of stability and dialogue as a way to end the crisis faced by the country. Fsarha this week three ministers to mind the process of re-cent first days of life of the current government, which recorded 34 visits at ministerial visit every three days.

He called for citizens and businessmen, according to the newspaper "alwatan.sy" to the maintenance of Ministers where by allowing them time and agenda of their work to remove obstacles to achieve their interests and to ensure that its line of national bias, loyal to the homeland and because of the weight of economic and demographic posed Aleppo

And spaced lineament for Aleppo people formed a "crisis cell" that would manage the economic team commissioned by the government to face sanctions, European, American, Syrian Arab, optimistic and good for the issuance of a similar resolution for the formation of a cell similar in Aleppo after accusations effectiveness of economic government negligence and express "dissatisfaction" for its performance.

And while the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Sufian Alao during his visit to Aleppo allocation of fuel oil to meet their needs, and put the Minister of Housing and Construction Hala Nasser, the foundation stone for the project of drawing water, V, and discussed the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor Radwan beloved how to increase women's participation in social development, was absent and the Minister of Tourism Lamia Assi to attend the annual conference of the Federation of Chambers of Tourism, which was held in Aleppo, in conjunction with the annual conference of the Chamber of Tourism northern region was observed stop shuttle visits to the Minister of Economy and Trade Mohamad Nedal Shaar to the city at the beginning of his ministry, while ignoring the Industry Minister Adnan Slakhu invite industrialists to visit Aleppo to relieve their suffering.

And called on the economic activities of the Commission services in the Council of Ministers to visit Aleppo to follow to solve problems and constraints the service that they put forward during the first visit of the Committee at which the Chairman and Minister of Local Administration Omar Ghalaounji that he had a "toolkit that all displays will be interest in him certainly and seriously to make decisions directly," .

وزارة الاقتصاد تسمح للحرفيي صناعة الدهانات بتصدير المواد العازلة
Ministry of Economy allows the craftsmen paint industry exported insulating materials
Thursday - December 1 - 2011 - 11:33:12

The Ministry of Economy's decision to allow the craftsmen licensed assets for the manufacture of paints export of insulation materials in Lattakia.

According to "facilitate the Queen", director of economics and trade in Latakia that the decision to allow this shall be effective from the date of issue last month.

Referred to as excluded these materials from the provisions of the Prevention of export, provided for craftsmen who wish to export specifications and ratification of the contracts with importers and update the value of asphalt used for mixing the dollar by the refineries, but less than the export price, set by the Office of the marketing of oil, according to the regulations of other assets.

الاقتصاد تتخذ إجراءات في السوق المحلية لمواجهة العقوبات العربية
Economy to take action in the local market to meet the Arab sanctions
Thursday - December 1 - 2011 - 16:26:31

The director of consumer protection "just Slmo" The Economy Ministry has taken several actions following the Arab economic sanctions on Syria.

And circulated the Ministry's directorates, as a result of the decisions unfair issued the so-called Arab League, which includes economic sanctions against the Syrian people, and in order to ensure the needs of citizens at reasonable prices and quality required, has been tightening control of the departments of consumer protection and patrolling intensified on the internal market and the suppression of the phenomenon of monopoly or refrain from selling or raise the price and any cases of fraud, fraud, and monitor availability of materials and goods in the market and full attention to complaints of citizens and addressed immediately, and inform the ministry about the negative effects of sanctions that may appear in the near term so they can be avoided to the maximum speed.

The Ministry of Economy pointed to the watch, the high prices of some food commodities during the next few months because of the possibility of an economic embargo on Syria.

الحكومة تخفض البدلات السنوية لشركات الخدمات والوساطة المالية بنسبة 50%
The government reduced the annual allowances to companies and brokerage services by 50%
Thursday - December 1 - 2011 - 19:06:45

Council of Ministers issued two resolutions to amend the fees and allowances contained in the licensing system and the system of allowances for the securities and financial markets and companies due to the financial services and brokerage.

According to the newspaper, the "al-Thawrah", according to the Commission shall adopt the amendment instead of an annual amount per one thousand of the capital of the company, while the annual allowance by two per mille amendment of the capital of the company.

The Commission shall pay an annual registration for the accreditation of a natural person, by 10 thousand pounds, although the annual allowance before the amendment was 25 thousand in the rest of the allowances remain unchanged.

مجلس الشعب يُقر خفض رسم الإنفاق الاستهلاكي
People's Council approved fee reduction in consumer spending
Thursday - December 1 - 2011 - 14:56:24

People's Assembly approved in its meeting held yesterday under the chairmanship of Dr. Mahmoud al-Abrash President of the Council draft law amending some provisions of Legislative Decree No. 61 of 2004, as amended, to impose fee on consumer spending and became law.

And Dr. Muhammad Aljalilati Finance Minister that the law comes as a continuation of the process of tax reform, after the passage of several laws and legislative decrees in this context and commensurate with the development of existing legislation and economic developments at the local and global, where it was necessary to reconsider some of the rates of consumptive expenditure fee imposed on some food as well as services.

He explained that the law includes a reduction of the drawing listed on these materials as well as discrimination by drawing on the services, restaurants, tourist facilities, according to the degree classification approved by the Ministry of tourism, thus getting closer to the objectivity and fairness of these ratios in line with the physical level and the purchasing power of citizens.

The minister pointed Aljalilati to have been the adoption of a lump sum per kilogram fee consumer spending on food provided by law rather than a percentage of the value for this standard of the advantages of the first to encourage importers of these materials for the disclosure of the true value of these materials to be able to export their bills in a realistic and objective, as it the adoption of a lump sum per kilogram instead of the percentage of the value is removed, which causes some people to pay for a permit Mistordathm values ​​less than the reality and the consequent difficulties in billing in addition to the customs and tax evasion together.

وزيرة السياحة: لم ولن يتوقف أي مشروع بسبب العقوبات العربية
Tourism Minister: any project has not and will not stop because of the sanctions the Arab
Thursday - December 1 - 2011 - 14:23:56

Confirmed "Lamia Asi" Minister of Tourism does not stop any tourist project in Syria because of the sanctions of Arab Syria will not stop during the next stage because these projects are linked to contracts between the ministry and investors multiple destinations and breach of these contracts require the application of the law and therefore projects ongoing or delay it.

According to newspaper "al-Thawrah," she said, "Asi": "The projects that have the character of Arab investments in Syria a few and do not constitute a large proportion in the size of investments and what concerns us now targeting local investors and expatriate Syrians, for this we will focus during the investment forum of tourism which will be held soon to local investors and expatriates was not invited to any Arab investors. "

And on the perceptions of the next phase of Syrian Tourism, said: "Asi" It is linked to political circumstances of the country and is known as a country facing such circumstances, subject to reduction to come tourism to and we hope that once this crisis will return the Syrian tourism for its prosperity and growth.

And estimates of losses Syrian Tourism at the beginning of the crisis so far and that of some $ 4 billion, she said, "Asi": "This number is not true at all and this does not mean that the Syrian tourism has suffered in recent months, losses, so emphasize that any numbers put on the losses are currently estimated because the Ministry of Tourism has not been a census or survey accurate to the size of these losses can be carried out this survey after the crisis because it does not benefit from them now. "

USD Rises against SYP by 1.01 %, Initial Approval to Enlist the 6th Insurance Company in DSE
Dec 01, 2011

DAMASCUS, (SANA) - The SYP/USD opened the week's trade at 50.10 and closed at 50.61, recording a 1.01 % increase, while the Euro started off the weekly trading against the SYP at 67.75 and closed at 67.68 with a drop of 0.103%.

According to the Central Bank of Syria report, the US dollar continued gain ground against other major currencies due to the rise of demand for safe investments amid the intensification of the European and U.S. sovereign debt crises.

Since September, The CBS has recently started to move the SYP/USD exchange rate in accordance with the global exchange rate movements in a way that reflects the changes in the local supply and demand of foreign currency.

The CBS decision came after the recent US sanctions which led Syria to replace the Dollar with other currencies. This move ensures better stability of the SYP exchange rate against other foreign currencies after the CBS had fixed the SYP exchange rate against Dollar since the crisis started.

The CBS included the Chinese Yuan in its daily exchange rates bulletin since last September to facilitate trading in light of heading eastward, particularly towards China.

The Bank has interfered several times in the exchange market selling millions in foreign currency as a step to preserve the exchange rate, with the latest amount sold reaching USD 41,9 million.

DSE: Initial Approval to Enlist Arab Orient Insurance Company in Parallel Market

The Executive Director of Damascus Securities Exchange (DSE), Ma'moun Hamdan, on Wednesday issued a decision on initial approval for enlisting the shares of the Arab Orient Insurance Company in the parallel market /B/.

The Company is to complete the enlisting requirements to get the approval within a month time, which includes mainly the registration and depositing of shares and paying the due allowances towards signing the enlisting agreement with the DSE.

With the enlisting of the Arab Orient Insurance Company, the number of companies listed in the DSE rose up to 20, including 12 banks, 6 insurance companies and 4 industrial, agricultural and service companies.

The value of trading achieved over the first ten months of 2011 at the DSE reached SYP 6.9 billion.

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