
Dec 2 Central government

الأسد : معركتنا ليست مع العرب
Assad: Our battle is not with the Arabs
No. 1576 Friday 2 December 2011

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad assured to the state of stability in Lebanon. Confirms that he is not familiar with the details of the internal Lebanese now, but that the current government will continue to perform its tasks as it seems. When the Syrian crisis is resolved, Lebanon will pass in a more comfortable, especially that all the world today focuses on Syria, «but we are getting strikes and grasp»

Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, in front of the delegation of «Coalition of Muslim Scholars in Lebanon», headed by Chairman of the Board Shaikh Ahmed Zein, that the United States is trying to cover its withdrawal from Iraq by fabricating problems in Syria, before moving to the internal situation of the Syrian, indicating that various walks of Islamists, and even from within the Salafi ideology Some penitential, while there are Dauaon, and between other teams, too, between the Muslim Brotherhood and the difference between the Sufi and between this and that. But the Syrian authorities have dealt with all the same stick, and closed many religious institutions, and chased many people, and hit the groups that do not like to threaten stability. After Syria was the destination for Muslims who wish to graduate in law from all over the Muslim world, whether Arab or non-Arab, abandoned this role is no longer accommodate them.

And asked Assad, in the meeting, which lasted three hours and began one to read by secretary of the administrative Shaikh Hassan Abdullah about the history of assembly and its role in Lebanon and his work in Islamic circles, check the term Islamist, preferring the term Muslim, then admitted that Syria is a mistake in dealing with all Islamic institutions like one, «Now, we consider how to deal with all, and have established a dedicated media channel on behalf of Islamic Nur al-Sham Islamic, we are seeking to switch restrictions that prevailed in the past to expand on the Syrian Muslim».

And about the possibility of dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood movement, the Assad relationship with the Brotherhood to say we opened formerly the doors of dialogue with the Brotherhood, several times, but we did not get to the result, and that was due to persistence of the Brotherhood in their opinion, and then also I was ready for dialogue from the stage of Hama, down to the present, I did not intend to avoid any points, or stage, but today we are not ready for dialogue with them what they do not give up what they are.

But characterized al-Assad in his dialogue with Ulamas between the groups, the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria and the Syrian position on Hamas, saying that the movement under the incubation the complete and full support, and we associate with the parties intervening in the events, the major movements in the Palestinian issue, and are dealt with from this in mind.

He adds that the atmosphere of sectarian Assad did not exist in Syria, the authorities deal with any attempt to raise it firmly, but there is work on the diffusion, and today declined to air the only area of ​​Homs. In the past, some have tried to claim an alternative market for the Hall of the market is located in one of the Syrian cities, on the basis that this market is located predominantly in the year, and the answer is categorically rejected.

He said Assad to the strategic position of Russia to Syria, where some wager on the possibility of a shift in the Russian position in support of Syria, and Assad on the analysis presented by one of his visitors, saying that what made Russia the strategic and irreversible, and they are now with us in this battle.

He added, no price can be offered to Russia parallels the loss of Syria and its role in the region, Losing the Syrian role means that out of Russia permanently from the Middle East, and the detector guests, saying that Syria were not encouraged to accept a document of the Arab League, but the Russian leadership hoped the approval of Syria by the pressure relief on Syria and to find a more positive environment, which is what happened to Damascus, I agreed to the Protocol.

He continued, explaining that the battle of Syria is not against the Arabs, do not worry about Syria moves Arab underway, and some Arab countries is not convinced the position shown by the Arab League against Syria, we have received many calls from Arab countries, stressed that nothing will change in the bilateral relations after the sanctions resolution against Syria, saying that a ring of Arab leaders will come to Damascus to apologize in the end.

Assad has expressed surprise at the position of Syria, Sudan, and especially that Syria has long supported the Sudan during the difficult period experienced by the sanctions suffered by her, but he eventually agreed to sanctions against Syria.

Turning guests to the Syrian media and the extent of its failure to show the facts to the world, especially in terms of some of what is the level of political discourse, pointing to the lack of efficiency in dealing with the crisis, except for a gap large that prevailed in the conference with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem.

Assad agreed on the failure experienced by the Syrian media, saying he had not yet reached the performance of his role, and now being developed media work, Xu, he had not seen the video conference, Walid Muallem.

He moved to talk about economic sanctions, saying it would affect on Syria, but will not be catastrophic, and there will be a package of measures that will help us in the face of these sanctions.

He said the public who come down to the streets is not necessarily that the whole pro-regime, but people Mstvzon position of the Arabs and especially the Arab League of Arab States towards their country, and they react to it. He added: my battle is not with the Arabs, so do not care what produces them, but the battle with the loathing of the Arab countries today.

He explained that the U.S. plan had been for the partitioning of Iraq, but that the Americans discovered that the division of Iraq is impossible the existence of Syria to his side, either Syria is divided and then can be divided Iraq or countries are not dividing, and today Americans are in the weakest their situation of Foreign Affairs, and the hum shook the Syrian situation to cover the withdrawal from Iraq They want regime change in Syria, but they will not make it.

He noted that Turkey cannot dictate its will on Syria, and for Turkey the intervention in regional affairs is larger than its size and larger than allowed by their reality, repeating that the battle is with the West.

He said with confidence that he knows that the battle is not short, a harsh, but the conditions are better today than it was months ago, has always asked the army not to use heavy weapons in military battles, and only small arms.

He stressed that he does not review the issue of reforms, which are progressing, but the West does not ask Syria to do reforms, but he is willing to turn a blind eye to reforms if Syria committed to the demands of Defense Minister, former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, and subjected to Western conditions.

Assad suggested in response to a question from one of his guests for his willingness to receive Saad Hariri reiterated that Syria has not closed the door in front of anyone, adding that hours of meetings with Saad Hariri made it clear to him that Hariri does not like talking politics, but in the affairs of other miscellaneous, but Damascus receive all of the knock on her door, and in the event of his comeback from his position would not mind receiving, in spite of all the words that he said.

The delegation proposed to form between Lebanese Ulamas and Syrian Ulamas, and held a joint conference, Assad has expressed his commitment to care for a similar conference. Also agreed on a mechanism for communication between the Coalition of Muslim Scholars in Lebanon and the Syrian president.

مجلس الشعب: الدستور الجديد سيعرض على الاستفتاء العام
People's Council: the new constitution will be submitted to referendum
Friday - December 2 - 2011 - 12:39:13

Syrian People's Council stressed the need to develop the country's draft constitution submitted to the referendum and to prevent all illegal demonstrations and promoting democracy, as a ballot box is the right way to do so.

The Council noted the importance of continuing to release all prisoners except those who found guilty in accordance with the laws in force and the holding of parliamentary elections, according to a new basis from a legal political parties, elections and a national dialogue under the auspices and chairmanship of the President of the Republic.

The Council called for follow-up administrative reform programs and economic, judicial and developing criteria for identifying the right person in the right place and the fight against corruption and to hold corrupt and bring them to the relevant judicial authority and to take economic measures necessary to serve and develop the national production and meet the interests of producers and achieve the people's demands urgent and enhance the national steadfastness.

The Council discussed people's circumstances and the current conditions experienced by Syria.

The Council stressed in a statement after discussing the circumstances and conditions and refused to condemn any kind of outside intervention in all its forms.

High and the price of the precious sacrifices made by the people and the Syrian Arab Army and internal security forces for the interests of the country pleading with God to preserve the country and inject our blood and has mercy on our martyrs and wear a dress Syrian security and safety.

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