سورية وقّعت... وأكثر من مئة قتيل بعد التوقيع
Syria has signed ... And more than a hundred people killed after the signing
Tuesday, 20 Desimbr 2011
New York - Raghida Dergham: Cairo - Mohammed Chadli; Tunisia - Hazem secretary; Beirut, Damascus, Tunis, Nicosia - «al-Hayat», AP, AFP, Reuters
Syria took place yesterday at the headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo protocol League mission. And the Secretary-General Nabil el-Arabi, said that the signing will not immediately lead to the suspension of the sanctions already imposed by the Arab Ministerial Council on Damascus. Yesterday with more than one hundred people killed in different parts of Syria, including dozens of soldiers dissidents.
And permanent delegates held a meeting today at the headquarters of the Arab League, in the presence of the Arab brief them on developments in the Syrian file after the signing of the Protocol, and implementation mechanisms, and to open an office for the Arab League in Libya, and the arrangements for the next summit in Baghdad. Arab and said that this Protocol is not the end, but a mechanism for verifying the implementation of Syrian Arab initiative, which has already been approved. And explained that he was introduced amendments to the Protocol, in some words, like the word «isolated civilians» turned to «isolated citizens», in addition to changing the title of «Protocol on the legal status and duties of Observer Mission of the Arab League to Syria»'s become a «Protocol Mission monitors the Arab League to Syria signed between the Government of Syria and the Arab League». And Ben Helli, confirmed «al-Hayat» that the ministerial committee had already agreed to these amendments at its last meeting in Doha.
And stressed that the Arab is important in any agreement, is the implementation and good intentions on all sides, adding that sending the Observer Mission of the Arab League has not exercised before. He said that the current number of observers is proposed for a hundred, but this number is not final, and shall enter into force the Protocol of the day for a month is subject to renewal by mutual consent. And includes representatives of the Observer Mission of the Arab organizations, and non-governmental organizations, and for the Arab States and each of the mission will include ten or more individuals, and will go to different places. The mission would include the media as well.
In Tunisia, issued a «National Council» Syrian statement at the end of its first congress in which he called the international community and the United Nations to protect civilians during the «safe havens» and the other buffer. And saw the conference sessions, post a retired deans of the Syrian army to explain what you need in these areas to meet the task required of them, and called for the need to distinguish between safe areas and buffer zones, stressing that he cannot establish these areas without the help of neighboring countries. He announced his confession to the Council «honorable role» plays «the Syrian army free» in the protection of the revolution.
Received in the Syrian opposition leaders in Cairo are in sharp criticism to the Arab League. The former deputy in the Syrian People's Council Mohammed Mamoun al-Homsi, after ten months of different plays, but the film-one decision and one which is aborted revolution, and said that the Arab League gives the system time and again with the consent of Arab and international and description of Protocol B »farce new».
For his part, said Director of the Information Office of the National Commission Mohamed Kilani darkness to support the revolution that holds the Syrian Arab League member states and all the blood that flows over the land of Syria. As a member of the National Council of the Syrian Kurdish Talal Pasha, he expressed his belief that the system is not serious about signing the initiative and will be attempts to disrupt the work of the observers and the failure of the Arab Protocol.
Washington welcomed cautiously the signing of Damascus Protocol observers, said a State Department official told «al-Hayat» that the focus of the U.S. administration is «the application of the Arab League plan and its terms of four.» And focused on the importance of giving observers «the right of access without restriction to all the places in Syria» to by the «stop all acts of violence and the release of political prisoners and the withdrawal of armed elements from populated places».
But Moscow has praised Syria's decision and the signing of the protocol said in a statement that the Russian Foreign Ministry signed an «opportunity to provide security for the Syrian people».
In New York, denounced the General Assembly of the United Nations «systematic and gross violations against civilians, the Syrian» called «the Syrian authorities to immediately stop them». And 133 countries supported the resolution, while only 11 voted against, and 43 countries abstained from voting. The same resolution was supported by 122 countries in the Third Committee on Human Rights that brought him to the General Assembly. The General Assembly adopted a resolution on Syria in a package of resolutions also condemned violations of human rights in North Korea and Iran.
He called on the Syrian ambassador to the United Nations Bashar Jaafari, the General Assembly not to vote on the resolution and attacked the states that sponsor it. The resolution condemns the continuation of «the Syrian authorities in violation of human rights» and invites them to «stop the systematic violations and massive against the civilian population», and to implement the Arab plan immediately, and ask «the Secretary-General of the United Nations to support the Mission of Observers League of Arab States to Syria if asked to do so».
In the Security Council and the western countries continued to move towards the introduction of amendments to the Russian draft resolution, which was scheduled to discuss yesterday afternoon New York time on the first formal meeting at the expert level in a room deliberations in the Security Council. Western sources said the Security Council that «there is a fear of any Russian attempt to bring the resolution to postpone the vote or to soften the language in favor of the Syrian regime». Chinese Ambassador Li Baodong for »life» China «support for a political process and dialogue in Syria to reach a peaceful solution», referring to China's support «Arab efforts in Syria».
On the security front, was killed yesterday, more than a hundred people between the military and civilians in different parts of Syria. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights to between 60 and 70 soldiers were killed dissidents opened fire on them yesterday morning while they were trying to escape to join the elements of «the Syrian army free» in the corner of Mount Idleb. The killing of more than 25 people when security forces fired on a number of demonstrations in the province of a shield and Ma'arrat Numan and Deir Al-Zour, and others.
In the neighborhood of the ground in Damascus security forces fired on a funeral where thousands gathered for the funeral of a child fell dead yesterday. The shooting resulted in three deaths among the mourners.
العربي: توقيع البروتوكول لا يعني رفع العقوبات فورا.. وسنبدأ بإرسال المراقبين خلال أيام
al-Arabi: the signing of the Protocol does not mean the immediate lifting of sanctions .. And we will send observers during the days
Written by albaath media http://goo.gl/54zmm
its cache
Monday, 19 December 2011 20:52
Nabil al-Arabi League Secretary General of Arab States that the signing of the Protocol on the Damascus Arab observers Commission to Syria does not mean the immediate suspension of sanctions, noting that the first delegation of observers will travel to Syria in two or three.
al-Arabi said during a news conference on Monday after the signing of the Protocol with Faisal Mekdad Deputy Syrian Foreign Minister that "the suspension of sanctions is a decision needs to convene a meeting of the Arab League Council at the ministerial level," noting that the meeting of the Council, which was scheduled for Wednesday has been postponed to a time last.
With regards to the amendments to the Protocol, said the Arab that "there was some adjustments in some words, such as your civilian-turned-citizens isolate," noting that "it is important in any agreement is the implementation and good intentions of all parties," noting here that "the Send Observer Mission in the Arab League have not exercised before. "
Al-Arabi that "there is a delegation of observers will travel to Syria in two or three, headed by Ambassador Samir Seif Yazal Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League, and will include specialists in human rights and the Finance and Administration to discuss the logistics, financial and administrative," explaining that each group of the mission of 10 or more members will go to different places, and the proposed current number is 100 per capita, but this number is not final.
With respect to performance guarantees and "non-Anharaj the Arab League to say that there are violations" as mentioned in question during the conference, said the Arab, "there would be nothing wrong, there will be a delegation provided during the three days, there will be a team, this team will cover what is happening and report in accordance with the conditions. "
Full Text of the Arab League Protocol
نص البروتوكول.. بين الجامعة ودمشق
توقيعه تم دون تغيير يذكر و يوفر حصانة ل المراقبين
Text of the Protocol .. Between the Arab League and Damascus
Signature is unchanged and provides immunity for observers
Aks al-Ser
Cairo: Sawsin Abu Hussein
Text of the Protocol has not changed in the revised version, which was signed yesterday between the Arab League and Damascus, after inquiries, with the exception of bringing the word «Protection of (citizens or nationals)» in place of «Protection of (civilians)». It was agreed that:
First, the formation of an independent mission of military and civilian experts from Arab countries and Arab candidates relevant to human rights activities, and provide protection for the citizens for dispatch to the Syrian territory, under the chairmanship of Ambassador Samir Seif Yazal, and known as the Observer Mission of the Arab League, and works in this framework, and is assigned to verify the implementation of the Arab plan to resolve the Syrian crisis, and to provide protection for Syrian citizens (nationals).
Second, the mission work begins immediately after the signing of the Syrian government to this Protocol, and proceeds with the delegation by the head of mission, and the number of monitors up to 30 members.
Third, the mission holds the view of the fact situations and current events through:
1 - surveillance and monitoring for the cessation of all acts of violence, and from any source in cities and residential areas of Syria.
2 - make sure there is no the Syrian security services, and the so-called Shabbihah for peaceful demonstrations.
3 - make sure the release of the detainees because of current events.
4 - make sure the withdrawal and evacuation of all armed manifestations of cities and residential areas that have experienced or witness the demonstrations and protest movements.
5 - verification of the Syrian government granting licenses and accreditation for Arab and international media, and check the area before it's open to the freedom of movement in all parts of Syria, and lack of (editorial note: military) exposure.
6 - the mission has the freedom of communication and coordination with NGOs and with government officials, and with any personalities of individuals and families affected by current events.
7 - the mission has full freedom of movement, freedom of action as it deems appropriate to visit and contact relevant to the issues related to the functions and the framework and methods of work related to providing protection for citizens.
8 - the mission to visit the refugee camps in neighboring countries for access to their situation.
Fourth, the Syrian government pledges to help the Mission to carry out its mission, including the following:
1 - to provide all the facilities and allow access to technical equipment necessary for the success of the mission and the provision of premises in the Syrian capital and other locations determined by the mission.
2 - secure access and secure freedom of movement for all members of the mission throughout the territory of Syria at a time determined by the mission.
3 - To provide full freedom for the mission's visit prisons and detention camps and police stations, and hospitals at a time determined by the mission.
4 - to ensure the freedom to conduct meetings and meetings necessary for the mission's performance of its functions.
5 - Ensure not to punish or embarrass or harass any person in any way, and members of his family in contact with the mission or to provide testimony or information to them.
6 - Granting the mission and its members, according to the laws and regulations in force in Syria, which experts of the United Nations enjoy immunities by referred to in Article VI of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations in 1946.
Fifth: The Mission reports on the results of its work to the Secretary-General, in preparation for submission to the Ministerial Council for consideration and take action in this regard.
This document is edited in Cairo in Arab League headquarters on 12 December of the two originals. First Party Secretary-General of the Arab League, Dr. Nabil el-Arabi, and signed by Ambassador Ahmed Ben Helli. And the second party the Syrian foreign minister, Walid al-Muallim, and signed by the Deputy Ambassador Faisal Miqdad.
The main 8 points of the AL Protocol as reported by a Syrian paper
"الانتقاد" تنشر بعض الأفكار الواردة في بروتوكول إرسال بعثة المراقبين إلى سورية
"al-Inqaad," published some of the ideas contained in the Protocol Send Observer Mission to Syria
19-12-2011 | 22-13 d | 145 read
"al-Inqaad" published some of the ideas contained in the draft protocol to send a mission of observers from the Arab League to Syria, signed by both parties on Monday in Cairo.
* The mission of military and civilian experts from candidate countries and the Arab Arab organizations related to human rights.
* Mission's work lies in verify the implementation of the Syrian government for the terms of Arab Plan of Action to resolve the Syrian crisis and protect the defenseless Syrian citizens.
* The Arab League has the right to use technical expertise and observers from the Arab, Islamic, and friendly countries for carrying out the tasks assigned for the mission.
* The term of the Observer Mission is one month only, which can be extended on mutual agreement, and through the period, its mission is to control and monitoring for the full cessation of all acts of violence, and from any source in cities and residential areas of Syria.
* Observer Mission works to make sure there is no presence of the Syrian security services for peaceful demonstrations, and ensure the release of the detainees because of current events, and withdrawal and evacuation of all armed manifestations of the cities, and neighborhoods, which have experienced or witness demonstrations and protest movements.
* Protocol calls on Syrian authorities to permit the Arab and international media with freedom of movement without hinderance, and permit the Observer Mission with freedom of communication and coordination with NGOs and with government officials, and with whom it deems appropriate individuals and personalities and families, affected by the current events.
* Protocol calls on Syrian authorities to secure the safe ways to move for all members of the mission, in all parts of Syria, at a time determined by the mission, and in coordination with the Syrian authorities, that the Protocol also calls for the provision of full freedom for the Mission to visit prisons, detention centers, police stations and hospitals, at a time determined by the mission and in coordination with the Syrian government.
* Mission to enjoy the freedom to conduct meetings and meetings necessary for the mission's performance of its functions, and the government to undertake not to punish or pressure on any person in any way, and members of his family, because of its connection with the mission or to provide testimony or information it ..
* Mission to send reports on its work simultaneously to both the Secretary General of the Arab League, Nabil al-Arabi and Syrian Foreign Minister, Walid al-Muallim, for their availability and to express their observations.
Source: Damascus - al-Inqaad
Background information about Russia's diplomacy, UNSC draft resolution, Russia and Syria's oppositions, the Arab League protocol, Iran and Saudi Arabia, the EU, security situation in Syria, Syria's stance toward the Arab League protocol
الأزمة السورية وصلت حد الصفقة بهندسة روسية.. ماذا تضمن التقرير الأمني الذي وصل لسفارة عربية في دمشق؟
Syrian crisis reached the limit of the deal engineered Russian .. What guarantee security report which reached the Arab embassy in Damascus?
Monday, 12/19/2011
Syrian officials express satisfaction, pointing toward the Russian action in the UN Security Council. And there is almost certain that Moscow, which formed the bulwark so far in the face of any UN resolution against the Syrian regime, continues to defend and that the center of significant developments occurred in the region recently, Che that things may move to a broader political deal in the region, as long as the explosion is not possible .
Why if the Russian project to the Security Council?
The answer is to pay the Syrian authorities to be assured not to worry, according to "al-Safir", P Russia with high-level contacts with Damascus at the present time, currently holds the rotating presidency of the Security Council, and hopes to historic settlement, whereby the one hand, to save water the face of the West and the Arabs, so that the Syrian file will be transferred to the Security Council, but empty on the other hand the international endeavor of any move against the Syrian regime, so that the Western countries, and with some Arab states, wanted to open the doors of months ago Syria's international intervention.
Why did the Russia sumitted a draft resolution to the Security Council?
The answer is to pay the Syrian authorities to be assured not to worry, according to the "Ambassador", P Russia with high-level contacts with Damascus at the present time, currently holds the rotating presidency of the Security Council, and hopes to historic settlement, whereby the one hand, to save water the face of the West and the Arabs, so that the Syrian file will be transferred to the Security Council, but empty on the other hand the international endeavor of any move against the Syrian regime, so that the Western countries, and with some Arab states, wanted to open the doors of months ago Syria's international intervention.
Those who read the text of the resolution will find that the text is more inclined to the Syrian authorities than the proposals of the West and some Arabs, since it "calls on all parties in Syria to stop the violence, including the disproportionate use of force by the Syrian authorities, and condemns the activities of extremist groups, including attacks against the institutions of the state and the staff of the maintenance of order. "
This is the second item in the Russian draft means that in the event of the Security Council approves it, that the highest international authority in the world recognizes for the first time the presence of "extremist groups" attacking the state. This is what not only the Western countries but also the Arab League refuse to admit in the beginning of the crisis, and they claim the Syrian authority bears full responsibility for what is going on.
And the paper says: draft resolution Article III calls for "the Syrian authorities to hold accountable all those responsible for acts of violence, and begin immediate investigations, independent and impartial investigations into all cases of violation of human rights" ... That any limit to the Syrian state the existing resolution, "accountable," so that in the third paragraph adds an invitation to "the completion of investigations by the Syrian Judicial Commission carried out in all the accidents that killed or injured civilians, and security elements."
And the Article IV, the Russian project goes beyond that, because "all Syrian opposition groups urged to distance themselves from the extremists, and to accept the initiative of the League of Arab States, and intervention, without conditions, an advance in political dialogue with the Syrian authorities." . This invitation and the members of the "Syrian National Council (SNC)" had heard during their visit to Moscow, and said they heard the words harsher than this, especially when they said the system is falling and no dialogue with him.
And in the straw and clear for the official position of the Syrian, the Russian draft expresses "grave concern about the supply of illegal B weapons for armed groups in Syria, and calls on neighboring countries and others to take the steps necessary to prevent the supply of this", which indicates practically that Moscow supports the Syrian position that the arms come to a force from neighboring countries, and that there are "groups of armed and violent" in Syria.
And also the Russian draft resolution supports the initiative of the Arab League to send observers, it affirms in the first Article that "the solution is through an inclusive political process with the leadership of Syria", ie that the current leadership, headed by Bashar al-Assad, that is to lead this process, and this is also important from Arab perspective, so that the Arab League did not put President al-Assad on the list of persons covered by the sanctions, leaving the door open because, personally leading the process of political compromise and dialogue.
But the Russians are aware of the sensitive situation in the Security Council, and know that their draft could not pass if they are supportive only for the Syrian authorities, and so we read in Article 3 of the draft calls on "the Syrian authorities to put a stop to prevent those who exercise their right to freedom of expression", and urges the Syrian authorities in the Article II "alleviate the humanitarian situation in crisis areas and to allow quick access, and without obstacles for humanitarian and international assistance, and international media, and full cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and release all those arrested for exercising their right to freedom of expression. "
What is new in the Russian draft is the need to "accelerate progress toward political pluralism through the adoption of a new electoral law and constitutional reforms" and other good things in the Syrian authorities themselves had approved in its reform, and so it was striking that the Russian draft did not specify dates for the implementation of those reforms, and deliberately failed to put pressure on Damascus in this context.
And can say that the hardest words in the Russian draft resolution, but attached to reject any international intervention. In the fourth paragraph confirms literally "the need to resolve the current crisis in Syria by peaceful means, without any military intervention from outside, and decides that nothing in this resolution can be interpreted as authorization to any kind of military intervention in Syria by anyone."
In other words, if the Syrian Foreign Ministry itself wanted to draft a balanced resolution to the Security Council, they could have written better than the Russians, amid massive international, Arab and regional pressure on Damascus.
What do Russians want? ..
Clear from the foregoing, that the movement Russian is proactive, P the project is, and has been consulted with China, and is said to prevent submit a draft decision to west, especially as it coincided with the report of a human measured against Syria, such as the Arab League meeting. And with the Russians and Chinese, and some friendly countries for Damascus knows that the path will be thorny, and that will be a sharp debate in the Security Council before reaching a compromise formula to take the Russian project, and it adds amendments to Western and Arab.
Realize it because there are large countries, and in the lead, Washington and Paris and London, had considered that the Assad regime has "finished", and the U.S. President, Barack Obama, claims acting on this basis, and perhaps did not think at the time that Russia will finish to this point.
Russian position remains strongly supportive of the Syrian regime, and evidence of this strong-worded statement by the delegate of the Russian Federation, in response to the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights at the United Nations.
In this statement, which was obtained by the newspaper "ambassador" to the original version of New York, asks Russian envoy for the "source of information on which the report, P Commission dealt with complaints as facts, although the source is the activists themselves." And asked the Russian delegate, "How can the High Commissioner to verify that the activist, the caller is already in place in Homs and not in New Zealand, for example," and accused the report "is not neutral, because it did not refer to acts of violence by armed groups in Syria."
And Russian envoy went to far as to say: "In our country, Syrian citizens assert the invalidity of the information on the targeting of the Syrian authorities for the demonstrators," stressing that Moscow was "aware of to the presence of demonstrations armed since the start of the events in Syria," and citing the story of a young Syrian, Zainab Alhsna, which was the Commission itself has said that she was raped and killed, and two months later found not to be true. And questioned the Commission's failure to correct that false report.
Moscow causes confusion ..
The Russian positions, which followed the Russian high-level statements, Damascus supports and opposes any international intervention, and condemn the weapons and militants, and came to a head to make political Moscow's draft resolution in the Security Council. Clearly, this step is not caused great confusion in the Council, but also in the corridors of the Arab League, and among the opposition.
The U.S. position seemed more inclined to discuss the project. U.S. Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta, and from the heart of Ankara went as far as description of the project "an important step", while the French statements disclosed to accept the first suggestion to the principle of negotiations on the draft, and the words disclosed as "hollow and unbalanced." Contradicted the French position in the European, Michael Mann, spokesman for the High Representative for security and foreign policy in the European Union, Catherine Ashton welcomed, "The Russian draft resolution on Syria is a step in the right direction, and that the text in its current form suitable for discussion."
The secret of Russian radicalism and undo the Arab? ..
Stop at a number of developments in the region should be recent, and paid for the belief that "settlement" or "deal" What started to emerge from behind the crisis and demonstrations, violence and repression, and arms. And most notably the following:
[Western criticism harsh against the recent elections in Russia, were offset by warning a Russian abuse of the system, and went the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (who will become president next March, a strong backer of President al-Assad) to the extent censure severely the United States, said: " The people are tired of being dictated to one state, you are talking about the relationship between alliance with the United States, we want to be allies with them too, but what I see now and what I talked about in Munich, this is not a relationship of allies, but it seems to me sometimes that America does not want allies, but followers and servants. "
[Did not work all the promises of the European and international so far to reassure Russia on missile shield. Warned that Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov on Friday that "the deployment of U.S. missile shield in Europe will upset the balance of strategic power, and that Russia will begin to take action to respond after the first missile defense elements in Poland."
Russian military official revealed for the first "information that the U.S. plan to deploy anti-missile missiles, Standard 3 in Poland." He threatened that Russia might deploy missiles "Escanar" in the territory of Kaliningrad. Important words of all the meetings after the Russian Atlantic.
This talk of Russia's military is repeated on the lips of the highest Russian politicians as well. President Dmitry Medvedev, in a letter in the November 30 last to the Russian Federal Assembly, "we will face in the next decade the following option: either to reach an accord with the missile shield and form a joint mechanism of cooperation, and either start a new round of arms race and we have to make decisions means the deployment of the new strike in the event of our inability to reach an agreement to build. "
[But who reads the details of the EU-Russia summit last discerned the desire for a deal more may also include Syria, P, spokesman for the European Union said frankly, "We talked at the summit about the need to deliver a strong message and a unified system in Syria," which means of course, talk, especially with the Russians in this context. For his part, Medvedev said, "that his country is ready to help Europe in the face of the financial crisis that beset them."
While the storm of crises in the world and the things up to the limits of the threat and intimidation on a strategic weapon, it is often the world looks for "deals", and perhaps the Russian position defending Iran and refuses to talk about nuclear weapons or dangerous strategy on Iranian soil, making from Moscow is able to manage large international negotiations, is not expected in such negotiations to give up strategic allies now, such as two systems of Iran and Syria, even though some believe that the transaction may be a double-edged sword, ie it may be positive and negative according to the price of any system that can be paid. There is an Arab country to Moscow paid $ 5 billion to abandon the Syrian regime.
What about the Arab League and Syria? ..
Was noticeable in recent times for a number of diplomatic moves that made the Arabs seem to fall back on their decisions and dictates the binding of the Syrian regime. May feel Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jabor Al Thani, and today more than any other forestry situation. He was the first to use the language of the warning about Damascus, and implicitly accused of "taqiyya" and I feel the world that the initiative should be applied in its entirety and without modification immediately. I soon found that all of this is not applicable and that the Syrian regime continues to deal with the crisis than the self-confidence based on the strength of a major security and support the Russian and Iranian great.
The known region and Syria recently following developments:
[U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, almost quiet, and this is what was for him to not boot with the Iraqi authorities, but also through the green light indirectly with Iran and Syria.
[Visit by the Iranian security Minister, Heidar Moslehi, to Saudi Arabia, and of his meeting with the Crown Prince, and the current strong man in the Kingdom, Prince Nayef bin Abdul Aziz, and the exchange with al-Assad's positive messages and a close distance, and arrival to the position of the Crown Prince. It is said that Saudi Arabia wants to reduce the role Qatar in the region.
[Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to the United States, and its aftermath. Has received the lion, the Iraqi national security adviser, Falah al-Fayad, accompanied by a delegation of government.
Ali al-Moussawi, media adviser to Maliki, said that "Iraqi initiative aimed at opening dialogue between the Syrian government and the opposition." Regardless of whether the initiative is effective or not, it is certain that the Iraqi delegation told the outcome of the Syrian al-Maliki talks in the United States, and assured them that Iraq stand by Syria, and this in itself is very important in practice and contrary to the proposals of the Arab League.
It should be noted also in this context that Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr had called Maliki's visit to Washington as a "betrayal of the religious authority and the feelings of Muslims in the countries of reluctance and opposition, resistance and political weakness and submission." Perhaps a veiled warning to the owners in order to prevent him from being affected by climate-American in the region.
[The Maliki's visit to the United States, and a visit by Vice President Joe Biden before him to Baghdad, revealed that no change in the Iraqi stance toward Syria, and accept the demands of harm to Iran and Syria, including the acceptance of a U.S. military presence in the air atmosphere of Iraq.
[Pass the funding of the International Tribunal that tried the accused of killing the late Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, the tacit approval of Hizbullah and the cover of a Syrian and Russian. Jeffrey Feltman and the failure of the pumping morale high among opponents of Syria in Lebanon and push them to further escalation.
[The bombing of a convoy of international forces operating in southern Lebanon, "UNIFIL" targeted French soldiers, were said to be in the command response to the issue of France the list of countries willing to drop the Syrian regime, or involve additional to Syria so quickly some to accuse Hezbollah bombing, which was denied by Hezbollah with information minutes submitted to the French.
[Give a guide of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ali Khamenei himself Syrian file, and a decision central to defend Syria and its regime at all costs, thereby putting an end to some of the hesitations and the argument need to deal with Syria that everything is occurring there, including the fall of the regime.
[A Syrian missile exercises in public, this time under the name "project", and that the project is known in the military concept is the most important and broader than "maneuver."
[Local elections without significant incidents, and the failure of the general strike called by the opposition.
[Hamas inform the Syrian leadership that they never want to leave Damascus, and the exit of some families of officials Alhamasien but came because of concerns over the security situation and not for political reason. It is said that Khaled Meshaal himself sent a message of Dr. recently, and revealed some of the leaders of Hamas, the temptations and pressures exerted on them big to leave Syria. Not even some of the Hamas in the transfer of the desire by some of the Muslim Brotherhood, to negotiate.
[Moved east of Jordan and other opposition movements against any interference in Syrian affairs position supported by a Jordanian military, and intelligence in this context, and another move by the Turkish opposition parties to intervene and rejecting adventures Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the Syrian file.
What about the situation in Syria? ..
Developments mentioned above, coincided with the remarkable things about a system in Syria and the opposition, most notably the following:
[Progress steps military "mission" in Jabal al-Zawiyah area and around Homs, and the actual readiness to enter the third Syrian cities in the event of political decision to do so. Clearly, what prevents the "resolve" the situation there does not stem only from the heavy armed and organized presence, not from lack of capacity to do so, but from the desire of the Syrian authorities not to provoke Arab positions and not to embarrass the Russians in the United Nations and the Security Council.
Security sources say that the "decisive as possible" if the decision was taken, being a lot of talk about a military tribunal plan was drawn up to prevent the militants and the authorities describe them as "terrorists" to move to another area. Decision of the discount is based may take at any moment, but Syria now wants to make an opportunity for Russian efforts and success of the Arab initiative, despite the lack of conviction usefulness.
[On "The Arab League is killing us" protest on last Friday, only the number of demonstrators to 36 thousand people, including 15 thousand in Idlib and surroundings, and 21 thousand in the various areas of Syria, did not drop any death, according to the detailed security report arrived to the Arab embassy in Damascus.
[Clear from the meetings between the parties to the opposition in Cairo, that "National Council (SNC)" is still dealing with the coordination as a second class, which led to the failure to unite the opposition, despite all the pressures of international and Arab claim this unification. There are quotes from human rights activist and an opposition leader in the coordination of Dr. Haytham Manna severe resentment about what happened.
All this made the Syrian authorities to act again the logic of force, but there is a clear conviction of these authorities is to open up more dialogue with some opposition parties, and it is unlikely to be the official Syrian discourse from today onwards, based on these two pillars, namely, to talk about the strengths and the desire to open up and accelerate the pace of reforms and elections.
Survived for the Syrian regime? ..
Perhaps likely to be premature, there are Western countries and many regional and Arab are still working on "toppling" the regime, and probably will increase the blinkered and work in the next phase. But certainly on the horizon something to cook on low heat may change the course of the equation, especially if the end of the year and things remain as they are, crisis Syrian entered before the days of the tenth month, and is rumored alarmed U.S. and Israeli and west of the spread of fundamentalism in the countries that got the revolutions .
Before all of this, in the light entering the Syrian crisis into 10th month without the ability of any of the parties to settle in full, Russia, Western and Arab countries began serious thought that the only solution lies in the dialogue under the supervision of Bashar al-Assad that would expand the base of participation in power and lead to elections and engage the opposition in the government and decision making.
Back to back are not possible, no system is able to continue in its current form amid the winds of change large gripping the Arab world, nor the opposition is able to his heart without international intervention, and international intervention is almost impossible as long as the Russians on their position and the world remains concerned about the spread of fire in Hushaym region.
Will the Russians? ..
Perhaps, but the path is still long, and perhaps today's signing by Syria of the Protocol of the Arab League is the actual start of deeper political talk, but the odds of success are still competing risk of failure, so that there are countries not interested in reform nor protecting civilians, but in "topping" the regime, and those parties will tighten their screws on Iran.
Franjieh: conspiracy against Syria will soon end
December 19, 2011 06:48 PM
The Daily Star
BEIRUT: Marada Movement chief Suleiman Franjieh Monday said the conspiracy against Syria has reached an end, hours after the troubled country signed the Arab protocol to allow observers to monitor a deal to end the nine-month crisis.
"The countdown for the end of the conspiracy against Syria has begun and the government is here to stay and it is intact under the leadership of President Bashar Assad," Franjieh was quoted by local media as saying.
Earlier Monday, Syria signed the protocol to allow an observer mission into its territory and Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi said the team would head to the troubled country within 72 hours.
Hours after Damascus signed the protocol, Syria's Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallim said he hoped that the regional organization would now lift punitive sanctions imposed on Syria after the country failed to agree to the Arab League initiative.
The plan, approved by Syria in early November, calls for an end to the government's violent crackdown on protesters, the release of political prisoners and the complete withdrawal of the military from the streets.
"Syria signed the Arab protocol on its own terms and not according to anybody else's conditions," Franjieh, a close ally and friend of the Assad family, said.
During a news conference Monday, al-Muallim said Syria only signed the deal after the League agreed to 70 percent of the changes sought by Damascus.
Franjieh, like his allies in the Hezbollah-lead March 8 coalition, has maintained that the uprising against the Syrian government is part of a conspiracy aimed at targeting Assad and subjugating Damascus to the will of the West.
عبد الحليم خدام: المبادرات العربية تسير في طريق مسدود.. والمجتمع الدولي يتحمل المسؤولية
نائب رئيس الجمهورية السوري السابق لـ «الشرق الأوسط»: ننتظر قرارات حاسمة من القمة الخليجية.. ومبادرة المالكي إيرانية
Abdul-Halim Khaddam: Arab initiatives going in a dead end .. The international community bears responsibility
Vice President of the Republic's former Syrian «Middle East»: waiting for crucial decisions of the GCC summit .. Maliki and the initiative of Iranian
Abdul-Halim Khaddam, former vice president in Syria, the Arab League initiatives on Syria is in a dead end, although it is in one of the essential aspects of maintaining the continuity of the system. He added that the Iraqi initiative to the Arab League initiative is Iranian, and Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki «unfit» to any initiative.
In exclusive statements via e-mail, said Khaddam, who had announced his defection from the regime of President Bashar al-Assad in December (December 2005) after deteriorating relationship with the latter, the international community bears a responsibility in hesitation about the decision to use military force to rescue the Syrian people At the same time demanded that the Arab League decided to topple the Syrian regime and referral to the Security Council. On the military intervention, Khaddam said «can intervene militarily in Syria, as happened in Yugoslavia, Cote d'Ivoire». MP and former President of the Republic Syrian Arab sanctions against Syria, temporary, and the impact of international sanctions and clear. He pointed out that the Syrians are waiting for critical decisions of the GCC summit scheduled for today.
Speaking for the opposition, the face of them a letter which stated: «I say to the Syrian opposition that there is a difference between the projection system and overthrow the State». He added that the major gap in the Syrian opposition is too divided and the intransigence of the parties and will spur the military to restore power .. The interview came with the servants as follows:
* Mr. Abdul-Halim Khaddam, the Arab initiative and the Syrian crisis to where?
- From my reading of the two initiatives two Arab first and second concluded that this initiative is going in a dead end, although it is in one of the essential aspects of maintaining the continuity of the murderer and tyrant in Syria, and with regret, and despite the uncompromising positions of the system being extended deadlines, and each time given a deadline or are meeting increasing the pace of killing and repression. I would like to point out that the Syrians are bitter because of the double standards of the Council of the Arab League, in the crisis Libyan quick Minister for the meeting and take critical decisions, including waiving the legitimacy of the system and deprive him of membership of the Arab League, and most important of referral to the Security Council, demanding in their decision to take action to protect the people Libyan crimes that were committed by (the regime of leader former Libyan Muammar) Gaddafi, while in the similar situation, the Syrian case, continued the Arab silence of eight months, and after these eight months, the Council held a meeting had its outcomes the first initiative, which failed, were then put the second initiative, Both initiatives did not live up to the level of initiative on Libya. Do you wonder the Syrians in Syria blood bleeding cheap to the extent that this did not pay the Council of the League of Arab States to decisions taken by the EU or a number of major countries declared to drop the regime's legitimacy, demanding Bashar al-Assad to leave and hand over power to the people? Could not one of the Syrians (understand) the significance of this situation in time, which kills the Syrians.
* There is now the Iraqi initiative in the Arab League to reach Syria, where the revolution against the initiatives and the faltering Arab critical decisions?
- First, with regard to the Iraqi initiative, which does not, of being an Iranian initiative because Nuri al-Maliki did not come to power in Iraq, without Iranian support, has already declared his position by saying that the overthrow Bashar al-Assad would lead to sectarian strife, and we ask Is killing thousands of Syrians and the arrest of tens of thousands of leads to the civil peace? In any case, the current Iraqi regime is not eligible for any initiative in the bloody crisis suffered by the Syrians. And the Syrian people determined to achieve its objectives regardless of the difficulties and increased the contract is not in front of him another option, and whether one can imagine that there is Syria, one accepts that continues to rule the family caused the country serious damage and killing and displacing hundreds of thousands of citizens arrested and destroyed tens of thousands of them. No choice in front of the Syrian people no choice but to stand at the same time it must be pointed to the responsibility of every Arab regime in what is happening in Syria, and to the responsibility of the international community reluctant to take the right decision is to use military force to rescue the Syrian people.
* So what is required and reprehensible on the League of Arab States to do?
- If she wants Arab countries to shoulder their responsibilities by the national take two crucial decisions; first drop the legitimacy of the regime and prevent the deal with him, and the second referral to the Security Council to take decisions and actions to protect the Syrian people, including military action as in the case of Libya.
* If the continuation of what is happening in Syria and the continuation of what it describes as the Arab and international silence, what do you expect?
- In this case, the logic of events would lead to the transformation of large sectors of the Syrian people to carry people for self-defense, and this is a project approved by all the laws of international, national and divine, and in such a situation will arise a new situation have secretions in the region and international interests, because Syria then turn into a haven for all extremists in the Arab and Islamic worlds, and this no doubt would hurt Syria, but also would be harmful to the security and regional stability, security and international interests, and thus will become the region then is the area now, and this should raise concern to us all.
* Hold in light of both Russia and China, their positions, seen by some supporters of the Syrian regime, do you see there is a possibility in the presence of a unified international position of the Syrian people to save and protect?
- I would like to distinguish between the two positions the Russian and Chinese; the Russian position stems from the alliance between Moscow and Tehran and aims of this alliance to control the area and out west, while the Chinese position is linked to a portion of the interest with Iran, and thus can be for this situation to change, in particular, we believe that China closed the activity of a Chinese company engaged in exploration for oil in Syria.
However, in case the insistence of the two countries to their positions can be of any international group that operates outside the Security Council and the implementation of the Charter of the United Nations and the Declaration of Human rights and the protection of their interests to form an international group and the decision to use military force to suppress the ruling regime in Syria as an out of international law. As in all of Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Ivory Coast.
* Sanctions, Arab, and European and international sanctions, what the size of their impact on the Syrian regime?
- For the sanctions Arabic is the penalties temporary as was stated by an official of the Arab League because they end with the signing the Convention on the introduction of Arab observers to Syria, and international sanctions, the other was a clear impact, especially in the economic field but did not arrive at its findings to the payment system for departure, In all cases, countries that have taken these penalties impact commendable because they at least have put pressure on the system.
* If by the system to enter the Syrian Arab observers are to be submitted this matter to the Syrian street and the effectiveness of such a move?
- In case of serious observers, the millions of Syrians would come down to the streets chanting the fall of the regime, and Bashar Assad knows that, but this is the set conditions and specifications make these monitors is effective, and will commit crimes and attributed to the terrorists.
* There is an expected summit of Gulf Arab What is expected of them about the Syrian connection?
- Expect the Syrians of their brothers in the Gulf Summit to take critical decisions to support the Syrian people and support and work to save him after he stalled efforts of the League of Arab States.
* There is confusion among the Syrian opposition on the concepts of some call to overthrow the regime and called upon others to drop the state what is the difference between the two?
- There is a big difference between the two cases, drop the state means to solve all its civilian and military, as happened in Iraq, and this is very dangerous because it would turn Syria into a battlefield between the various components of the country's political and other, and the toppling of the regime means to drop the political system, who are the state and controls the country through institutions, Hence, toppling the political system leads to free state and the institutions of the elements that offended the people, not to resolve civil and military institutions in the State more than two million people work in it,-state solution means throwing in the street and then formed foci explosive, as happened in Iraq.
* Some people believe that the Syrian opposition has been unable to unite what are the reasons you think?
- Gap the major Syrian opposition splits the opposition and intransigence of the parties in the acceptance of others and search for common rules to work on saving the country, and this would be too risky after the fall of the regime, for all Syrians of all stripes, especially the opposition, believing that their vision and de-of their heads own political backgrounds, and have all the background and one is to save the Syrian people and overthrow the regime and ensure a safe transition to elections and then Fletbar aspirants to power chosen by the people and we all support and backing.
* But it is not clear on the horizon that the Syrian opposition is able to come out by magic to unite what is the way in the transition to the divisions of the opposition?
- It's not by magic but the same question, do we want Syria free, democratic and secure, if we are unanimous on that because it does not need more than a series of meetings to develop the program, and to those who want to be future leaders should be aware that alienate the country and its security will make them homeless persecuted, because they missed opportunities to save their country, and I say frankly intransigence on the issue of unification of the opposition will make the most recalcitrant of these harmful to the national cause of the Syrian opposition.
* But if the opposition did not agree what is the way out in the transitional phase Do you think that the military will play a role in saving the country?
- In such a case I would expect that the role of a serious military power to restore and build a new unfair citing the failure of opposition parties to agree on a formula for building a democratic civil state.
* There are leadership in the Syrian National Council, said he would govern jointly with the army?
- The problem seems to be that man who did not live in Syria, but had not seen the regulations that were held in Arab countries as a result of military action. If you initiated the pieces of the army is determined to hold power, or that there are lured by holding the power will come the person of a civilian to head the country, but he soon finds himself a prisoner is not helpless, I recall the experience of separation in September 1961 in Syria came separatists, President Nazim Temple president through elections, like all other elections taking place in Syria in light of the military and was known to Mr. Dawalibi head of government, what happened after that pain of trying to divine the president to resign and go to Aleppo several times? Did not put the president and the Temple Dawalibi Kuzbari and safe in prison? Any such authority, the authority that comes to people under the bayonets of the military. Valmrhom Temple and the late Dr. Dawalibi were the leaders of Syria and with the bayonets of the army was the strongest of them, how is the situation when it comes to people who do not weigh them to the people.
* The Syrian army is free to expand and stretch Do you think that they can play a role in the protection of civilians and demand do you think of the National Council of Army free not to do military operations?
- The officers described the officers and soldiers who defected from the military are patriots pushed their sense of national out of the Army, they think that the army home, if they believe it destroys the country are already in the areas in which they are defending the civilians to the extent that they own possibilities, and these are all hunted by system hardware and arrested his fate killing them, so they are defending their right to their parents and their fellow citizens to be subjected to the forces that the killing of the citizens and invade their towns and villages, and this is part of their commitment to the national because the army that kills its citizens is not a national army.
الأزمة السورية: اللدغة العشرون.. من جحر واحد!
Syrian crisis: Twenty sting .. Shy one!
If he knows the liar lying still
People have a liar If he is sincere
Humans Iraqi political Ezzat Shabandar listeners in the Arab world, and of the whole world behind him, two days before that the Syrian leadership «signed» already on the Arab initiative, and that the meeting held between the delegation representing the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki with President Bashar al-Assad was positive. And soon another source close to Iraqi Prime Minister, Mr. Ali al-Moussawi, said that, Damascus and agreed to the Arab initiative «retaining only a small detailed things».
Then yesterday, while the Syrian National Council (SNC) is important to conclude the meeting in Tunis, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem bin Jabor Al Thani «information» for «consent» Syrian President Bashar al-Assad signed.
The beginning, I said «a delegation representing the Iraqi Prime Minister» and does not represent Iraq, for two reasons:
First, the Iraqi politicians of the first row, including Osama Najafi Speaker of Parliament, and Hoshyar Zebari, Minister of Foreign Affairs, refused to consider a visit of the Iraqi delegation and discussed in Damascus «Iraqi initiative», which means it is not a political plan reflect the official authority of Iraq with all its components.
The second is that Iraq, which allow the soil yesterday, U.S. occupation forces is a regrettable it, the legacy of occupation Mtnabzh hostile sectarian blocs, after he was called a sectarian movement known inside and outside Iraq, welcomed him and benefited from it. Today we see and hear that which is called the current occupation, and who is keen now to prevent «internationalization» Syrian crisis, publicly accused the Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi as a «conspiracy» to blow up the parliament building, and pay Btafrdh authoritarian one of the largest bloc to boycott!
Accordingly, it is permissible, but must wonder: the name of the permission he was speaking Mr. Shabandar and his colleague, Mr. Faleh Al-Fayad in Damascus?
It is very clear that what is falsely described b «Iraqi initiative» nothing more than an effort Iranian actively trying to abort the Arab League initiative, and aims to save the Syrian regime, which is a link in a chain Iranian regional project, silent - until this moment - an Israeli!
Mr. Nuri al-Maliki, and the forces which he represents in Iraq, an integral part of the Iraqi episode in a series that the Iranian project levels. It is a paradox is not without novelty that tries to promote the Iraqi prime minister's «prevent the internationalization» Syrian crisis in the heart of Washington, who was a political organization - the sectarian belongs at the forefront of those who worked on the «internationalization» Iraq through the use of Washington! In order not to forget there is another paradox of the novelty of not less than its predecessor, is that Mr. Maliki, who was at the forefront of enthusiasts for the de-Baathification in Iraq .. Very excited to keep the Syrians under the authority describes itself as a Baathist!
More than this, the vote of the Arab League two weeks ago categorically great and significant, as the Arab initiative received the support of 19 countries against the opposition of Lebanon, with its support for Iraq.
Of course, the reasons are understandable, Lebanon and Iraq today, two states, in practice, and the two events under the «occupation». Lebanon is governed by Iran through Hezbollah, which now plans to take over the judiciary, after completed, thanks to his weapon, the capture of the government and the communications networks that link land and liaises areas of influence and «Mravath» security throughout the country. And Iraq, too - unlike the claims of Washington - left by the occupation forces under the «occupation» Iran to the south and center, compared to actual independence of the northern Kurdish separatist state in the West are not doomed to know the future but God.
The positions of Lebanon and Iraq, in particular, reveal starkly the reality of the regime in Damascus while claiming falsely that he governs mind and is resisting the name «Unity (Arabic, as they say ..)» and «freedom» and «socialist» (!). And on the Arab public by the Arab ruler to beware of the implications of these two positions, if allowed the Arab world to himself as a fool - perhaps for the twentieth time - Damascus words and actions.
It took just a «accept» Damascus - as Mr. Izzat Shabandar - signed a protocol initiative of the League of Arab States for more than two weeks .. Fell during which between 450 and 500 people. Is there anyone who is willing to risk assessment of how Straug Damascus after signing and before starting the application, by dumping the initiative in the maze of details and objections at every part with every step?
Did not take «a game of cat and mouse» between the regime of Saddam Hussein's former regime in Iraq with the international inspection committees for years and years?!
Pain «graduate» Damascus regime in the «school» graduates of the same system of Iraq's past?!
Do you change, originally, the political discourse of the Syrian regime since the outbreak of the popular uprising that has now entered the tenth month?!
Is approved «Nbihh» system, Media, killing civilians and children shot «Hbihth» and Gelaozath?!
Yesterday, before the «information» Qatar for the approval of Damascus on the Arab initiative, I have read an excellent article published a warning two days before the Lebanese writer has knowledge of Iranian affairs - and before the Syrian - entitled «half the solution is no solution in Syria». In the article a realistic view of the concept of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad - extended by inheritance from his father - and the stakes of international policy, and tactics of extortion, dribbling and «edge» and playing on the divisions and contradictions of local, regional, of every type and kind.
So, I think it is wise to warn that the scenario of «half solution» or «compromise» on the way in Yemen cannot be the case with the benefit of the Syrian regime, because they are nothing more than a catastrophic .. Expensive.
I have lived the current system, Bjeelah Family Membership, along the 41 years to take advantage of the «half-solutions» and extortion by Arab states, particularly neighboring countries of Syria. Thus, thinking of what the direction of «half solution» is exactly what it seeks to Damascus, to absorb shock and launch a counter attack to Strengthened regional backers.
سوريا.. حيلة جديدة
Syria .. New trick
Tariq Hamid
With the Syrian opposition has every right when you say that the signing of the Protocol to the Convention on the Asadi dispatching observers is only a dodge. This is absolutely true, al-Assad regime but does not know the tricks, and procrastination. If the signature of the Protocol took nearly a month, from the tricks and the Dodgers had dropped the day nearly fifty-Syria by the killing machine al-Assad regime throughout the month of negotiation, or circumvent, how would it be the completion of what was agreed upon, especially if Walid al-Muallim busy persuading disciples al-Assad regime , from the narrow circles, that the agreement signed by the al-Assad was after the amendments stipulated al-Assad regime? What al-Muallim wants communicated to those circles is that al-Assad regime strong, coherent, and the signing of the agreement is not on the weakness of the door. al-Assad regime is a safe as far as the Syrians what he wants to protect his image shaky internally, and in narrow circles. al-Muallim's comments show that al-Assad regime is still the same regime that is always busy with minor matters, and to think Amotr mentality, and not the distressed!
To say that the signing of the Protocol on al-Assad regime is a new trick which will be evidenced in the next few days, and that al-Assad regime will procrastinating the implementation of the agreement, is also true. Just as the remiss regime for one month to negotiate, and will procrastinate nearly two months in the implementation. Will not require a lot of waiting, chances are that the demonstrations in Syria out more now, especially the agreement on protocol also ensure freedom of demonstrations. Here, we will see whether al-Assad regime abide by the agreement or not. As noted above, the indicators are saying that there is no hope in this regime, especially as the killing machine al-Assadi received more than 100 Syrians on the day of the announcement by al-Assad regime for signing the Arab Protocol!
Thus, For the Arabs to prepare for a new round of prevarication, procrastination, and procrastination, he will make al-Assad regime in the upcoming days, where Sivik Arab observers bitter in dealing with them, and where al-Assad regime will drown observers with details of her first, and do not have another.
But what will shorten things a lot, despite the suffering that will reach the Syrian isolation, is the Syrian people are the same; As is expected, will be demonstrations in Syria's largest, and will include regions of Syria many, where it is observed today that Damascus and Aleppo have decided to break the silence, and to participate in public demonstrations against al-Assad regime. It will ensure the failure of the regime's tricks that the Arab initiative, requiring the withdrawal of troops and Shabbihah, which would put al-Assad regime is on the line, the withdrawal of troops would be mass demonstrations, and the sincerity of the regime at least once, and effectively allowed the Arab observers to enter Syria, and their presence will strengthen the protest movements certainly. Unless al-Assad regime is that the story is not what the West or Arabs wants, but in what he did, and do the Syrians, and this would spoil al-Assad regime every trick of the tricks that do not expire.
احمدي نجاد: التحركات العربية بشأن سوريا "تشبه النكتة"
Ahmadinejad: Arab moves on Syria "like a joke"
Monday - December 19 - 2011 - 14:56:11
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the movements of Arab States on Syria, which has been in turmoil, "like a joke", just before the Damascus Declaration, signed a protocol to allow an observer mission to the Arab territories.
Quoted the official IRNA news agency "IRNA" Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying that "some countries in the region to consider moves like an Iranian joke."
He added that "some countries in the region that have not been any election in history, met and passed resolutions against another country, saying her" Why do not you elections. "
Rivalry over Syria, Iraq widens rift between Turkey and Iran
While an entire swath of the Arab world is in upheaval in one form or another, two non-Arab nations, Iran and Turkey, are in fierce competition to redefine their leadership roles in the Middle East, further stoking concerns that unrest sweeping the region may risk inciting wider, potentially devastating conflicts.
Following a day-long meeting on Thursday, the top Turkish military council said it reviewed the military's preparedness for war, without elaborating on what types of threats the country faces. Observers immediately jumped to the conclusion that it was a message designed to send chills through Tehran and its chief ally Syria.
The statement came shortly after a series of threats Iranian officials made against Turkey, although Iran denied they were the Islamic republic's official position. The largely hidden "cold war" between Tehran and Ankara is brewing quickly, bringing with it a greater risk of conflict.
The great indulgence granted to Iran's ways and phobias in the face of a nuclear standoff last year between the Islamic republic and the West has reaped a self-destructing harvest, giving leeway to Iran's never-ceasing desire to expand. It would have been unimaginable last year, following Turkey's defense of the Islamic republic to defuse Western threats, to now expect Iran to end its friendship with the NATO member.
The current split between Turkey and Iran began with the installment of NATO's early-warning radar system in Turkey and widened as the uprising in Syria looked to oust the leader of Iran's chief ally.
Turkish diplomats tossed back and forth the question of whether Iran is a reliable partner, and there was a deep fissure among Turkish intellectuals over Iran's role in Turkey's foreign policy decisions. Turkey and Iran have always had trouble describing how they relate to each other. While Turkey was protecting Iran from a growing Western confrontation last year, its policy was calculated to maintain stability in the region, advancing trade and friendly relations. The current upheaval in the Middle East has thrown the Turkish government's much-vaunted zero-problems foreign policy into disarray and spawned a new era of rivalry between Iran and Turkey over Arab lands.
Turkey is still the Middle East's largest power and may be a little smarter, having learned from the bitter lessons the Arab Spring taught. Navigating in a region of constant instability and falling dictators brings new opportunities for influence as well as confrontations with rival nations.
Iranians sent several subtle indicators of their mounting unease at Turkey's announced intention to host NATO's early-warning radar system. The several threats Iranian officials made this week were the latest bust-ups between Ankara and Tehran in the past few months. In a sign of Iran's growing frustration, Hussein Ibrahim, the vice president of the Iranian parliamentary national security and foreign policy panel, reportedly said in an interview with the Iranian daily Shargh last Sunday that it is Iran's natural right to target the missile defense shield system in Turkey in case of an attack, and "we will definitely resort to that."
Turkey has pointedly ramped up its public warnings over the last few weeks about Iran's threats, accompanied by private warnings to Iran delivered by Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu to his Iranian counterpart, Ali Akbar Salehi.
Turkish diplomats told Today's Zaman that the Iranian foreign ministry had assured Turkey they do not back such threats and the threats do not reflect ministerial policy. The officials also repeated Ankara's position that Turkey should only acknowledge statements from Iranian officials actually in charge, including the Iranian president and the foreign ministry.
Davutoğlu himself called Salehi earlier this week, demanding an explanation. Salehi reiterated that these remarks don't reflect official Iranian position.
Salehi's statement may also signal deepening cracks in Iran's ruling establishment as it becomes increasingly difficult for the Iranian government to contain hardline elements. "The fractured nature of Iran's own political system often leads to schizophrenic responses to regional and global events," said Aaron Stein, a foreign policy analyst and nonproliferation specialist based in Turkey, while assessing different remarks from Iranian officials. Yet what most agree on is that the constant threats Iran makes have now reached a critical juncture.
"Clashes of interest, ideas are wide and deep [between Iran and Turkey across the Arab world]," said Walter Russell Mead, editor-at-large of the American Interest magazine.
Turkey seeks influence in Iraq, Iran unhappy
Turkey also faces an uphill struggle in Iraq, where it lost some leverage during the government-formation process last year as the Turkish foreign minister campaigned for a constitutional-amendment referendum instead of dealing with political issues in Iraq.
Iraq's current leadership, seen as Iran's poodle, is unhappy with Turkey's role in Iraqi politics and instead welcomes Iran's growing interference in its own internal affairs.
In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said Iraq welcomes Turks on the economic cooperation front, "but we do not welcome interference in political matters."
He alleged that Turkey interferes by backing certain political figures and blocs. "We have continuously objected to their previous ambassador's interferences, and they have admitted this interference. In political matters, they have unacceptably interfered," Maliki told the WSJ.
On Iran, he was upbeat. He said Iranians have had some good positions and influence at certain junctures in Iraq and today, it should be more positive as the US prepares for complete drawdown from Iraq by the end of the year.
Mead said Turkish success in Iraq would lead to a less pro-Iranian coalition in Baghdad, referring to Turkey's rivalry over the country.
Mead connected any Turkish success in the Middle East as equal to Iran's failure. He said ideologically, Turkey hopes to lead the Sunni Islam world while Iran aspires to lead the entire Islamic world. He also added that the same thing could be applied to Syria where Turkey's success there could be spelled as Iran's failure as well as loss of Iranian ties to Hamas.
Who is loser in Arab Spring, Iran or Turkey?
There is also a growing understanding that Iran's bravado against Turkey masks some obvious worries about it being an overall loser in the Arab Spring. But Iran and Turkey have put a positive spin on the Arab Spring with the Islamic republic saying it will spell the end of US-backed governments and the other claiming it to be a "normalization of history."
Stein says the relationship between Turkey and Iran started to deteriorate when Turkey was publicly rebuked by the West for its role in the nuclear swap deal last year and the Iranians showed little gratitude for the Turkish efforts.
"When you combine this with the fact that despite the Turkish expectation, the Iranian market remains, by and large, closed to Turkish exports, the roots of rivalry were re-planted," he claims, adding that the chaos in Syria exacerbated this budding tension and Turkey's outright support for the Western-backed calls for regime change thrust these low-lying tensions into the public.
He noted that although actors from both sides are squabbling, there is little chance that tensions will boil over, and the two governments will continue to cooperate and compete when it's called for.
He added that the Iranians and the Turks are permanent entities in the region, and they will have to find a way to cooperate or risk greater damage to their strategic interests.
Ali-Akbar Velayati, senior adviser to Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said last week Turkey's model of "secular Islam" is a version of western liberal democracy and unacceptable for countries going through what he said an "Islamic awakening."
Veysel Ayhan, an expert from the Center for Middle Eastern Strategic Studies (ORSAM), said Velayati's remarks show that Iran can't see the realities of the region. He added that former authoritarian regimes were suppressing political parties and movements that had Islamic elements, and that marrying Islam, democracy and secular institutions is what Turkey has been successful at. While Iran wants to export theocratic regimes, he said, in contrast, Turkey's secular political institutions which also maintain Islamic sensitivities are what Arab nations want.
According to Ayhan, the radicalization of Islamic parties are a danger post-revolution Arab countries face but building Turkish-like political institutions would ensure a successful transition.
Ceren Kumova contributed to this report from Ankara.
Is Turkey mistaken in its policy towards Syria?
18 December 2011, Sunday
As the anticipated results from Turkey's policies on Syria -- in the wake of the Baathist regime's use of weapons against its own peoples -- are delayed more and more, and as the negative effects from these policies are reflected onto the economy, starting with the border cities of Turkey, the following questions will confuse more and more people:
Could Turkey's policies towards Syria be mistaken? Was Turkey too hasty in burning its bridges with the Assad government? If the Baathist regime does not fall as fast as expected, will the level of damage to Turkey only increase?
There is no question that people espouse very different views on these questions. But as I see it, for Turkey, which remains a source of inspiration for the region due to its own efforts to democratize, it was simply impossible to carry on down the road with a regime that bloodily suppressed its own people's demands for democracy. Had Assad only been a bit braver in the face of the political earthquake rocking the Middle East, things might have been different. But unfortunately, the Assad leadership chose to waste all the good intentions displayed by both Erdoğan and Davutoğlu, using them instead as opportunities to gain time, and leaving Turkey with no other options in the end.
One real mystery is how talks between Turkey and Syria in Damascus in August of this year, where everything was warmly and openly discussed, gave way to no results. After all, Assad, in his capacity as state president, had promised concrete results. The talks between Assad and Ankara officials had even gone as far as to address how relations would be between state and local officials in Syria and Turkey after Syria switched over to a multi-party system.
If Assad had taken even a few small steps towards reform, he would have taken steps towards preventing the crisis from deepening. Turkey would have even been willing to help deflect pressure on Syria from outside. In fact, from what I have learned, Ankara would have even been open to a full-of-trickery election of the type Turkey had after switching over to multi-party life in 1946. Who knows, Assad could have even won such an election through trickery; but after that, in following elections, the choice of the people would have come to power. But that is not what happened. Even before Davutoğlu returned from the last round of meetings, it was clear that the Syrian promises made were actually lies.
Looking back, it is now clear that all those meetings were theater of the most successful type. It is difficult to believe that our state and leaders were unable to perceive the true face of a regime that governs a country so close to Turkey. To be quite honest, even during a time when we had good relations with Syria, we really did not have a sufficient read of this country's political structure, the Baathist regime, the Baathist leadership, the full weight of Assad in the regime and the various perspectives that different social groups in Syria had of each other and of the regime.
Those who look askance on Turkey's policies towards Syria should remember that Ankara was not alone in this set of policies. Turkey embraced a stance against Syria alongside its Western allies, but if it had it staked out a position with Arab leaders and the Arab public, the situation now would be much different. But that is not how it happened. Ankara does place great importance on coordination with the Arab Union. Most of its policies up until today have seen support from most of the Arab leadership, and thus the Arab public.
Research by the Arab American Institute focusing on six Arab countries shows that many Arabs erased their love for the Baathist regime a long time ago. The research was conducted in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and the United Arab Emirates, and it depicts a political tableau that shows people side with those who want freedom. In Egypt, this was 89 percent of those interviewed, 86 percent in Morocco and 100 percent in Jordon. As is widely known, the Baathist regime sees the protests as being composed of extremist groups and the result of conspiracies by foreign governments. The Arab public does not agree at all with these views, and instead sees the protests as demands for freedom by Syrians. No one seems to believe that Assad can still run Syria: 93 percent of Saudi Arabians, 96 percent of Emiratis, 90 percent of Jordanians, 86 percent of Egyptians and 85 percent of Moroccans think like this.
This research, which shows that the Baathist regime long ago began to fail in the eyes of Arabs, also scrutinizes how Arabs view policies on Syria from countries inside and outside the region. Looking at the answers from people in Egypt -- considered the natural leader of the Arab world -- is enough to get an idea of this picture. On a scale that shows 80 percent of Arabs perceive Turkey's policies as positive, Saudi Arabia's policies are seen as positive by 55 percent, while Iran's are appreciated by 22 percent, the US by 8 percent and Russia by only 5 percent. Yes, because of rising expectations, perhaps Syria has turned into a leadership test for Turkey. And it is true that it is very difficult to get results overnight, and also true that Ankara's ability to realize its promises has begun to be questioned. But no matter which ideological perspective dictates your view on the region, you cannot ignore the tableau depicted above.
Number of Syrian refugees in Jordan ‘limited’
19 December 2011
By Mohammad Ghazal
AMMAN - The number of Syrian refugees currently staying in the Kingdom does not warrant building a refugee camp for them, a senior official said on Sunday.
“The current number of Syrians entering the Kingdom without passing through the border control is very limited,” Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communications and Government Spokesperson Rakan Majali told The Jordan Times yesterday.
He said the government is not taking any measures in anticipation of an influx of Syrian refugees fleeing the violence back home.
“The government does not have any plan for building a refugee camp for the Syrians and has not allocated a fils for this purpose,” the minister said.
According to Majali, about 630 Syrians have entered the Kingdom illegally since the beginning of the unrest in Syria earlier this year.
Of the total, 150 asked to return to Syria, according to Majali, who said: “They returned through the same route they used to enter Jordan, without going through the border control and stamping their passports.”
“A large number of the remaining Syrians managed to travel to Gulf countries, Europe or others states,” he said, adding that the remaining portion have either relatives or friends in Ramtha or Mafraq who are accommodating them at their houses.
The minister said about 50-60 Syrians, who do not have relatives or suffer illnesses, are currently staying at hospitals and charity societies or at the houses of Jordanians who have offered them accommodation.
“Most of the Syrians who came to Jordan, whether through the border control or illegally, have relatives and friends in Jordan who are taking care of them.”
The United Nations estimates that more than 5,000 people have been killed in the Syrian crackdown on pro-democracy protests since they first erupted in mid-March.
Maronites wish to regain ancestral lands in Galilee
By BEN HARTMAN (Jerusalem Post)
Dec 18, 2011 - 1:32:27 PM
Community also works to preserve its heritage, teach youth its traditional language of Aramaic.
Storefronts and billboards in Jish ("Gush Halav" in Hebrew) this week were decked with snowmen, holly wreaths and inflatable Santa Clauses, bringing a dose of Christmas cheer to this Upper Galilee village a few kilometers from the Lebanon border.
The pine trees that dot the town and the whiff of smoldering fireplaces completed the yuletide ambiance when The Jerusalem Post visited the village on Mount Merom, 13 km. north of Safed, last week.
The town of around 3,000 is predominantly Maronite, with around 65 percent of the population adhering to the branch of Eastern Catholicism and living in harmony, residents say, with Muslim and Greek Catholic (Melkite) minorities.
Jish has the largest Maronite population of in Israel, where around 7,000 live mostly in Jish and the neighboring village of Ikrit, as well as in Nahariya, where former members of the South Lebanese Army and their families (estimated to number 2,000 to 2,500 people today) were relocated after the IDF withdrew from Lebanon in 2000.
Like Israel's other small, non-Jewish communities, the Maronites of the Galilee are a population in flux, cut off from their brethren in neighboring countries. They continue their assimilation into Israeli society while trying to ensure that their customs carry on into the next generation. Those in Jish are also waging an ongoing battle with authorities to regain land near Kibbutz Bar'am, the one-time location of the Maronite village of Kafr Bir'am. Today, around half of the Maronite residents of Jish trace their heritage to Kafr Bir'am, residents say.
Father Bshara Suleiman sat in a reception hall room at the St. Maroun Church on Wednesday, the center of the Parish of St. Maroun, namedafter the 5th-century Syriac monk whose followers founded the Maronite Church after his death in 410 CE. Today the Maronite Church is subject to the authority of the Roman Catholic Church and its adherents number a little over 3 million, including more than 1 million in Lebanon, where they make up nearly a quarter of the population, and were a majority late into the second half of the 20th century.
"We began construction on this church in 1981 and finished in 1996. Before then we had just a small church of 100 [square] meters and now we have 1,000 meters here for the young people and all of the activities of the parish," Suleiman said.
Suleiman said the project cost around $5 million, raised from members of the parish both in Israel and abroad. The community has its own bishop in Haifa, but up until 15 years ago it was under the bishop of Tyre in Lebanon.
When asked about the connections Israel's Maronite community has with those in Lebanon and elsewhere in the Middle East, he said, "With those in Syria we have no relations, in Jordan we can go there just like you, and in Lebanon we could go until 10 years ago, when they closed the ‘Good Fence' on the border. We still have families there on the other side."
It's clear that the Maronites of Jish view themselves as a distinct ethno-religious group, apparently seeing themselves as neither Arab nor Palestinian, rather as Aramaic or Maronite citizens of Israel.
According to Jish native Dr. Elias A. Suleiman, a lecturer from Bar-Ilan University's Department of Middle Eastern Studies and supervisor of Jish's schools, the majority of Maronites "reject Arab identity in favor of a distinct Maronite one... They live as citizens and will continue to live here, and if the Palestinians establish their state, no Maronite from Israel will move to live there."
Suleiman said the Maronites are loyal, law-abiding citizens of Israel who "did not deny the existence of the state and the fact that Israel exists. They also do not forget that they are a minority with problems that need solutions."
He said Jish is regarded as "an old village," and that many of the young people make their way to Haifa and other cities for university after high school. Keeping them in the village is in many ways a losing battle, he said. The village is largely middle class, thick with doctors and other professionals, an assertion that is easy to believe judging by the expansive houses and late model cars cruising the streets.
Suleiman spoke outside the parish's former church, a small stone building that was rebuilt from the ground up after it and the rest of the town was leveled in the 1837 Safed earthquake. The building is still used for some weekly services, but the anchor of the community has long been the St. Maroun Church.
Inside the old church, an elderly resident, Maron Alam, chanted prayers in Aramaic, while standing next to a small Christmas tree. Words that sounded like Hebrew or Arabic echoed off the low arched ceiling.
"It always gets to me every time when I hear this. Because there are very few people today who can say it. A people without their heritage cannot exist," local activist Shadi Khalloul of the Aramean Center said. For a moment his eyes appeared to water in the cold stone church.
Khalloul is a linguistic and cultural champion of sorts, heading up the teaching of Aramaic to the town's youth and acting as as an advocate on behalf of Maronite land claims in the Upper Galilee before the Israeli authorities.
Khalloul, whose family hails from Kafr Bir'am, and generations before that from Bcharre in Lebanon's Kadisha Valley, said teaching Aramaic is meant to strengthen the children's connection to their heritage and their identity as Maronites. He has been teaching Aramaic to the children of Jish for three years, often using textbooks made in Lebanon and sent to Israel through a third country such as Sweden, where a large population of Maronites lives.
For Khalloul, this identity is critically linked not only to Aramaic, but to the land on which Kafr Bir'am once stood. He says about 40% of the Maronite population of Jish are descendants of people relocated there after War of Independence, when Israeli forces called on the villagers to evacuate in order to clear a buffer zone on the border with Lebanon.
They were never allowed to return, and they now seek the return of some of the 1,200 hectares (2,965 acres) in Kibbutz Ba'ram/Moshav Dovev to build a small historical village for tourism, as well as a small village to house Maronites.
Khalloul spoke while walking through the ruins of Kafr Bir'am in Bar'am National Park, which there is a 4th-century synagogue that served the Jewish village of Kfar Bar'am as well as the 17th-century Maronite church that was the center of village life before the war. While the church appears well preserved, all that remains of the village are low stone walls and a few archways grown over with vegetation. The park lies next to a Maronite cemetery, where Aramaic inscriptions are carved on the headstones and family vaults.
He described a community that smuggled Jews to the pre-1948 yishuv, and has seen its contribution forgotten, with the people left unable to recover lands they lost in the war.
"We helped Jews escape to Israel through Lebanon when the British wouldn't let them in. Some of these Jews would sleep in our village at night until the bus would come the next day and take them to Haifa. So in 1948 we didn't run; most of those who ran were Muslims. We didn't run because we knew the people we were facing, so we stayed," Khalloul said.
"Instead of treating your allies well, you treated us like enemies. We were not enemies, we were allies. We helped the Jews and we expected the same treatment, and now we ask them to help us, allow us to go back and build the village again," Khalloul said, with the Lebanese border just a short walk past his shoulder.
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Erdogan's entry to the hospital due to his deteriorating health
Sunday - December 18 - 2011 - 21:11:08
Enter the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the hospital, "Haji perk" amid the Turkish capital of Ankara due to his deteriorating health.
Knowledgeable sources for the "minimum" that it put Erdogan's health suddenly deteriorated after he returned to practice after his recovery period he spent in his home in Istanbul as a result of conducting the surgery.
Erdogan had undergone surgery to remove 25 centimeters of the colon three weeks ago.
Syria's Mufti: The Syrians Foiled the Conspiracy
Dec 19, 2011
ALEPPO, (SANA) – Syria's Grand Mufti, Sheikh Ahmad Badr el-Din Hassoun on Monday said that the Syrian people have foiled the conspiracy because of their awareness.
The remarks came during his meeting with a Turkish students delegation visiting Syria to witness the reality of its events.
Hassoun added that the reason behind the external pressure is dissuading Syria from its national and pan-Arab stances against the western schemes aiming at fragmenting the region to seize its resources.
The Grand Mufti pointed out to the deep-rooted relations between the Syrian and Turkish peoples. For their part, members of the delegation expressed their solidarity with Syria and their total rejection of attempts at foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs.
The 40-member delegation also met with students from Aleppo University, where they expressed their rejection of the Turkish government's stances towards Syria.
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