
Dec 21 Pro-government

Masses Gather at Umayyad Square in Appreciation of Army's Sacrifices
Dec 21, 2011

DAMASCUS,(SANA) - Masses of citizens on Wednesday flocked to the Umayyad Square to participate in the activity of " Defenders of the Homeland, Peace Be Upon You" in appreciation of the Syrian army's sacrifices for the sake of the homeland.

The participants started the activity observing a minute of silence in honor of the army martyrs, chanted the Syrian national anthem and launched 500 balloons with the colors of the Syrian flag.

The crowds unveiled a 7-meter monument representing the Syrian Arab soldier, which is made of clay, plaster, steel and fiberglass, to express solidarity and support of the Syrian army to protect Syria's national unity.


رفضا للتدخل الخارجي في سورية وتأكيداً على الوحدة الوطنية.. إطلاق حملة (جمع مليون توقيع) بحلب
Rejection of foreign intervention in Syria and the emphasis on national unity .. Campaign (collect a million signatures) in Aleppo
December 21, .2011
Aleppo, (SANA) -

Launched the caravan-loving mothers Syrian Square Saadallah Jabri Aleppo day campaign to collect one million signatures in rejection of attempts by outside interference in the internal affairs of Syria and the interest of security, stability and an emphasis on national unity and support of the decision of the independent national and broad program of reforms led by President Bashar al-Assad and with the participation of different actors of civil and popular and youth in the province.

The Sheriff Martini, supervisor on the convoy, said that the goal of the campaign is to raise the signatures to the Maronite Patriarch Bisharah al-Ra'i and then to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI Pope of the Vatican to confirm that the Syrian people stand united in the face of the conspiracy aimed at undermining the country's security, stability and national positions and national .

Said Mari media Jewels of the organizers of the convoy that the Syrian mothers regret broadcasts channels of misinformation lies and fabrications in order to disrupt the unity of the Syrian people also express their support for the national dialogue and reform program, led by President Assad.

For his part, the Muslim preacher Khalid Jassim, to disseminate the values ​​of love, brotherhood and non-discrimination among all peoples, pointing out that the goal of the conspiracy the return of colonialism under the pretext of defending human rights to take over the destinies of peoples and despoiled freedoms and dignity.

In turn, drew Father Joseph Bsilis representative of the Roman Catholic community in Aleppo that stand in the face of the plans and attempts to spread division and the duty of every Syrian regardless of affiliation, trends, stressing that Syria is free of his father and will remain so no matter has come under pressure and schemes suspicious in order to discourage them from its central role in the region.

The lawyer Hani al-Jazairi legal adviser to the Caravan of love that the idea of ​​the convoy started from the Syrian coast and began her visit to Lebanon's half thanked the various trends, parties and affiliations, and their attitude towards the Syrian people, pointing out that the organization of the convoy in the province of Aleppo and other provinces comes confirmation of the national will to build a modern Syria and the delivery of the message to the various international forums that the Syrian people will not kneel.

On the other systems combine young men and women in collaboration with the youth of Aleppo Logo solidarity campaign entitled No to foreign interference in Syria in the yard Saadallah Jabri and during which participants carried national flags, Russian and Chinese recognition of their position in support of the Syrian people.

The young man said Ammar denominator organized assembly that effectively express support for the Syrian people to the process of comprehensive reform and the confidence that Syria will emerge stronger from the crisis thanks to the awareness of its people and the rallying around his leadership.

India noted the judge a student at the College of Arts and Humanities, the role of protectors of home and their sacrifices in defense of the homeland and preserve their dignity and independence.

Amina Al-Hassan said that the Syrian people conscious and aware of the removal of the plot hatched against him, and targets set to hit national unity, through the campaigns of misinformation and fabrication broadcast by some satellite channels tendentious.

تقديراً لتضحيات الجيش ودوره في حماية أمن واستقرار الوطن.. حشود ضخمة من المواطنين تشارك في إزاحة الستار عن نصب الجندي العربي السوري
Recognition of the sacrifices of the army and its role in protecting the security and stability of the country .. Huge crowds of people involved in the unveiling of the monument soldier, the Syrian Arab
December 21, .2011
Damascus, (SANA) -

Recognition of the sacrifices of the army and its role in safeguarding security and stability of the homeland and its response to the plot on Syria and the emphasis on the cohesion of the people with him in his mission of national and in the effectiveness of the "protectors of home you peace" was unveiled today for a memorial height of seven meters embody the soldier of the Syrian Arab with huge crowds of Syrians filled the Umayyad Square location placed the monument.

Effectiveness and began with a minute of silence in tribute to the esteem and the lives of martyrs and participants chanted anthem Syrian Arab balloon and fired 500 colors flag expression of the people and the cohesion of the army under the flag of the country.

Participants also led Department of the Army and the armed forces .. "I swear by Almighty God .. I swear by Almighty God .. I swear by Almighty God to be a servant faithful to the Syrian Arab Republic to defend them and protect the flag and to preserve the independence and integrity of its territory and to safeguard the honor of military and obey my superiors in every respect to that land, sea and air in the Republic and abroad, and do my blood for the performance of this duty, and God is my witness. "

The crowds reflected Bhtavadtha national consciousness of the Syrian people's ability and dedication to the nation to respond to the plot and face all the pressures on Syria to crafts for the national approach which is keen to safeguard the rights and interests of the Arab nation and to prevent exploitation by the forces of domination.

Participants drew messages of gratitude and support for the Syrian Arab Army, which proved to be a shield of the homeland and his fort impregnable in the face of conspiracies, asserting that the pure blood that made this is the army that protected Syria and devoted national unity outlined by the processions of martyrs on an area of ​​the country.


صحيفة النور تنتقد الدور الذي تلعبه قطر بإسم التحالف الأمريكي الأوروبي والغربي التركي في المنطقة
al-Nour newspaper critical of the role played by Qatar on behalf of the American Alliance and the Western European Turkey in the region
December 21, .2011
Damascus, (SANA) -

Newspaper criticized the light mouthpiece of the Syrian Communist Party (SCP)consolidated the role of Qatar in the region on behalf of the European alliance and western Turkey, and the author of some 27 countries which aims to Syria in an effort to complete the planned western imperialist and Zionist in the Middle East.

The newspaper said in an editorial today's issue: The essence of doubt the Syrians and their brothers and their friends with some aspects of the Arab Plan of Action and some of the texts does not come from the ambiguity of the text-only, despite the risks carried by this ambiguity, but rather comes from the nature of Qatar, which sponsors this process after it was donated to them lead a panel the Arab Ministerial Council to become the Godfather of the Arab initiative, which everyone forgets its official name and was replaced by the term CLI is apparently correct.

The newspaper said .. That many of the facts confirm that Qatar has played the role of the cat's paw of the Alliance of Western was sent planes to bomb Libya on behalf of NATO and tried to buy off the House of Kuwait amounts estimated at 200 million riyals days after the Deputy Minister of Information, Yemen, Qatar wants to destroy the state of Yemen and support where violence by workers in addition to paying $ 100 million to the Islamic movements such as the Egyptian elections and the establishment of Qatar to pump investment rate of one billion dollars in Morocco on the eve of parliamentary elections that brought the Islamic movements to power.

The paper, that of watching the course of events is confident that the emirate of Qatar is seeking to topple Syria by financing the smuggling major weapons to Syria that included sophisticated weapons and modern have no in many armies, let alone finance the infiltration of militants who came from Libya or Lebanon, and the financing of the movement external opposition movements and the permanent all over the world.

And criticized the paper round the inciting studied the role of Qatar through Al Jazeera, which exercised the greatest amount of lies and fabrications and provocation in order to influence the awareness of some of the people and their minds during the filming of lies as facts and facts lies through fabrications art perfect for incitement to violence and bloodshed, the Syrian and turn the island into operational guidance center for the armed opposition.

The newspaper said: Despite all this, welcomed the Syrian people to the principle of Arab intervention in spite of its reservations to the presidency of Qatar and its role is not neutral at all and will continue to Syrian authorities efforts in all directions to secure the cessation of bloodshed and find a comprehensive national reconciliation was the signing of Syria to the protocol of cooperation between them and the Arab League move in the right direction towards finding a political solution to the crisis the Syrian entirety.

The newspaper said .. Whatever the international initiatives or Arabic successful, the goodwill in the home is reached by any initiative to their ends, stressing the need to achieve security and stability and stop the killing and bleeding from any source and the withdrawal of the illegal weapons and the removal of armed manifestations from the cities and the abandonment of strength abroad and a national dialogue comprehensive, family reconciliation, civil, and tribal and zonal widely and parliamentary elections after the completion of the new constitution and to meet the requirements and needs of the masses.

The newspaper concluded its editorial by asserting that the Syrians members, including those who carry guns now open shame and general brethren at home will discover that they had the game in the hands of Western powers and the unjust still infringes our peoples Arab Emma harassment.

البطريرك لحام يحذر الدول الأوروبية من وضع المسيحيين في الشرق أمام الخيار الذي يتحدث عن أنهم في لب الصراع الذي تشهده المنطقة
Greek Catholic Patriarch Lahham warns European countries the situation of Christians in the Middle to the option that they are talking about the heart of the conflict in the region
20 December 0.2011
Beirut, (SANA) -

Said Patriarch Gregorios III Lahham, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East of the Greek Catholic Christians in the Middle living side by side with the rest of the communities, warning European countries the situation of Christians in the Middle to talk about which option they are at the core of conflict in the region.

And stressed the Patriarch Lahham in a statement to SANA correspondent in Beirut that the Christians are not the target of what is happening in some areas of Syria and the Syrian people in the majority live safely and without fear, calling on Arab states to help Syria overcome the ordeal with them.

To the Patriarch Lahham in the message of Christmas that citizenship is the only guarantee for the nation and the dignity of its people, affirming that Christians are strong faith and cultural history and spiritual heritage and audience interactive, and their association with the principle of fixed and their interaction with their fellow Muslims in the Arab world is one of the pillars of their presence and their message.

And Patriarch Lahham slammed the absence of projects for peace in the region, warning that the absence of peace projects in the interest of dismantling schemes that shape the region.

Antioch Syriac Catholic Patriarch Calls for Resolving Syrian Crisis in a Manner Preserving its Role in Confronting External Interference
Dec 21, 2011

BEIRUT, (SANA) - Syriac Catholic Patriarch of Antioch Mar Ignatius Joseph III Yonan on Wednesday called for resolving the crisis in Syria in a peaceful and civil manner that guarantees citizens' dignity, freedom and equality and preserves Syria's leading role in confronting external interference.

In his Christmas message for 2011, Patriach Yonan said that Syria has been facing a crisis the likes of which it hasn't faced in recent past, expressing grief over the acts of violence affecting innocents and hoping that Syria will regain tranquility and prosperity.

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