Constitutional reform
اللجنة الوطنية المكلفة إعداد مشروع دستور لسورية تناقش مواد الفصل الثاني المتعلقة بالسلطة التنفيذية
National Committee Assigned to Prepare Draft Constitution Discusses Executive Authority
Dec 20, 2011
DAMASCUS, (SANA)-National Committee assigned to preparing a draft constitution for Syria on Tuesday discussed the second part of the draft regarding the Executive Authority.
Official Spokesperson of the committee Sam Dala told SANA that the Committee will resume its meetings tomorrow to complete deliberations on this topic.
President Bashar al-Assad in October issued decision No. 33 forming the National Committee for preparing a draft constitution for Syria. The Committee has to end its work during 4 months at maximum.
During its last meetings, the Committee discussed the basic principles of the new constitution, the nature of the political and constitutional system, economic, social and political main concepts like the notion of the State of Law, multiplicity, electoral system nature and independence of judiciary.
موافقة خُمس أعضاء مجلس الشعب على الترشيح للرئاسة مطروحة على جدول أعمالها...لجنة إعداد مشروع الدستور تُناقش فكرة «كبار الناخبين» ومدة الولاية الرئاسية وتجديدها
Approval of five members of the People's Assembly on the nomination for the presidency are on the agenda ... of the committee preparing the draft constitution discussed the idea of «senior voters» and the duration of the presidential term and renewal
Came the terms of the first draft of the Syrian Constitution, the new special conditions of candidacy for the presidency and the mechanism of filtration different to those found in the current Constitution, but the presidential term remained the same as defined by the current constitution to «seven years» without reference to the issue of renewing or not.
And held the National Committee for preparation of a draft new constitution for Syria meeting yesterday which discussed the Article 82 of the draft law on the conditions to be met by those who wish to run for the presidency and the mechanism of filtration.
Despite claims by the opposition Qadri Jamil opportunity for the media to attend the meeting but he did not allow them to more than just the first ten minutes, during which participants completed their discussions of the past devoted to articles on legislative power.
But the «» able to see the paragraphs of Article 82 and beyond on the executive power, which stipulated that those who wish to run for the presidency to get the «support of twenty percent» of the People (50 out of 250 members more than the current) not to grant User support only one candidate only.
Such a condition imposed by the constitutions of many countries in the world to the candidates for president who must obtain the support of a certain number of so-called «high voter» who are usually of Representatives and the chairmen and members of municipal councils and local communities and others.
The draft law stipulated that the presence of at least two candidates obtaining the required level of support in the parliament and it should only open the door for nomination again.
It also stipulated that the candidate for the presidency to be a resident in Syria to establish a continuous period of at least ten years on the application, and parents Syrian by birth, and must be over forty years of age.
And gave the draft People's Assembly the right to call for presidential elections to be submitting nominations to the Supreme Constitutional Court empowered to decide by the repealed so the principle of «referendum» to a specific person shall «nomination» About the People on the «proposal» National Leadership of the Baath Party «presents the nomination referendum in which citizens »as provided by the current Constitution, adopted 38 years ago. Identified and a draft constitution for the presidential term to seven years without addressing the possibility of renewal or the number of times of renewal.
But a member of the Committee told «» on condition of anonymity: there are no objections in the Committee on the duration of the presidential term, namely, (duration) are still under debate, considering it «must be four years or five, renewable twice only, as is the case in most countries» he said, adding emphatically: I and others will not accept seven years, and spoke of his intention to claim during the discussions to clarify the issue of renewal of the presidential term in the text.
In the absence of the consensus of members of the Committee on the issues of presidential term and renewal will be resorting to a vote.
At the beginning of the meeting requested by a member of the Amal Yaziji decide named «Parliament», which was discussed at the previous meeting and proposed a vote to choose one of four labels are the People's Assembly or the House of Representatives or the Council of People's Congress or parliament.
And almost rebellious Committee member Muhammad Khair Aekam arise for complaining about the latter title, and just absolutely refused to «insert» to vote, saying: I am against the (label) of the National Assembly because we are part of the nation, not one nation .. We are part of a nation called the Arab nation will not accept to be the name of this Parliament and the Council object to the introduction of this label within the four names to vote» and he got what he wanted.
After the vote by show of hands was adopted named «Parliament» a majority of 16 votes out of a total audience of 25.
Yaziji and commented by saying that with the (label) the House of Representatives urethrae because they represent the people ... These people are not there (the Council) for themselves but because they represent who they represent ... I wish to nominate the House of Representatives to remember (of Representatives) day deputies of the people they Vihmiloa completely responsible for that over the many years I think they are some of the people.
Following a Jamil fate, saying: Council of People's Deputies was the term the best compromise.
President Bashar al-Assad issued a mid-October Presidential Decree No. 33 which states «the formation of the National Committee to prepare a draft constitution for the Syrian Arab Republic in preparation for approval in accordance with constitutional rules» that the Committee complete its work before the expiry of the month of February next. The Committee is composed of 28 members headed by attorney appearance Amber.
Late last month the Commission announced it is working on drafting a new constitution in which the system of government «semi-presidential», and based on the principle of political pluralism, so that «where there is no place for any special party».
A spokesman for the Sam pot at a news conference about a U.S. presidential draft constitution «We are not yet to a certain formula for this topic but all the options available».
بهدوء وبعيداً عن تأثيرات الأحداث ... لجنة إعداد الدستور الجديد تواصل خطواتها وتضع شروط الترشيح للرئاسة
Quietly and away from the effects of events ... Of the committee preparing the new constitution continues to take steps and conditions of nomination for the presidency
Wednesday 12/21/2011
Away from vulnerable inhabitants and events, threats, and mobilization of political and media against Syria, following the National Committee to draft a new constitution for the Syrian Arab Republic, and in each session is leaking some of the events, to inform public opinion on the course of things, but freely case decision will be to the people at the referendum on the new constitution. .
According to Al-Watan newspaper came the terms of the first draft of the Syrian Constitution, the new special conditions of candidacy for the presidency and the mechanism of filtration different to those found in the current Constitution, but the presidential term remained the same as defined by the current constitution to «seven years AD» without reference to the issue of renewing or not .
National Committee to prepare a draft new constitution for Syria held a meeting yesterday which discussed the draft of Article 82 of the conditions for the project shall be available at those who wish to run for the presidency and the mechanism of filtration.
Despite claims by the opposition Qadri Jamil opportunity for the media to attend the meeting but he did not allow them to more than just the first ten minutes, during which participants completed their discussions of the past devoted to articles on legislative power.
But the «» able to see the paragraphs of Article 82 and beyond on the executive power, which stipulated that those who wish to run for the presidency to get the «support of twenty percent» of the People (50 out of 250 members more than the current) not to grant User support only one candidate only.
Such a condition imposed by the constitutions of many countries in the world to the candidates for president who must obtain the support of a certain number of so-called «high voter» who are usually of Representatives and the chairmen and members of municipal councils and local communities and others.
The draft law stipulated that the presence of at least two candidates obtaining the required level of support in the parliament and it should only open the door for nomination again.
It also stipulated that the candidate for the presidency to be a resident in Syria to establish a continuous period of at least ten years on the application, and parents Syrian by birth, and must be over forty years of age.
And gave the draft People's Assembly the right to call for presidential elections to be submitting nominations to the Supreme Constitutional Court empowered to decide by the repealed so the principle of «referendum» to a specific person shall «nomination» About the People on the «proposal» National Leadership of the Baath Party «presents the nomination referendum in which citizens »as provided by the current Constitution, adopted 38 years ago. Identified and a draft constitution for the presidential term to seven years without addressing the possibility of renewal or the number of times of renewal.
But a member of the Committee told «» on condition of anonymity: there are no objections in the Committee on the duration of the presidential term, namely, (duration) are still under debate, considering it «must be four years or five, renewable twice only, as is the case in most countries »he said, adding emphatically: I and others will not accept seven years, and spoke of his intention to claim during the discussions to clarify the issue of renewal of the presidential term in the text.
In the absence of the consensus of members of the Committee on the issues of presidential term and renewal will be resorting to a vote.
At the beginning of the meeting requested by a member of the Amal Yaziji decide named «Parliament», which was discussed at the previous meeting and proposed a vote to choose one of four labels are the People's Assembly or the House of Representatives or the Council of People's Congress or parliament.
And almost rebellious Committee member Muhammad Khair Aekam arise for complaining about the latter title, and just absolutely refused to «insert» to vote, saying: I am against the (label) of the National Assembly because we are part of the nation, not one nation .. We are part of a nation called the Arab nation will not accept to be the name of this Parliament and the Council object to the introduction of this label within the four names to vote »and he got what he wanted.
After the vote by show of hands was adopted named «Parliament» a majority of 16 votes out of a total audience of 25.
Yaziji and commented by saying that with the (label) the House of Representatives urethrae because they represent the people ... These people are not there (the Council) for themselves but because they represent who they represent ... I wish to nominate the House of Representatives to remember (of Representatives) day deputies of the people they Vihmiloa completely responsible for that over the many years I think they are some of the people.
Following Qadri Jamil, saying: Council of People's Deputies was the term the best compromise.
President Bashar al-Assad issued a mid-October Presidential Decree No. 33 which states «the formation of the National Committee to prepare a draft constitution for the Syrian Arab Republic in preparation for approval in accordance with constitutional rules» that the Committee complete its work before the expiry of the month of February next. The Committee is composed of 28 members headed by attorney appearance Amber.
Late last month the Commission announced it is working on drafting a new constitution in which the system of government «semi-presidential», and based on the principle of political pluralism, so that «where there is no place for any special party».
A spokesman for the Sam pot at a news conference about a U.S. presidential draft constitution «We are not yet to a certain formula for this topic but all the options available».
Home - Syriandays
الرئيس الأسد يصدر قانوناً بمعاقبة كل من هرب السلاح بالأشغال الشاقة 15عاما والمؤبدة إذا كان تهريب السلاح للاتجار أو ارتكاب أعمال إرهابية
President al-Assad issued a law to punish anyone who fled arms 15 years hard labor for life and if the smuggling of weapons trafficking or commit terrorist acts
20 December 0.2011
Damascus, (SANA) -
President Bashar al-Assad of law No. 26 of 2011, the judge would be punished by hard labor for fifteen years on each of the oldest weapons smuggling and sentenced to hard labor for life if the purpose of smuggling weapons trafficking or commit terrorist acts.
The law also states that punishable by death of the deployment of weapons or amounts contributed to the distribution of the intent to commit terrorist acts is punishable as a partner and the intervener Baquba, the original actor.
The following is the text of the law:
Law No. / 26 /
President of the Republic
Based on the provisions of the Constitution.
And what the people approved by the Council at its meeting held on 19/12/1433 AH corresponding to 15/11/2011 AD.
Issued the following:
Article / 1 /
A / punished by hard labor for fifteen years, every one of the oldest on the smuggling of weapons.
B / be the punishment of hard labor for life if the smuggling of weapons for trade or commit terrorist acts.
Article 2 / /
Punishable by death of the deployment of large quantities of weapons or contributed to the distribution of the intent to commit terrorist acts.
Article / 3 /
A / partner shall be punished and the intervener, the original actor of Baquba.
B / the penalty in accordance with the provisions of Article 247 of the Penal Code promulgated by Legislative Decree No. 148 of 1949, as amended, if the offender is involved in the implementation of the provisions of this law.
Article / 4 /
Any provision contrary to the provisions of this law.
Article / 5 /
This law shall be published in the Official Gazette.
Damascus 24/1/1433 AH corresponding to 20/12/2011 AD.
دريد درغام بطل قصة نهاية العام.. ضماناً لمليار و73 مليون ليرة!!...الحجز الاحتياطي على أمواله ومجموعة من المقترضين
Duraid Dergham hero story of the end of the year .. Guarantee of a billion and 73 million pounds !!... custody on his money and a group of borrowers (fraud, scandal)
Wednesday 12/21/2011
Issued and the Minister of Finance. Aljalilati Muhammad booking reserve a decision on the movable and immovable property of the Director-General of the Commercial Bank of Syria (CBS) Duraid Dergham added to a group of names on the back of the audit results to the facilities granted to the branch of the Commercial Bank of No. 8 in Aleppo.
Is based on the decision to amend custody as reported home No. 2305 and / or the terms of Resolution No. 3570 / 07.11.2010 and date of the book the central body of control and inspection number 6/7429/7/4 m. A. P what counts as a preliminary report of the right a people and his two wives and his comrades, and on the results of the audit of facilities granted to the Commercial Bank of Syria Branch No. 8 in Aleppo.
Includes the amendment of 5/12/2011 in the first article on the dumping of custody of movable and immovable property belonging to tens of borrowers in amounts ranging from nine million to 250 million.
Add to Duraid Dergham «General Manager of the Commercial Bank» and his wife jointly and severally with dozens of borrowers to ensure the sum of one billion pounds and 73 million and 984 thousand pounds.
وزارة الصناعة: الإنشاءات المعدنية مستعدة لتصنيع المراجل والمنتجات المختلفة
Ministry of Industry: metal construction is ready to manufacture boilers and different products
Wednesday - December 21 - 2011 - 12:07:42
Ministry of Industry and circulated to all ministries, the book's construction metal and mechanical industries in Damascus, containing the availability of potential with the collection of plants for the manufacture of metal products (light and heavy), and steam boilers (industrial and domestic) and capacity up to 10 tons of steam per hour
In return for wages in kind or cash under the agreed upon contract between the parties in accordance with the principle of operation for the benefit of others.
وزير الاقتصاد: نمو الصادرات السورية نحو 12٪ وللضعف مع العراق
Minister of Economy: growth of Syrian exports about 12% and twice with Iraq
Date of article: 21/12/2011
Detection and Economy Minister Muhammad Nedal logo yesterday in the gallery a response to those who seek the steadfastness of the economy, adding that the features of collapse are many and varied, wondering: Where are the features in particular that the prices are still relatively stable, as well as the exchange rate of the Syrian pound and also laboratories and factories are still operating, and surprise of many, the size of the export-competing where he arrived and despite the crisis to the limits of 10-12% and the volume of our exports to Iraq reached more than doubled ..
He pointed out that all things are in an acceptable manner, although others have stumbled because of the crisis and this is normal ..
In a statement to "al-Baath", Shaar did not deny that there is a high cost in the prices of certain products .. Indicating that this is due to the impact of winning the imposition of import tariffs, which have resorted to the Syrian government in order to protect Syria from the stock of foreign exchange .. And considering that this rise and difficulties compared with the size of the pressure exerted on the Syrian economy and the negative consequences caused by the large, accepted as the Syrian economy is still okay .. Despite all this ..
Shaar: The sanctions, though it does not always have positive effects but it is the same time create opportunities that can be used by referring once again more powerful and more energy.
Pointing out that the economic wisdom and experience an important role in the transfer of such penalties to the real opportunities and this is what the Government and the Ministry of Economy consciousness .. He pointed out that despite the existence of a contradiction, in some cases may be a recession induced by the opportunities at the same time there are those who see the revitalization of the economic process and the creation of new industries, and the pattern of economic and productive new investment opportunities are important and stimulating and this is what he sees and Ieih investor and must work it also .
Fear a temporary
The minister pointed out that the fear when the investor as a result of the present situation is justified, regarding it as temporary as it is still attractive to investors abroad addressed to Syria and that is aware of the Ministry of Economy through the communications received by the Ministry and the personal relationships that confirm the strong desire to go to Syria for many reasons, aware of the reality the investor and the capital more than any other, cannot be apparent at the expense of reality in the accounts of the foot or reluctance of investors who are waiting for the opportunity and right timing.
Private Map
Shaar also saw to map the investor and a very special and is affected by expectations related to future, not immediate and therefore be based on the return that will get him and the absolute and relative features that vary from circumstance to another and from one country to another .. From the viewpoint of the minister that the opening of investment of all is the rule, stressing the requirement to be in light of the economic track, and previous experience of Syria and direction of investment strategy and it cannot open fully, but this should be opening up channels and areas of investment, giving excellence and the preference of the investor, the Syrian and especially in light of this stage.
Law is best
On the framework of activating the economic mobility Syrian and enable all the factors of power and competition revealed by Minister of Economy for the Free Zones Law is currently on the table of the Economic Commission needs to study carefully the results are the size of ambitions, hopes, and especially in the context of the jam the current work that may Tak slightly, however the Ministry is parked in this context, the procedure is to provide many facilities to work in free zones, where the decisions of the ministry addressed the issue of Almakaitat and buildings and to continue and complete the projects and the allocation of land and real estate .. These decisions will be organized and classified in the new law of the free zones, which will be better than the law of "Jebel Ali" in the UAE, which is one of the best laws of the free zones in the world.
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