وزير الزراعة: الإسراع في تطبيق القرار الناظم للتجمعات السكانية في البادية من أجل تأمين استقرار سكانها
Minister of Agriculture to expedite the implementation of the resolution governing the populations in the desert in order to ensure the stability of population
September 24, .2011
populations in the desert and the 130 localities in order to secure the stability of the population and hold them within these communities and improve their standard of living and reduce their migration to the cities.
سوريا تعيد النظر في جميع الاتفاقيات الموقعة التي لا تحقق العدالة التجارية للجانب السوري
Economy Minister: Syria review all agreements that do not achieve trade justice to the Syrian side
Saturday - September 24 - 2011 - 8:31:27
القيادةالعامة للجيش والقوات المسلحة تنعي وفاةالعماد انطاكيه لي إثر نوبة قلبية حادة
Army's General Command: General Bassam Najm el-Din Antakiali Passes Away Due to Acute Heart Attack
Sep 24, 2011
وزير الشؤون الاجتماعية و العمل : جملة من الإجراءات ستصدر قبل نهاية العام
Minister of Social Affairs and Labour: a set of procedures will be issued before the end of the year
Saturday - September 24 - 2011 - 10:10:19
Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Radwan Habib said that there is a set of measures will be issued before the end of the year, according to the local newspaper.
And "Habib" made it clear that the most important measures that a new law of alternative care, and women's empowerment program in partnership with the ministries of agriculture, local administration and law as well as for NGOs.
And will also form a special committee to address the gaps in the law No. 17 and special courts, while the unions and unfair dismissal, as well as to assess the social aid fund to channel support to those who deserve it, considering that the Fund is a social safety nets.
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