The EU has added Addounya TV on their sanctions list because it has incited violence against the civilian population in Syria!?!?
Addounya is unable to broadcast through Hotbird. This sanction may also affect its broadcast via Arabsat and Nilesat.
تلفزيون الدنيا يعتبر"عقوبات" الاتحاد الأوروبي وسام شرف لمصداقيته
TV lower is considered "sanctions," European Union and the medal of honor to his credibility (Reaction from Addounya TV about the sanction)
The European Union granted a medal for the television world by including in the list of new sanctions aimed at Syria, which affected the Minister of Justice to facilitate fry Awad, and Minister of Information Adnan Hassan Mahmoud.
The aim of the new European action to quell the voice of television voice of the world right through the TV expose others who claim to others' opinions, but they were in fact blood and the other opinion.
We in the TV world proceed from our faith that what is happening in Syria is a conspiracy aimed at undermining Syria as a country and as a people and from this faith we consider the sanctions the European television world and the medal we put on our hearts we are is the job of mind twenty-seven European countries our main leaders and their minds to the point prompted them to punish us because we We were and still voice of the people and the image of life and the sanctions that showed anything, it is stressed that Syria is exposed not only to the media war, but also to the global war aims, even the subsistence of the Syrian people.
We as children of the country are fully aware of double standards and warp concepts that deal with the West with our issues and sanctions the European confirms these concepts that make the killer victim and the offender inhumane and voice of the people and the image of life deduction must be silenced and we promise our viewers that we continue to expose the conspiracy and expose what is bad for the Syrian people We remain a voice for the people and the image of life.
تعرض السفير الفرنسي للرشق بالبيض في دمشق ومواطنون يتحدثون عن إطلاق نار من قبل حرسه
تعرض سفير فرنسا في سوريا اريك شوفالييه للشرق بالبيض صباح السبت لدى خروجه من لقاء مع البطريرك اغناطيوس الرابع هزيم بطريرك انطاكية وسائر المشرق للروم الارثوذكس في دمشق القديمة .
وقال مواطنون ان شبانا ونساء كانوا يرددون هتافات مؤيدة للرئيس بشار الاسد رشقوا وفد السفير الفرنسي بالبيض والحجارة لدى خروجه من اللقاء اثناء عودة السفير الى سيارته.
وتناقل مواطنون أنباء غير مؤكدة حول قيام حرس السفير الفرنسي بإطلاق النار ، الأمر الذي لم يتسن لـ عكس السير التأكد من صحته.
وكان السفير الفرنسي في سورية تعرض سابقا للطرد من كنيسة الصليب في باب توما، حيث كان يرافقه السفير الأمريكي أيضا، كما تم طردهما من كنيسة مار جرجس في معلولا.
French Ambassador was pelted with eggs in Damascus and citizens talk about the shooting by the guards
Saturday - September 24 - 2011 - 14:54:58
A man on the left is the ambassador.
Will we be able to read his daily
report to the French Foreign Ministry
on WikiLeaks a few years later?

Was the French ambassador in Syria, Eric Chevalier of the East with eggs on Saturday morning as he emerged from a meeting with Patriarch Ignatius IV Hazim, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East for Will we be able to read his daily
report to the French Foreign Ministry
on WikiLeaks a few years later?

The citizens said that young men and women who were chanting slogans in support of President Bashar al-Assad, the delegation of the French ambassador threw eggs and stones as he emerged from the meeting during ambassador to return to his car.
And the reporting of citizens unconfirmed reports that guards the French ambassador to fire, which could not be reversed for traffic to make sure it is accurate.
The French ambassador to Syria had previously been expelled from the Church of the Cross in Bab Touma, where he was also accompanied by U.S. Ambassador, was also expelled from the Church of St. George in Maaloula.
Watch the scene from 00:55.
أميركا تمنح حاكم مصرف سوريا المركزي تأشيرة الدخول و تعزو تأخيرها للاجراءات
America grant Governor of the Central Bank of Syria visa and attributes the delay to the procedures
Saturday - September 24 - 2011 - 12:13:39
قناة آل خليفة «الجزيرة» فشلت باستهداف الجبهة الداخلية السورية وستنتقل للخطة «ب»
وتقول الصحيفة: أما الأدلة على هذا التحول فيمكن تفصيلها بالنقاط التالية:
«al-Jazeera» of al-Khalifah family (perhaps al-Thani family of Qatar) failed to target the domestic front of Syria and the move to the plan «B»
The paper says: The evidence of this shift can be outlined the following points:
لافروف يدعو دمشق الى التطبيق الفوري للإصلاحات.. ويحذر من تشديد العقوبات ضد سورية
Lavrov calls for Damascus to the immediate application of the reforms .. And warns of tougher sanctions against Syria (statement after the BRICS meeting in New York)
24.09.2011 11:26
Lavrov calls for Damascus to the immediate application of the reforms .. And warns of tougher sanctions against Syria
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday September 23 the need for immediate application of the reforms announced by the Syrian leadership. At the same time, Lavrov warned that tougher sanctions against Syria could lead to complicate matters in the country.
A statement issued by the Russian Foreign Ministry on Saturday morning, September 24,
لافروف: روسيا تدعو المعارضة السورية الى عدم رفض الحوار مع الرئيس الاسد
Lavrov: Russia calls on the Syrian opposition to the non-rejection of dialogue with President Assad
24.09.2011 21:34
Lavrov: Russia calls on the Syrian opposition to the non-rejection of dialogue with President Assad
Russia calls on the Syrian opposition to the non-rejection of dialogue with President Bashar al-Assad. This was announced, Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister, said in a statement made by the company to American television, "CNN."
The minister said that Russia "does not support the idea of President Assad must step down." Lavrov said: "We believe in the need to end the standoff in Syria, and convinced not to repeat the scenario Libyan passport in this country."
The Russian minister noted that it is "important to support the Syrian government in the implementation of reforms, and the conviction not to use force against the civilian population and participants in peaceful demonstrations." He said that Assad announced a number of reforms, but opposition confirms that this is not enough. The Russian minister said that "dialogue is necessary to achieve the reform package."
وزراء خارجية دول مجموعة بريكس: تصعيد العقوبات على سورية سيزيد تعقيد الوضع داخل البلاد ويعرض السلام والأمن في المنطقة للخطر
BRICS Group Criticizes Stepping up Sanctions against Syria
Sep 24, 2011
Russian Scholar: Constant Biased Media Campaign against Syria Makes Resolving Crisis Difficult
Sep 24, 2011
Meeting Counterparts, al-Moallem: Syria Determined to Go Ahead with Reforms
Sep 24, 2011
The Minister's remarks came during his meeting with foreign ministers of Argentina, Kazakhstan and Lebanon in New York on Saturday on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meetings.
المقداد أمام الاجتماع التنسيقي لوزراء خارجية منظمة التعاون الإسلامي: سورية تتعرض لحملة إرهابية تقوم بها مجموعات متطرفة ولحملة إعلامية مضللة
Mikdad: Syria Has Taken Measures to Meet Demands of Syrian People, but Still Exposed to Terrorist Campaign (OIC meeting)
Sep 24, 2011
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