
Sep 28 Central government

President al-Assad Issues Decree on Forming Higher Committee for Elections
Sep 28, 2011

DAMASCUS, (SANA) - President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday issued the Decree No. 374 for 2011 on forming the Higher Committee for Elections.

The Decree stipulates for:


- The Higher Committee for Elections encompasses the following judges:
(table for names)

Article 2:

-The Decree will be published in the official gazettes, and it comes into force since its publication date.

Counselor Khalaf al-Azzawi, Chief of the Higher Committee for Elections said that according to the decree No.374, the judiciary will totally supervise the electoral process and take all necessary measures to guarantee elections run in a fair and democratic way.

He added that the Committee has been formed for 4-years' duration and for one time, it enjoys full independency.

Dean of Law Faculty at Damascus University Dr.Mohammad Wasel said the decree paves the way for running the legislative elections on time.

مرسوم بنقل الطالب من سنةإلى أخرى إذا كان يحمل 6مقررات على الأكثر من مختلف سنوات الدراسة
President al-Assad Issues Decree Allowing University Students to Succeed if They Fail in 6 Courses or Less
Sep 28, 2011

مرسومان خاصان بتعويضات التقاعد والوفاة للضباط وصف الضباط في الجيش
Decrees two special retirement compensation and death for officers and officers in the army
Wednesday - September 28 - 2011 - 15:26:30

The President of the Republic Bashar al-Assad decrees bills No. 111 and Decree No. 112, relating to retirement compensation and death for officers and officers in the Syrian Arab army.

According to the magazine provides the economic decrees as follows:
Decree 111
President of the Republic
Based on the provisions of the Constitution
Decrees the following:

Article 1: Drain the pension rights and compensation-ins (except insurance) resulting from the termination of service of commissioned officers and personnel of volunteers and reservists and recruits who are martyred will be upgraded to the rank of lieutenant of honor on the basis of the salary of a lieutenant working in accordance with the provisions of Article 31 in terms of the third paragraph of Article 29 of the Pensions Act, the military issued Decree SI No. 17 of 2003.

Article 2 - a - in the case of salary was harvested for the military set out in Article I, adopted for the liquidation of the additional pension or compensation arising from the termination of service greater than the salary of a lieutenant factor and drain their rights under the former salary as a class officer or individuals.

b - calculated and the military burden as well as leadership training and the granting of additional compensation resulting from the termination of service on the basis of the rank of lieutenant general.

c - subsidy will be disbursed to meet with military beneficiaries set out in the first article of this Legislative Decree and in accordance with the provisions of the subsidy allocated to the officers.
Article 3 cost the Ministry of Finance and secure the adoption of the annual expenditure incurred on the implementation of this Legislative Decree.

Article 4 of this Legislative Decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall come into force from the date of 03.23.2011.
Damascus 07.09.2011 AD

Legislative Decree No. 112
President of the Republic
Based on the provisions of the Constitution
Decrees the following:

Article 1 gives the military staff officers described the officers and individuals subject to the provisions of the Pensions Act, the military issued by Legislative Decree No. 17 Date 4/13/2033, as amended period of one year starting from the beginning of the month following the date of issuance of this Decree to apply for inclusion of terms and services provided by the material (9 and 10 ) of the military pension.

Article 2 The applications to the Department of officers for the officers and the Department of Military Records for class officers and individuals.

Article 3 of this Legislative Decree shall be published in the Official Gazette.
Damascus 07.09.2011

رداً على قرار حظر الاستيراد .. السعودية ولبنان ومصر وبلدان عربية أخرى ترفض دخول البضائع السورية إلى أراضيها
In response to the decision to ban the import .. Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt and other Arab countries refuse entry to Syrian goods into its territory
Tuesday - September 27 - 2011 - 12:10:19

السعودية ولبنان تدخلان البضائع السورية إلى أراضيهما و مصدر يرجح لـ عكس السير استثناء البضائع العربية من قرار حظر الاستيراد
Saudi Arabia, Lebanon Syrian goods coming in to their territory and is likely the source of an exception for Aks al-Ser of goods of Arab decision to ban the import
Wednesday - September 28 - 2011 - 9:53:38

قائمة استثناءات جديدة من قرار حظر الاستيراد
List of new exceptions from the decision to ban the import
Wednesday - September 28 - 2011 - 12:03:05

1 - All materials and all the tariff items allowed to be imported in accordance with the provisions of Foreign Trade, the hyphen or charged to the country before the date of 22/9/2011 except the hyphen or materials shipped to the Syrian free zones and the Syrian-Jordanian Free Zone.

2 - All yarn and fabrics from all customs items allowed to be imported in accordance with the provisions of the Foreign Trade Customs drawn more than five percent.

3 - fresh vegetables and fruits from all customs items allowed to be imported in accordance with the provisions of the Foreign Trade Customs drawn more than five percent.

وزير الاقتصاد: إمكانية استثناء مواد ضرورية للمواطن من قرار تعليق الاستيراد..استثناء البضائع الموجودة في المرافئ
Economy Minister: the possible exception of materials necessary for the citizen of the decision to suspend the import of goods .. exception in the ports
September 28, 2011

Syria import ban saves $6 billion: Central Bank chief
September 28, 2011 11:01 AM
Agence France Presse

DAMASCUS: Dramatically restricting imports will save Syria $6 billion (4.4 billion euros) annually just as the country is being hit by Western economic sanctions, its Central Bank governor told AFP in an interview.

The Damascus government surprised the world by announcing the temporary suspension on imports of products that are subject to tariffs of more than 5 percent, excluding only basic supplies that are not manufactured locally.

"The merchandise affected by these measures represent around 25 percent of the total value of our imports, and this allows us to save at least $6 billion, including around $4.5 billion on cars," Adib Mayaleh said.

"This is a precautionary measure to protect our currency reserves, which are currently more than $17 billion."

Economists estimate that Syria has sufficient financial reserves to cover 16 months of imports under the new rules.

Since 2006, Syria has enforced a customs and tariffs regime that includes 11 different categories, taxing imports at rates varying from one to 60 percent.

The import suspension affects around a quarter of 10,000 types of items that are imported, including cars, furnishings, domestic appliances, clothes and some food products.

The measures are a response to sanctions imposed by Western countries over the regime's brutal crackdown on protests that erupted in mid-March. The United Nations estimates that more than 2,700 people have been killed since then and tens of thousands are missing or in detention.

"They are a result of the sanctions against Syria, and this proves exactly what I have been saying – these measures directly affect the Syrian people, because it deprives them of certain goods," Mayaleh said.

Asked about how long the suspension would last, Mayaleh replied: "I cannot give a date; that depends on how long pressure is put on Syria by European countries."

In recent days, the European Union has tightened the screws on President Bashar al-Assad's regime, banning new investments in Syria's oil sector at home and abroad, and prohibiting delivery of bank notes to the Central Bank.

The latest measures marked a seventh round of EU sanctions on Damascus.

It has also listed 56 Syrians and 18 entities subject to travel bans and asset freezes.

The Central Bank governor noted that while the partial import ban would "immediately affect trade adversely, it would have a positive impact on industry in the long-term."

"Several factories have closed because of their inability to compete with foreign products, and they will now re-open to cater to the Syrian market," he said. "Many workers will find their way back to such plants."

In any case, Mayaleh noted, even when the import ban is lifted, "there will not be a sudden move to absolute competition."

"We will protect some of our national industries. We will continue to make, for example, our own cotton, and farm our own fruits and vegetables."

Syria presently has free-trade agreements with Arab states and with Turkey.

المركزي للإحصاء : لا رقم رسمي عن معدل البطالة في سورية
Central Bureau of Statistics: No official figure for unemployment in Syria
Wednesday - September 28 - 2011 - 9:12:08

The director of the Central Bureau of Statistics Shafiq Arbash he cannot figure on the unemployment rate in Syria in recent months of the year 2011 due to the conditions experienced by the country.

And "Arbash" made it clear that Central Office was unable to conduct a survey to find out the real rates of unemployment.

And said the newspaper "Al-Watan that" there are estimates of the number of researchers and academics suggest that the number of workers laid off from their work had arrived since the beginning of the year to 20 this September to more than 76 thousand workers.

And it was clear the labor force in all the Syrian governorates during the first half of 2010, conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics, said that the proportion of the labor force engaged in all the provinces amounted to 91.6%, or about 5,112,291 in the business, while the percentage of unemployed to 8.4% or there are 468.010 unemployed, to be the total labor force in the 5580301.

And the Central Bureau of Statistics indicated that the rate of unemployment in Syria in 2009 has reached 8.1%, while the highest unemployment rate in age groups younger, while the estimated number of economic experts, the unemployment rate in Syria, about 20%, with an estimated number of entrants to the labor market between 250 and 300 thousand people a year.

According to the newspaper, it is as much as the Central Bureau of Statistics the number of unemployed by 450 thousand, the Ministry of Social Affairs that "more than 1.0006 million thousand unemployed applied to employment offices of her", while he went Workers Union that the number of unemployed More than 1,000,382 people.

And the paper said, "The unemployment rate has risen this year due to demobilize a large number of workers from their work during the past eight months of this year and that number was estimated according to the social insurance to 41,195 workers in the private sector that those who are enrolled in insurance The number is times the number in question because a large percentage of workers enrolled in insurance. "

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