Alternative to the bridge of the abyss
1 - to recognize that Syria suffers from a crisis in terms of vehicle, and faces a conspiracy threatening their future on the other hand, as well as the lack of recognition of the existence of a crisis makes the plot more effectively, as well as ignoring the plot will exacerbate the crisis.
2 - stop all forms of violence and grab the tools of the groups and the forces that threaten the security of the homeland to be accompanied by steps to reform articulated and critical long symbols of corruption at all levels to enhance the credibility of the State and its prestige among citizens, and to alleviate the sources of tension, violence and weaken the chances of a possible crisis again.
3 - the recognition of the national opposition, in turn, streamline the policy and establishes stability, which may not be treason or not to the lessening of a sense of one nation, based on the difference of the opinion.
4 - The response to the crisis requires recognition of all the mistakes, without that these errors justify a deal negatively or absurdly destructive, or an introduction to settle accounts later, with the need to liberate all the actors in the Syrian society from the logic: It is not with us is against us, Because this logic leads to rivalry and the exclusion of the other, as no longer useful after today unite behind the concepts of ideology, reality proved ineffective and usefulness, we cannot today resolve our crisis concepts of Salafi or fundamentalism, and the concepts of traditional communism, and illusions of national romance to restore entities extinct, in and driven by intellectual formed more than six decades, without being subject to critical review of a comprehensive and serious, was not reflected any of the objectives of the premises in a political project is real, but it reflects, paradoxically, is what goes against the essence of these terms, and contrary to the objectives! !
Therefore, the most urgent question today is not about the feasibility of dialogue, but for a moral justification, political and pragmatic to refuse the dialogue of any political party or a component of the Syrian society, because the waste of time and disrupt the dialogue or interrupted, means establishing tyranny and contribute to creating an environment of teleology rivalry blow any bridges of confidence in the future, and lays the foundation for later violence, by providing an opportunity for the worst types of snipers to move the community towards fragmentation and division, and fighting, and falls within the list of those snipers:
Undertakers sects, new religious and contractors, and takfiris, and the remnants of the defeated opposition, historically, and upstarts who are defending their privileges and their corruption and pseudo-intellectuals aspiring to glitter lights!! It is therefore rejects dialogue practiced holistic counter, even though he was allegedly against totalitarianism, which is such a behavior like a prophecy to achieve the Zionist Natan Sharansky, who see us not only religious and ethnic minorities rival!! Here, we wonder: Are we not today Bahog what we are to think genius Italian Leonardo da Vinci, who used to think the bridge whenever the thought of abyss, and perhaps such thinking is that should arm ourselves with him to build bridges with others who are different to avoid falling into the abyss, Blood Syrian shed and the future generations, deserve all of us sit at the table of dialogue, and give up our tactical losses as individuals and as agents of political, for a strategy for the birth of Syria, the new free from the burden of corruption, sectarianism and oppression to become a model, otherwise we will give others the opportunity to determine the paths and guide our steps toward a Death Foretold in broad daylight.
العرب في مواجهة مخاطر التقسيم في ورشة عمل بالقيادة القومية
Arabs in the face of risk division in al-Baath Party National Command workshop
September 27 0.2011
ورشة العمل التي نظمتها هيئة الأبحاث القومية التابعة للقيادة القومية للحزب تحت عنوان العرب في مواجهة مخاطر التقسيم حول أطماع الغرب والولايات المتحدة بالموقع الاستراتيجي للمنطقة العربية والخطط
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