
Sep 26 Central government

نحو 1326 مليار ليرة تقديرات الموازنة العامة للدولة السنة المقبلة..وحجم الدعم الاجتماعي بحدود 386 مليار ليرة
About 1326 billion lire estimates of the state budget next year .. and the size of social support up to 386 billion pounds (draft budget for 2011 increases by 58.8% from the previous year!!)

September 26, 2011
Damascus, (SANA) -

Did the Supreme Council for Economic and Social Planning, headed by Dr. Adel Safar, the Prime Minister today to discuss the budget of ministries and their subsidiary bodies for the coming year 2012 and its broad directions.

The estimated state budget for next year up to 1326 billion Syrian pounds compared to 835 billion Syrian pounds in 2011, distributed 375 billion Syrian pounds for capital spending and 951 billion Syrian pounds for current expenditure.

The size of social support in the budget of 2012, up to 386 billion Syrian pounds due to state support for citizens in the sectors of energy, electricity and oil derivatives, and price-fixing and the Social Aid Fund and the Agricultural Support Fund.

Attended the meeting of Ministers and members of the Supreme Council for Economic and Social Planning.

الوطن تنشر تفاصيل مشروع مرسوم الصندوق الوطني للاستثمار...الصندوق لن يباشر أعماله قبل تسديد كامل رأس المال
alwatan.sy published details of the draft decree on the National Fund for Investment Fund ... will not begin work before full payment of capital

Since the days of Council of Ministers approved a draft law on the creation of an investment portfolio is called «the National Fund for investment» in order to contribute to the stability of the financial market and encourage investments and achieve profitable returns to shareholders through the diversification of financial investments.

الرئيس الأسد لأعضاء لقاء مسيحيي الشرق: أهمية دور رجال الدين في تعزيز اللحمة الوطنية ونشر الوعي ومحاربة التطرف
President al-Assad to East Christians Assembly Delegation: Importance of Clergymen in Enhancing National Unity
Sep 26, 2011

السماح لأصحاب المنشآت الصناعية باستيراد لحوم الدواجن
Ministry of Economy: allow the owners of industrial facilities for the import of poultry meat
September 26, 2011

الاقتصاد تصدر قائمة جديدة بالمواد الخاضعة للرقابة على المستوردات‏
Economy issued a new list of controlled substances on imports (additional list of import restriction)
Monday - September 26 - 2011 - 13:55:36

ارتفاع أسعار الأجهزة الكهربائية و السيارات بنسبة 20 % .. الاقتصاد : قرار تعليق استيراد المواد لن يؤثر على أسعار المواد الغذائية الأساسية
Prices of electrical appliances and cars will rise by 20% .. Economy: The decision to suspend the import of materials will not affect the prices of basic foodstuffs
Monday - September 26 - 2011 - 9:17:59

Dr. "Abdul-Salam Ali," Director of Economy and Commerce in Damascus that the decision to suspend the import of the material over painted customs than 5% will not affect the prices of basic foodstuffs, but on the contrary, there are materials dropped the price if the proportions simple as chicken and oils, especially oil, Syrian cotton local factory, which covers the needs of the local market.

According to the newspaper "al-Thawrah", he drew "on" to higher prices of electrical appliances by 20%, and also cars from 10 to 20%.

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