
Oct 15 Incidents

مسلحون يعترضون مواطناً لأنه " حلبي " ويعتدون عليه بالضرب قبل أن يسلبوه سيارته ونقوده وهويته
Armed men objecting to "a person from Aleppo" beating and abusing him be taken away before his car and his money and identity (in Khan Shaikhoun in Idlib)
Saturday - October 15 - 2011 - 14:08:57

Gunmen intercepted Aleppo citizen and beat him before the stealing on the road, "Khan Shaikhoun" in the countryside.

And according to a relative of this man, one of the gunmen struck the man, aged 50 years, "hit on the cheek," which led to the downfall of his teeth.

Policeman Martyred from an RPG Shrapnel Wound
Oct 16, 2011

HOMS, (SANA)- Traffic Policeman Jamal al-Ammar was martyred on Saturday from an RPG shrapnel wound in the head he had last Wednesday.

Al-Ammar was hit with the shrapnel near Homs National Hospital as it was the target of the RPG.

The martyr was born in Mahin, Homs, in 1983.

ضبط سيارة محملة بالسلاح متجهة إلى سوريا في منطقة عكار شمال لبنان
Adjust the car loaded with weapons bound for Syria in the region of Akkar in northern Lebanon
Saturday - October 15 - 2011 - 10:52:27

Announced that Lebanese security sources said Friday evening that the Lebanese army control truck in the northern Akkar region of Lebanon with military weapons and rocket-propelled grenades bound for Syria.

It pointed out that he had been confiscated truck on the road in Halba - Khuraybha, in Wadi Khaled, and within military weapons and rocket-propelled "RPG."

إرهابيان يعترفان بإقامة حواجز مسلحة وعمليات اعتداء وسرقة وقتل واغتصاب وهجوم على عدد من المقرات الحكومية بحمص
Terrorists armed recognize the barriers to the establishment and operations of assault, theft, murder, rape and assault on a number of government offices in Homs (confession)
October 15, .2011
Damascus, (SANA) -

Admitted terrorists Hassan Ayub and Abdul Qadir Nabhan their participation with armed terrorist groups in the establishment of barriers on the roads in the areas of Rastan and Talbisah in Homs with a view to theft and robbery by force of arms and participate in the rape of a number of women on these barriers.

Ayoub also acknowledged terrorist in televised confessions of the Syrian Arab evening also participating in the attack on a number of security details and government offices and burned and looted while Nabhan approved to participate in the terrorist attack on a number of citizens and shoot them with a view to intimidate them.

シリア 弾圧犠牲者3000人超 (Perhaps al-Jazeerah fabrication)
10月15日 8時2分

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