وزير النفط : أمنّا احتياجاتنا من المشتقات النفطية وأوجدنا أسواقاً بديلة لتصدير النفط الخام
Oil Minister: secure our needs of oil derivatives, and we have created alternative markets for the export of crude oil
Sunday - October 16 - 2011 - 9:54:21
Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources Sufian Al-Alao, the Syrian government was able to recently secure the needs and requirements of the country from oil derivatives, by signing contracts with several companies interested in Iran, Russia, India, China, Malaysia and Indonesia, according to the newspaper "alwatan.sy."
He said, "Alao": "Syria has created alternative markets and soon will begin work in the export of crude oil to these markets, we are fine and we will continue our work without any discomfort, we have overcome the issue and we will return to the pace of export well to new markets for its friendly and things we have completely and we will continue our work, We have contracts now being signed in order to export crude oil to some friendly countries and companies. "
He added: "Throughout the last period was our dependence on European markets and the search for alternative markets need a certain period of time, and now we can say that we find alternatives and the means and multiple mechanisms to export our crude oil to the state and alternative markets."
The "Alao," that the Ministry of Oil have also been developed in the search for markets other alternative, pointing out that the recent European sanctions, which took place on the Syrian oil would not be a major barrier.
And it is within the action at the domestic refinery capacity was increased refining capacity to the maximum possible, and shorten the duration of time required for the maintenance performance work efficiently.
He stressed that the oil sanctions applied to Syria since the date of issuance in the second of September last, pointing out that the talk, which was popular for the roll will be with the middle of next November, the date of the end of the last contracts signed with the European countries is not true, because the sanctions have been implemented since then, calling to talk about it in November because contracts without meaning stopped before making that decision, and the penalties included the purchase and transportation of cargo, insurance and reinsurance as well.
He pointed out that even if there were contracts signed there was no transportation contracts signed, and even if there were contracts of carriage signed there was no insurance contracts signed those contracts, and therefore all shipments signed for the benefit of Europeans stopped before the European decision, and did not ship in after any amount to the ports or European companies, and talk about November 15, 2011, inter void sentence even before the issuance of the decision.
In response to a question on the progress of a company, "Dana," the UAE to the competition to enter the Syrian market, oil minister said that Syria welcomes the full and all directions and at any company or entity is willing to work in the oil sector in Syria, and will have all facilities.
President and CEO, "Dana Gas" revealed in a press statement that the company continues its negotiations to enter the Syrian market.
The European Union has been banned by the then import crude oil from Syria, and froze the assets of a number of companies and institutions in Syria. The Union also imposed a travel ban and a freeze of funds to Syrian officials.
الشعار : العقوبات الاقتصادية على سوريا اثرت بشكل سلبي على الاقتصاد
Shaar: Economic sanctions on Syria has affected negatively on the economy
Sunday - October 16 - 2011 - 9:58:08
Minister of Economy and Trade, Dr. Muhammad Nidal Shaar that economic sanctions imposed on Syria has affected negatively on the Syrian economy.
Shaar in the press interview today that the economic sanctions have affected negatively on the citizen and the merchant and there is confusion in the public sphere.
On the reflection of the sanctions on foreign trade and the volume of bilateral trade and trade balance economy minister said that there is a decline in export volume, but not large and substantial and there are problems in the shipping and the other with regard to remittances and banking, and these constraints affect the doubt to distort the market and the distortion affects the citizen and the economy at the same .
He pointed to the decline in trade with the countries of the European Union, which was a key partner of Syria, saying that this will not affect significantly on the Syrian economy because the continuous export to Arab countries and others, "and we still import."
He revealed Shaar that Syria will review the agreements concluded between his country and other countries, saying this is a national duty and is very important, but our role now to reconsider any relationship with any party to evaluate the effects of relationships and agreements on the Syrian economy and industry, industrialists and the trade balance as well.
As for the Convention on the Arab Free Trade Zone, Shaar said that there are some breakthroughs and falsifying certificates of origin, so we must draw attention to what is not in favor of Arab-Arab relations, and direction of Arab Convention such as text and the terms are fair to all the parties including the Syria, but there are some bugs in practice. On Syrian-European partnership and accession to the WTO under the domestic circumstances and European sanctions, the Syrian minister said, "I do not see the importance of joining the WTO whether currently or previously or in the future."
He said that "to achieve maturity of domestic economic can deal respectfully and complementarities with the partners so as not to result in agreements confuse and scourge of the economic sectors, with priority to strengthening and maturation of the Syrian economy before engaging in agreements reflected on his performance, growth and future negative and may not be able to fulfill all our obligations, or competition on the economies of a strong and sophisticated. "
اللجنة العليا للانتخابات تبحث مع رؤساء اللجان الفرعية الإجراءات اللازمة لحسن سير انتخابات المجالس المحلية بما يضمن نزاهتها ويحقق حرية الناخب
Supreme Commission for Elections discuss with the heads of sub-committees necessary procedures for the proper conduct of elections of local councils to ensure the integrity and achieve the freedom of the voter
October 16, .2011
Damascus, (SANA) -
Focus of the meeting held by the Supreme Commission for Elections today with the heads of sub-committees in the provinces to discuss the measures necessary for the proper conduct of local council elections scheduled for December 12, the next point of management, supervision and follow-up and monitoring to ensure the integrity and achieve the freedom of the voter, according to the electoral law promulgated by Legislative Decree No. 101 to 2011.
شملت 150 مشروعاً بتكلفة 61 مليار ليرة.. (الاستثمار) تنجز المسودة النهائية للقانون الجديد
Included 150 projects at a cost of 61 billion pounds .. (Investment) completed the final draft of the new law
October 16, .2011
Damascus, (SANA) -
الحكومة تطلب تنفيذ مضمون قـانون الحفاظ على الطاقة
Government requires the implementation of the content of the law of conservation of energy
Sunday - October 16 - 2011 - 11:51:43
دراسة لتخفيض أسعار بعض الأصناف ..الصحة: الترخيص لـ 33 صنفا دوائيا محليا
Study to reduce the prices of some medicines .. Health: License for 33 local industrial production
Sunday - October 16 - 2011 - 12:40:00
الصحة ترخص لـ 33 صنفاً دوائياً محلياً وطرح ستة أصناف جديدة في الصيدليات
Health licensed for 33 industrial production locally and put six new varieties in pharmacies
Sunday - October 16 - 2011 - 15:35:02
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