جولة مفاجئة تكشف المستور في معهد الأحداث ... 42 إصابة بالجرب وواقع رديء في النظافة والصحة والخدمات
Tour reveals hidden surprise at the prison for Juvenile ... 42 of scabies and the reality of poor hygiene, health and services
Mohammed unleashed
Monday 17 - 10-2011
Revealed a sudden round of the Governor of Aleppo Dr. Eng Muwaffaq al-Khallaf yesterday morning of the Institute of Saif al-Dawla of the events actually deteriorating and the bad of each component of the Institute and the mechanisms of action
And suffering experienced by inmates due to lack of hygiene and lack of housekeeping, furniture and other services.
محافظة حلب تحدد ساعات فتح وإغلاق محال الإنترنت وألعاب الكومبيوتر
Aleppo determine the opening hours of shops and the closure of the Internet and computer games
Monday - October 17 - 2011 - 9:43:10
Issued Executive Office of the province of Aleppo Resolution No. 1569 date 16.10.2011 select which hours of opening and closing Internet cafes and computer games and Atari and PlayStation, and sanctions against violators.
And according to the newspaper "al-Baath", select the resolution, the working hours of Internet cafés from 9 am until 10 at night in winter and from 9 am until 11 at night in the summer, as Select the working hours of shops computer games and Atari and PlayStation from 12 noon until 8 at night in winter and from 11 noon until 9 pm in the summer.
The resolution said the sanctions imposed on violators of its content, as pointed out to punish the violator to close his shop for seven days when the offense for the first time and second, the penalty to be closing for a month in case of violation for the third time to revoke the license when the offense for the fourth time.
The resolution committed the owners of these shops put their license in a conspicuous place and outstanding from the shop, and in the absence of a license shall submit to the demand to maintain detailed tables containing the names and addresses of shops,
And cost of resolution and the leadership of the provincial police departments to monitor these shops, to be referred right of the assignee of the Organization of minutes off the next day to the Directorate of Legal Affairs in the province to issue the necessary decision to close them.
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