
Oct 18 Central government

الحكومة تقر مشروع قانون إعفاء مكلفي ضريبة دخل الأرباح الحقيقية من الفوائد والغرامات المترتبة حتى 2010 إذا سُددت الضريبة قبل 2012
Cabinet Approves Bill on Exemption from Prior Real Income Tax Interest and Fines in Case of Payment of Single Year's Taxes (tax relief, expansion of health centers)
Oct 18, 2011

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – During a weekly session chaired by Prime Minister Adel Safar, the Cabinet approved a bill on exempting taxpayers from real income taxes and its addition for 2011 and before from all interests and fines if they pay the taxes or fees for any year by the end of 2011.

The bill covers taxes for tourist facilities and real estate sales.

The Cabinet also approved the Health Ministry's strategies and directives for improving hospitals' performance, health and medical services, emergency services, pharmaceutical policy and human resources, along with the Ministry's plan for developing health legislations and its new projects for establishing and running new hospitals, centers and clinics.

ميالة: محسودون على استقرار الليرة ولو استطاعوا قطع الأوكسجين لفعلوا
Mayyaalah: They are jealous of the stability of the lira, even if they could cut off oxygen to have done
Tuesday 18/10/2011
Mazen Jalal Khair Bakk

Governor Central Bank of Syria Dr. Adib Mayyaalah in a statement to «al-Thawrah»: What is the Syrian government take action to maintain a reserve currency and foreign exchange is to have a legitimate right no matter how many views and varied in the analysis of it.

And on the status of the Syrian pound and the presence of new procedures about them Mayyaalah said: What the new measures in this regard, taking into account that the development of the Syrian pound is very good and its exchange rate stable, and can Orbiter exchange rate seen clearly, pointing out that Syria (enviable) the stability of its currency exchange , and whatever issued statements about this and that and whatever said U.S. and European sources, the Syrian lira exchange rate stable, the Central Bank of Syria is pushing ahead with its policy and approach in support of the Syrian pound in the stability and preserving the stability of its exchange rate, which is the price that sells the Central Bank of Syria and buy with other banks a day.

And assumptions that pose potential application of the prohibition on Syria for the deal in euros, said Mayyaalah: the world's continents, a major five, in addition to North America and Europe, there are Asia, Africa and South America, which opens other areas and new horizons to Syria, noting that those working on the application of these sanctions and those who spread such rumors, if she could cut off oxygen for the people of Syria made.

And on the move interest rates, said: The Central Bank of Syria slide interest rates during the last period granted banks unprecedented flexibility, leaving her to deal with the customer and the decision-making in this regard within the regulations and margins set by the Central, and then return freedom to the customer to choose the bank that wants to deal with him, according to the offers submitted by each bank, including its customers.

On the counterfeit currency and counterfeit, and reported by some sources that the quantities of the Syrian currency had been forged and falsified spread in the Syrian market, said that the operating banks and exchange companies and even the shops have detectors counterfeit currency, and can detect and find out counterfeit currency from the correct currency, and in Ultimately, the estuary is in the Central Bank of Syria, which has machines detect counterfeit currency fraud no matter how elaborate and accurate, adding that the Central Bank did not respond to it did not receive any currency other than fraud or non-natural module, not the central monitor any of that.

المالية تضع اللمسات الأخيرة على قانون زيادة الرسوم الجمركية على الحديد
Ministry of Finance putting the finishing touches on the law of increase of customs duties on iron
Tuesday - October 18 - 2011 - 10:40:00

The Ministry of Finance to put the finishing touches on a bill to increase the customs duties on iron ore from 1% to 3% and processed iron of 3% to 5% to submit it to the authorities normative until approved and established the Ministry of Economy note on this subject in the custody of the Council of Ministers, Based on a study completed in which case the monitoring of local markets and the realities of price, which is recorded a remarkable increase associated with this rise happening in global markets.

And according to the newspaper, "the Baath," explained the note of the financial crisis that led to the decline in demand in the EU by 30% in the United States by 35% and in Ukraine 65% of the total energies, while it will be the total demand and production in 2011 was lower than in previous years The rates are clear.

He has made no secret note the impact of European sanctions imposed on Syria by adopting the direct and primary on the import of raw materials and primary manufacturing, which will reflect this on the manufacture of these products in local markets at a later time.

And objected to the owners of factories and companies on the proposal of Finance to increase taxes and fees through the current period through the book was sent by the Union of manufacturers of iron and steel in Syria, to explain under which the interception business owners through the effect of high tariffs to put their companies in particular through their dependence on the best companies International Iron and Steel.

And will this draft in the event of approval According to the owners of the factories and companies from throughout the book the sender, to a clear increase in prices in addition to a decline in demand for steel products all except for the implications of other national industry that will suffer from a clear lack of potential manufacturing all have an impact on the local market in one form or another.

رئيس الحكومة : تخفيض الرسوم القضائية يصدر قريباً وخطة لتسريع إجراءات التقاضي
Head of government: to reduce the legal fees issue soon and plan to speed up the proceedings
Tuesday - October 18 - 2011 - 8:18:50

الحكومة توافق على تشكيل لجنة لدراسة التوسع بصناعة السكر
Government agrees to form a committee to study the expansion of sugar industry
Tuesday - October 18 - 2011 - 15:24:33

سفير سوريا في لبنان : سوريا ماضية بخطوات واثقة نحو الإصلاح وترحب بكل رأي وجهد
Syria's ambassador in Lebanon: Syria continues with confident steps towards reform and welcomes all opinion and effort
Tuesday - October 18 - 2011 - 12:35:05

Assured the Syrian ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdel Karim Ali that "Syria continues its call for dialogue with confident steps towards reform and welcomes all opinion or effort to help her."

And thought, after his meeting with former Prime Minister Salim Hoss, "What happened in the Arab League expresses the external influences," surprisingly, "described his meddling in Lebanese affairs, especially as the interests of Lebanon and Syria, there are overlapping and continuous consultation between the two countries."

أكد أن مادة المازوت متوفرة و لا تعديل على سعرها.. مجلس الشعب يستمع إلى أجوبة وزير النفط على أسئلة أعضاء المجلس الشفهية
Confirmed that the diesel fuel available and does not modify the price .. Council listens to the answers people's oil minister on the oral questions from members of the Council (Parliament session)
Tuesday - October 18 - 2011 - 9:25:39

وزير الشؤون الاجتماعية والعمل: مكاتب التشغيل هي مكاتب تعطيل...رجال الأعمال أوقفوا قانون التأمينات الاجتماعية...خفض إنفاق الوزارة من 9 ملايين العام الماضي إلى 1٫8 مليون ليرة هذا العام
Minister of Social Affairs and Labour: employment offices are the offices of disabled business ... Stop the Social Insurance Act ... cut spending ministry from 9 million last year to 1.8 million pounds this year

الشؤون الاجتماعية تمنع استقالة العامل من طرف واحد
Social Affairs Group to prevent the resignation of one party
Tuesday - October 18 - 2011 - 17:44:32

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor issued a circular to all its departments not to accept any resignation, but the presence of employer and employee together to the Directorate for authentication, otherwise considered to resign is not justified and resulted in no effect on labor rights under the law.

According to newspaper "al-Thawrah," considered the Social Insurance Institution that if you visit any facility and the discovery of a worker who was presented the resignation of his remains at the top of his work, the resignation is as if the were not, and is a service of the worker in terms of the insurance list here punishable by the employer together on the employee, and employer's right to impose penalties.

The relevant committees in the Ministry of Labour and Insurance Institution study the draft amendment to the Insurance Act, which will offset the obstacles which prevent the application of the law of social insurance, particularly in the area of ​​inspection to ensure the amendments maintain the benefits granted to workers under the current law as well as to give workers additional benefits of new not provided for by current law.

1 comment:

  1. My thanks to khatyar yabani for all this information.
