ارتفاع في الأسعار رغم أرقام المركزي للإحصاءبانخفــــاض معــــدل التضـــخّم
Rise in prices, although figures for the Central Statistics inflation rate down
Tuesday 18/10/2011
Maysa Al-Ali
Showed records for the month of August that the price movement during the month was slight, amounting to differences in the index for the month of August for July / 0.65 / point as a result of a slight rise in a range of food and non-alcoholic beverages amounted to about 1.48 points.
Attribute the Central Bureau of Statistics, to the high prices of milk, cheese, eggs, reaching Froqatha July for about 5.18 points and 4.08 points, meat, legumes and vegetables (4.01 points) and food products under another (14.48) points.
Hand Okhryodh Central Bureau of Statistics that there is a fall in the prices of fruits, reaching 11.30 points, differences non-alcoholic beverages 1.82 points, coffee, tea and cocoa (2.71) points.
For August, the monthly inflation for July 2011, stood at 0.45% and annual inflation (August 2011 on August 2010) has amounted to about 3.90%.
The rate of inflation in the first five months of this year reached 3.99%, which fell for the ratio recorded during the same period in 2010 of $ 4.35%.
According to the economic views increasing the money supply in excess of goods and services offered in the local market will lead to increased prices, the most important symptom of inflation.
Other hand, the markets in the recent wave of high prices of ongoing and has observed a significant increase on the prices of basic materials of sugar, rice, oils and animal fat. Despite this there fell by inflation, according to figures issued by the Central Bureau of Statistics, while the inflation rate fell to 3.99% compared to the first five months of last year and that inflation was 4.35%.
The question is: what are the reasons that led to it in spite of events in the Syrian and the high prices?
Not see Dr. Abid Fadilah that the numbers listed for inflation is down, but a contraction, Syrian economy is undergoing an extraordinary deformity of each total indicators, what happened during the first half of this year Anmkash and not a decline of inflation and the aforementioned figure is the average of dozens of basic food commodities, which jumped the price dramatically with hundreds of non-essential goods whose prices have decreased, and therefore cannot be the conclusion of this economic objective. He adds that today we are going through Fadilah a wave of rising prices, particularly of basic foodstuffs and this Manlhza with the second half of this year, taking into account that this is not traditionally a net inflation, but inflationary recession, there are high prices and weak demand.
As is known, then dealing with the market is the interaction between demand and supply and demand has fallen on most non-food items or entertainment.
On the other hand the view of economists that the decline in inflation comes in the case of restrictions on exports, when reducing the export increase supply in the market, and this creates an incentive to lower prices to some extent in addition to other matters related to agricultural commodities, the volume of liquidity all have a major impact in reducing the rate of inflation. In contrast, the government and the result of the successive rises in food prices has a series of measures to reassure citizens the availability of basic needs at affordable prices and specifications are good, and this was through the institutions of positive intervention that sell to the citizens at prices below the market price up to 10-30 for. Q But the question that presents itself, is enough of that recent actions in mind that there are claims to exempt all food and consumer goods imported from customs duties and reduce the fees in consumer spending on all food, and attention to the periods of time that the issue in which some of the basic materials even for not getting the high prices are crazy.
اتحاد العمال يتوقع تراجع معدلات النمو في الاقتصاد.. نمو غير مسبوق لأصحاب رأس المال
Workers Union is expected to decrease rates of growth in the economy .. Unprecedented growth for the owners of capital
Tuesday 18/10/2011
Favor of Hamidi
Union workers expected economic growth rate decreased and that was the result of current events taking place in Syria and the Syrian economy will suffer a decline in growth rates
But the International Monetary Fund estimates at the same time the amounts described it, while the fund as the size of the contraction to be a negative signal between 5.3% and labor union attributed this to the subjective factors of production to nature, which is dominated by production in the agricultural sector, which grew by rates for banner and index, which is adopted by the Union of receipt of the grain and to good amounts in cereal-based centers in the provinces, which have exceeded the 3 million tons added to the entry of new gas fields of production and continuing export of oil, especially towards China.
He expected the union is also in his memorandum prepared under the title: the prospects of the Syrian economy during the disturbed to increase the pace of sanctions in the coming weeks, but he believes that the imposition of these sanctions will not have effects on the grounds that the sanctions have been started years ago.
Pound and still maintain its strength against other currencies especially the dollar, according to the Union and are not expecting all the economic reports recently issued by the various economic institutions and even by many economists Syrians.
According to labor union on the other hand, that years supporters of the free market without restriction or condition, which was almost ten years have contributed to an unprecedented growth to be the owners of capital in the community where he converted them to force the first producer in the country and its economy to unleash the profit and growth at the expense of any something else and this force its arms stretched out in all corners of the nation.
And start to see the Union of these that the government did not the characterization and the statement of the limits of the term (the market - social), commensurate with our needs and our capabilities and quality of factors of production that we have when you approach the social market economy prescribed contours public by Mbtkirh addition to the relations of production that prevailed in Syria during the the previous period where the economy reflects the same text as a socialist economy as on the ground was closer to a market economy the Wild.
ونجاح متميز لأول معرض للألبسة السورية في أوكرانيا
The remarkable success of the first exhibition of Syrian Lingerie in Ukraine
Tuesday 18/10/2011
Achieved the first session of the exhibition specialized in the textile and clothing Syrian »Syriamoda» in the capital of Ukraine «Kiev» unprecedented success
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