
Sep 19 Economy

تصدير 12 ألف طن من الزيت السوري وإنتاجنا المتوقع 110 آلاف طن

أكد رئيس المجلس السوري للزيتون وزيت الزيتون سامي الخطيب أن كمية الزيت السوري المصدر خلال العام الحالي بلغت 12 ألف طن في حين تبلغ كمية الإنتاج المتوقع لهذا الموسم 110 آلاف طن زيتون.

وأشار الخطيب إلى أن أبرز الصعوبات التي تعترض التصدير إلى الخارج هي أن الأسعار الخارجية أرخص من أسعار منتجنا، وقال: رغم ذلك نحن نصدر لما ل زيت من سمعة عطرة لدى المستهلكين.

وبرّر الخطيب ارتفاع سعر زيت مقارنة بغيره في الدول الأخرى بأن الزيتون مدعوم في مختلف البلدان حتى العربية منها، مؤكداً أن العقوبات الاقتصادية لن تشكل أي عقبة في طريق تصديرنا للزيت.

Exporting 12 tons of Syrian olive oil production, and the expected 110 thousand tons

The head of the Syrian olive and olive oil, Sami Khatib, that the amount of oil Syrian source during the current year amounted to 12 thousand tons while the total quantity of expected production for this season 110 thousand tons of olive.

Khatib pointed out that the main difficulties encountered in exporting to the outside is that external price cheaper than the prices of our product, and said: And yet we export what's the reputation of the fragrant oil to consumers.

Khatib and justified the high price of oil compared to other in other countries that supported the olive in various countries, even Arab ones, stressing that economic sanctions will not pose any obstacle in the way of our export of oil.

صناعة حلب تطلب التريث وتخاطب الحكومة: الظروف الراهنة لا تسمح بزيادة أسعار الفيول
Aleppo industry requests to wait and addresses of government: the current circumstances do not allow the increase of fuel prices

Aleppo Chamber of Industry rose yesterday a letter to the Prime Minister pointing out they would like to emphasize her book No. 1196 / R Date 24/7/2011, and the chamber showed that it was reviewed a large number of industrialists We ask you to wait execution to delay raising the prices of energy, particularly fuel and material that to cooperate with them to continue to work in industrial plants and support the industry that suffer from strong competition for the products supported by its members.

ضمن ضوابط مجلس النقد والتسليف ...المصارف وتطبيق عقود الصرف الآجلة في سورية

تلعب عقود الصرف الآجلة دوراً مهماً في استقرار أسعار وتدفق صفقات التجارة الدولية، وقد أصبح اللجوء إليها أحد القرارات المالية التي يتم اتخاذها في الإطار التجاري وبيئة الأعمال الدولية، وقد رغبت «الوطن» في التعريف بعقود الصرف الآجلة وبالأطراف المستفيدة منها، وبأهمية هذه العقود والدور الذي تؤديه وكيفية التعامل معها، وما الدور المصرفي فيها؟ وما أبرز مزاياها؟

Controls within the Council of Monetary and Credit ... banks and the application of forward exchange contracts in Syria

Play forward exchange contracts an important role in the stability of prices and the flow of international trade transactions, has become a resort to a financial decision that is taken in the framework of trade and the environment of international business, was the wish «watan.sy» in the definition of forward exchange contracts and the parties benefiting from it, and the importance of these contracts and the role that play and how to deal with it, and what role the bank? The main advantages?

مشروعات هامة ينفذها فرع التوتر العالي بحماة لاستكمال الربط الحلقي بتكلفة 350 مليون ليرة
Important projects carried out by a branch of high-voltage Hama ring to complete the link at a cost of 350 million pounds
September 19, .2011
Hama (SANA) -

Implemented a branch of high-voltage to State Company for electrical work and communication in Hama three projects is vital in the eastern region of Syria in order to complete the connection ring network of high-voltage and ensure the continuity of power supply to all provinces in the event of any interruption or failure of the lines of high tension and the total cost is estimated at 350 million pounds .

مديرية الدواء البيطري: 50 معملا تنتج أدوية بيطرية لتغطي 95 بالمئة من الاحتياجات
Directorate of veterinary medicine: 50 plants producing veterinary drugs to cover 95 percent of needs
September 19, .2011
Damascus, (SANA) -

Confirmed the Directorate of veterinary medicine in the Ministry of Agriculture veterinary drugs manufactured locally covering 95 percent of the needs of livestock and veterinary formulations that there are 2839 locally licensed assets.

It is said that the proportion of export of local pharmaceutical abroad increased by 500 percent until the year 2010, amounting to 538 million Syrian pounds and export markets, Egypt, Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Lebanon, Qatar, Yemen, UAE, South Korea and Kazakhstan.

قريباً .. الإعلان عن محطة ريحية لتوليد الكهرباء بكلفة 10 ملايين يورو
Soon .. Announcement of the wind power plant to generate electricity at a cost of 10 million euros
Monday - September 19 - 2011 - 14:22:27

فرع التوتر العالي في حماة ينفذ ثلاثة مشروعات حيوية في المنطقة الشرقية من سورية
Branch of the high tension in Hama performs three vital projects in the eastern region of Syria (electric power networks al-Hasakah, Dair al-Zawr, Aleppo, and Hama)
Monday - September 19 - 2011 - 16:27:18

Gulfsands Says Syria Sanctions Cloud Oil Production Outlook
By Brian Swint -

Gulfsands Petroleum Plc (GPX), a U.K.- based oil explorer, said U.S. and European Union sanctions against crude imports from Syria cloud production prospects.

Gulfsands's output in the country rose to 12,050 barrels of oil equivalent a day in August from 10,300 barrels in January, the company said in a statement in London. It drilled four exploration wells in Syria that yielded two discoveries, bolstering net income by 87 percent to $31.2 million in the first half.

وفرت 40 فرصة عمل .. 187 مليار ل.س حجم الاستثمارات في المدينة الصناعية بحلب
Provided 40 thousand jobs .. 187 billion SL the volume of investments in the industrial city of Aleppo
Monday - September 19 - 2011 - 11:52:19

And drew the "Hindiyyah" that what was said about the closure of industrial facilities in the city is not true, but the rise has increased during the first half of this year compared with the first half of the previous years.

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