
Sep 22 Pro-government, National Dialogue

دعا المعارضة إلى بلورة رؤية واضحة لمستقبل البلاد...الشهابي لـ «الوطن»: العقوبات الأوروبية دليل «يأس»
Called on the opposition to develop a clear vision for the future of the country ... Shihabi's «alwatan.sy»: European sanctions Guide «despair»

The head of Aleppo Chamber of Industry Faris Al-Shihabi said that European sanctions on the Syrian businessmen are evidence of «despair», and called on the national political opposition to work actively and «real democracy» to immunize the country from the inside against outside interference.

The European Union imposed a number of Syrian businessmen sanctions included freezing the assets and prevent them from traveling to EU countries, including Shihabi. He Shihabi told the «alwatan.sy» the national position of economic activities in Syria than the system concept to the concept of home and keep him and his security «For us, we are not politicians and what we want is to accelerate the radical reform and the destruction, through dialogue and peaceful means away from the chaos and violence and bloodshed by any party ».

And he added, «What they want is the destruction of some countries, the national economy and the pressure on economic activity for the demobilization of their labor and hit the social stability, and this is completely rejected by us».

And The Chairman of the Chamber of Industry in Aleppo said that the proposals made by the participants in the national dialogue, which ended its sessions in the provinces, was «constructive and it's the glorious national opposition, which rejected the external dictations, an active role of the President, and called on the oppositions to crystallize their political, economic and social programs, and crystal clear vision for the future of the country».

بهدف البحث في الأزمة ودراسة أفق حوار وطني شامل...هيئة الحوار الوطني تواصل مشاوراتها مع المعارضة
Search in order to study the crisis and the prospect of a comprehensive national dialogue ... the national dialogue continue its consultations with the opposition

جلسات الحوار الوطني في ريف درعا وجامعة تشرين ..تعزيز الاستقرار ورفض التدخلات الأجنبية ..التعددية السياسية وتنفيذ إصلاحات صحية وتعليمية وسكنية
National Dialogue Sessions in Daraa: Enhancing Stability and Security, Rejecting Foreign Interference (report about Daraa countryside; dialogue in Latakia ends)
Sep 22, 2011

المؤامرة والربيع العربي

فإذا فشلت هذه الإستراتيجية أو تعثرت، فإنه توجد آلية لتصحيح مسارها، والدول الكبرى تكون عادةً قادرة على احتواء الفشل تلو الفشل، وإن كان سيؤدي في المدى البعيد إلى انحسار دورها.

عكس الدول الصغرى التي لا تحتمل فشلاً لمرة واحدةً، لأنه قد يؤدي إلى كارثة تحيق بها.

ففي الدول ذات الملكيات المطلقة، الشعب طالب ب ملكيات برلمانية.

وفي الدول ذات الملكيات البرلمانية، الشعب طالب ب ملكيات دستورية.

ولكن تم التعتيم على حراك هذه الشعوب، وكأنها ليست من دول المنطقة؟ ولم تهب عليها رياح الربيع العربي؟

هذا لا يعفينا من أن نقوم بمصالحة شاملة بين جميع فرقاء المجتمع في كل دولة من دولنا، وأن نعتمد لغة الحوار والمنطق، وأن نقدم التنازلات لبعضنا البعض في سبيل بناء الدولة العصرية.

نحن في هذه المنطقة من العالم نمد يدنا بالصداقة لجميع دول العالم ما عدا إسرائيل التي تغتصب حقوقنا.

ولكن نرفض أن نكون تابعين أو مُهمشين.

The plot and Arab spring

If this strategy failed or stalled, it is no mechanism to correct its course, and the major countries are usually able to contain failing, but in the long run will lead to a decline in their role.

Unlike smaller countries that cannot be a failure for once, because it may lead to disaster afflicting them.

In countries with absolute monarchies, the people demanded a parliamentary monarchies.

In countries with parliamentary monarchies, the people demanded constitutional monarchies.

But the blackout on the mobility of these peoples, as if it is not one of countries in the region? Winds were blowing the Arab spring?

This does not absolve us of that we have a comprehensive reconciliation between all parties to the community in each of our nations, and to adopt the language of dialogue and logic, and to offer concessions to each other in order to build a modern state.

We are in this region of the world, we extend our hand of friendship to all countries in the world except Israel, which usurp our rights.

But we refuse to be affiliated or marginalized.

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