
Sep 19 Pro-government, National Dialogue

Idlib calling the initiative to address the rift and Aleppo calls to fortify the judiciary ... and the provinces conclude the dialogue with the demands of its lifetime in Daraa (long report about National Dialogue)

الحوار الوطني في المحافظات والجامعات: تعزيز الوحدة الوطنية والحفاظ على استقلالية القرار الوطني وسيادة القانون
The national dialogue in the provinces and universities: strengthening national unity and preserve the independence of national decision and the rule of law
September 19, .2011

افتتاح أعمال المؤتمر العام الانتخابي الخامس لاتحاد الصحفيين.. دور هام للإعلام في بناء المستقبل والدفاع عن سورية ومنهجها
Opening of the Fifth General Conference of the election of the Union of journalists .. Important role of media in building the future and the defense of Syria and its approach
September 19, .2011

He stressed that what is happening why we should not be mere followers of the events or passive recipients or owners of the reactions of module and tense, but we must work to build positions and alternative media messages contrary to the equivalent absorbed is not what happened and being yesterday and today but plan for it to be tomorrow ..

the media law . . . turns the Syrian media to the actual power capable of carrying the people's demands and aspirations of the community and monitor the implementation of reform plans and follow-up through the exercise of media cash responsible will help to achieve its political, social and economic future to make Syria a model democratic, developmental and support the steadfastness and enhance its leading role in achieving its Arab national renaissance.

مطران السويد والدول الاسكندنافية: تسلسل الأحداث في سورية يبين حجم المؤامرة ضدها..المطران حنا: سورية مستهدفة بكيانها وعروبتها
Syrian Orthodox Archbishop of Sweden and the Scandinavian countries: the sequence of events in Syria shows the extent of the conspiracy against Bishop Hanna ..: Syria targeted its entity and its Arabism

September 19, .2011

Father Abdul-Ahad Kiluw Shabo, bishop of Sweden and the Scandinavian countries of the Syrian Orthodox Church, said that the sequence of events in Syria reveals the size and extent of the conspiracy targeting the unity of the Syrian people and the security and stability.

The Bishop shabu during a visit to the province of Hasaka today. . .

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