التجارة الخارجية توافق للمرة الأولى على إعلان عن مناقصة لتوريد نحو44000 طن أرز ابيض
Foreign Trade approved for the first time to announce a tender for the supply of about 44,000 tons of white rice (import of rice)
September 19, 2011
شركة نمساوية جديدة تؤسس في سورية...الاقتصاد تمدد عمل مدير عام شل للتنقيب عن النفط في جنوب سورية
New Austrian company incorporated in Syria ... The Economy Ministry extended the work of General Manager of Shell's oil exploration in southern Syria
ارتفاع نسبة استهلاك السوريين للخبز 4% خلال العام الحالي
بلغ إنتاج الشركة العامة للمخابز من الخبر 441 ألف طن وبنسبة تنفيذ مقدارها 137% أي بزيادة قدرها 4% عن العام السابق , حيث يتبع للشركة 130 مخبزاً تحتوي 238 خطاً إنتاجياً تضم 9510 عمال.
High consumption of bread Syrians 4% this year
Tuesday - September 20 - 2011 - 8:35:37
Total production company for Bakeries News from 441 thousand tons, by the implementation of $ 137%, an increase of 4% from the previous year, which follows the company's 130 bakeries have a production line 238 includes 9510 workers.
صناعة حلب تعد مشروع قانون لتحفيز الاستثـمار الصناعي
Aleppo Chamber of Industry has prepared a draft law to stimulate industrial investment
Tuesday - September 20 - 2011 - 9:22:13
Aleppo Chamber of Industry has prepared a draft law to stimulate industrial investment and stimulate the national industry as one of the most important demands of the industrialists that the law takes a special investment conservatively and work on the revitalization of a competitive and modern.
She explained the chamber in a note to the law about the obligation to pass this legislation to the Investment Law No. 10 of 1991, the exemptions reasonable financial overlooked in the Legislative Decree No. 8 of 2007, and abolished the Legislative Decree No. 51 of 2006 work, exemption from customs duties and income tax, taxes and other fees.
And showed the chamber she studied the investment laws in Arab countries to attract investments in support of the industry, especially in the areas of focus development in the State and the fact that exemptions financial catalyst is important to the categories of investors, all with a focus on appropriate privacy Syrian encouragement factors such as administrative facilities and the speed of their licenses and focus on the quality of projects and the need for a and sorted according to priority and promote the employment of national manpower.
The draft law triggers a number of exempting capital investment from the tax to set up his lease of 50 years, renewable, and exempts the input of industrial projects by 50 percent of customs duties and exemption from the registration fees the real estate and reduce the fees, work permits, construction drawings by 50 percent, and other exemptions numerous.
He said the bill should be for the Chambers of Industry an active role in recommending the most important projects and project performance evaluation and to receive complaints and to be a link with the custodial and decision-maker and follow-up amendments to legislation relating to projects.
And allowed the bill to the investor Syrian, Arab or foreign ownership and lease of land and property necessary for the establishment of investment projects or industrial expansion (even if the area exceeds the ownership ceiling defined in the laws and regulations), provided they are used exclusively for the purposes of the project, and stated that he is granted the license management for projects in the form of «license immediate permanent », and mediated by the single window for investment, without returning to the municipalities or technical services or other references.
And has projects and investments licensed non-confiscation, expropriation or reduce the alienation of investments and returns only if the purpose of public interest and against payment of immediate and fair compensation to the investor is equal to prevailing value of the project before the date of expropriation directly convertible currency for the money the outside while retaining the provisions of the law of collecting money Public number 341 of 1956 not to book on the project without a court order.
And enabled the bill non-Syrian investor to obtain residence and work permits (for himself and his family) for the duration of the implementation and operation of the project and work permits and residence for non-Syrian workers in the project according to the laws and regulations.
And allowed the project to the investor re-transfer the proceeds from the disposal of its share of the project, a convertible currency abroad after payment of the taxes due on that act, and is entitled to an annual transfer of profits and the benefits achieved by invested foreign capital abroad in convertible currency after paying the taxes due on those profits and benefits and the transfer of foreign capital abroad after the expiry of six months from the date of receipt if prevented investment in circumstances beyond his control due to the appreciation of the Board and who has the right, in special cases approve the transfer of money abroad without the aforementioned period of time. And allowed the experts, workers and technicians from Arab nationals and foreign workers in a project approved to transfer 100 percent of their net wages, salaries and bonuses, and 100 percent of the compensation the end of service abroad in a convertible currency, provided payment of the taxes due on those wages, salaries and bonuses, provided to a transfer through banks properly licensed and allows the investor to enter the equipment for the installation of the project assets in and out with the consent of the Board of Directors.
And also allowed the right of licensed pursuant to import all their needs, irrespective of the rules prohibiting and restricting the import and the system of direct import from the country of origin and the exchange system provisions; and any text in force shall be exempt assets imported from customs duties, which includes (machinery and equipment used in the production process and transportation service non-tourist) provided they are used exclusively for the purposes of the project may not be abandoned without the consent of the Board of Directors.
كي لا ننسى .. منطقة التجارة مع الميركوسور
كانت سورية قد وقعت على الاتفاق الاطاري لانشاء منطقة تجارة حرة بينها وبين كتلة دول الميركوسور نهاية العام الماضي تمهيداً لاقامة منطقة تجارة حرة بينهما.
وتأتي أهمية هذه المنطقة الحرة في الأوضاع الراهنة للاقتصاد السوري بعد التوجه نحو الدول الصديقة لدعم اقتصادنا.
Not to forget .. Trade area with Mercosur
Wednesday 09/21/2011
Syria has signed the Framework Agreement to establish a free trade area between them and the bloc Mercosur end of last year in preparation for establishing a free trade area between them.
The importance of this free zone in the current situation of the Syrian economy after the trend towards friendly countries to support our economy.
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