
Sep 20 Pro-government

ختام جلسات الحوار في دمشق وانطلاقها على مستوى المناطق في درعا.. المشاركون: الحوار خطوة ديمقراطية نحو التكامل في وجهات النظر والرؤى والأفكار بما يعود بالخير على الوطن والمواطنين
National Dialogue Sessions Concluded in Damascus, Begin in Daraa
Sep 20, 2011

خطة عمل المركز الوطني للبحوث الشبابية.. إجراء دراسات تمس حياة الشباب وإيجاد وسائل اتصال مع الفئات غير المتعلمة
20 أيلول , 2011

ناقش الاجتماع الذي عقد في مقر اتحاد شبيبة الثورة اليوم وضم أعضاء الهيئة الاستشارية للمركز الوطني للبحوث والدراسات الشبابية خطة العمل المستقبلية وسبل الارتقاء بعمل المركز وتقديم دراسات معبرة عن احتياجات الشباب.

ودعا المشاركون إلى ضرورة أن تتضمن خطة المركز المستقبلية تنفيذ استطلاعات رأي شهرية وثلثية ونصف سنوية وسنوية تتناول مجموعة من الموضوعات التي تهم الشباب وتمس حياتهم اليومية مثل تعامل الشباب السوري مع وسائل الاتصال أوقات الأزمات والانتخابات والصورة الذهنية لموظفي الدولة إضافة إلى تنفيذ تقرير سنوي حول واقع الشباب في سورية وإصدار دليل عن الموضوعات التي تهم هذه الفئة.

وأشاروا إلى أهمية إيجاد وسائل اتصال قادرة على الوصول إلى الفئات غير المتعلمة وتدريب كوادر مختصة بمخاطبة هذه الفئات للتعرف على مشاكلها وآرائها فضلا عن اعتماد وسائل وأساليب جديدة في إيصال الرسائل الاعلامية للفئات المستهدفة من نشاطات المركز و. . .

المركز يهدف من خلال نشاطاته إلى دراسة واقع الشباب السوري بكافة أطيافه وفئاته بشكل يراعي الواقع الاجتماعي والتوزع الديمغرافي والنشاط الاقتصادي والسوية الثقافية وهموم وقضايا وآمال الشباب بغية ردم الهوة بين طموحات هذه الفئة والواقع القائم.

المركز يعمل ايضا على تزويد الجهات المعنية بالدراسات والبيانات ما يسهم في امداد صانعي القرار بالمعلومات التي تساعد في اتخاذ القرارت

Action Plan of the National Center for Research of youth .. Studies affecting the lives of young people and to find means of communication with the non-educated groups
September 20, 2011
Damascus, (SANA) -

Discussed at the meeting which was held at the headquarters of the Revolutionary Youth Union of the day included members of the Advisory Board of the National Center for Research and Studies of Youth action plan and ways to improve the future work of the Centre and the present studies reflect the needs of young people.

The participants called for the need to include the center's plan the future implementation of the surveys monthly and tertiary and semi-annual and annual covered a range of topics of interest to young people and affects their daily lives such as dealing Syrian youth with the means of communication times of crisis, elections, and the mental image of state employees in addition to the implementation of an annual report on the reality of young people in Syria and a guide to topics of interest to this category.

They pointed to the importance of finding a means of communication capable of reaching non-literate groups and the training of competent staff to address these groups to identify their problems and their views as well as the adoption of methods and new methods in the delivery of media messages to target groups and activities of the center. . .

The center aims through its activities to study the reality of Syrian youth of all sects and denominations to take account of social reality and the distribution of demographic and economic activity, straight and cultural issues and concerns and hopes of young people in order to bridge the gap between ambition and reality-based category. . .

Center also works to provide stakeholders with studies and data that contributes to supply information to decision makers that will help in making decisions. . .

الحوار الوطني في المحافظات والجامعات مستمر في محوره الاقتصادي والاجتماعي...متحاورون في حلب يدعون لتشكيل حكومة أزمة.. وفي حمص يطالبون برواتب للعاطلين عن العمل.. وفي اللاذقية بإحداث وزارة للمناطق العشوائية
The national dialogue in the provinces and universities continues centered economic and social ... Participants in Aleppo claim to form a government crisis .. In Homs, demanding wages for the unemployed .. In Latakia, the creation of the Ministry of the slum areas

Continued in the provinces and universities yesterday the national dialogue sessions with the broad participation of actors of civil and popular and trade union representatives, political parties and independent personalities and the opposition to discuss the visions and perceptions of the future and legal frameworks needed to build a modern Syria and strengthen national unity and preserve the independence of national decision and the rule of law and the dignity of the citizen.

Finally, the National Dialogue Conference at the University of Aleppo its axis discuss economic, social and advocacy to resolve the current government and form a government crisis and «technocrats» directly to economic reform.

Shihabi: EU wants the men abandoned the system of the Aleppo

It was the allocation of interventions first economic activities, where new head of Aleppo Chamber of Industry Faris Al-Shihabi warned of the economic conspiracy, «which alerted us to it since the first day of the crisis and live experiencing now», referring to the desire of the European Union on the lips of one of its officials abandoned the business sector in Aleppo for the regime, which led to the reverse effect of its statesmen.

al-Shihabi said that the industrial public sector in Syria, 80 thousand workers «While in Aleppo million workers, mostly working in the industry, and now we are still caught up in the discussion of the law of investment stimulates employment, and demand the government be a government crisis is aware that we live in an atmosphere of war and abandon the slow structural routine and take decisions quickly, and we call the central bank by providing a set of soft loans for small income earners and to bring private banks because it is Syria, and should not be involved in the plot and not freeze their licenses and by finding alternative methods specific arrangements, such arrangements with China to facilitate dealing in the import from them ».

Economic need to change the constitution

The President of Aleppo Chamber of Industry warned of the conspiracy internal public sector, which suffered from suffocation and marginalize the pretext of making companies to be converted into joint stock companies in general, and economic activities required to shoulder their social responsibilities and the establishment of a National Fund for Social Development in partnership with the government, but to change the constitution is an economic need as well as political. We disagree with 11 articles in the constitution which should be at the same distance from any school of economic », and pointed out that the trade agreement with Turkey was« at the expense of the national economy».

Hanna Saliba, President of the Arab Chamber of Argentina and Brazil, said the need to «build a tax policy to create a balance between trade and industry and eliminate the scourges of bureaucracy and red tape which generate poverty and unemployment».

Each month, equivalent decline disorders

Economic years back

Leon Zaki, a member of the Office of the Federation of Syrian Chambers of Commerce and board member of the Aleppo Chamber of Commerce, said that every month the disorders experienced by the country's equivalent decline year economic back to the claw economic role in the crisis «that a large part due to the lack of equity classes of poor and low-income, it must find solutions to real emergency to their problems and work to re-distribute wealth fairly, and ignored the past few years the middle class are the primary carriers and basic values ​​of the constants of the community, as has the contrast obtained between the layers of society to make a crack myself and a great social almost eliminates the middle class that must work to develop policies to revive in order to ensure the protection of society ».

Proposal to dissolve the current government and form a government of technocrats

He stressed Nader Haddad that the Syrian economy «yield» separates the specific measurements «And large slice of public and private sectors working policy of monopoly and the decisions of the previous government and there is no five-year plan in the base, but the amounts are stacked and dedicated to the ministries, and suggested raising the minimum wage gradually to 30 thousand pounds tax-free resolution of the current government and form a government of technocrats for the direct economic reform ».

Maher Hajjar «Communist» suggested Syrian achieve economic model depends on the «social justice through the reform of a deep imbalance in the distribution of wealth between wages and profits people want the highest growth and deeper justice».

Miral Najjari showed that the application of economic tools in Syria abused its strategy to «support the indiscriminate policy of non-feasibility of and develop an economy based on smuggling parasite, poverty is one of the reasons for hostility to the state».

Dialogue Damascus: bridging the gap between the official and the citizen

In Damascus, participants emphasized during the discussions axis of social development and the need to expand service in the administration of housing projects for youth, cooperative and reduce high premiums for universities and private schools.

Participants called for the creation of a Ministry of Youth and secure employment opportunities and reform of the judiciary and reduce electricity rates and fees on invoices.

They stressed the need to organize the relationship and bridge the gap between the official and citizen, and each party bear its responsibility.

Homs: allocation of salaries for the unemployed

In Homs, participants in the national dialogue held at the University of the Baath need to provide social support and distribution of social assistance to all segments of society fairly.

The member of parliament Shehadeh Mihoub to allocate payments to the unemployed youth and the elderly over 75 years.

Lattakia: Teaching the Constitution to the citizen knows his rights

In Latakia, confirmed the recommendations of the social hub of the national dialogue sessions in November University of need rule of law and state institutions and strengthening the spirit of citizenship through a number of things, including teaching the country's constitution, laws and regulations in order to be aware of citizen rights.

The recommendations need to take appropriate action to reduce waste and reduce government expenditures.

Participants proposed creation of the Ministry of State for slums purpose of solving this problem is environmental, social and economic development through programs of time to reorganize and make the Ministry of State for the fight against unemployment oversees the unemployment fund and guide the unemployed and the creation of the Ministry of State for Youth Affairs and Sports interested in youth socially, economically, culturally and mathematically and solve their problems and throwing their cards in community service.

Syrian politicians, intellectuals form new movement for ending crisis
English.news.cn 2011-09-19 18:03:27

DAMASCUS, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- Around 40 Syrian politicians and intellectuals announced late Sunday the formation of a new movement to join the "efforts for reconciliation, dialogue and stop of bloodshed" in the country.

The movement, named "Third Way", is not a political party and has no united vision for economic or administrative issues, but it will form a "council of elders" to push for the dialogue and reconciliation in the country, the founders said.

The founders, including journalists, parliamentarians and scholars, vowed to work for a "civil, free and democratic Syria."

Syrian minorities help Muslims toward unity (Greek Catholic)
Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:23AM

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