
Sep 22 Central government

مجلس الوزراء يقر مشروع قانون بإعفاء قروض المصرف الزراعي التعاوني الممنوحة لغايات زراعية من الفوائد العقدية وفوائد غرامات التأخير

وقال الدكتور محمد نضال الشعار وزير الاقتصاد والتجارة في تصريح للصحفيين عقب الجلسة إن القرار الذي اتخذه مجلس الوزراء اليوم حول تعليق استيراد المواد والبضائع والسلع التي يزيد رسمها الجمركي على 5 بالمئة وهي تشمل بمعظمها الكماليات والسيارات السياحية يهدف إلى الحفاظ على مخزون البلد من القطع الأجنبي وإعادة توزيع هذا المخزون وتوجيهه إلى طبقات الدخل المحدود بما يحقق استفادة أكبر في العملية الاقتصادية في سورية.

وأضاف الوزير أن هذا القرار وقائي ومؤقت وسيسهم في تنشيط العملية الإنتاجية من خلال إعطاء الفرصة للمصانع لإنتاج السلع التي توقف استيرادها وبالتالي خلق فرص عمل جديدة أو إعادة تشغيل العمال في بعض المصانع التي توقفت عن العمل.

Cabinet Approves Bill Exempting Loans of Agricultural Cooperative Bank from Interests (exemption of loan interests and/or rescheduling for industrialists, suspension of imports of tourists vehicles)
Sep 22, 2011

(from English)
DAMASCUS, (SANA) - During a session held on Thursday under the chairmanship of Prime Minister, Dr. Adel Safar, the Cabinet approved a bill on exempting the loans of the Agricultural Corporative Bank from the due interests.

The aforementioned procedure aims at supporting the agricultural sector in Syria and alleviating the repercussions of the harsh climatic changes in the country over the past few years.

With the aim of supporting the national industry in face of the international economic changes, the Cabinet also approved a bill on rescheduling the loans and the due facilitations granted to the industrialists by the public banks, and exempting them from all the due interests and the outstanding fines, in addition to paying the deposits of the aforementioned loans in installments paid over five years.

In the framework of protecting the national economy and the local products, the Cabinet approved a bill on temporarily suspending the import of some commodities whose customs duties are more than 5 percent except some of the basic goods needed by the citizens which are not produced by the local industry.

(from Arabic)
Dr Mohamad Nedal Shaar, Minister of Economy and Commerce, said in a statement to reporters. . . on the suspension of imports of goods and commodities, which more than painted customs 5 percent and include mostly accessories and tourist vehicles designed to maintain the stock of the country from foreign exchange and redistribution this stock and targeted at low-income strata to achieve the greatest benefit in the economic process in Syria.

The minister added that this resolution and protective, temporary and will contribute to the revitalization of the production process by giving the opportunity for the factories to produce goods that stops the importation, thus creating new jobs or re-employment of workers in some factories stopped work.

الحكومة تقرر الاستثمار في المشروعات الضرورية فقط و إيقاف الباقي

و بحسب صحيفة "السياسة "الكويتية , وجه بنك الكويت المركزي تعميما إلى جميع البنوك المحلية وشركات الاستثمار والصرافة حدد فيه أسماء شركات الصرافة في سورية

The government decided to invest in projects only the necessary rest and stop (the authenticity of this news is unclear because the source is a Kuwaiti newspaper.)
Thursday - September 22 - 2011 - 7:50:44

According to the newspaper "al-Siyaasah" of Kuwait, the Central Bank of Kuwait issued a circular to all local banks and investment firms and banking select the names of the exchange companies in Syria, which must be adhered to the transfer of funds to it after the book, which is received from the Governor of Central Bank of Syria

المركزي يخطط لإدارة يومية أفضل لسيولة السوق .. والحاكم يؤكد أن احتياطات القطع الأجنبي لم تُمس
Central Bank plans to better manage daily liquidity of the market .. The governor confirms that the foreign exchange reserves did not affect
Thursday 09/22/2011

In Wednesday's meeting for Chamber of Commerce ... al-Qallaa: the arguments of traders not to apply billing is no longer viable
Thursday 09/22/2011
Salih Hamidi

Ghassan al-Qallaa Damascus Chamber of Commerce President The billing system will be implemented sooner or later, especially considering that the subject for nearly two years in the financial circles

الرئيس الأسد يصدر مرسوماً تشريعياً يقضي بإعفاء صالات السينما من الرسوم الجمركية على التجهيزات المستوردة ومن ضريبة الدخل ورسوم الإدارة المحلية لمدة خمس سنوات
Decree on Exempting Cinema Halls from Customs Tariffs on Imported Equipment, Income Tax and Local Administration Fees
Sep 22, 2011

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday issued Legislative Decree No. 118 for 2011 on exempting the cinema halls from the customs tariffs imposed on imported equipment, as well as the income tax and the local administration fees for five years.

التأمين: صرفنا 1500 ليرة لجميع المتقاعدين
Insurance: We spent 1500 pounds for all retirees

سورية تجمد مساعيها للإنضمام إلى منظمة التجارة العالمية
Syria freezes its efforts to join the World Trade Organization
Thursday - September 22 - 2011 - 13:39:44

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