Despite lots of news of "army defections" and "civil war" circulated, but not confirmed from the first, by the western media, the Syrian army and security forces ended al-Rastan operation in success.
Here are some of the news clips from the Syrian TV.
Oct. 2, News of the Syrian TV. At 00:13 is the destroyed military office in al-Rastan. At 01:24 is a fire engine which received heavy machine gun fire.
Oct. 3, from 01:38 to 07:00.
News clip for the length of 03:28 in total.
When there is a discrepancy between the news and the final firm fact, we must review what really happened on the ground.
على الرغم من الكثير من تعميم خبر "انشقاق الجيش" و "الحرب الاهلية" ، الذي لم يتم التأكد من صحته من الأول ، من خلال وسائل الإعلام الغربية ، الجيش السوري وقوات حفظ النظام قد انتهت عملية الرستن في النجاح.
عندما يكون هناك تناقض بين الخبر والحقيقة الثابتة النهائي ، يتعين علينا أن نراجع ما حدث فعلا على أرض الواقع.
Although I am not an military expert myself, and my information is limited to published news articles all of which are recorded on this blog, my assumption is as follows.
Firstly, the Syrian government squeezed hotbeds of protests within Homs city, such as
Baba Amru (3 - 4km southwest from the old quarter),
Bab al-Sibaa' (east of the castle in the old quarter),
al-Khalidiyyah (2km north from the castle in the old quarter, east side of the main street),
al-Bayyaadah (3km north-northeast from the castle, east side of northern edge of the residential district).
As a result, daily nightly protests and weekly Friday protests in these areas peaked out in last July, and have apparently diminished in size, especially after late August. Judging from YouTube, I feel more passion in demonstrations in al-Inshaa'aat (3 - 4km from Bab al-Sibaa', western edge of the residential district before the Orontes river, just north of Baba Amru) these days.
Secondly, armed terrorists and foreign insurgents, not ordinary local residents, were expelled from the city, and forced to retreat and concentrate in small towns in the countryside, such as
al-Qusair (20km southwest from Homs city. The next major town beyond is al-Qaa in Lebanon),
Talbisah (5km north from the northern edge of Homs residential district),
al-Rastan (15km north from the northern edge of Homs residential district).
Thirdly, the Syrian army and security forces waged massive military operations to both north and southwest of Homs city. They won a victory in al-Rastan operation in the north.
As for al-Qusair operation in the southwest, news are scarce. But I think they have won, or at least are winning.
The followings (see below) are a list of military/security news in the direction of southwestern region from Homs (Syrian-Lebanese border) in September. al-Qusair city is the region's center. The final news on the list says that the Syrian army pursued the insurgents into the Lebanese territory! Therefore, we need to begin all the debate on the precondition that the Syrian army is advancing, not retreating.
Though it is too early to conclude that small incidents will never happen again in Homs, I think that the major trend on the ground is undoubtedly in favour of the Syrian government.
Concerning news about "the civil war" in Homs, I think this is just "a desire" of extremist dissidents abroad who have sold their Syrian spirit to foreign intelligence services. If a civil war actually occurs, tens of thousands of refugees will emerge and rush to safer directions, such as Aleppo, Damascus, Lebanon, Turkey or Jordan. Such a thing has never happened in Syria except for during Jisr al-Shughour operation in last June.
So you should treat any news about civil war in Syria as a garbage. People in Homs are leading a normal life, though a bit vigilante.
The social integrity of Syria is much firmer than people may think. After so many failures, the so-called "western experts" who are talking about breaking up Syria into pieces look stupid. When on earth will we be able to witness the achievement of the Middle Eastern studies in the US, Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar?
Confiscate of smuggling sticks, electric and communication devices from Lebanon to Syria
Sep 10, 2011
Lebanese Source: 3 Persons Smuggling Weapons from Lebanon into Syria Arrested
Sep 16, 2011
Lebanese Security Forces Arrest Gang Smuggling Weapons to Syria
Sep 21, 2011
Gunshots from Syria Fired at Akkar, Lebanon
by Naharnet Newsdesk
24 September 2011, 08:34
Adjust the car filled with explosives and ammunition coming from the north of Lebanon ... The death of 6 of the army and security in Homs and the kidnapping of 12 elements, including a lieutenant and two colonels (military operations in al-Qusair, Homs countryside) (kidnappings of 14 officers)
Lebanon arrests Syrian opposition figure after smuggling weapons to Syria
Sep 28, 2011
Lebanese Army Seizes 5 Trucks with Goods to Be Smuggled into Syria (in Rashayyiah region)
Sep 29, 2011
Terrorist Confesses to Murdering Dr. Eid and Opening Fire on Soldiers, Civilians, Funerals and Schools
Sep 29, 2011
Syrian troops cross Lebanon border, briefly kidnap 2
September 29, 2011 12:33 PM
Syrian Infiltration in Wadi Khaled
by Naharnet Newsdesk
03 October 2011, 07:49
2 Syrian tanks entered the Lebanese territory in a security operation against a group preparing for a terrorist act
Tuesday - October 4 - 2011 - 17:06:44
(the same news)
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