افتتاح فرع مصرفي لبنك بيمو السعودي الفرنسي في القنيطرة
The opening of a branch bank of Banque Bemo Saudi Fransi in al-Qunaitrah
05 October, 2011
al-Qunaitrah (SANA) -
Opened in the province of al-Qunaitrah on the forty-second section of Banque Bemo Saudi Fransi, the aim of providing insurance and banking services to the largest possible segment of the people of the province.
The location of the branch is located against the building of Government House in al-Qunaitrah city of the Baath and consists of five offices with a total area of over 500 meters with a capital of 5 billion pounds and provides banking services in the areas of housing loans, personal and car loans institutions, industrial and agricultural investments and loans to doctors.
11.3 بالمئة من سكان سورية مسنون.. ارتفاع معدل العمر المتوقع للفرد مؤشر إيجابي يتطلب شروطاً صحية وخدمية واجتماعية
11.3 percent of the elderly population of Syria .. High rate of life expectancy of the individual requires a positive indicator conditions and health and social service
05 October, 2011
Damascus, (SANA) -
And exceeds the number of elderly aged 60 years or older at the global level 650 million people are expected to increase this number to reach two billion by 2050, according to the Organization (WHO) with more than in Syria two million and 353 thousand an increase of 11.3 percent of the total population, according to estimates of the Office Central Bureau of Statistics for the end of 2010.
هيئة الأوراق والأسواق المالية السورية توافق على إعادة هيكلة شركة ضمان الشام للوساطة والخدمات المالية
Securities Commission and the financial markets Syrian agree to restructure the company to ensure Sham Brokerage and financial services
05 October, 2011
Damascus stock price index for this week
03/Oct/2011 947.16 trading volume 23 thousand
04/Oct/2011 936.82 trading volume 90 thousand
05/Oct/2011 931.37 trading volume 194 thousand
(In a temporal measure, the market is open for 3 days a week only.)
16/Dec/2010 1752.50 (historial high)
19/Sep/2011 904.67 (historical low)
Weekly closing rates
19/May/2011 1323.11
26/May/2011 1256.80
02/Jun/2011 1234.13
09/Jun/2011 1136.82
16/Jun/2011 1133.09
23/Jun/2011 1057.36
30/Jun/2011 1031.04
07/Jul/2011 1067.50
14/Jul/2011 1032.62
21/Jul/2011 1010.06
28/Jul/2011 1013.81
04/Aug/2011 993.89
11/Aug/2011 950.89
17/Aug/2011 951.66
24/Aug/2011 950.73
29/Aug/2011 951.05
07/Sep/2011 933.34
14/Sep/2011 909.16
21/Sep/2011 927.12
28/Sep/2011 957.97
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