Why Russia and China did not support the UN draft Resolution on Syria
1. The project was of a one-sided nature and was aimed solely at putting pressure upon the Syrian authorities, turning a blind eye on unacceptable actions of armed militants within the ranks of the Syrian opposition.
2. The authors of the resolution did not go halfway to meet our demands to include clauses on the unacceptability of external military intervention into Syrian affairs, thus confirming the suspicions that such a possibility is not being ruled out by them.
3. Following the Libyan experience that has been declared "a model" for future operations by the NATO countries within the framework of the "responsibility to protect", Russia and China are against legitimization of unilateral plans to overthrow undesirable regimes through the UN Security Council.
4. The adoption of a resolution would have had negative and unpredictable consequences for the Middle East and Middle East settlement.
5. We are ready for development of such a concept of the Syrian crisis settlement that would in fact promote the start of a national dialogue and the acceleration of the reform processes in the country.
محلل سياسي روسي: هناك تراكم لأمور سلبية في علاقات روسيا مع الغرب ويمكن توقع أي تطور
Russian political analyst: There is an accumulation of negative things in Russia's relations with the West and can be expected of any development (Sergei Strukan political analyst)
06.10.2011 18:25
Russian Officials: Russia Recognizes the Reality of Events in Syria, so It Used Veto
Oct 07, 2011
MOSCOW, (SANA) - Chairman of the Russian State Duma International Affairs Committee Konstantin Kosachyov. . .
State Duma Council member Valentine Shorshanov and the Communist Party central committee's member Andrey Filipov
Deputy of Russian Duma Council and Director of Political Research Institute in Moscow Sergey Markov
Russian Ambassador in Beirut Alexander Zasypkin
President Dmitry Medvedev on Syria
07.10.2011 (refer to the URL for the full text)
Speaking on 7 October 2011 at a meeting with Russia's national Security Council members, President Dmitry Medvedev said:
Of course Russia wants an end to the bloodshed in Syria no less than any other country. We are using our channels to engage the Syrian leadership actively, calling on them to undertake the adequate changes. If the Syrian leadership proves incapable of carrying out these changes it will have to go, however, this decision is not for NATO or any individual European country to make, but belongs to the Syrian people and Syrian leadership, who have to realise their responsibility for their country's future.
(the same subject)
Who needs new provocations for Syria?
Garibov Konstantin
Oct 7, 2011 15:52 Moscow Time
Damascus on Thursday rejected allegations that President Bashar Assad threatened to attack Israel and the U.S. fleet in the Persian Gulf. What definitely seems to be a propaganda hoax was launched on Tuesday just hours before the UN Security met to vote on sanctions against Syria. Although the sanctions failed to get through, it seems that the provocative resource of the above hoax that was circulated by the semi-official Iranian news agency Fars is far from exhausted. Fars alleged that Bashar Assad had told Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu that in case the West interfered in Syria's internal affairs, Israel would come under joint rocket strikes by Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon, while Iran would assault U.S. warships in the Gulf.
The hoax was actually meant to persuade the UN Security Council to clamp down on Syria by passing a resolution justifying outside interference in Syrian affairs and targeting the subsequent ouster of the Bashar Assad regime. But those plans were dashed after Russia and China vetoed the draft, making clear they do not want a Libyan scenario in Syria.
The last time Russia and China used their right of veto was in the summer of 2008 when they blocked sanctions against Zimbabwe, and in 2007 they teamed up to veto a resolution on Myanmar. This time again, Moscow and Beijing hoped until the last moment that the draft would be amended, but unfortunately this was not the case. The disappointment was great. The veto will not stop us, Paris warned. Washington demanded explanations from Russia, prompting speculation about the worst diplomatic conflict between Russia and the West in years. Analysts are trying to guess what will happen next. Yevgeny Satanovsky, director of the Institute for Middle East and Israeli Studies, gives his view:
"There is nothing impossible even if the UN resolution was not passed. A strike against Syria may be carried out the way it was carried out against Iran. But this will create certain difficulties for Paris and Washington, the top initiators behind all that is happening around Syria, and of course we should not forget about Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey - certain difficulties, to say the least, because there is only one year to go before presidential elections. Both Obama and Sarkozy will have to hold themselves to account before voters. Why do the United States and France need another war, now in Syria, in addition to Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya? That's a big question to which there is still no answer."
Analysts do not rule out that in order to save their face after the failure of the anti-Syrian resolution, the United States and he European Union might announce new unilateral sanctions against Damascus, while simultaneously supplying more arms to the Syrian opposition. They will wait till those arms begin to fire and then they will threaten Bashar Assad with yet another ultimatum, for example, pin-point cleansings, if the regime backfires by using force against force.
Sergei Demidenko of the Institute for Strategic Assessments and Analysis, believes the latter scenario is unlikely.
"Western states cannot change their attitude toward Syria due to their ideological positions. They have already announced that Bashar Assad carries out repressions and that he must be punished. But Russia and China disagree. I think that there will be a good deal of rattle, threats, attempts to create a semblance of a tough anti-Assad stance. But I don't think that this could lead to anything serious, because to topple Bashar Assad now would mean to bring Islamists to power at least in part of Syria. It could be that the West has some strategy of coming to agreement with Islamists, but I doubt that scenario is possible. The Islamists are a very poorly controllable part of the Arab political establishment. A change of regime in Syria will deal a blow to Western interests in the region."
Other analysts say the West will build up pressure on Moscow and Beijing to return to the resolution on Syria and may even agree to soften the wording to avoid a new veto. The latter depends on the success of Syrian reforms and internal political dialogue.
سيدتشين يؤكد ثبات موقف روسيا الداعم لسورية
Sidchen confirms the stability of Russia's position in support of Syria (Deputy Foreign Minister visits Moscow)
October 07 0.2011
Moscow, (SANA) -
Said Sergei Sidchen Head of Middle East and North Africa, the Russian Foreign Ministry during his talks with Abdul Fattah Amoura, Deputy Minister of Foreign stability of the Russian position in support of Syria and Moscow to continue its efforts and contacts across all channels available to help Syria out of the status quo.
Syrian delegation to thank Russia for its support during Moscow visit (SSNP and SCP visit Moscow)
20:59 06/10/2011
DAMASCUS, October 6 (RIA Novosti)
Russian company office in Syria comes under gunfire – embassy
By Interfax News, on October 7th, 2011 at 05:56PM GMT
published on the Russia and CIS Business and Financial News wire
MOSCOW. Oct 7 (Russian Business and Financial News) – The office in Homs, Syria, of Russian company Stroytransgaz came under "fire from automatic…
الخارجية الروسية تدين بشدة الهجوم على مقر شركة روسية في حمص السورية
Russian Foreign Ministry strongly condemns the attack on the headquarters of a Russian company in Homs
07.10.2011 21:09
Announced that the Russian Foreign Ministry that the Russian embassy in Syria has to take urgent action to secure the branch's "Stroytransgaz" Russian and Russian citizens was due to the company's headquarters in Homs to fire the night of Wednesday, October 5 / October.
A statement issued by the Russian Foreign on Friday, October 7 / October, the attack on the headquarters of the Russian branch of the company's contribution, which is located on the eighth floor multi-storey care of the maintenance in Homs, did not lead to injuries.
The statement emphasized that Moscow considers this incident, "a clear indication that the Syrian opposition militant seeking to overthrow the current regime in the Syrian Arab Republic by armed follows the behavior of the use of terrorism against civilians as well as institutions and organizations, including foreign, which regulate normal life in the country."
He stressed the Russian foreign ministry statement that the use of terrorist methods such as these must be firmly condemned by the international community.
Also confirmed the Russian Foreign Ministry in this regard, the position of Moscow's proposal to stop the violence in the country as soon as possible and use peaceful political means to search for a way out of the crisis in Syria.
المقداد أمام مجلس الأمم المتحدة لحقوق الإنسان: سورية تتعرض لحرب إعلامية من التضليل والكذب وأعداؤها يريدون ثقافة الموت لشعبها
Mikdad: President al-Assad Announced Package of Reforms in Various Fields…Syria is Targeted by Misleading Media Campaign
Oct 07, 2011
GENEVA, (SANA)_Syria submitted on Friday the national report of periodical comprehensive review at the United Nations Human Rights Council.
Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Dr. Fayssal Mikdad, who heads the Syrian delegation comprising officials from various official bodies, gave a speech on Syria's achievements in protecting human rights. . .
''Over the past seven months, Syria has witnessed various forms of war threats, not to mention a media war of deception and of blackmail,'' said Mikdad, adding ''Syria, which plays a pivotal role in confronting Western and US hegemony plans, is the target of terrorist threats in which law enforcement members are intended to be depleted and weakened to deflect their attention from the real enemies.''
''Syria will hand the Human Rights Commission in the coming few days a list of martyrs from the law enforcement members counting more than 1,100 martyrs, killed by the armed terrorist groups funded by some neighboring countries which host their extremist leaders.''
''It is strange that these countries hold conferences for the extremists while vaunting about democracy and human rights, with their full knowledge that they are practicing killings and violations of the right to life,'' Mikdad said, adding that the killings coincided with regional and international media instigation.
Mikdad said that there is plenty of proof exposing the lies and fabrications of these channels, citing the story of Zainab al-Hasni. . .
Mikdad stressed the need for annulling the two decisions adopted by the Human Rights Council be annulled, since they were based on baseless claims and misleading, calling for rectifying the work of the Human Rights Council.
''The human rights culture was inflicted with a serious plague as Western countries market it as a cultural product exported to underdeveloped countries,'' said Mikdad.
''Syria's enemies want the culture of death for its people, while the Syrians want a culture of life derived from their noble values and history dating back to 10 thousand years B.C.''
فيصل المقداد : سنسلم الامم المتحدة لائحة تضم 1100 شخص قتلهم ارهابيون
Faisal Miqdad: We will hand over the UN a list of 1,100 people killed by terrorists
Friday - October 7 - 2011 - 12:50:24
Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad Friday in Geneva that Damascus will be delivered to the UN list with 1,100 people killed by terrorists.
Mekdad said to representatives of 47 countries in the Human Rights Council of the United Nations in Geneva, who teaches the fundamental rights situation in Syria that "Syria is facing terrorist threats."
He noted that "in the coming days we will hand the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, a list of more than 1100 killed by terrorists."
He stressed that "Syria faced during the last seven months, several wars of risk: a media war, disinformation and lies and all forms of intimidation and deception."
Mekdad stressed the reforms announced by President Bashar al-Assad, referring to the municipal elections to be held on December 12.
He said: "We have received in the field of humanitarian partners and the International Committee of the Red Cross, and this indicates that we have nothing to hide."
And rejected the criticism made by the Human Rights Council to Syria in the resolutions calling for the formation of an independent international commission of inquiry charged with investigating human rights violations in Syria. He added: "We believe that those decisions must be annulled."
And is expected to receive the Expert Committee report before the end of November to the Secretary General of the United Nations and relevant organizations.
الصحفي ميسان: الجزيرة وسيلة دعائية سوقية.. السلاح يهرب للمجموعات المسلحة عن طريق الأردن ولبنان وتركيا
French Journalist Criticizes Media War against Syria
Oct 07, 2011
Criticized the French journalist and author of "Trick major" Thierry Meyssan war propaganda by some space stations against Syria through the fabrication of lies, stressing that Al-Jazeera is working to set up studios in the Qatari capital Doha, similar to two names the Abbasids and the Umayyads as it did when the re-production Home Green Square in Tripoli, Bab Azizia against the former presidential palace to delude the people.
The Meyssan in an interview on Syrian TV said yesterday that what is missing in the Arab press is an overview of what is happening they are often dealing with the details but in a world in which the force has a potential massive military decided to invade everything and we should have a clear understanding of how to deal with the United States and Israel with the Arab region. . .
The Meyssan to the people who have cooperated with NATO in its war on Libya did not think that the situation would get complex, but they thought it would be a quick and Gaddafi will fall but what happened was the fall of more than 50 thousand people dead and more than 200 thousand injured and two million people lost their homes do imagine what will happen if NATO launched a war against Syria.
The Meyssan said the United States wanted to do the same thing in Syria, but could not for two reasons that, in order to succeed, there should be, from the beginning, a lot of weapons. . . in Syria did not make it so they are smuggling arms from Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, we find that the armed groups in Syria.
The Meyssan The second reason is that Libya was isolated. . . with the exception of some alliances with some countries on the African continent. . . Syria has a policy of alliances and a very wide, Russia have stopped first attempts to adopt a resolution in the Security Council today and see at a prodigious wielding Russia and China together. . .
the decision to war against Libya had been taken years ago and nothing to do with recent events or the so-called Arab spring. . .
foreigners came with some Libyan militants who took up arms against Gaddafi and they had weapons were not stolen from the warehouses of weapons. . . they have weapons of NATO and American machine guns and weapons of Israel, which underlines that the weapons come from the outside.
The Meyssan that the Libyan intelligence decided to penetrate the e-mail addresses for all journalists gathered at the press center at the Hotel Rixos They found things that do not believe even those who looked as journalists in several places they had contacts with British and American and French intelligence in addition to the Mossad in the sense that they were all spies.
Ukrainian Delegation Warns against Calls for Foreign Interference in Syria… Syrian People and Leadership Able to Preserve Security
Oct 07, 2011
الناتو: ليس لدينا نية التدخل فى سوريا
NATO: We have no intention to interfere in Syria
Friday - October 7 - 2011 - 13:28:43
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