
Oct 6 International

露中 第三次世界大戦阻止に向けて
リュドミラ マツェンコ
6.10.2011, 17:35



  中でも最も激しく非難したのはアメリカで、クリントン国務長官は、露中両国が公式的に斥けた法案は、仏・英・独・ポルトガルといった西欧諸国だったにもかかわらず、どこよりも激烈な批判を浴びせた。おそらく彼女は「西側案」の正しさを最後まであくまでも守り抜くつもりのようだ。 クリントン国務長官は、訪問先のドミニカで「拒否権を行使した国は、シリア国民と世界中で自由と人権のために戦っているすべての人々に、その理由を今後説明しなければならない」と述べている。 また米国務省のヌランド報道官は「シリア体制の首に巻いた紐を引っ張る」用意のある国が増えるよう期待を明らかにした。

 どのような犠牲を払ってもアサド体制の首を絞めたいという考えは、今や公然と語られているが、これは中東地域のみならず、世界全体にとって破滅的な影響をもたらす恐れのあるものだ。実際、そうした火花が第三国に飛び火する可能性がある。 ロシア科学アカデミー極東研究所のセルゲイ・ルズャニン副所長は、次のように警告してる―

  「ロシアと中国が、中東で大きな戦争が起きるのを抑えている。もし、連合国がシリアの内政に干渉したなら、自動的にそうした干渉の延長として、シリア・イスラエル戦争を導く事になるのはあまりに明らかだからだ。イランも、第三者でいる事はできず、シリアの側に立つだろう。つまり、予測できない長期にわたる軍事紛争が始まるのだ。 多くの大国の利益がもつれ合い、核保有一歩手前の国々が存在する中東での軍事紛争のエスカレートは、グローバルな対立に発展する恐れがある。現在『リビア的シナリオ』の勝利に浮かれている者達は、その事を肝に銘じなくてはならない。」

 露中が葬った決議案は、対決という考えの上に作られたもので、中東が真の意味での火薬樽だという事を念頭に置いていない。 決議案は、一方的にシリア政府を非難するばかりで、やはり暴力に訴え、テロ行為さえ始めているシリアの在野勢力については何も言っていない。

 西側諸国は事実上、シリア国内で完全な民族間・宗派間紛争が始まるよう状況を炊きつけている。 アサド体制は、改革に向け動き出しているが、西側はそれに目を向けようとせず、事実上、力による政権交替を強く主張している。 ロシア議会下院・国家会議国際問題委員会のコンスタンチン・コサチョフ委員長は、次のように指摘した―

  「シリア政府には、一党システムからの脱却や民主的基盤に立った選挙の組織、マスコミへの大きな報道の自由付与を目指した一まとまりとなった法的イニシアチブがある。 革命的な道でなく漸次的改革の道に沿った前進の可能性を斥けるのは、理性的ではないし、シリア国民自身の利益に応えない。 露中両国の、国連安保理事会での立場の意味はまさにここにある。 シリア国内の政治プロセスに外から人為的影響を与える事は、新たな流血の事態を、新たな騒乱と悲劇をもたらすだけだ。」

  内戦によりシリアが崩壊すれば、中東全域の状況に破壊的な影響を与える事になる。 そうならないためにロシアと中国は、国連安保理事会に対し、独自の決議案を提案している。 その中では、西側はシリア当局と在野勢力の間の紛争に軍事干渉してはならないという点が特に強調されている。

Markov: President al-Assad's Policy Defends Rights of all Spectrums of Syrian Society
Oct 06, 2011

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Deputy of Russian Duma Council and Director of Political Research Institute in Moscow Sergey Markov said that President Bashar al-Assad's policy defends the rights of all spectrums of the Syrian society which strongly support this policy.

Markov warned that the Syrian Opposition, which includes many of al-Qaeda supporters, will commit acts of harassment against the Syrian people the moment it came into power as dictatorship seems so clear in its acts, adding that the US seeks to sow religious and racial conflict in Syria.

Markov considered Russia and China's veto of a UNSC draft resolution against Syria as a serious failure of the US regarding the situation in Syria.

He added that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's statements on that Moscow and Beijing should explain why they vetoed a UNSC draft resolution on Syria indicate the great failure of Washington diplomacy.

Indian Foreign Ministry: International Community Measures on Syria Should Not Complicate Situation by Threats of Sanctions
Oct 06, 2011

سفارة سوريا لدى إيطاليا: لا صحة لتصوير المتظاهرين بهدف الاقتصاص من ذويهم
Syria's embassy in Italy: no truth to shoot demonstrators in order to punish the parents
Thursday - October 6 - 2011 - 15:18:54

EU moves towards further sanctions on Syria, Iran
Wed Oct 5, 2011 3:57pm EDT

(Reuters) - The European Union is set next week to consider blacklisting the Syrian central bank as well as imposing sanctions against more Iranian individuals, according to sources on Wednesday familiar with the situation.

A decision to impose sanctions on the Syrian central bank had been taken in principle, and would be presented to an EU foreign affairs committee on Monday, said a person familiar with the situation.

A written procedure for adoption could then follow, possibly in a week or so, the source said.

(the same subject)

سلفيون سوريون يعقدون لقاءات سرية مع أميركيين ومسيحيين لبنانيين
Salafists Syrian holding secret meetings with U.S. and Lebanese Christians

US ambassador in Lebanon demands protection for Syrian opposers
Wed Oct 5, 2011 11:7PM
Altaf Ahmed, Press TV, Beirut

In a meeting with Lebanese Defense Minister, "Fayez Ghosn", US ambassador to Lebanon "Maura Connelly" emphasized the US's expectations of the Lebanese government and its Armed Forces in implementing, quote, "The International Legal Obligations" of protecting members of the Syrian opposition residing in Lebanon, as well as supporting and funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

Lebanese officials, including MP "Fayez Ghosn", contradicted "Connelly's" points of view, viewing this as one of many Washington's blunt interferences in Lebanon's internal policies.

Observers and experts read Connelly's demands as an extension to her administration's sanctions meant to prolong unrest in Syria and weaken and limit the influence of its allies in the Middle East.

Moreover, officials have stressed that Connelly's demands come at a time when her country's military and intelligence cooperation in Syria proved to be sporadic and limited, and thus she is on a search for channels of influence in order to preserve US interests in the region.

Due to profound relations and security accords that bond the sister states of Lebanon and Syria, Lebanese officials have assured that the country will never become a conspirator against Syria; that which they believe only the US and Israel can benefit from.

MP Qanso of Lebanese al-Baath asks Mikati to expel U.S. ambassador
October 06, 2011 01:15 PM
By Hasan Lakiss
The Daily Star

Germany summons Syrian ambassador over UN tirade
October 06, 2011 01:02 PM
Agence France Presse

BERLIN: Germany has summoned the Syrian ambassador to Berlin over a tirade by Damascus's envoy to the United Nations, the foreign ministry said in a statement here Thursday.

"At the meeting, the verbal attack by the Syrian UN ambassador was rejected in the strongest terms," it added.

Jaafari said those seeking action against Syria were "our enemies" and had no "humanitarian motive".

The meeting ended in acrimony with US ambassador to the UN Susan Rice leading her delegation out after Jaafari said the United States was linked to "genocide".

And German daily Bild reported Tuesday that Jaafari had also singled out Berlin for a bitter rebuke.

"Germany, which persecuted the Jews in Europe, is trying to play the honest broker for a mendacious and fraudulent resolution," he was quoted as saying.

The foreign ministry said the Syrian ambassador to Germany had also been told that "spying on and intimidating Syrian opposition members in Germany is in no way acceptable."

It's time to expel the Syrian ambassador to the UK
By Michael Weiss Politics Last updated: October 6th, 2011

Joint Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch statement on Zaynab al-Hosni
5 October 2011

Syria: Reports regarding Zainab al-Hosni
5 October 2011

Al-Husni Story Uncovers Lies of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch
Oct 06, 2011

CAPITALS, (SANA) – The story of Zainab al-Husni and the reaction of some international organizations which hold the mottos of "Human Rights", including the Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have uncovered the reality of such organizations and their relationship with the Western countries and their schemes in the region.

The organizations considered the interview the Syrian TV held with Zainab al-Husni as needing more inspection because the situation is unclear; however, when they believed the fabricated story of Zainab broadcast by some instigative channels, they did not make sure of its correctness.

Zainab al-Husni appeared through the Syrian TV safe and sound after some TV channels reported she was mutilated and tortured to death before she was given to her family.

The Human Rights Watch phoned the family of al-Husni to make sure that the girl who appeared in the report broadcast by the Syrian TV was their daughter.

The family confirmed the girl was their daughter; however the organization only issued a statement to say it was "deceived" but they did not apologize for Zainab and her family.

The way TV channels and international organizations dealt with the Syrian TV interview proves the magnitude of conspiracy being orchestrated against Syria to affect its image and reputation at the international, Arab and local public opinion.

Syria: Assad family 'selling off overseas property empire'
A multimillion pound property empire that includes flats and houses in London is being sold off and turned into hard cash by members of Syria's Assad family, it has been reported.

By Nabila Ramdani
5:55PM BST 06 Oct 2011

Properties include a £10 million town house in Mayfair bought by Rifaat al-Assad, the so-called 'Butcher of Hama', who is accused of leading a massacre of up to 40,000 people 30 years ago.

His nephew, Bashar al-Assad, is currently leading a ruthless and bloody campaign against pro-democracy campaigners. The UN human rights office on Thursday raised the tally of people killed during seven months of unrest to more than 2,900.

The selling off of the property suggests the Assads are liquidating their assets in the chance the regime is forced from power in Syria.

London property belonging to toppled dictators Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, and Zine El Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia, was seized soon after they fell.

According to the French satirical and current affairs magazine Charlie Hebdo, Rifaat, Bashar al-Assad's uncle, "has sold off his huge property portfolio in the United States, London, Spain and France", with the clan wanting to "liquidate their oversease homes as quickly as possible". The liquidation of the properties was reportedly being carried out by two of Rifaat's four wives, as well as his children.

The magazine, which has obtained official bank documents confirming the transactions, says that two "huge lots" belonging to the Assads in Puerto Banus, the marina town on Spain's Costa del Sol, are on the market for up to £600 million.

Even this figure has been discounted by many millions, suggesting that the Assads are eager to get rid of their property as quickly as possible.

Rifaat al-Assad, 73 and the former vice president of Syria, moved into a Georgian mansion off Park Lane in 2009.

Although he has never been indicted by an international court for the Hama massacre in 1982, there are numerous independent accounts of his alleged involvement. Rifaat, who spends most of his time living in France nowadays, denies the claims. He was unavailable for comment.

Asma al-Assad, the wife of Bashar al-Assad, is a UK passport holder who was born and raised in London, where her parents still live, and where she still owns homes.

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