
Oct 3 Central government

Economy Ministry is putting the finishing touches to assess the repercussions of the decision to suspend imports of more than painted on the 5 percent customs
03 Oct 0.2011

حاكم مصرف سوريا المركزي : إغلاق العديد من شركات ومكاتب الصرافة المخالفة لأنظمة القطع
Governor of Central Bank of Syria: the closure of many companies and exchange offices in violation of currency regulations
Monday - October 3 - 2011 - 13:40:34

المالية ترفع الحجز الاحتياطي عن أموال شركة سيمنس الألمانية و وكيلها في سورية
Financial custody raises funds for the German company Siemens and its agent in Syria
Monday - October 3 - 2011 - 14:35:02

Ministry of Finance issued Resolution 1070 / C p on 22/8/2011, which raises the custody of movable and immovable property belonging to Siemens and the German agent in Syria and some of the participants in the case of customs has not proved against them all, and according to the Economic Journal.

According to the resolution, was the release of the following names company Koch Koch transport technick gmbh in Syria - Damascus, Director, Mohammed Ghias Jajeh Koch, Siemens, Simens aktin gesellsellschaft title: Damascus, chilli Company for Engineering Technology, entitled: Damascus.

And adding to the representative of Siemens Mohi Alddin chilli (deceased), Ahmed Taha, an investor in the region free gallery Adra Arab world established under Resolution No. 72 / c p 21/12/2011 Date criminal case and for a number 235/2009. Adra, to the demise of the reasons for this decision was issued after the customs court No. 130 Date 4/4/2011, a mistrial and the judge not to texts and certified an appeal, subject to implementation.

بعد أن نشر عكس السير خبراً عن ارتفاع أسعار مواد البناء .. الإسكان و التعمير تدعو إلى الإسراع في معالجة فروقات الأسعار لمقاولي القطاع الخاص
After the publication of Aks al-Ser news for the high prices of construction materials .. Housing and Construction calls for the acceleration in the treatment of price differences for private contractors
Monday - October 3 - 2011 - 14:45:10

Called on the Secretary of Housing and Construction Engineer Hala Nasser to accelerate the revision of Article 63 of Act 51 of 2004 on contracts in order to achieve treatment differences in the prices of private contractors.

According to Article 63, if it occurred for the duration of the contract a rise in prices led to increased total cost of the parts that have not been implemented by more than 15 percent of its value under the undertaking shall bear the contractor 15 percent of this increase is borne by the public and the rest of the increase.

The participants discussed the re-examination of a classification system engineers and addressing the issue of salary of the resident engineer and the architect of rating, which is disproportionate to the effort, noting that the salary of the two engineers is a tax paid by the contractor and the owner of the project note that their auspices is almost non-existent on the ground.

170 ليرة السعر التأشيري لصحن البيض
Price pounds 170 for the setting up of the egg dish
Monday 03/10/2011
Maisa Ali

The Ministry of Economy, Trade indicative price for the sale of eggs per dish weight of 1801 g and up to 170's. Q for the consumer

In all provinces, a maximum and can sell at a lower price in a statement «the revolution» said Dr. Abdul Salam Ali, Director of Economy and Commerce in Damascus that the price of setting up benefit in price stability in the market, and the expectation that prices tend eggs to drop more than that the fact that the quantities of exports to Iraq are becoming less .

He pointed out that the prices of white material in the institutions of intervention is less positive about 5 to 15 pounds, and stressed the role of the patrols to protect the consumer to adjust the prices of this article and other basic foodstuffs.

On the other hand pointed to the low price of chicken yesterday by five pounds, are likely to decline even more, with sold kilo chicken cleaner with 120's. Q and between 85 to 90's. Q for Chicken neighborhood The decision comes after the price rises, the big long article eggs in Damascus and the provinces, which exceeded the 200 Syrian pounds for each dish.

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