
Oct 6 Anti-government

قيادات أمنية سعودية وقطرية شاركت في ترتيب انعقاده...هيثم المناع: «المجلس الوطني» تموله مؤسسات أميركية ولا يمثل المعارضة
The leaders of Saudi and Qatari security participated in the arrangement to take place ... Haytham Manna: «National Council» funded by American institutions and does not represent the opposition

A human rights activist and opposition politician, Haytham Manna, accused the «National Council» Syria, which was recently announced in Istanbul that is funded by American institutions, and he added that it does not represent the opposition in the composition of the components of the Syrian society, criticizing the media campaign regional against Syria, countries of the dictatorship represses its people, involved in the suppression of peoples such as the uprising in Bahrain.

Manna said «a spokesman for the Arab Organization for Human Rights» in a statement to channel the world: that «the Syrian National Council is a group of powers and the parties Syrian mostly abroad and that is the color of ideological specific color is the Muslim», believing that this is not commensurate with the fact that components of the Syrian society, political .

He added that «there is no democratic process during the election and the formation of the National Council and includes parties with conflicting desires of foreign military intervention and immediate calls for the delay and reject that at all».

Manna called on Avaaz Foundation of the U.S. which has an office in Beirut to do research on the amount provided for the establishment of the National Council, as well as (called on) the National Endowment for Democracy and the Ford Foundation, pointing out that a spokeswoman for the National Council employee has been in the foundation for ten years.

He continued that «the Washington Club to take a stake in the Syrian National Council is a share of the Damascus Declaration and the forces of the Muslim Brotherhood», pointing out that the French Foreign Ministry confirmed that it will not take a position on the Transitional Council, where he learned that the fundamental forces are no longer in the Council.

Participants in the Istanbul Conference
Do not have a popular base inside Syria

Sources told in Ankara that the leaders of Saudi and Qatari security, and U.S. participated in arranging the opposition conference in Istanbul and security officers Turks and attached to the security of the French Embassy in Turkey were among the crew, who led the conference, which included dozens of «opposition» abroad who do not have the base popular in Syria, the majority associated with U.S. intelligence and European and Arab countries, according to the newspaper «Al-Manar» Jerusalem.

The sources said that three of Qatar and two Saudis have handed over all those who participated in the meeting called the Council, the amount of five thousand dollars in cash «pocket money», covering Turkey and Qatar, sources, costs of what it called «hospitality» in Turkey.

The sources pointed out that a number of «opposition» received invitations to go to Qatar. Doha and Riyadh complained about the weak «opposition figures» and about their inability to win support in the Syrian street and among the military and students. Some opponents requested the messengers from Qatar the sums of money to be sent to the families of some of the elements that are armed terrorist sabotage inside Syrian territory, arguing that a number of these elements suspended sabotage activities because they do not receive money. Also they need money to distribute to the victims.

The sources confirmed that a high proportion of the instigators of the Syrian regime abroad under the banner of the opposition are receiving monthly salaries for many years from the circles of European and American intelligence, and were asked to coordinate with the rulers of Qatar in the matter of salaries they receive.

The sources added that a number of those who participated in the meeting in Turkey who called themselves the National Council expressed great resentment of the abuse received by the distinguished number of opposition leaders abroad, including and Burhan Ghaliyoun where the reception and the amounts offered to them.

The sources quoted one of the participants «who refused to reveal his identity» that a number of those who participated in the meeting will give up the task entrusted to them of incitement against the Syrian people and leadership and participation in the smuggling of weapons to terrorists terrorists who attack our citizens, public utilities, military and security forces in the Syria, and that is why in this step due to the contempt and humiliation and disrespect that they face from security leaders and intelligence in Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, and acknowledges the said that he tricked him and does not know now what works, as far as what I said sources, in particular that members of their families regard them with contempt for their cooperation with third parties against the homeland and the Syrian people and leadership.

Rinascita: Many of Strange Pseudo Opposition Movements Have Arisen in the West
Oct 06, 2011

ROME, (SANA)_ The Italian 'Rinascita' Daily asserted that the so-called Syrian (National) Council, born in Istanbul on Sunday, gathers 'many of strange pseudo opposition movements which have arisen in the West, and not in Syria,' and that foreign governments stand 'behind its funding'.

In an Article by Matthew Bernabei, the Daily pointed out that such a Council' is not well seen by the opposition coalitions' inside Syria, citing the contradictory components of this council including radical movements.

Rinascita concluded that the formation of such a council, apart from its pseudo and contradictory components, is in line with the schemes of those who view Syria as the target for their new project.

رفضت التدخل الخارجي.. هيئة التنسيق الوطنية السورية تدعو الى تغيير النظام والانتقال إلى نظام برلماني ديمقراطي
Rejected outside interference .. Syrian national coordinating body calls for regime change and the transition to a democratic parliamentary system
Thursday - October 6 - 2011 - 15:22:40

سلفيون سوريون يعقدون لقاءات سرية مع أميركيين ومسيحيين لبنانيين
Salafists Syrian holding secret meetings with U.S. and Lebanese Christians

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