
Nov 7 International

صحفي هندي: وسائل إعلام تشوه الحقائق وتفبرك الأحداث حول ما يجري في سورية
Indian journalist: media distort the facts and events manufacture rather about what is happening in Syria
November 7, 2011

The Indian journalist Sanjay Kapoor, editor of Hard News, Indian English-speaking, criticized what the media distortion of facts and fabrication of current events in Syria, especially in the city of Homs.


(The original article of the above)
This ain't no Syrian Spring!
(No date is indicated on the web page, but, judging from Google, this article is supposed to have been uploaded on around Nov. 2.)

"Things are very grim in Homs. Killings have not stopped in the last few months," a young man whispered to this writer in a Damascus Hotel. Nervously looking over his shoulder to ascertain whether he was being watched, he extracted a promise that nothing he says should be attributed to him."My family is in Homs and every day there is gunfire and killings. I fear for their safety." He claimed there was sniper fire and confrontation between security forces and protestors.


A foreign diplomat endorsed the Syrian government's claim that arms were brought in through the open borders of Turkey and Lebanon, and generously distributed among 14-year-olds to fight Assad's army. He also agreed with the government's point of view that hardened mercenaries, who had served in Afghanistan, are taking on the army.


Save for some security at the roundabout leading to the city, there was no hint of the army or police. As we sped into the city, we found most of the shops closed and only some stragglers around. The few cars on the road were showing due respect to the traffic lights, suggesting that law and order had not collapsed. . .

We were told by some locals that miscreants were creating trouble and had little support. Nearly all of them expressed support for the al-Assad regime. It was baffling to see a reality that supported such contrary interpretation; an earlier BBC programme from inside Homs had shown street demonstrations demanding Asaad's ouster. The locals we met were so overjoyed and welcoming that they brought ice cream and chocolates for us.

Next halt was the hospital where, according to allegations of Turkey-based opposition groups, the soldiers had gone about shooting patients. The mood inside the hospital was angry. . . All of them shot by someone who had entered their house and sprayed them with bullets.

. . . When our ‘minder' tried to suggest things had improved, an articulate doctor contradicted it saying,"Not if last night was any indication." The previous night, she says, there was a lot of firing and killings. A rocket-propelled grenade (RPG), too, had been fired. . .

According to this doctor, most of the patients had shots either in the head or the neck, and"most of these injuries are grievous as the bullets used by the terrorists explode inside the body". Someone from the government added,"The snipers are targeting the locals. Our army does not have trained snipers. We are losing a lot of our men.". . .

We were told to leave the city lest similar fate befell us. Next halt was the Governor House. An imposing white bungalow, the place looked surprisingly lax on security. No road blocks or other devises to delay bomb-laden cars, for instance. Clearly, the terrorists were confined to a small section of the city, and armed only with personal weapons.

The governor. . . (said) it was only a matter of time for these people to be captured. Another official revealed that 95 per cent of the"terrorists" had been picked up and only 5 per cent remained at large. He reeled out some figures of the dead and the injured, but they seem too low for a six-month-long insurrection.

الوفد الإيطالي في ختام زيارته لسورية: ما شاهدناه يخالف ما تبثه وسائل الإعلام الغربية
The Italian delegation at the conclusion of his visit to Syria: contrary to what we saw broadcasts of the Western media
Monday, 07/11/2011
Haitham Yahya Muhammad

وسائل اعلام يابانية: سورية تكلف مؤسساتها بشراء اسلحة في كوريا الشمالية
Japanese media: Syria's institutions charged with buying weapons in North Korea
07.11.2011 19:52 (Read original in Japanese)

According to Japanese media on November 7, citing a diplomatic source, that the Syrian government charged in the month of April in 2011, Syrian armament agency contract deals on the purchase of additional weapons and machinery of war in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North). She noted that the Syrian authorities had instructed the subject at the time the country began in protest demonstrations.

The political observers said that Damascus has taken this step, fearing that the United States and other countries in NATO military intervention in Syria, to prevent violations of the rights of the peaceful population.

The United States is concerned that the weapons from North Korea could be used against Syrian demonstrators or fall into the hands of the Shiite Hezbollah movement in Lebanon.

Source: "Russian" Interfax news agency reported.

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