مجموعة من معارضة الخارج يعتدون على وفد من هيئة التنسيق المعارضة لمنعه من دخول مقر الجامعة العربية
A group of opposition abroad to attack a delegation from the coordinating body of the opposition to prevent him from entering the headquarters of the Arab League
November 9, 2011
Cairo, (SANA) -
In a clear expression of policy cancellation, exclusion and rejection of the other, a group of opposition from the Council of Istanbul who are in Cairo beat and threw eggs and tomatoes on a delegation representing the Coordination Body of the forces of democratic change in Syria to the Arab League headquarters in Cairo and banned him from entering the headquarters to meet with Secretary-General and to reject its members to intervene foreign in Syria.
A number of members of the group that has attacked they attacked members of the delegation because it does not reflect their demands calling for the call outside interference in Syria and the internationalization of the situation and impose an air embargo on Syria.
Said Hassan Abdel Azim, a comment on the assault against the delegation accompanying him by the opposition, representing the Council of Istanbul We reject exclusion and one of the factions of the opposition Baqsaúna and prevent us from expressing our position because we refuse to direct military intervention.
The members of the delegation after the attack could not have access to the headquarters of the Arab League with the exception of Hassan Abdel Azim, who managed to enter and interview the Arab, while the rest are returned Michel Kilo and Haitham Manna and the benefit to the Muslim place of residence.
متظاهرون سوريون يمنعون وفد من معارضة الداخل من دخول مقر الجامعة العربية في القاهرة
Syrian protesters prevented a delegation of the opposition from entering inside the Arab League headquarters in Cairo
Wednesday - November 9 - 2011 - 12:36:55
The Syrian delegation in Cairo to prevent the entry of the Syrian opposition the Arab League headquarters in Damascus, after he made as human shields in front of the gates.
He was a delegation from the opposition inside the representative of the national coordinating body and current building the Syrian state has Hassan Abdel Azim and Abdulaziz good and Raja Nasir and Bassam King and in favor of Muslim and Ahmed Fayez Fawaz and Louay Hussein and abroad Haytham Manna, Samir Aita and Munther Halloumi and firm the day, to join the meeting opposition Michel Kilo, went Wednesday to Cairo at the invitation from the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Nabil el-Arabi.
The call and the Arab in the context of preparations for a national dialogue that brings together all the spectra of the Syrian opposition and the Syrian regime in the framework of the Arab initiative, which is trying to find a formula to get out of the Syrian crisis.
And local media said that the Syrian demonstrators in front of the headquarters of the Arab League delegation members threw eggs at the Syrian opposition, demanding the Arab League to freeze the membership of Syria and the Syrian file to refer to the Security Council to "impose an air embargo on Syria and the protection of civilians."
And the "National Council" the Syrian said that he refuses to dialogue with the Syrian regime, calling for international intervention, at a time when the internal opposition find a way out of the crisis by peaceful means Syrian bloodshed, and rejecting all forms of Western intervention.
" العربي " يأسف للاعتداء على وفد المعارضة السوري في القاهرة و يلتقي " عبد العظيم "
"Arab" deplores the attack on the Syrian opposition delegation in Cairo and meet, "Abdel-Azim"
Wednesday - November 9 - 2011 - 15:05:20
Nabil Arab League Secretary General of Arab States, expressed regret for the attack in which he was a delegation of the Syrian opposition inside in front of the headquarters of the Arab League by the opposition opposed them regard them as "collaborators with the Syrian regime."
He said the Arab press conference held on Wednesday, "It happened for the use of violence, I do not know the cause, and we regret to attack them," explaining that he had met Syrian opposition Hassan Abdel Azim, general coordinator of the national coordinating body to the forces of democratic change.
He said the Arab, that "the Arab League meets every Syrian dissidents at home and abroad and has already met several times with representatives of the Syrian National Council," noting that "the Arab League mandated to do so by the Council of Arab Foreign Ministers."
In response to a question about "on what basis was the delegation of the opposition, especially that the protesters in front of the Arab League accused the delegation that coordinates with the Syrian regime," said the Arab, "the right to say anything, as well as Hassan Abdul Azim Personal Syria has a long history and is entitled to Iltqana. "
He reiterated that the Arab League expensive to meet the Syrian opposition, said: "Any person of the Syrian opposition asked the meeting, meet him, and met all opponents abroad," adding that the Arab League general secretariat to implement the decisions in their entirety.
"The Arab Plan of Action states that take several steps, which is in contact with Damascus and with the opposition and a large number of Arab countries .. where do I contact now large number of Arab foreign ministers, and will be a meeting next Saturday to assess the situation from all aspects, and through available to the Arab League information, and meetings with the Syrian opposition for this purpose. "
In response to a question about the Syrian regime did not withdraw the tanks so far, said the Arab, "all these things will be put to the next Ministerial Council."
On the possibility to freeze the membership of Syria, the Arab said, "Any proposal by a State will be put to the Council of Ministers."
And on the message and the Syrian foreign minister demanded that the Arab League to respond to the U.S. side, the Arab said, "The message from the Syrian side benefit was that they expect to respond to the Arab League statement on the U.S. State Department spokesman, who calls on insurgents to the Syrians not to hand over their weapons."
He said the Arab, "that the United States is not a member of the Arab League and we do not like it, and we appealed to all parties to give an opportunity for the Arab initiative."
It is noteworthy that a delegation of the opposition inside annexation of Hassan Abdel Azim and Samir Aita and Reem Turkmen and Louay Hussein and Munther Halloumi and firm the day and Michel Kilo went to the headquarters of the Arab League to meet the noble Arab and ran in front of the Arab League protestors Syrians, accusing them of being agents of the Syrian regime and attacked them as led to the withdrawal of most of the members of the delegation
الجامعة العربية: إجراءات جديدة ضد النظام السوري في الاجتماع الطارئ
Arab League: new measures against the Syrian regime in the emergency meeting
Muhammad Shaeer, capitals - and the news agencies:
(al-Ahram) learned that the Arab League informed the Syrian National Council (SNC) opposition led by Dr. Burhan Ghaliyoun that will take new measures against the Syrian regime in the emergency meeting of Arab foreign ministers on Saturday.
In the light of the lack of commitment to the implementation of the provisions of Arab Plan of Action that was agreed upon as being prepared for a meeting between the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Dr. Nabil el-Arabi and the President of the National Council, Dr. Burhan Ghaliyoun or a delegation representing the Council during the two days before the meeting of Foreign Ministers, note that the Council shall inform the Arab League now-you-go with detailed statements about what is happening on the ground in Syria, and the numbers of victims and the injured, especially in Homs requested by the City Council declared a disaster.
A member of the Secretariat of the Syrian National Council Jabr al-Shoufi told (al-Ahram) that there is sustained movement of the members of the Executive Office of the Council, and delegations will go in different directions in the coming period to explain the Syrian issue, revealing the facts about what the Syrian regime is doing against its own people. He added that we do not want to anticipate events on what can be the result of the meeting of Arab foreign ministers, but the National Council asked the Arab League to freeze the membership of Syria and the recognition of the Council of the Arab League and have an active role in the issue of civil protection of the citizens.
In response to a question on what can benefit the Syrian Revolution as a result of freezing the membership of the regime in the Arab League, al-Shoufi said the freeze is to request a moral is important because if it happens, it means that Arab countries have lifted the lid on the Syrian regime, and placed in a corner of the illegal regime that harasses a people, and there will be a significant impact on the international level, and allow States to intervene to provide civil protection to citizens.
(a paragraph about US, EU, incidents in Homs omitted)
In Ankara, Ershid Hormozlo political adviser to the Turkish President confirmed that the Turkish government has taken certain measures to protect civilians in Syria, and to limit transfer of weapons that can be used against civilians to the Syrian territories. Hormozlo in an interview reported Al-Arabiya news yesterday, excerpts of which the ability to take action exist, but the cover is important, he said, adding that there is action taken by the international community and will abide by all countries, including Turkey, stressing that it was providing humanitarian assistance to displaced Syrians to Turkish territory.
(Reaction from Germany omitted)
لافروف و داود أوغلو يبحثان مع العربي آخر التطورات في الشأن السوري
Lavrov and Davutoglu discuss with the latest developments in the Arab Syrian affairs
Wednesday - November 9 - 2011 - 14:34:38
(Paragraphs on Russia omitted. See "Nov 9 International" for Russia-Arab League relations.)
In the same vein, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu studied with al-Arabi by telephone over the situation in Syria as well.
The Turkish Foreign Ministry sources said on Wednesday that al-Arabi briefed Davutoglu, through telephone contact with the Turkish minister, the latest developments in Syria.
It is noteworthy that the Arab League is still pursuing its functions in order to find a solution to the crisis, the Syrian, by inviting the parties to the dialogue.
العربي يأسف لتعرض وفد المعارضة السورية الداخلية للاعتداء وعبد العظيم يؤكد تأييدها لاسقاط النظام
Arab delegation regrets that the Syria's domestic oppositions were assaulted; Abdel-Azim confirms his support to overthrow the regime
09.11.2011 21:08
The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Nabil al-Arabi, regrets for the attack in which a delegation from the Syrian domestic opposition in front of the Arab League were assaulted by other dissidents regarded as a collaborator with the Syrian regime.
al-Arabi said in the news conference on Wednesday, November 9 that he had met Hassan Abdel Azim, general coordinator of the national coordinating body to the forces of democratic change, he said, adding that "use of violence has happened I do not know the cause, and we regret to attack them."
It was about a hundred Syrian protesters gathered in front of the Arab League headquarters in Cairo on Wednesday and threw eggs on the delegation of the Syrian domestic opposition accusing them of secretly working for the benefit of President Bashar al-Assad, and got some fist fighting. It was scheduled to meet with the delegation, composed of four people with Nabil al-Arabi.
One protester said: "This is a false opposition one hundred percent, they want a dialogue for the regime and its survival."
He added: "We took eggs on these traitors and got away .. We do not want negotiations with the Syrian regime, we demand to bring down the regime."
And Hassan Abdel Azim of the Syrian delegation barely managed to escape the Syrian protesters in front of the Arab League and succeeded in entering to meet al-Arabi while forcing the rest of the members of the delegation, including activist Haytham Mannaa of parting after being pelted with eggs and tomatoes.
al-Arabi said during the conference that "the Arab League meets all the Syrian opposition inside and outside, and already more than once I met with representatives of the Syrian National Council."
In response to a question about the way it was on the basis of selection of members of the delegation of the opposition, especially the sit-Syrian front of the Arab League accused the delegation that coordinates with the Syrian regime, said al-Arabi, "the right to say anything, as well as Hassan Abdul Azim Personal Syria has a long history and the right to Iltqana. "
"The Arab Plan of Action states that take several steps," and he was in contact with Damascus and with the opposition and a large number of Arab countries, where the contact today by a large number of Arab foreign ministers, and will be a meeting next Saturday to assess the situation from all aspects, and through available to the Arab League information, and meetings with the Syrian opposition for this purpose.
With regard to the possibility of freezing the membership of Syria, he said that "any proposal submitted by the State will be put to the Council of Ministers."
Also discussed Nabil al-Arabi to demand Syrian Foreign Minister of the Arab League to respond to the American side the instigator of the non-delivery of the gunmen themselves, saying that "the message from the Syrian side, stating that they were expected to respond to the Arab League statement, the US State Department spokesman, who calls on Syrian insurgents not to surrender themselves and their weapons, but the United States is not a member of the Arab League and we do not like it, and we appealed to all parties to give an opportunity for the Arab initiative. "
Hassan Abdel-Azim opposition working at home refuses military intervention in Syria, but it supports the overthrow of the regime
In turn, General Coordinator of the national coordinating body for the Syrian opposition inside Hassan Abdel Azim, that "the body that work inside Syria rejects foreign military intervention, but it supports the overthrow of the Syrian regime with all supporting infrastructure and end the tyranny."
Asked Hassan Abdel Azim, following his meeting with Arab Arab League to send observers, Arab and international as well as to Syria, stressing that "the Syrian revolution a peaceful revolution."
And Abdel Azim rejected accusations by some opposition parties of the Syrian delegation that represents the uncompromising opposition to the regime, calling the accusations nonsense, justified the attack on members of the delegation of the internal opposition "because they reject the foreign interference."
He said: "We have asked the Arab League not to give a new deadline of the regime doubles the repression and murder, but must provide mechanisms for protection from killing and repression, arrests and torture by sending observers, Arab and international and open to human rights organizations, humanitarian and Arab media and international visits Syria to know that this revolution What a peaceful and committed the killing will not break the Syrian people. "
And Abdel-Azim from his position about the call to freeze the membership of Syria in the Arab League, saying: "Before freezing we want from the Arab League to exercise its role, and before I came to the Secretary-General met with ten ambassadors, and even China and Russia call for upholding the initiative of the Arab League, but this initiative, if not accompanied means the protection of the revolution and youth will be a danger to the revolution. "
He added: "We are working with national responsibility for the protection of high revolution and young people, and we want to make sure the observers and the media as a peaceful revolution and provide a means of protection without the end it comes to foreign military intervention."
He stressed: "We want to oppose the national production of a national system includes all democratic communities of Syrian society, and reject exclusion, and some want to Aqsaúna we reject foreign interference."
Source: Agencies
News Analysis: Arab initiative at stake as violence carries on in Syria
English.news.cn 2011-11-10 00:44:01
DAMASCUS, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) --
George Jabbour, a political analyst, expressed his optimism about the Arab deal "despite the difficulties it has faced," telling Xinhua that the plan is the most suitable of all the proposals that have been discussed.
He said that "Syria has implemented some of the plan by releasing a number of detainees and promised to pull its army from streets except for Homs that is witnessing a disturbing security situation."
In a goodwill signal, the Syrian government released last Saturday a total of 553 prisoners arrested during the seven-month- old unrest on the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha.
Jabbour said "those who brandish weapons and insist on using it coerce the Syrian army to use weapons as well" and that "ceasing violence should be applied by all parties."
On the opposition side, Loai Hussain, a Damascus-based opponent, told Xinhua that Syrian authorities evaded implementing the Arab initiative, suggesting that the regime is trying to "gain time only."
He pointed out the violence has not been halted yet, army troops are still in cities, and that the detainees have not all been released yet.
The division among the opposition over the initiative also complicated the issue. While opposition at home sees the initiative as the sole solution to end the crisis, opposition abroad rejects it and urges the international community to protect the Syrians.
According to a UN statement published on Tuesday, at least 3,500 people have been killed since the outbreak of the unrest in Syria.
Aoun: Syrian Crisis is Over, Another One-Way Ticket Awaits Hariri when he Returns
by Naharnet Newsdesk
08 November 2011, 16:59
Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun stated on Tuesday that another one-way ticket awaits former Prime Minister Saad Hariri if he returns to Lebanon, noting that the Syrian crisis is over.
He said after the Change and Reform bloc's weekly meeting: "He can say whatever he wants. Who asked him not to return? There is another type of one-way ticket if he wants to return to Lebanon and he knows it."
Addressing the reporters at his press conference, the MP said: "Next Tuesday you will tell me if the crisis in Syria has persisted. I believe that it is over."
On U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton's statements that the U.S. administration is prepared to cooperate with Islamists in Tunisia and whether that poses a threat to Christians, Aoun noted: "Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea spoke of Sunni-Shiite strife and attempts to thwart the Iranian ambitions in the area. The Christians are part of those attempts and the naturalization of Palestinians will force them to leave the country."
"Is Clinton laughing at us? They oversimplify matters and if they really understood them, they would not have entered Iraq and Afghanistan," he continued.
"The U.S. is incapable of settling the conflict in Afghanistan, Iraq, and North Korea," he added.
"Israel will fail after the July 2006 war and once the U.S. launches a war, it fails," he noted.
"What is preventing them from striking a truce in Syria and then igniting the conflict all over again?" Aoun wondered.
Indirectly addressing Hariri, Aoun said: "Whoever is waiting to return to Lebanon after the collapse of the Syrian regime will have to wait a long time for this to happen."
On the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, he stated: "I am not a slave for Europe or the United States."
"We will not fund the STL as long as our questions on it to U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon and others remain unanswered," the FPM leader remarked.
Addressing demands for Hizbullah to lay down its arms, the MP said: "Once the army is granted autonomy then they may request the party to lay down its weapons, not the other way around."
حاكم مصرف لبنان: تأثرنا بشكل مقبول من الأحداث في سورية
Governor of the Bank of Lebanon: (negative) effect from the Syrian events acceptable
09.11.2011 12:25
Guest of this episode of "modern day" is the Bank of Lebanon Governor Riyad Salameh and dealing with the repercussions of the Syrian crisis on the Lebanese economy.
Riyad Salameh said that the Arab world adversely affected by developments included the countries that have not been revolutions at home was reflected on the work of the stock exchanges and the flow of investments. Lebanon, in turn influenced by the events of Syria that links them and business relationships are important - and declared that - as the movement of people down and also wildlife tourism.
And adds the safety of the Lebanese banking sector, he has 6 banks operating in Syria that are affected because there is a decline in the movement of the banks and the amount of financial transactions, but generally describes the governor of the Bank of Lebanon, the damage that it is acceptable because the growth in Lebanon this year's record of 2% which is acceptable not turn into a crisis.
The rejection of the safety information for smuggling money to Syria, Lebanese banks consider that the information as inaccurate, noting that the growth in deposits this year is less than last year. He also added an episode that there is no freezing of the accounts of Syria, because that is the prerogative of the Special Body of the Bank of Lebanon has not taken any decision to do so. In general, it needs binding decisions of the Security Council, but no sanctions so far.
Syria apologises to Lebanon over incursions: presidency
November 09, 2011 04:37 PM
Agence France Presse
BEIRUT: Syria has apologized to Lebanon over repeated border violations and has vowed to respect its neighbour's independence and sovereignty, Lebanese President Michel Sulaiman's office told AFP Wednesday.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, an official in the presidency confirmed reports Sulaiman had raised the border violations with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and that security officials in both countries had discussed the matter.
According to Al-Liwaa newspaper, Sulaiman in an interview said he had personally spoken with Assad on the repeated cross-border incursions and that "Syria had expressed regret for the unintended violations", vowing they would not be repeated.
Sulaiman also confirmed the Syrian army had planted mines along the border with Lebanon to prevent smuggling and infiltration.
Tension along Lebanon's border with Syria has mounted since the outbreak of the revolt against Assad's regime that has left more than 3,500 people dead according to the United Nations.
The brutal crackdown against the uprising has prompted some 5,000 Syrians to seek refuge in Lebanon, among them defecting soldiers and opposition activists.
Syria has staged a number of incursions into Lebanon in recent weeks that have left three Syrians dead.
The Lebanese government, which is dominated by the Syrian-backed Hezbollah and its allies, has largely stayed mum on the border violations, prompting fierce criticism by the Western-backed opposition.
Lebanese authorities have also come under attack over the disappearance of a number of Syrian opposition figures in Lebanon.
Prime Minister Najib Mikati last week acknowledged Syrian opposition figures had been kidnapped in Lebanon, but he downplayed the abductions as isolated incidents.
Syria has traditionally held sway in Lebanese politics but it was forced to withdraw its troops from its smaller neighbour in 2005 following a 29-year presence.
نصري خوري : الحكومة السورية طلبت تطبيق القانون على جميع السوريين بلبنان
Nasri Khoury: Syrian government has asked law enforcement to all Syrians in Lebanon
Wednesday - November 9 - 2011 - 12:06:43
The Secretary-General of the Supreme Syrian-Lebanese Council Nasri Khoury said that "the transfer of wishing for Syria to the Lebanese government that the law applies to all Syrians in Lebanon, both groups in support or opposition to the Syrian regime," explaining that "there are some groups that want to make Lebanon a platform to hurt Syria ".
Khoury explained that he "never heard of the Lebanese state, it accepted the right of political asylum to any Syrian opposition."
And saw that "the subject of treason, employment has become a point of view in Lebanon," adding that "there is smuggling weapons to Syria, among others," pointing out that "the issue between the countries are not processed through the media."
Khoury called on, in an interview with "al-Jadeedah" channel of Lebanon that "there is a count actual refugee Syrians, if they were refugees and were not involved," explaining that "the Syrian refugees who have returned from Turkey were not subjected to any accountability," adding that "there is more than a thousand cases were recorded and submitted to the Lebanese government of hitting and killing and the prevention of hospital admissions for the Syrians in the earlier periods under the pretext of lack of jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health. "
Khoury said that "he entered the area in border dispute between Lebanon and Syria," pointing out that "there is an attack on the army to ease the grip on the border to smuggle weapons across the border."
Sulaiman confirms Syria mined its border with Lebanon
November 09, 2011 12:29 PM
The Daily Star
BEIRUT: President Michel Sulaiman confirmed that the Syrian army has planted mines along its border with Lebanon, Wednesday's Al-Liwaa reported, adding that the neighboring country has apologized for repeated border violations.
In an interview with the daily paper, Sulaiman said “high level talks took place [between the two countries] and Syria expressed regret for the unintended violations... noting that Syrians fulfilled their promises to respect Lebanon's independence and sovereignty and planted mines along the border to prevent infiltration and smuggling."
He said Syria had vowed not to repeat such violations.
Local officials have said that the Syrian army has planted mines along its border with Lebanon in a bid to prevent arms smuggling and Syrian dissidents from crossing into their neighboring country. There has not been an official confirmation from the government regarding the anti-personnel mines, but one Syrian man has reportedly been wounded inside Syria as a result of the mines.
Following reports about the activity, activists with the International Campaign to Ban Landmines last week condemned the mining, describing it as an inappropriate activity in civilian populated areas.
Since the start of the anti-government uprising in Syria, the Lebanese and Syria armies have taken measures to control the poorly demarcated border between the two countries. The measures have contributed to the decline of the Syrian refugee influx into Lebanon.
The Syrian army has also crossed into Lebanon on several occasions in what Syria says is part of its hunt for dissidents. Many lawmakers have criticized the Lebanese government for not condemning the repeated incursions which have resulted in the death of one Lebanese man.
الراعي: سئمنا الانقسامات ولبنان بأمس الحاجة إلى مواطنين مخلصين
al-Ra'i: fed up with divisions, Lebanon, in dire need of loyal citizens
Nov 8, 2011 - 5:50:00 AM
The Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Butrus al-Ra'i today in Bkirki a delegation of high school students of St. Anthony of Antonines Sisters - Khalidiya in Zgharta headed sister Rula Karam, and said to them: "You are the guarantee for the future in our lives, the Lebanese, because the future of peoples and nations, youth, family and community in the hands of the implants, please in the hearts of future generations and hope in life. So I salute the school and family education where, and echo them that the future of the family in Lebanon and the future of the Lebanese society and the nation is in yours you Dear teachers, Thank you for you cultivate what we guarantee the future of our lives. "
He added: "You dear students say, and through you to all our students in Khalidiya, every school in Lebanon, days school Taeshunha day will not come back again, and the row that studying it these days will not be back yet again, so I invite you to take advantage of this days to secure your future, because you are in this age Tsmon your future and the future of our families and our society. Vohlkm sacrifice everything to have you in the best schools and cultures and the best means shall ye attain a better education. "
He saluted the administration, teachers and staff at the school, and thanked them what Abzloh of effort, "said:" No one can build communities, but who has in his hand, education, and are in desperate need to raise a real, pure, no inclination nor colors, and what brings us together is rights, citizenship and all the rest other. In the diverse religions, and in our communities are diverse, and all of us in his diverse, but the beauty of what brings us together as Lebanese are Lebanese citizenship and humanity as a human being. "
And went to the faculty and through them all the educational bodies in all schools: "The truth is in yours, you are today you do to raise generations is correct, it can get out what we experience today in Lebanon. We are tired of what is happening in Lebanon from the divisions, so I invite you to build a real man The humanitarian and citizenship education on the side of science, ethics and education.
In conclusion, al-Ra'i: "Lebanon is in dire need of loyal citizens, intellectuals, have morals, and to the man enjoy his humanity real, because it outlines our society is the human rights which, if the man his humanity has it all, man is the man in the dimensions of humanity and the moral, spiritual, social and national . Christ taught us to love all people, and I will be a man unless he is in my heart all the love for all people, regardless no hatred or rancor. so we know Jesus Christ, and so we must be to complete our Christianity. "
The visitors also Bkirki MP Sheikh Boutros Harb and his wife, President-General of the Maronite Sisters of Mary, Father Peter and Father Paul Torbay and Shaikh Fahad Sarkis Elias Sarkis Valsadh wife Janet kidnapped Peter Khawand.
جعجع دعا بعد لقائه السفير الروسي رئيسي الجمهورية والحكومة الى التدخل لإيقاف عمليات اختطاف المعارضين السوريين من لبنان
Geagea called after his meeting with the Russian ambassador President of the Republic and the government to intervene to stop the abductions of opposition to the Syrians from Lebanon
Nov 8, 2011 - 11:20:42 AM
Russian Ambassador
In turn, the Russian ambassador to Russia's support for the direction of the Arab peoples to freedom and democracy, even if it is passing through difficult circumstances, noting that "Russia is seeking to transform the military confrontation to the process of political dialogue."
He stressed that "Moscow supported the plan to the Arab League to hand the situation in Syria and calls for their application as soon as possible so things are moving toward dialogue between the authorities and the opposition."
While expressing "the importance of giving priority to security and stability in Lebanon and to eliminate what is happening in Syria," Sasbekean renewed his country's position in support of pro-and the Court and international legitimacy, "hoping" to promote efforts in finding a solution for funding. "
The positive values of the call to resume the national dialogue in Lebanon as it is a constructive step.
In response to a question, new Sasbekean emphasis on the need for Syria to eliminate the Arab League initiative, pointing out that "the Syrian regime before and recently completed some steps, so surprised to talk about the unresponsiveness of the system have, as the success depends not only on Russia and the Syrian regime, but further away to the extent response of the Syrian opposition with it. "
Jumblat Calls for Preserving Rights of Syrian Activists in Lebanon
by Naharnet Newsdesk
09 November 2011, 16:21
Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat condemned on Wednesday the kidnapping of Syrian opposition members in Lebanon, wondering if Lebanon is facing a new phase of the “infamous" security hegemony that controlled the country in the past.
He said in a statement: “All Syrian activists have the right to express their opinions freely without being subject to any harassment or pressure from any side."
He questioned the credibility of reports on the abduction of 13 Syrians in Lebanon, while the fate of the Jassem brothers, Shebli al-Aysami, and others remains unknown.
“The PSP asserts the right for political asylum as stipulated in the Lebanese constitution and laws, which calls for respecting the freedom of political expression in accordance with Lebanon's historic role as a country that protects diversity and freedoms," the MP stressed.
Furthermore, Jumblat renewed the party's “absolute" rejection of using Lebanon for any actions that may harm Syria's security and stability.
“The party confirms its commitment to the army's great national role in confronting Israel, but it also plays a role in maintaining the country's borders and it is necessary to keep it out of the conflict in Syria and remain focused on Lebanon's internal stability and security," he noted.
The four Jassem brothers were abducted from outside the Baabda Serail earlier this year.
Internal Security Forces investigations said that the head of the Syrian Embassy guard unit, First Lt. Salah Hajj, was the ringleader of the group that abducted the brothers.
In October, ISF chief Ashraf Rifi told the parliamentary human rights committee that the ISF had "dangerous information" linking the Syrian Embassy to the disappearance of Syrian opposition member Shebli al-Aisamy in Aley in May.
But Syrian Ambassador Ali Abdul Karim Ali denied any involvement and challenged Rifi to provide evidence.
صحيفة الوطن العمانية تحذر من مخططات الغرب إزاء سورية
Omani Newspaper Warns Against Western Schemes and Intentions Against Syria
Nov 09, 2011
MUSCAT, SANA _ Omani 'al-Watan' newspaper has warned against western suspicious intentions and schemes in dealing with the Syrian crisis, affirming the absolute rejection of the western interference in the Syrian affair.
" The way of outside interference raisers doubts and stresses that there are parties working on exploiting the ongoing events to pass special schemes were not to pass in the past," the paper said Wednesday in its editorial entitled" Syria and the required Arab stance."
Al-Watan pointed out to the role of Damascus in blocking the US-Israeli projects in the region, including the so-called Greater Middle East.
" Plans of Washington, Paris, London and other western capitals were unveiled by the US administration's calls on the gunmen in Syria not to believe the amnesty announced by the Syrian Interior Ministry," the paper said.
It called on the Arab League to work, in its meeting next Saturday, to adopt positions that help find an outlet for the crisis that safeguards Syria.
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