سورية والانسحاب الأمريكي من العراق
Syria and the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq
al-Baath, its cache
By: d. Turki Saqr
Saturday, November 5, 2011 15:26
The success of the United States to pass the issue of the Ambassador and the Iranian nuclear dossier in the Security Council in the middle of this month, will increase the heat of the situation in the region to impose a solution either through a settlement seems landmarks blurred view of the conflict of my agenda both sides, "America on the one hand and Iran and Syria on the other."
But towards the creation of conditions for the inevitable confrontation between the parties after the increase of the screws on Iran and Syria, international sanctions and political siege at all levels.
Engage in military confrontation between the two may be unlikely in the near horizon, given the economic and military factors that control the region and the world at this critical stage, but he should not rule out various possibilities, because there is a worrying possibility that America and the West will rage a devastating war against Iran Syria in a hope to resume the sick economies, and then get out of their crisis by opening the "fronts" to spend in the new crafting of the geo-political situation in the region in accordance with their common interests ... But the events that have passed and the invasion of Iraq in particular, showed that the accounts of the field do not match with the accounts of the threshing floor in most cases ..
الأبعاد الجيو - سياسية للأزمة السورية
Geo-political dimensions of the Syrian crisis (Why Russia and China cannot lose Syria)
al-Baath, its cache
Nader Ezzeddine - Al-Manar
Saturday, November 5, 2011 14:43
There are many theories and facts that were put on the real dimensions of the crisis the Syrian continued for nearly eight months, and despite the fact that much of what was told yesterday, one way or another sides of truth, but it remained incomplete because of the multiple aspects of the conflict in Syria and the entire region on the one hand, and the complexity of files and overlapping the other.
Among the aspects we're talking about "geo-dimensional - Syrian political crisis", these dimensions should have been lighting it since the beginning of the crisis seriously because of their importance, and in a meeting with a professor of international relations, Dr. Jamal Wakim at the site of electronic al-Manar confirmed. Wakim that what was called Arab Spring is in part in part an attempt of spring to renew the tools of American hegemony on the region to achieve several strategic objectives, when the Cold War ended in the early nineties of the last year, placed instructions to redraw international relations from the Middle East, because the importance of this region is that it sets the pattern of power relations based on the international level. Since the dawn of history was a cross roads of trade in this region. With reference to the Near East in the three forces are effective Egypt, Turkey, and Iraq, which is integrated with Iran as one geo-strategic range, whose center is "the land of Levant" or Syria, that link between these three forces.
When the recent signs of "Arab spring" started, the United States entered on-line reorganization of its plan to control the Middle East, stretching from the borders of China in the east to the shores of the Atlantic westward in order to achieve several objectives, the first tightening to dominate Europe through isolated primarily from Africa and what role independently, in addition to isolate any independent role for rapprochement with Russia, secondly and most importantly is to prevent the coalition forces land of China and Russia to reach the Eastern Mediterranean on the one hand and access to the Indian Ocean on the other and thus control of this area aims to achieve this strategic goal . If we turn to what happened in the past decade after the invasion of Iraq, the escalation of the Iraqi resistance on the one hand and the success of the resistance in Lebanon against the Israeli enemy and the success of Hamas in breaking the siege in the Gaza Strip, we conclude that all these factors led to giving momentum of resistance and weaken the U.S. project in the region, he should be given a new impetus through the re-creation of the center of the so-called axis of moderate Arab capitals composed of two Riyadh and Cairo to encounter the so-called Iranian expansionism, since Iran has been supportive of Syria and the resistance in Lebanon and Palestine.
In commenting on the subject Dr. Wakim that the axis of moderate stresses the Arab failure in the confrontation required of it, was obliged to introduce a new force on the line to strengthen this axis, represented by the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Turkey. When we read Ahmet Davutoglu in his book "strategic depth", we find it says quite frankly, that Turkey should play a role that is not inconsistent with the U.S. role and the role of the western region, and Turkey must conform with the U.S. strategy in the Balkans and the Caucasus, the Levant, but (at the same time) Turkish role he must pass through the "the land of the Levant", ie, Syria. The integration of this also with the concept of European security depends on the isolation of Asia on the shores of the Mediterranean, Asia here is Islam, both Sunni and Shiite, and so combined efforts of the three for trying to overthrow the regime of President Bashar al-Assad as to ensure a civil war lead to the division of Syria into three bands at a minimum:
- The coastal zone will isolate the Sunnis and Shi'ites from its access to the Mediterranean Sea
- The Sunni zone in the north is a subordinate to Turkey so as to ensure its strategic depth, which talked about Ahmet Davutoglu
- Southeastern area under Saudi influence in an indirectly way
As for the chances of success of the American project in the absolute dominance over the territory of the Levant, it is believed Dr. Jamal Wakim it improbable, if not impossible, for many reasons. In the first class, who cannot compromise on this issue are Russia and China, and Iran come in the second degree. It is true that the Islamic Republic is not in their interest to never fall of the Assad regime, but they can adapt to the loss of Syria in case this happens through the insulation itself in its territory. The historically back to the days of Sassanid and Parthians before them, we see that both tried to rush to the eastern Mediterranean and the failure more than once, particularly the Greeks and Romans, and so did the Safavids the Ottoman state was always stopped by. Overall, Iran has a tendency to autism, ran into trouble when the situation to explode inside Iran and not to the outside. If, contrary to rumors, Iran affected to a lesser degree from Russia and China in the event of the fall of the Syrian regime.
As for Russia and China, they will suffer unbearable loss of this region definitely and historically, too. Russia was the feel that they have the depth to the mainland Asian protects her back at any conflict with the mainland of Europe, and Russia is this depth Asian backyard provide it with the bulk of protection, we can note that Russia's loss of the Cold War did not come as a result of the closure of Europe in her face or close the south-east Asia, but rather a result of declining role in the Middle East, and from this point Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1969 that on the banks of the Suez decide the fate of the world, and he was right in saying In World War II, when pushed Hitler to the rear of wild Eurasian discovered that if he took even Moscow will not benefit anything donating his attack from the heart of Russia to the parties that is, to the nearest point of convergence for Russia with the Middle East such as Stalingrad and the Caucasus regions to try to circumvent the depth of the Russian and beatings in the back garden. America also cannot achieve this victory only after the exit of Egypt from the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the siege imposed on Syria in the eighties. Here, we conclude that the loss of Syria, the last foothold of Moscow in the Middle East, Turkey will play the role that the U.S. is required to beat deep in the Caucasus and the republics of Central Asia.
As for China, it cannot lose Syria, either, where it cannot be any great power to establish methods of communication; global trade under the hegemony of another power. Dr. Wakim explains for linking China and Russia, pointing out that out of China across the sea is governed by a coalition naval force made up of a group of islands to the United States, from Japan to Taiwan to the Philippines to Malaysia to Indonesia, all these are the coalition forces linked to America, and thus out of China to the Pacific Ocean is difficult. China and the south is also governed by coalition forces of the United States from Burma to Thailand to Vietnam, which became associated with capital-American in addition to India. And therefore it has become out of China to the world confined to the Middle East, and if Syria fell, this means that the Middle East closed in relation to China, with reference to the structure of China's industries necessitate the access to primary resources in the world in terms of a need to access to international trade routes because of its industrial structure On the other hand. We can never forget the excitement and Washington to the problems in China between the "Han" and "Uighur" When America was about to controll the area from the borders of China in the east to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Thus, China and Russia are not on board the loss of Syria and its transition fully to the other side, or the diving board with the U.S. administration in the negotiations which do not help, to say the least that is a negotiation to determine their execution in a way ... Execution by a gun? On an electric chair? Hung in public squares? Or cut off heads on the way some of the Syrian opposition?!
بطريركية انطاكية للروم الأرثوذكس: سورية ستبقى صورة للتآخي
Patriarchate of Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch : Syria will remain a picture of the Sisterhood
November 5, 2011
Damascus, (SANA) -
The Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East for Roman Catholics called on the Arab nation and sounds good in the world to continue to stand true and work to end the moral conspiracy on Syria and its people.
The Patriarchate stressed in a statement on the occasion of Eid al-Adha that Syria remains an image in Muslim-Christian brotherhood, pointing out that Syria will remain and will remain in the Arab identity of the nation's heart.
The Patriarchate expressed the hope that peace hangs on Syria under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad.
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