
Hypocrisy or even blatant lie of the European Parliament

This is the latest press release by the European Parliament.

Parliament stands up for Christians in Egypt and Syria
External relations − 27-10-2011 - 14:25
Plenary sessions

MEPs strongly condemn the killing of peaceful protesters in Egypt and Syria and call on both countries' authorities to protect Christian communities, in a resolution passed on Thursday.

The resolution on the situation in Egypt and Syria, in particular of Christian communities, was adopted by a show of hands.

Egypt (omitted)


MEPs are also deeply concerned about the situation of Christians in Syria. The resolution notes that thousands of Iraqi Christians went to Syria to escape targeted violence in Iraq. Nevertheless, the Christian population in Syria may have dropped from 10% to 8% of the total.

Parliament condemns actions inciting inter-confessional conflict, urges Syrian authorities to provide reliable and efficient protection for the Christian communities, and expresses support for Christians in the country.

It also condemns the brutal use of force by Syrian authorities against protesters, pro-democracy activists, human rights defenders, journalists, and medical personnel, and reiterates that President Bashar al-Assad and his regime must relinquish power immediately.

Finally, MEPs believe that the EU should further encourage and support the emergence of organised Syrian democratic opposition forces both within and outside the country.

REF. : 20111027IPR30446

(my comment)
Those who are inciting inter-confessional conflict are the Muslim Brotherhood, especially extremist faction in exile who have connection with western intelligence services.

MEPs condemn the Syrian government about the fall of Christian populations. But it is the French president Sarkozy who said that all the Christians in the Middle East should abandon their birthplaces and emigrate to the EU.

(Read original in Arabic, its cache)

"the French president told the Patriarch Beshara Rai during a meeting earlier this month that there is no room for Christians in the Levant and that the best solution would be for them to move to the European Union"

"Given that there are 1.3 million Christians in Lebanon and 1.5 million in Syria, why don't Christians move to Europe, since Europe has absorbed 2 million Christian immigrants from Iraq?"

Sarkozy's remarks infuriated the Maronite Patriarch. (part 2)

People emigrate when the society is unstable and/or when they don't find jobs locally. Therefore if the European Parliament really hopes to keep the Christian share in the Syrian population, it is natural for them to help Syria with economic development. But actually they are doing the completely opposite.

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