من يملك الاستثمارات الأجنبية في سورية؟...8.32% سوريون و8.8 أردنيون و7.6 عراقيون
Who owns the foreign investment in Syria? ... 32.8% Syrian and 8.8 Jordanian, and Iraqi 7.6
Results of Survey on Investment Projects in 2009 Announced
Oct 26, 2011
Announced that the Syrian Investment Agency released the results of a survey on foreign investment projects in Syria in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme «project to improve the investment environment in Syria» and the Central Bureau of Statistics for the year 2009 as the number of projects which applied for the survey to 195 facilities for foreign direct investment.
In a statement to «alwatan.sy», said the director of the Syrian Investment Ahmed Diab: This project has secured a large number of employment opportunities will be published soon in detail, pointing out that investment in the agricultural sector occupied an important place and extensive investments, which included and will be reported on the number of Almhml and port them for years straight and not private in 2009 only.
The results of the survey that most of the projects were concentrated in the provinces of Damascus and Aleppo and Damascus countryside by 63.6 percent of the total number of projects for the year 2009, including 31.8 percent in Damascus and Aleppo in the 15.4 percent and 16.3 percent in rural Damascus.
The distribution of enterprises by economic activity, manufacturing activity had a higher proportion of the number of projects and reached to 44.1 percent, and projects were distributed according to the nationality of the investor projects by 536.5 percent of Syria. And 8.6 percent for Lebanese and Jordanian 7.4 percent and 6.9 percent, and Saudi Arabia was the largest nationality of the investor's capital by the Syrians after the Kuwaiti investors, Croats, then the British and Canadians.
The nationalities of the investors was distributed to projects in 2008 32.8 percent Syrians and Jordanians 8.8 percent and 7.6 percent of Iraqis. Saudis and 7.1 percent.
The value balance for 2009 was 91.964 billion pounds for the 180 companies in the survey data available, compared to 75.022 billion pounds for the 140 companies in 2008 reached up to 22 percent. This is due to the increase in the number of active projects.
The value of training investment in 2009 amounted to 451.766 billion, and by foreign direct investment of 20.36 percent and reached the highest proportion of the financial industry, insurance, real estate and manufacturing industries and to increase and reached to 2 percent from the value of training investment in 2008, which was 408.725 billion pounds, and by foreign direct investment of 18.36 percent, and exports reached in foreign direct investment projects in 2009 to 68.7 percent of the total value of 55 companies operating in manufacturing, while they were in 2008 grew 72.49 percent of the total value of the manufacturing sector and the value of imports in these projects 79.4 percent of total imports, compared with 51.8 percent of the total imports in 2008 and the value of spending on new technology in the telecommunications sector 68.8 percent, compared to 61.85 percent in 2008.
الملتقى الوطني للحوار الاقتصادي يبدأ أعماله بدمشق في 30 تشرين الأول الجاري
National Forum for Economic Dialogue Due on October 30th
Oct 26, 2011
DAMASCUS, (SANA) _ Damascus Palace of Conferences is to host on October 30 a 3-day national forum for economic dialogue.
The forum, within the framework of the ongoing reform process in Syria, is a further move aimed to deepen the basics of the dialogue about national issues on the basis of partnership, social responsibility as to formulate shared vision regarding social and economic reforms.
300 participants, representing all social, economic and scientific sectors of the Syrian society, are due to take part in the forum activities.
The forum conclusions and recommendations are due to be referred to the Cabinet for study and translation into future action programs and trends.
صناعيو وتجار حلب يشتكون .. و المحافظ يكشف وجود " خلل" ويعد بالاصلاح
Aleppo merchants and industrialists complain .. And the governor reveals the presence of "defect" is a reform
Wednesday - October 26 - 2011 - 11:44:20
Dr. Muwaffaq Khallouf Governor of Aleppo met owners of industrial and economic activities in the city of Aleppo to discuss their problems and listen to their complaints.
A small direct meeting tackled the problems faced by economists in an open dialogue under the roof of a lengthy meeting room at the Aleppo Chamber of Commerce in the presence of more than 200 economic personalities.
The complainants raised a number of key issues, the law was the most important acquisitions, and licensing of commercial galleries, tourism and investment, and the crisis of fuel oil, and contractors, shipping companies, and other issues.
Said Fawaz Ajouz, during his participation on behalf of contractors in Aleppo that prices of raw materials reached the limits of madness, as the prices of raw materials of various types (steel, cement, stone, etc.) almost twice the price.
The complaints with our progress to all concerned, but not the lives of those calls.
Governor of Aleppo, and denied that they have reached the note to his office, promising to open an investigation on the non-arrival of the note to his office.
One of the participants to distribute to the owners of Real Estate careers sell spare parts in the industrial city, being far from the city center.
He spoke Zakaria Bash as the Commission for fuel for the decision determining the amount of 600 liters of cars traveling outside the country, and 400 liters for cars mobile within the country, it must be conditioned that the car is loaded with the already included with 100 liters when the car is empty, once.
He must add to the truck closed cars of this resolution the cars that run on a daily basis determine the amount of 100 liters per day and, if possible, compel them, the green diesel, fuel oil and coloring yellow black (fuel mix) to prevent smuggling.
In turn, taking Dr. Khallouf proposals into account, and the face of a study and full proposals by the Commission to resolve the crisis fuels and diesel smuggling.
One of the participants and spoke about the smuggling of solid waste per day, including an estimated 200 tonnes, despite the presence of instructions that each car with the task of where to and where headed.
Another said that customs patrols on the roads, requests from the car stopped in the event of unreasonable demands such as a picture of the identity of the merchant.
And Abdul-Qader Gawish Customs Regional Director for the northern region, "We have patrols in Aleppo, Customs does not have enough staff to monitor every car entering and exiting via public roads."
He cannot stop the car on the road as they travel outside the customs zone.
One of the participants and spoke about the delays in the distribution of land within the industrial area (Jibrin), which has been his more than 30 years of promises and Rationalizations.
And engineered Lama said the speaker of the architecture of the city of Aleppo, "the subject of acquisition of 11% in the w3 area was an increase of worker compensation investment."
Revealed that the architecture will be distributed to the proportion of land on the General Organization for Housing, for the establishment of housing projects away from the association.
On the subject of Halls of Commerce, said architecture "as long as there are galleries Muftthh do not close at all, and lounges commercial unresolved are the galleries old before the date of decree 59, some of which were resolved within the communications, and is currently studying the issue of opening the door of licensed premises of the city of Aleppo as a whole, and will issue a full after completion of the study and all necessary action to him. "
And Dr. Mowaffak Khallouf the formation of a committee of the Director of Customs and the Director of Economy, Trade and Director of Finance and the Mayor of Aleppo and a member of the Executive Office competent in the province, and a number of traders to develop solutions and proposals and their submission.
The Committee works under the supervision of Chamber of Commerce, shall consult deems appropriate.
Khallouf, "The dealers are best placed to find solutions to the exit of the economic crisis taking place in the homeland."
He added that the door is open to any complainant, subject to production of documents that prove the validity of his words, the reason that he came to fight and eradicate corruption.
The smell from a failure in follow-up staff, but at the same time that did not have every employee self-monitoring, cannot eliminate corruption, he said, "We are ready to respond with any offering positive the public benefit of the country or to remove obstacles on the path of development"
رئيس غرفة صناعة حلب يطمئن "المتآمرين" بأن بلدنا غني بموارده وأسواقنا الصديقة كثيرة
President of Aleppo Chamber of Industry assures "conspirators" that our country rich in resources and markets many friendly
Wednesday - October 26 - 2011 - 13:06:43
Engineer Faris Shihabi, head of Aleppo Chamber of Industry issued a statement received a copy of it Aks al-Ser, he stressed that the Syrian economy is still well, despite all the suffering and difficult circumstances, and publish the statement as stated:
"We confirm that the determination and resolve of our economy well, despite all the suffering and difficult circumstances because our dignity and consciousness okay okay okay, and our conscience and our faithfulness to our workers safe and will remain, and what we are experiencing today suffered by us and our ancestors endured all people deserve dignity, freedom and independence.
We are well aware that our steadfastness cost and we are willing to pay to stay free in our decision and to preserve our independence and our pride and walk our reform away from slavery and lie down, and dependence.
And assure the conspirators our power and strength of our economy and our currency and our markets and our products and our ability to withstand the years because our country is rich and our market-friendly many, and most importantly our ability to adapt proven historically and remind them that our industry year-old more than five thousand years and will not eliminate them crises trans important how great.
And call on all economic activities to support radical reform of the overall for all aspects of life in Syria and to embrace and protect their workers whatever their views and their attitudes and their movements to ward off temptation and call upon the government to speed up the implementation of reforms that meet the demands of all and to protect peaceful demonstrators and urge our citizens to stay away from accusations of treason and differentiation and sedition and appeal to reason and to renounce violence and bloodshed.
And we salute the national opposition to the honest honest at home and to our military hero and protector of Islam's holiest of our holy places and national unity and independence.
We stress again that we are with the nation as a whole its security and stability and we stand strongly against foreign interventions and conspiracies, dirty you do not want the best for our people and not interested in reform and not human rights but want to weaken the country and divided and subjected to the axes lie Arab countries colonialism Bank. "
412 ألف طن كمية القطن المسوقة إلى المحالج بحلب
412 thousand tons, the amount of cotton marketed to Ginning center (Mahlajah) of Aleppo
26 October 0.2011
Aleppo, (SANA) -
The total quantities marketed beloved cotton gins to the centers and the General Establishment for cotton ginning and marketing of Aleppo since the start of marketing operations to date to 412 thousand and 809 tons for the same corresponding period of the season last year, 330,009 tons.
And the Engineer Nazir Lababidi Director General of the Foundation that the quantities marketed, were distributed among Aleppo to 63,201 tons and 11,866 tons of Idlib and 17,100 tons of Hama and 61,339 tons of Deir Al-Zour, and 114,701 tons of tenderness and 144,602 tons of Hasaka.
He explained that the gins Lababidi Foundation governorates are currently in the process received the beloved Cotton ginning, reaching quantities of cotton that has been beloved Haljha resulted in 63,400 tonnes of which about 22,031 tons of cotton Mahlojh and about 37,951 tons of seeds.
The plan of the Foundation for the season this year include the marketing of about 714 000 tonnes of cotton beloved.
محصول القطن بإدلب مصدر دخل للأسر الريفية
Cotton Idlib source of income for rural families
26 October 0.2011
Idlib - SANA
A cotton harvesting season for annual economic distinctive used by rural households Idlib because it is a source of income shared by family members to work and production, especially as it extends for a long time starting from the planting season in April until harvest, which begins the end of September and continue to winter in order to compile firewood and benefit from it in the process of heating and other areas.
The Muhammad Najib temperament Director of Agriculture Idlib to the cultivated area during the season amounted to 4907 hectares out of the area planned, amounting to 4976 and the implementation rate of over 98 percent compared to 4148 hectares during the last season, mostly concentrated in the plain of rouge, Khan Shaikhoun and Sracb and defined Tmbarn and the City of countries.
تسويق نحو 150 ألف طن من القطن المحبوب في الحسكة
Marketing about 150 thousand tons of cotton beloved Hasaka
October 27, .2011
Hasaka - SANA
A total of marketed cotton gin in the center and receive Hasaka Almilbeh to about 150 thousand tons since the marketing season.
And the Engineer Rajab Salameh head of marketing of cotton in the Agriculture Department of Hasaka that gin Hasaka received 67 thousand and 391 tons of cotton beloved while the received center Almilbeh 81 thousand and 975 tons at the time of the diversion of 455 tonnes of cotton to the General Corporation for ginning and marketing of cotton in Aleppo.
He noted that there is safety to the turnout of farmers going to market their produce as they hit the daily capacity to gin Hasaka to 1914 tons and the Center received the 2851 tons of cotton.
أكثر من 14مليار ليرة مبيعات مؤسسة التبغ في 9 أشهر
More than 14 billion pounds of tobacco sales organization in 9 months
October 27, .2011
Damascus, (SANA) -
Produced the General Organization for Tobacco since the beginning of the year until last month, 11,039 tons of manufactured tobacco valued at 109.14 billion Syrian pounds of different varieties and by the implementation as much as 95 percent in quantity and 103 in terms of value, where the quantity planned for the current year 11,599 tons valued at 734.13 billion pounds .
According to a report tracking the implementation of the plan production and marketing of the organization to compare the amount of production of the institution until the third quarter with Mikablha in 2010, amounting to 10,497 tons valued at 007.13 billion Syrian pounds show an increase in quantity of 542 tonnes and by 5 percent and an increase in the value of $ 101.1 billion Syrian pounds and by 5.8 percent.
مليارات مبيعات عمران ريف دمشق من الإسمنت الأسود
3.3 billion sales Imran Damascus of cement Black
October 27, .2011
Damascus (SANA) -
The value of sales branch of Al Omran in the countryside of Damascus from the black cement during the first nine months of this year, 3 billion, 326 million and 552 thousand pounds.
The volume of sales section of the cement black during the same period, 600 thousand and 6 thousand and 975 tons in 17 distribution centers affiliated to the branch points of Almstjerh to this article, which includes artisans and owners of licenses and citizens under the family card and public bodies and contractors with the amounts received by the section of the cement plants in Adra and Hama, Aleppo and Tartous during the period 607 thousands and 808 tons with a current balance of the section of the 833 tons of cement.
And sales branch in the countryside from Imran materials iron, wood, ceramics, sanitary materials and electricity during the same period, 598 million and 300 thousand pounds with the index of net profit of about 18 million pounds.
It is expected to record the total index net profit of the branch during this year 166 million pounds.
12 شركة عالمية تتجه للبحث عن النفط في 9 آلاف كيلو متر في البحر ضمن سوريا
12 companies going global search for oil in the 9 thousand kilometers in the sea in Syria
Thursday - October 27 - 2011 - 11:46:10
Corporation confirmed that 12 of the oil company bought the book of terms of exploration and drilling for oil and gas in three blocks freely in the territorial sea and exclusive economic zone of the Syrian Arab Republic.
And according to the "Economist", the list of companies that bought the book terms the French company Total and Petro Canada, and Italy's Eni in partnership with the Gulfsands, the British, along with companies CNPC of China, and the color of Energy branch of Syria's Canadian, and Dana Gas UAE, and HPC Tunisian and Picot Egyptian, Azvenska Swedish, and U.S. IPR and Energy Sideragon French and Flournoy Oil & Gas.
It is not clear from these companies withdrew from the world in the light of the sanctions, but some of these companies which had not actually seen her reaction after the sanctions.
And the institution closed down offers in the 10/05/2010, and the Oil Ministry to announce the extension of receipt of offers, in order to allow for the largest possible number of companies interested in the announcement issued by the Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources No. 81 Date 3/24/2011 on exploration and drilling oil and gas in three blocks freely in the territorial sea and exclusive economic zone of the Syrian Arab Republic.
The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources to extend the deadline for companies to provide documentation of their qualification to become 09/15/2011 instead of 01/08/2011, including the opportunity to participate in the ad.
The GPC showed that the content of the declaration aims to conclude a contract post production for all operations relating to exploration for petroleum, development and production in the region described book conditions of art, and pursuant to the provisions, obligations and conditions contained in the draft contract attached to book the conditions prescribed for this purpose, the right of the bidder to bid separate one block or more.
And the description of the oil minister, "Sufian Alao" sanctions on the oil sector Syrian Palmshiddh and unjustified never like to impose on any of the States, revealed the existence of new customers for the oil marketing recognized the delay in completion of oil refineries.
This coincided TV advertising of Oil Minister for oil investment orientation towards the sea with the deadline to receive special offers investment marine locations, Syria, where oil is likely.
Damascus stock price index for this week
The index was bounced back to 900 level again.
24/Oct/2011 896.68 trading volume 42 thousand
25/Oct/2011 901.62 trading volume 66 thousand
26/Oct/2011 910.89 trading volume 93 thousand
(In a temporal measure, the market is open for 3 days a week only.)
16/Dec/2010 1752.50 (historial high)
19/Oct/2011 897.91 (historical low)
Weekly closing rates
19/May/2011 1323.11
26/May/2011 1256.80
02/Jun/2011 1234.13
09/Jun/2011 1136.82
16/Jun/2011 1133.09
23/Jun/2011 1057.36
30/Jun/2011 1031.04
07/Jul/2011 1067.50
14/Jul/2011 1032.62
21/Jul/2011 1010.06
28/Jul/2011 1013.81
04/Aug/2011 993.89
11/Aug/2011 950.89
17/Aug/2011 951.66
24/Aug/2011 950.73
29/Aug/2011 951.05
07/Sep/2011 933.34
14/Sep/2011 909.16
21/Sep/2011 927.12
28/Sep/2011 957.97
05/Oct/2011 931.37
12/Oct/2011 910.37
19/Oct/2011 897.91
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