المصرف التجاري السوري يسعى لحل مشكلة المراسلين الخارجيين بعد العقوبات الأوربية
Commercial Bank of Syria seeks to solve the problem of external correspondents after the EU sanctions
Friday - October 28 - 2011 - 15:26:29
The Director-General of the Commercial Bank of Syria "Duraid Dergham" it is natural that the effect of sanctions on the work of the bank directly with reporters in Europe and the branches of European banks in the world, pointing out that it will certainly affect the contracts signed between the Syrian authorities and European terms will increase the commission resulting from the traffic banks and intermediate from abroad.
He pointed out that the sanctions imposed by the European countries recently on CBS injustice, because it followed the actions inconsistent with the directions mainly, and proceeded through the imposition of these sanctions to stand against what had been spent for him years to persuade developing countries do.
And pointed out that this was the Western countries spent years to convince developing countries that are a negative, distorted economic indicators and harm the sound relations between states.
And through "Dergham" hoped the bank to be able to go through networks of correspondents non-European, as he did after the U.S. sanctions, to find suitable alternatives until convinced by the concerned these sanctions unjust, and that these sanctions will distort economic activity and banking, and lead in the event of increase of the return to cash handling paperwork.
The European countries recently imposed sanctions to freeze the funds of each of the commercial bank and real estate bank.
تنوع الإنتاج الزراعي في اللاذقية بين الحيواني والنباتي عامل أمان اقتصادي يسهم في تحقيق الاكتفاء الغذائي الذاتي
Diversity of agricultural production in Latakia between animal and plant safety factor contributing to the economic achievement of food self-sufficiency
28 October 0.2011
Lattakia, (SANA) -
A great diversity of agricultural products of plant and animal in the province of Latakia and one important factor to help achieve food self-sufficiency, particularly as the vegetation investor runs on more than 103 thousand hectares out of a total area amounting to 229 thousand hectares.
(some basic infos ad figures are available.)
تجار أوربيون : سوريا لم تبرم أي صفقة في مناقصة لشراء 500 ألف طن من الشعير
Europeans traders: Syria has not entered into any transaction in a tender to buy 500 tons of barley
Friday - October 28 - 2011 - 13:41:06
European traders said yesterday that the government body responsible for animal feed in Syria did not purchase any quantities in an international tender for the purchase and import of 500 thousand tons of feed barley.
According to the agency "Reuters," said a barley exporters: "We cannot exclude the purchase of a small, but the belief in the market is that it is not to conclude any deals."
The tender closed earlier this October, to be delivered within eight months from the award of the contract.
The dealers that the situation of uncertainty about the commercial activities with Syria commended for some bids.
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