
Oct 23 Economy

الجانودي خارج مجموعة البنك اللبناني الفرنسي
Janoudi outside the Lebanese French Bank Group

Al «alwatan.sy» to the businessman and the Syrian banking «Safaa Janaudi» sold the entire share of Bank al-Sharq is the daughter Nada and after that they were of the most prominent founders of the bank.

A banking source said that with the sale of its share and the share of his daughter may be Janoudi withdrew permanently from the Lebanese French Bank Group, including Bank al-Sharq and the Bank the company SBA Arabic French there is no longer any connection with which the group said.

The Janoudi was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bank al-Sharq when it was founded in late 2009 has also served as Chairman of the SBA in France.

25 منشأة صناعية ومعمل واحد على قانون الاستثمار في نصف عام
25 industrial facilities and plant one on the law on investment in half a year

Granted in the province of Damascus countryside during the past two months, permits for 26 industrial projects in the fields of engineering, food and chemical availability of 500 jobs, to record the number of industrial establishments and craft that have been licensed during the first half of this year 39 facility, the size of investment Anov to 15.5 billion pounds.

The total number of industrial establishments and craft in the province of rural facility with a capital of about 15,393 about 59 billion and 816 million pounds.

A report issued by the province of the countryside that the investments the first half of 25 industrial establishments licensed according to law No. 21 on the organization of the industry with a capital of 331 million and 135 thousand pounds, and 15 plant verbatim by Decree No. 47 on the organization of the character with a capital of 35 million and 830 thousand pounds, and one laboratory under the Investment Law No. 10 with a capital of 15 billion and 195 million and 417 thousand pounds.


أسواق الألبسة تعيش حالة ركود...دخاخني: ارتفاع أسعار بعض السلع الأساسية خلق حالة الركود في الأسواق
Clothing markets are stagnant ... Dakhaakhni: high prices of some commodities to create the recession in the markets

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