سورية تتقدم في مؤشر ممارسة أنشطة الأعمال 2012 مرتبتين
Syria Moves Up Two Ranks in Doing Business 2012 Report
Oct 24, 2011
DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Syria moved up two ranks in the Doing Business 2012 report issued by the World Bank, rising from rank 136 to 134 from 183, raking 14th among 19 Arab countries.
The report shows that Syria improved in two categories: starting a business with an increase of 4 ranks, and enforcing contracts with an increase of 1 rank, while several categories showed a decrease including getting credit (decrease by 4 ranks), paying taxes (decrease by 5 ranks) and resolving insolvency (decrease by 2 ranks).
For further information on Syria's ranking in the Doing Business 2012 report, visit www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploreeconomies/syria/
بدء دورة دراسات الجدوى الاقتصادية و القروض الاستثمارية
Start the cycle of economic feasibility studies and investment loans
October 25, .2011
Damascus, (SANA) -
Began this morning at the Damascus Chamber of Commerce training course on economic feasibility studies and investment loans organized by the Centre for Management Training in the Chamber with the participation of many of the administrative staff in the Syrian companies.
Considered in the session which will last three days, a number of topics dealing with the importance and nature of economic feasibility studies and steps and study the concept of marketing and its elements and practical applications to study art and design of the administrative structure of the project.
The courses held by the Chamber of Commerce in the context of meeting the needs of a wide range of business and focus on the addresses needed by the companies the Syrian public and private sector Kkhtt work and marketing, team building and export plans and human resources and e-commerce and cost accounting, sales, promotion and establishment of companies and project evaluation, competitiveness and enterprise development .
يهدد الصناعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة بالإغلاق خلال أسابيع..غرفة صناعة حلب تطلب من الحكومة حل مشكلة المازوت
Threat to small and medium industries with closure within weeks .. Aleppo Chamber of Industry requests the Government to solve the problem of diesel
Monday - October 24 - 2011 - 11:28:03
Directed Aleppo Chamber of Industry yesterday to the Prime Minister Adel Safar book 1744 Al transferred to suffer Industrialists Aleppo in the provision of allocations' factories of diesel fuel at official rates, which complained about a large number of them from different segments and groups of non-availability of fuel oil and the significant delay in delivery is forcing them to buy it at prices exceeding the 30 Syrian pounds per liter, leading to rising costs of production and threatens many small and medium industries in the closure a few weeks.
According to the newspaper and "alwatan.sy",the Chamber of the Prime Minister of the routing is required to give priority in providing fuel oil to the national industry, and at official rates and as soon as the college.
The province of Aleppo, finally took a number of measures to reduce the crisis of fuel oil, including the determination of the distribution pumps fill fuel tanks mechanisms by 60 percent and 40 percent allocated to the reservoir filled tanks, the distribution of fuel oil to homes, in order to achieve distributive justice for citizens and business owners and agricultural and industrial projects.
And procedures control the process of smuggling diesel fuel by identifying business card auto truck operating and distribution committees monitor the stations and to assign an officer judicial presence before the port safety border to monitor all diesel-powered vehicles to leave and make sure there are no tanks hidden, so as to stop the smuggling operations and the closure of places of distribution of material is the official.
كم جمد الأوروبيون من أرصدة العقاري والتجاري السوري؟
How many Europeans froze assets of the Syrian Commercial Real Estate?
«alwatan.sy» learned from government sources that the funds and assets which had been affected EU sanctions and belonging to the two banks Commercial Bank of Syria and Real Estate Bank in the countries of Europe is very small and cannot call it - if we can say - stocks or funds or deposits to the lack of size, and similar sources are addressed either freezing of deposits Syrian Commercial and real estate b (crumbs), reducer at the same time the importance of the freezing procedures of this on the deposits of the Syrian Commercial and real estate, because the two banks Ieian really well and Ojada to deal with, especially CBS, which has become a veteran in dealing with such facts, while the freezing of the long- little existing for real estate in the countries of Europe is like a nuisance is no more due to lack of funds real estate primarily and freshness to deal with foreign exchange having allowed him to the Syrian government to deal with this slash-and-finance imports Syrian Foreign and open accounts for customers and transfer foreign currencies since for less than two years. According to the information available for «alwatan.sy», the Commercial Bank of Syria does not have in Europe a thing of the balances or deposits or accounts, or even cash through correspondent banks, which was dealing with it was prior to apply the U.S. ban it, while was freezing European late very balances exist, or even semi-microscopic if they exist at all.
The sources believe that the two banks Syrians have been aware of the lesson well after a series of signals and events that shook the Arab region, and the position of Western European and specifically including Fbadera to take precautionary measures that would limit and reduce the spoils of liabilities, and the gradual reduction of their assets abroad.
In this context, describes the sources, the bank balances of the real estate affected by the freezing of less than $ 4 million, which is described by the Syrian banking business (francs) or (sharks), while no information is available on the balances of the Syrian Commercial affected by the freeze, although sources suggest that the in the volume of the assets the real estate itself, and market sources, an example that a customer with the bank mortgage application depending on the one correspondent banks abroad to finance the business a few months ago so much so that the Real Estate Bank to transfer funds directly to the lack of balance has abroad or words bank, did not mobilize their account abroad, indicating that the step did not freeze the European overlooking something from the Syrian capital, who preceded Europe in this field-by-step, or perhaps jump.
According to sources, the Real Estate Bank with the beginning of his handling of foreign exchange after allowing him to do so from the government, was open to the same accounts with correspondent banks one of which was worth some $ 10 million in one Austrian banks.
The European Union announced at the beginning of this month, the application of a ban on commercial bank of Syria, and before the Land Bank in a move aimed to tighten the noose on the Syrian people, even subject to that included in the Western agendas.
سيرونيكس تتحول لإنتاج أجهزة ال سي دي العام القادم
Syronics turn for the production of LCD devices next year
October 25, .2011
Damascus, (SANA) -
The company announced the Syrian Arab Electronic Industries Syronics next year it will start converting their production equipment to produce LCD TV in addition to the possibility of producing TVs DVD as part of any plan to develop and update their products to meet local market requirements.
The company said in a statement it was working to provide all the raw materials necessary to produce all measurements television-type LCD as it signed a contract with a Malaysian company to supply these components to produce measurements of 26 inches and 32 inches and 42 inches and 55 inches in addition to other contracts for the production of devices LCD de measurements of small 19 and 22 inches.
The company said it continues to sell color TV sets measuring 21 inches from the quantities available, which are currently manufactured, noting that the production of LCD devices of measurements 26, 32 and 42 inches Sold in full.
The Syronics announced the launch of a new product from the TV size 26-inch LCD last February to sell in addition to other devices on the market in installments over 30 months and without a down payment as part of the development of mechanisms of production and marketing in the company in response to consumer tastes have shifted the acquisition of TV Regular measurements of 25 and 29 inches of type CR.
And confirmed the company's ability to meet the growing needs of customers of TV sets with high quality and right price with all of the measurements to provide after-sales service and included the company's hardware for a year and maintenance Mumna for ten years at nominal prices.
And aspires Syronics to switch to Industries electronic and not manufacture TV sets only through ownership of 40 percent of the Syrian Company of Ukraine for the manufacture of collectors PV Solarik held in position and manufactured equipment needed by collectors producing cans of electricity and circuits control supplies other electronic.
الزراعة: انتاجية محصول القطن لهذا العام مميزة وتتجاوز 400 كغ للدونم
Agriculture: The productivity of cotton crop this year and featured more than 400 kg per dunum
October 25, .2011
Aleppo, (SANA) -
Dr. Riad veil and Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform that the productivity of cotton crop this year and featured a rate of more than 400 kg in dunum Shirt for the first and as a result of services provided for this important strategic crop.
And Dr. veil during the Council meeting the agricultural sub in Aleppo that all requirements of this crop is secured with the distribution of more than 2.0006 million A Shell producing provinces of cotton and the values of this crop is available in the agricultural banks and are distributed on time to farmers and without delay calling adherence to the implementation of the plan prescribed for agricultural crops, particularly sugar beet crop to overcome the difficulties encountered in work, including the marketing problem and the need for compatibility with the manufacturing capacity of sugar mills have been this year, producing more than 1.00075 million tons of sugar beet.
إنتاج أكثر من 50 ألف طن من ملح الطعام بدير الزور خلال 9 أشهر
Production of more than 50 thousand tons of salt in Deir Al-Zour in 9 months
October 25, .2011
Deir Al-Zour (SANA) -
Produced rock salt mine in the province of Deir al-Zour in the first nine months of this year, 50 thousand and 144 tons of salt.
The manager of the mine-Ahmad Al-Bassam, the plan for the current year include the production of 70 thousand tons of rock salt, of which 65 thousand tons of iodinated pointing out that the General Organization for Consumer Bastjerar the entire quantity produced from the mine.
The mine is located in the area of adoption of Deir Al-Zour province and founded in 1969 and has a depth of 160 meters below the surface of land and employs around 300 workers.
Foreign, Arab Delegation in Tartous… Syria, Rich in Tourism and Archeological Sites
Oct 24, 2011
TARTOUS, (SANA) – Members of the foreign and Arab delegation visiting Tartous governorate on Monday stressed Syria's richness in archeological and tourist destinations.
The delegation comprises scientific and economic figures from universities of Bulgaria, Italy, Belgium, Iraq and Algeria and Syrian expatriates in the US.
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