
Oct 27 Central government

رئيس الحكومة يصدر قراراً بتعيين وزير الري نائباً له
Prime Minister issued a decree appointing the Minister of Irrigation to serve his deputy (deputy prime minister appointed)
Wednesday - October 26 - 2011 - 9:20:48

Issued by Dr. Adel Safar, the Prime Minister has appointed Dr. George Sawmi Irrigation Minister Deputy Prime Minister, as amended Article I of Resolution No. 4679 on the date of 23.10.2008.

The Dr. "Sawmi" is a member of the Economic Bureau, Agricultural Bureau, and Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Syria.

مصرف سورية المركزي يتدخل في سوق القطع الأجنبي
Central Bank Holds Foreign Currency Auction
Oct 27, 2011

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Central Bank of Syria on Wednesday held the first auction for selling foreign currency, inviting all exchange companies to participate.

Governor of Central Bank of Syria Adib Mayyaleh said that this intervention is part of the Bank's efforts to stabilize the exchange rate of the Syrian Pound and provide the necessary foreign currency to meet the market's needs.

He said that the auction began with the sale of a sum of USD 25 million and concluded with the sale of a sum of USD 4.95 million, with the exchange rate of winning beds ranging from 51.3 to 52 SYP per USD.

Mayyaleh stressed that the Bank is monitoring developments in exchange rates and the state of supply and demand, and that it will announce more auctions according to market developments.

He added that the rising exchange rates in black markets doesn't indicate a true rise in demand but is rather as result of speculation for raising prices and making illicit gains.

العلاو: تأمين احتياجات حلب وباقي المحافظات من المازوت..اجراءات حاسمة لمنع تكرار الاعتداءات على خطوط نقل المشتقات النفطية
Oil Minister Alao: ensuring the needs of Aleppo and the rest of the provinces of diesel .. decisive action to prevent recurrence of attacks on transmission pipelines, oil derivatives
October 27, .2011
Damascus, (SANA) -

Said Sufian Al-Alao, Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources, said the ministry has secured the needs of the province of Aleppo and the rest of the provinces of diesel fuel by tanker trucks, trains, after exposure of a transmission line diesel between Homs and Aleppo to frequent attacks by terrorist groups armed to steal the material and damage the national economy and citizens.

The minister said in a news conference today that the oil ministry has taken decisive action in cooperation with the concerned authorities to prevent these attacks and start the repair of all the points that were vandalized and the damage which exceeds the number in Idlib more than 50 points in the province of Hama more than 10 points for pointing out that the processes of repair of the line You need to a maximum of five days for pumping diesel fuel through the line after it stopped pumping from the beginning of this month, where the distribution of the material and ensure the needs of these provinces by tanks and trains that were in turn attacked by these subversive groups.

The Engineer Alao that the line was attacked and theft provides the provinces of Hama and Idlib, Aleppo and Raqqa needs of diesel fuel, a diameter of 20 inches and during the pumping 10 million liters a day what he believes in the need for these provinces more than the actual need about 20 percent indicating that the parties concerned are in protection of transmission lines and oil derivatives, oil installations, but would release fire on the terrorists in order to prevent the fall of the victims of what led to the persistence of these subversive groups in the theft and vandalism.

The oil minister called on citizens to cooperate with the concerned parties and report immediately upon noticing any attack on these lines, pointing out that many of the oil installations suffered during the period prior to the attacks and the Ministry of Oil and workshops, maintenance repair parts that were damaged as soon as possible note that these workshops were also attacks to prevent them from carrying out its mission.

The Engineer Alao said that the prices of diesel fuel will remain unchanged and will not undergone any changes in the foreseeable future and that the material available and cover the increased demand, especially with the approach of winter, through the importation of additional quantities in spite of some of the obstacles caused by the sanctions unjust and inhuman to impose the Union European and the United States on Syria.

The Minister of Oil that the diesel rule, backed by the government where the import of the international prices at a cost of 44 SP per liter, while sold to citizens of 15 pounds, which holds the state additional burdens by supporting this material up to 200 billion Syrian pounds, pointing out that the Ministry of Oil imports three other types of derivatives are added to diesel fuel and gasoline and cooking gas.

On the issue of Syrian oil exports under the U.S. sanctions and European Minister of Oil that there are discussions with more than 50 companies, traders and those interested to reach agreements to export large quantities of Syrian oil, explaining that it signed three contracts for the export of large quantities of oil begin implementation during the next month.

He stressed that the Ministry is seeking to overcome the difficulties faced by the export process, which is the transportation of oil tankers, and secure the opening credits, financial, insurance and reinsurance on these carriers.

سفر: تعزيز دور نقابة المهندسين الزراعيين لتطوير الزراعة
Safar Discusses Means of Boosting Role of Agricultural Engineers Union
Oct 27, 2011

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Prime Minister Adel Safar on Thursday met head and members of the Agricultural Engineers Union and discussed with them means of boosting the Union's role to help improve the agricultural sector.

Safar focused on issues related to developing natural resources, spreading guidance awareness, increasing productivity and combating blights.

The meeting also touched upon vocational and organizational issues of concern to the Union's work and the situation of agricultural engineers.

الصناعة: تنفيذ 784 مشروعا ومنشأة وحرفة برأسمال يتجاوز 33 مليار ليرة والترخيص لـ945 في 9 أشهر
Ministry of Industry: the implementation of 784 projects and a capital facility and a craft than 33 billion pounds, the license for 945 in 9 months
26 October 0.2011
Damascus, (SANA) -

Saw the first nine months of this year, 784 projects and the implementation of the facility and the craft industry in the various provinces and in all sectors of capital amounted to 289.33 billion pounds to provide 6533 jobs.

A report by the Directorate of industrial investment in the Ministry of Industry for the first three quarters of this year the implementation of 22 projects on legal investment No. 10 and 8, a capital of 164 260 000 000 liras provide 1730 jobs divided by 5 projects in the food sector, as in the engineering sector and 9 projects in the chemical sector and three in texile sector.

11 مليار ليرة خطة المواصلات الطرقية للعام المقبل.. وطريق أريحا اللاذقية قيد الاستلام لوضعه في الخدمة
11 billion pounds of road transport plan for next year .. And the road to Ariha Latakia under receipt to be placed in service
26 October 0.2011
Damascus, (SANA) -

And reached the investment allocations of the General Organization for Road Transport for the next year to 11.1 billion Syrian pounds was distributed to 6.145 bil Syrian pounds on projects directly with and 4 billion for replacement and renovation projects and 105 million pounds on new projects planned and 150 million on new projects proposed.

The Director-General of the Foundation, Dr. Youssef Hammoud said that one of the most vital projects that will be following up their implementation during the next year through the Deir Al-Zour - Abu Kamal new fields until the Abu Kamal length of 90 km and it links communities and six bridges where the estimated total cost of the project is about 1.844 billion pounds.

بدء قبول طلبات الترشح لانتخابات المجالس المحلية غدا الجمعة ولمدة أسبوع
Begin accepting applications to run for local council elections on Friday for a week
October 27, .2011
Damascus, (SANA) -

The Ministry of Local Administration start date to submit requests to run for local council elections starting tomorrow, Friday at eight in the morning and lasts for a week and ends at the end of official working for the day Thursday, 3/11/2011.

Said Mr. Omar Ibrahim Ghalaounji Minister of Local Administration that in the framework of the reform program, which launched by President Bashar al-Assad and to complement the set of laws passed recently in particular the legal general elections and local administration published by the Ministry of Finance said the decree No. 391 for 2011 and the judge to schedule the election of local council members on Monday for 12 / 12/2011, explaining that the relevant committees receive the applications from the day on Friday for a week within the working hours of eight o'clock am until the third quarter and in the afternoon.

He called Ghalaounji citizens who find in themselves the ability to represent various segments of society in the local council for the initiative to nominate themselves for election to these councils to work to improve the reality service and development of the administrative units and promote the principle of decentralization and democracy through the participation of local communities in the plan and to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency in the planning, implementation and contributes to the payment of the local development process forward.

He pointed to the importance of women's participation in the electoral process and what the role of a significant impact in building the society and their participation in the development process so that all members of the community in decision-making at various levels.

President al-Assad issued on the fifth of this month, Decree No. 391 on Monday, the judge identified, corresponding to 12 December 2011, the date for the election of members of local councils.

اختبار ما قبل الزواج من أجل جيل خال من الأمراض الوراثية
Test before marriage for a generation free of genetic diseases
October 27, .2011
Provinces (SANA) -

Gaining medical examinations of pre-marriage with the passage of time more palatable to the community and recognition of wider that it is not just a routine procedure is required or the paper from the leaves of the treatment of marriage, but a fundamental requirement and a worker and a protective whole generation of disease and genetic causes some permanent disabilities end up each other to death.

And requires the commitment of all couples tests and medical examinations in addition to raising awareness and health education of its necessity pressing the spread of laboratories and centers of examinations before marriage in all areas of Syria and facilitate the services and quality control of work and educate their employees the importance of their role and responsibilities towards future generations.


السادس من الشهر القادم أول أيام عيد الأضحى المبارك
The sixth of next month's first day of Eid Al-Adha (November 6)
October 27, .2011
Riyadh - SANA

Supreme Court announced that in Saudi Arabia tomorrow, Friday, the twenty-eighth of October is the first day of the month of argument, and thus stand on Arafat on Saturday, the ninth of Dhul-Hijja, corresponding to November 5 2011.

Quoted by the Saudi Press Agency SPA for the court as saying today that the first day of Eid Al-Adha will be on Sunday, the tenth of Dhul-Hijjah, corresponding to the November 6 next year.

الحكومة ترفع مبالغ أتعاب المحامين
Government raises money for a lawyer
Thursday - October 27 - 2011 - 8:03:35

Presidency of the Council of Ministers issued a decision to adjust the amounts included attorneys' fees.

According to the newspaper, "Tishreen", the wages of six thousand six hundred and sixty-five (6,665) pounds who was paid 5554 pounds, and nine thousand and seventeen (9,017) SP who was paid a 7514 LS, and ten thousand five hundred and six and eighty (10,586) pounds for those who receive a 8821 LS, and the amount of twelve thousand seven hundred and forty-three (12,743) LS who was paid 10,619 pounds.

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