
Oct 28 Pro-government

التيار الثالث من أجل سوريا: "جمعة الحظر الجوي "مطلب واضح للتدخل العسكري في البلاد
The third trend to Syria: "Friday for Air Blockade" a clear demand for military intervention in the country
Friday - October 28 - 2011 - 13:12:25

The third movement denounced Syria for the label launched by the protesters, "Friday for Air Blockade", as they are required to open and clear and explicit external military intervention in the country, putting Syria to the risk of exceeding the system to affect the structure of the state and the people.

He appealed to the Third Current for Syria in a statement Friday, the protesters and demonstrators, and all the national shows "not to be drawn behind these labels and to demonstrate which, if in good faith."

The statement added, "the third movement rejects and condemns and deplores this label categorically and absolutely, and see it as a serious development opens the door to put the country under foreign tutelage, and pave the way for violation of its sovereignty and unity of the land and people."

The statement "based on the founding statement and subsequent statements made by the current, which describes our approach to reject any form of external intervention in Syria, especially the military under any pretext or justification or address.

Recalls in this context, the current Security Council resolution to impose an air embargo on Libya under the banner of protecting civilians, was later turned to aerial bombardment and a real war that killed tens of thousands of Libyans and caused enormous damage to the Libyan state entity.

The trend confirms the need to stop all forms of violence by any party, including creating a climate to resolve the crisis peacefully and the national consensus conference of national and comprehensive dialogue, including on the go route claimants through foreign intervention in Syria.

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